Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 201: brute



Situ Xiangru snorted, his voice coldly said: "It turns out that, as a servant, but betrayed the master for a woman, and let me let you go, who will let me go!"

"Patriarch, it’s not what you think, you’re misunderstood, Heaven and Earth’s conscience, I didn’t betray the young master, no!" Zuo Lin trembled, and bleeding from his forehead, but he kept kowtow, simply Don't dare to stop.


The corners of Situ Xiangru's lips curled up slightly, and he sneered: "Do you really think I'm so foolish? Why would I think you know Lie'er's whereabouts?"

"Because I am a caring attendant of the young master." Zuo Lin heard Situ Xiangru's question. Although he did not admit it, his heart was hanging.

"Intimate attendant? Oh, do you remember?"

Situ Xiangru did not circumvent the bend. He reprimanded loudly: "I was still skeptical, but you just said that Lie'er had the accident because of the Yueling huā map of the Sun family. Lie'er is dead. You know not to report it to cover that Woman, do you still say you didn't betray your master?"

"You thought I didn't know that you liked that woman for a long time. I tell you that my Situ family can dominate here, not only because of their strong strength, but I know all of your details. I didn't expect you to be so bold!"

With that, Situ Xiangru stared at Zuo Lin dangerously, and said every word: "Where did Lie'er go for the last time half a month ago?"


Situ Xiangru was full of murderous aura. As long as Zuo Lin lied again, he would definitely slap him to death.

When Zuo Lin saw the angry Situ Xiangru, he quietly glanced at the pitiful left star, and then said helplessly: "In the depths of the sea of fog."

"Asshole thing, I'll settle accounts with you when I come back."

Situ Xiangru stood up, his figure moved. The whole person disappeared in the main hall and rushed to the sea of fog, hoping to find the murderer. Take back the things from Situ's house.

Situ Xiangru believed that as soon as an accident happened, he made people block the entire town of Bailuolin. The murderer probably hasn't left yet, because although he hasn't checked the rings of those they can't afford to provoke, as long as such things pass through their defenses, they will definitely feel it.

In the past half month, many people have passed through the defense line of Situ’s house, but none of them caused a reaction from Situ’s equipment, which means that the thing has not been taken away, at least not taken out. Bailorin Town.

Zuo Lin was only interrogated by Situ Xiangru now. It was all because when Situ Yunlie was going to intercept Sun Yueyue, he suddenly received a letter from his family saying that his old mother was not good enough, so he asked him to go back and see that his home is far from Bailuo Lin town, or Situ Xiangru sent someone to take Zuo Lin. After catching it back, Zuo Lin knew about it.

This accident surprised Zuo Lin. He didn't know that Sun Yueyue was also dead, so he decided not to tell Situ Yunlie's whereabouts to prevent the Situ family from finding her. Not good for her.

Now that Situ Xiangru threatened Zuo Xingxing, Zuo Lin had no choice but to pray in his heart that Sun Yueyue was okay.

Just when Zuo Lin was thinking about it. The voice of Zuo Xingxing awakened him. He raised his head and saw that his face was instantly full of anger.

"Ah, your souls are weak, let me go!"

Zuo Xingxing tried hard to break away from the shackles that the two guards had put on her, but her cultivation base was sealed, which had no effect at all.

On the contrary, the friction between the left star and the star had already aroused the animal desires of the two guards. They rushed to the left star even harder.

"What are you doing? Let go of my sister!"

Zuo Lin was anxious. He saw that the two guards were facing Zuo Xingxing. He stood up abruptly and wanted to save Zuo Xingxing.

however. Before Zuo Lin could take a step, he felt a strong force coming from him, and that heavy force passed through his chest, and his inner palace was shaken out of place.

Bang Zuolin's body hit the ground heavily. He struggled to get up, and stepped on his chest with one foot, stomping him down.

"Master Zuo, you can just watch it by the side."

A sound of neither Yin nor Yang came into Zuo Lin’s ears. Zuo Lin raised his head and saw that it was a little follower who had been looked down upon by him. Seeing his vile and ambition, Zuo Lin instantly After understanding it, he couldn't help feeling more sorrow.

"Brother, save me!"

Zuo Xingxing's clothes had been completely removed, she was pressed naked on the ground, and a guard was licking on her.

"Beasts, you are all beasts!"

Zuo Lin felt that his lungs were about to explode. He was very embarrassed and angry, but his cultivation base was also sealed, so he could only watch and could do nothing.

"Swear, you can swear, and the brothers will meet your sister once later, you don’t have to worry." The little attendant is in a good mood. He looks at the white skin of Zuo Xingxing, and his heart is also itchy. , Couldn't help but urged: "You move faster, there are so many brothers, and it won't be good for the Patriarch and them to come back later."

"Good Le."

The guard responded, and he picked up his gun and mounted his horse. In an instant, there was a scream from Zuo Xingxing, which sounded like a sharp knife pierced into Zuo Lin's heart.

Zuo Lin felt that his heart was chopped up by others. He burst into tears and shouted hoarsely: "Beasts, you are all beasts, you will all be condemned by heaven!"

"Beast, beast, you will be condemned by the heavens, you must be condemned by the heavens!"

Zuo Lin's voice became smaller and smaller. He felt that he was hollowed out. He could no longer find a trace of strength, his body couldn't support it, and he slowly softened.

"It's so cool, it's so cool!"

Those guards were extremely excited. They had fake and low salaries. Many of them had no women and couldn't go to the kiln. They were "kidnapped" at Situ's house. Year after year, they were hungry and thirsty. Now they are released. Even if they died immediately, they felt it was worth it.

Almost an hour later, the guards in the hall were finished. The little attendant put on his pants, walked to Zuo Lin and said with satisfaction: "Well, that's good, that's good!"

After speaking, Zuo Lin swaggered out under the fire-breathing gaze. Another guard stepping on Zuo Lin slammed Zuo Lin out and followed him out. There were only a few left in the hall. A guard standing guard and Zuo Lin brother and sister.

Zuo Lin didn't care about the injuries on his body. He quickly crawled to Zuo Xingxing and watched her lying weakly on the ground, naked and naked, with many injuries. He quickly took off his clothes and covered her with a heartache. Said: "Sister, it's your brother who killed you."

Now Zuo Lin is full of regrets. He regrets telling Sun Yueyue and Geng Xin's elopement, and also hates Geng Xin for betraying Sun Yueyue regardless of his old feelings, and telling Situ Yunlie that the Sun family has a map of Yueling huā.

Unfortunately, everything is too late. There is no regret medicine in this world. If you do something wrong, you will naturally bear the consequences.

Zuo Lin's current result was that he was not conscious, otherwise he was a celebrity next to the young master of the Situ family, how could these guards dare to do anything to him, let alone ruin his sister.

Although those people are beasts and beasts, they are disgusting to do things and should be struck by thunder, but Zuo Lin is not a good bird, just pitying his innocent sister.

Originally, Zuo Lin, Sun Yueyue, and Geng Xin were all in the same town. They grew up together when they were three dozen children. They are very familiar with each other and have long become good friends.

The difference is that Sun Yueyue is Miss Everyone, and the Sun family in the town is the same as the Situ family in Bailuo Lin.

Geng Xin's family background is second, his family is responsible for collecting information and selling information, and his life is not bad.

The worst was Zuo Lin's family. Zuo Lin was born in poverty. His parents were honest people, with a low cultivation base, and there was no business at home, so he could barely make a living.

Therefore, Zuo Lin ran to Situ's house as a guard, one to supplement the family, one to achieve success in cultivation, and to be better with Sun Yueyue in the future.

However, what Zuo Lin didn't expect was that after he left, Geng Xin stayed with Sun Yueyue, he liked Sun Yueyue, and Sun Yueyue also liked him.

Sun Yueyue decided to run away with Geng Xin only because the head of the Sun family disagreed, but because she didn’t know where to go, Sun Yueyue remembered Zuo Lin and told Zuo Lin about her and Geng Xin and asked him to arrange it for them. Find a good place.

After Zuo Lin learned the news, he was shocked and angry. After thinking about it, his feelings overcame friendship. He betrayed Sun Yueyue and revealed the news to the Sun Family Patriarch. (To be continued)