Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 30: The genius doctor of poison-Xue Wuhen


Ling Tian’s previous battle with the third child was not easy, especially when the first one swept him to the ground with a sword. Not only did he withstand part of the attack from the third child, but he also slammed into the ground. He was stunned at the time. I just felt dizzy and couldn't distinguish the north, south, east, and west. Fortunately, he hadn't suffered a serious injury, otherwise he wouldn't be alive now.

It's all like this. Later, Ling Tian tried his best with the third child, first, for his own face, when he was photographed miserably, and he didn't take revenge, he could hardly swallow that breath; second, to share the burden of the sand eagle, although the sand eagle It is difficult to say whether Shaying can fight normally if he can fight against the black shadow second child, but let the third child pass, or the third child kills him; thirdly, Ling Tian used the ruthless sword to display it for the first time. Ruthless swordsmanship broke the youngest offensive all at once, his confidence soared, and he wanted to test how far he could use ruthless swordsmanship

For all these reasons, Ling Tian chose to suppress his injuries, and then rushed to fight the third child regardless of his own safety. Ling Tian used the ruthless sword and ruthless swordsmanship, and the results did not disappoint his expectations. He successfully found the place. Not only did he contain and teach the third child, but also allowed Shaying to fight with peace of mind and quickly solved the black shadow second and the others. This tilts the balance of victory towards them.

Ling Tian made a contribution to the anti-sneak attack, but the price of doing so was injury and injury. He was already injured, but now that the injury continues to worsen, he naturally feels uncomfortable. It's just that Ling Tian didn't dare to show the weak side of the previous enemy, and now the youngest and the others fled, he couldn't help it anymore, and finally exposed the weak side.

Seeing Ling Tian doing this, Shaying stopped adjusting his breath. He and the white-clothed man walked over and looked at him. He asked with concern: "Tian'er, are you okay?"

"I'm okay, uncle." Ling Tian waved his hand and shook his head. He also looked at Sha Ying and asked with some worry: "Uncle, how about you? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Sha Ying was very pleased that Ling Tian's director knew he was concerned about his condition.

Ling Tian was not sure if there was anything wrong with the sand eagle. After all, he saw the last collision between him, the white-clothed man and the black shadow boss. That kind of destructive explosion is not something that you can resist. He saw the sand eagle before. He vomited blood, he asked uncertainly: "Uncle, you could vomit blood before? Doesn't it matter?"

"It doesn't matter." Sha Ying replied seriously, and then he paused before saying: "Well, God, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. You should adjust your breath as soon as possible, and we will leave when the power is restored."

"En." Ling Tian nodded, obediently cross-legged on the spot, pinched the practice posture with both hands, and quietly began to close his eyes and adjust his breath.

Upon seeing this, Sha Ying didn't say anything anymore. He sat down cross-legged next to Ling Tian, just like Ling Tian, and began to close his eyes and slowly adjust his breath. The Sisi Heaven and Earth energy was attracted by them and was absorbed into the dantian one by one. As these energy was transformed into true energy and slowly filled the dantian, the skills of Sha Ying and Ling Tian began to slowly recover step by step.

From the beginning to the end, the white-clothed man just watched, he didn't say a word, just ran the exercises silently, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and was also recovering his strength.

About an hour or two later, the sky was about to light up, and someone stood up one after another. They almost recovered, and gathered towards the place where Ling Tian and Sha Ying were. When the crowd approached, the white-clothed people waved their hands, beckoning them not to disturb Ling Tian and Sha Ying who were recovering. The crowd followed his instructions and waited silently. No one made a sound.

The man in white woke up a long time ago. He was not injured at all, but was a bit expensive, so he recovered quickly. After waking up, he did not leave. Instead, he stood beside Shaying and the others to protect the law, waiting for them. wake up.

After another while, Sha Ying woke up, he looked at the white-clothed man, stood up, and said gratefully, "Thank you!"

"You are Welcome."

Sha Ying turned his head and looked at Ling Tian who was still adjusting his breath. His brow furrowed and he sighed slightly. The man in white knew why he sighed and said comfortingly:

"He is okay, he just suffered a bit of skin trauma, coupled with fierce fighting, which consumes a lot of money, and is temporarily uncomfortable, so he has not recovered for so long and is still adjusting his interest rate.

"En." Sha Ying nodded to express his understanding.

Seeing that Shaying had woken up and no one needed to protect the law for them, the man in white decided not to stay. He took out a small ball and said to Shaying: "No, this is for you. There are six pills in there, you Keep two pills for yourself, and give the other four pills to him when the little guy wakes up. Let him take them. These pills are mainly used to remove blood stasis and relieve pain, and eliminate bruises and bruises. Sword and knife wounds are also useful. It can leave no scars."

"Thank you!" Sha Ying unceremoniously reached out and took it, thanking him again and again.

The white-clothed man waved his hand and said, "Don't be so polite. It's okay for everyone to help each other. Brother, I'll leave if I have something to do. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Brother, you should leave soon!

After finishing speaking, only said: "Take care, there will be a period later!"

Before Sha Ying could reply, the white-clothed man turned around and didn't even say hello to other martial arts figures. He jumped into the darkness and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Looking at the direction where the white-clothed man disappeared, Sha Ying looked at the small ball with six pills in his hand and muttered to himself:

"It's worthy of being a poisonous doctor Xue Wuhen. As the rumors say, you can know the situation of others just by watching. Such medical skills are really amazing."

While talking, Shaying gently opened the ball with his hand, and found that there were six small pellets in the shape of a pill, his eyes lit up, and he continued to praise:

"Tsk tsk, the shot is really generous. Six'Wu Ling pills' are given away as soon as they are given. This is not an ordinary healing medicine, which can permanently eliminate the scars. It is only because the poisonous doctor Xue Wuhen and a few old seniors can practice it. It’s worth a few hundred taels of silver based on the market price, right? It’s still a price but no market. That’s fine, I’ve taken this favor to Sha Ying."

Sha Ying is not a hypocritical person either. The person in white gave him benefits. He naturally remembered it when he took it. He knew that Xue Wuhen had just observed Ling Tian, through the color of his skin, whether his breathing was smooth. Even? As well as some other characteristics, he judged Ling Tian's situation, knowing that he was not in serious trouble.

As for the identity of the man in white, the techniques he used, especially the last trick "Nine Heavens Dragons", anyone who knows the poisonous doctor Xue Wuhen can guess that it is his fame stunt and also his unique stunt. Sha Ying has been in the arena for so many years, it is not uncommon to be able to guess his identity.

I'm afraid it's not just him, but the other martial arts people know it too, they don't know it, because they know that Xue Wuhen has a weird personality and that not everyone can get close to them. They are honored to be saved, and the others have no extravagant hopes. That's why I didn't go to cover it almost.

Xue Wuhen, the people of the rivers and lakes are called the genius doctor of poison. Not only does he have a good medical skills, he can also practice martial arts, especially his unique skill-Tianlongyin. He has practiced to the highest level-Nine Tianlongyin. He is proficient and can perform as he pleases. There are not many people who can compete with him. Although Xue Wuhen can now display the'Nine Heavens Dragons', but it is very laborious, very reluctant, not proficient at all, let alone doing whatever he wants. This is also true, so that the Sombra boss can save his life under the double attack of him and Shaying.

For Xue Wuhen, few people dare to say that he was not afraid. There were some guys who did not believe in evil and died silently, not only because of Xue Wuhen’s martial arts, but also because of his special status in the arena. , The status is extremely high.

Whether it is decent or evil, many people respect Xue Wuhen. Few people want to harm him. Thinking about it and understanding, who can guarantee that they will never be sick or painful? If I am offended, what should I do if I ask him in the future? Xue Wuhen has been awarded the title of "Poison Doctor" for many years. He has not gained a reputation. His strength has long been recognized by the public. The reason why he is a "Genius Doctor" and a "poisonous" "Genius Doctor" , Because he not only has excellent medical skills and can save people, but also can kill people.

Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows that there was a master in Tianshan. He had two disciples, one is the head of the mountain today, and the other is the "poison doctor" Xue Wuhen. Although both of them came from the master's seat, The personality is completely different.

The head of the Tianshan Mountains is brave and righteous, and he has a good reputation in the Western Regions. However, the "poison doctor" Xue Wuhen is also righteous and evil. He has a perverse personality and is completely based on his own instincts, and he is not constrained by the world at all.

Xue Wuhen is very upright. He likes what he likes, dislikes what he dislikes, and never compromises. This is also the reason why he saves people or not. This has always caused many people a headache.