Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 197: ``Tiantian Jue''


"Ball ball, bite him!"

Ling Tian yelled, while waving his ruthless sword, he informed the ball lying on his shoulder. This article is from www. 23us. com debut

The ball was not sent out immediately. It looked at the person fighting Ling Tian with great interest, and its small eyes turned around. When the person saw the cute one, he smiled: "The ball, it really looks like it. A ball!"

"Bite me?"

There was disdain in the man's eyes, and he provocatively said: "Come and bite me!"

Hearing the sound of the wind, a golden figure jumped out from Ling Tian's shoulder. Its speed was so fast that only a series of afterimages could be seen.

Before the man could react, he was bitten by the ball. He felt the pain in his shoulder, yelled, and yelled angrily: "Beast, you dare to bite me?"

In this way, the man slapped it with a palm, and the ball saw the ball. As soon as it moved, it jumped back onto Ling Tian's shoulder.

The man rushed into the air, and the ball waved his paws on Ling Tian's shoulders, staring proudly at the old man who had been bitten by it, and it excitedly asked Ling Tian for credit.

"Okay, okay, I know you are great, okay?"

Ling Tian found that the more Qiqiu became familiar with him, the less restrained it became. It was like a child, with a very naive heart.

The ball likes to behave very much. Seeing the joy of it, Ling Tian also felt very happy, so he left the old man alone and fondly stroked the ball's hair, and the ball closed his eyes with enjoyment. The claws became more honest, no longer scratching Ling Tian's clothes.

The performance of Ling Tian and Qiuqiu was seen by the old man, and he saw that he had been ignored. That old face became gloomy in an instant. A pair of eyes stared at Ling Tian and Qiqiu sharply. His mouth even more fiercely said: "I want to kill you beast!"

As he said, the old man took out a jade bottle, which was covered with countless tiny bugs. These bugs were very ugly. They were only the size of an ant, but they emitted very powerful waves. The black pressed piece looked very oozing. people.


The old man whistled. Those insects crawled out of the jade bottle in response, they flew to the ground, and then flew to Ling Tian amid the old man's whistle.

The speed of these insects was extremely fast. Before Ling Tian could react, he was surrounded by black insects. They lay on the spiritual power mask supported by Ling Tian and ate the spiritual power mask vigorously.

Ling Tian was surprised to find that these worms could actually suck his spiritual power, and his light shield arranged by spiritual power quickly became thinner under the gnawing of these worms.

The loss of spiritual power caused the mask to begin to buzz. It could be broken at any time, and Ling Tian had to continue to input spiritual power. To maintain the normal operation of the energy mask.

But Ling Tian's spiritual power is ultimately limited, and the worms slowly become stronger and stronger while swallowing and digesting.

In this way, sweat oozes from Ling Tian's forehead, and the rapid loss of spiritual power, he can't bear it, his face gradually becomes dignified.

Seeing this, the old man laughed strangely: "I was stared at by my spirit-eating ants and dared to condense the spiritual power shield. It's really looking for death. It depends on your spiritual power or my spirit-eaters devouring more? "


The old man whistled again, and he urged: "Children work harder and suck me fiercely. The flesh and blood of this kid and his pet are the most delicious. Enjoy it!"


The old man's words were over, his whistle became more and more urgent, and the spirit-eating ants became more and more anxious, and they accelerated the speed of devouring the spiritual power of the shield.

Soon, Ling Tian's input speed couldn't keep up with the swallowing speed of the spirit-eating ants, and the spiritual power shield became thinner again, and it was about to break.

"No, the ball, please protect your eyes!"

Seeing that the shield was about to burst, Ling Tian quickly reminded the ball in his heart, he also clenched the ruthless sword, and was ready to fight.

Sure enough, Ling Tian's words came to an end, and the spiritual power shield that he was struggling to prop up burst into pieces, and only a bang was heard, and countless tiny spirit-eating ants rushed towards him.


The spirit ants made a "buzzing" sound, they spread their wings and launched a carpet-like attack on Ling Tian and Qiuqiu.

"Go away!"

Ling Tian flew a ruthless sword, and he chopped and chopped. Although he chopped and killed many spiritual ants, more spiritual ants broke through his defense and rushed towards him.

Ah ah

Ling Tian felt that many spirit-eating ants had gotten into the flesh and blood. These spirit-eating ants ate the flesh and blood as much as possible, and Ling Tian felt the unforgettable pain.

Moreover, these psyche-eating ants released a toxin, and Ling Tian was initially dizzy due to excessive blood loss. When he was anesthetized by these toxins, he staggered, a little unsteady on his feet.

The ball is not in good condition. Many psyche-eating ants get into its hair, eat bones and blood, and they can only jump to the ground, roll around on the ground, and keep scratching with their paws.

Soon, the skin of the ball was scratched by its own claws, blood flowed out, and the golden hair was instantly dyed red.

These hairs are glued together. When the ball is caught, sometimes a large piece is caught, where white flesh is exposed, but it is quickly overwhelmed by blood, and then it is infiltrated by psyche-eating ants and suffers even more crazy Snorting.

The ball couldn't bear the pain. It made a cry of "Ao Ao", and Ling Tian was worried. He was very guilty now, and there was only one thought in his mind, that is, to stop the swallowing behavior of these spirit-eating ants anyway.

Just as Ling Tian was thinking hard, the old man put his hands behind his back, he quietly looked at Ling Tian who was in pain, and said in a strange way: "Boy, how is it?"


Ling Tian didn't want to talk to this yin man. He knew that the situation was not optimistic now. If this continues, it won't be long before he and Qiuqiu will be killed by these ugly spirit-eating ants.

Therefore, Ling Tian frowned. He tried to find a solution in his mind, but he didn't have any clues.

As time passed, the blood in Ling Tian's body also lost more and more, and the dizziness that came from his head became more and more intense.

It seemed that after another second, Ling Tian would not be able to hold back lying down. He looked at the somewhat blurred figure of the ball, then looked at the proud old man, Ling Tian felt very unwilling.

Just when Ling Tian thought he was unable to return to the sky, suddenly, a weak suction came out of his body, and Ling Tian discovered that the "Sky Swallowing Technique" had turned on its own.


"Sky-Swallowing Art" turned faster and faster, and its suction power became stronger and stronger. It began to frantically compete with spirit ants for blood and spiritual power.

What surprised Ling Tian was that the spirit ants were not even the opponents of "Sky Swallowing Technique", and the spiritual power that was sucked away by them quickly flowed back into Ling Tian's body.

Not only that, the spiritual power and blood that had been sucked into the stomach by the wise ant was also sucked out, and the body of the wise ant quickly dried up.

The difference is that "Sky Swallowing Art" releases a very special kind of energy. This energy has a strong ability to purify and transform. The spiritual blood flowing out of the psychedelic ant's body is quickly removed from impurities and becomes pure. The energy flowed into Ling Tian's body.

Soon, the spirit-eating ants that had tortured Ling Tian to the death no longer had a trace of life. Their bodies were shriveled and dark in color, and they all died inexplicably.

Ling Tian was compensated by these pure spiritual powers, his face slowly became ruddy, and his breath recovered.

"Ball, come here, I'll help you get rid of those nasty bugs."

Ling Tian called out in his heart, and Qiuqiu turned his head to look at him. Although it was puzzled, it still endured the pain and rushed over.

At this time, the ball is no longer like the majestic fire golden lion. Its hair is covered with blood, and in some places it is red and white. The fur is gone. You can clearly see the creeping in the flesh and blood. Spirit-eating ants.

Seeing this, Ling Tian's murderous intent was stunned, he forcibly suppressed his excitement, stretched out his hand, and slowly sucked out the spirit-eating ants hidden under the flesh and blood of the ball.

Inevitably, Ling Tian's approach also sucked away a lot of the spiritual power and blood of the ball, the ball couldn't support it, and he fainted directly.

All this happened in an instant, from the time when "Sky Swallowing Technique" started to run on its own, to Ling Tian helped the ball suck out the wicked ants hidden in its flesh and blood, it seemed like a long time, but it was actually just a matter of blinking an eye. .

Before the old man could react, Ling Tian stood up. He looked at him angrily and said with a calm expression: "Do you have any other tricks, even if you use it, I will follow you, uncle!"

Ling Tian said as he spread his hands, there were a pile of black insect corpses in his hand, which were the majestic spirit-eating ants before.


The old man looked at Ling Tian’s corpse, and he shook his head with an unbelievable look on his face, because he knew that although wise eater ants can be killed, the wise ants that enter the flesh and blood are not so. It's easy to kill, otherwise Ling Tian won't be tortured by them for so long.

But the facts were in front of him, the old man didn't want to believe it, but he had to believe that, he didn't know how Ling Tian killed the spirit ants, but he was not very worried.

"What about you killing them? Now that your spiritual power is exhausted, you are not my opponent at all. I want to kill you easily." The old man looked at Ling Tian disdainfully, he is still confident, even though the spirit ant is dead, he It hurts a bit, but those bugs can be cultivated, but Ling Tian, a person he hates, can be killed, and it's worth it.

"is it?"

Ling Tian gave the old man a glance, his whole body was full of momentum, and he saw that he fluctuated strongly, compared to his previous strength, not weak, this made the old man bewildered.

The old man paused, and his voice trembled: "Spirit-eaters specialize in consuming spiritual power and blood. If you have been sucked by them for so long, your spiritual power must have been exhausted. How could it be like nothing?"

Ling Tian didn't answer. The old man couldn't figure it out. He pointed to Ling Tian and shouted: "You are pretending, you want to lie to me. It's not that easy. Look at the sword!"

A black sword came out of the old man's hand, and it flew straight to Ling Tian. Although the sword was not big, it squeaked in space and was obviously powerful.

The old man thought that Ling Tian was already at the end of the battle, and he was singing about the empty city plan with him, so he relentlessly shot, intending to kill quickly to eliminate future troubles. (To be continued...) RT