Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 38: Tangmen (2)


Therefore, Tang Sect chose to be close to the martial arts decent faction, listened to the dispatch of the martial arts leader Xie Yaoyang, and actively sent masters to cooperate with other martial arts colleagues to meet the heroes of all walks of life who were coming to participate in the martial arts convention.

Earlier, it was said that the Tang Sect mainly used hidden weapons, supplemented by poison. Their two most powerful combat weapons were hidden weapons and poison. This did not brag.

Because hidden weapons are the lifeblood weapon of Tang Sect's survival, it is no exaggeration to say that Tang Sect hidden weapons are number one in the world! A series of bloody examples over the years tells the world that no matter whoever has any hidden weapon in the Tang Sect, he can only watch the wound festering, and there is no other way, unless there are people from the Tang Sect or those in the martial arts. Experts detoxify them, otherwise they will have to wait for death slowly.

As for poison, Tang Sect disciples are not only good at making drugs, they are also good at making them. When they fight, they usually use hidden weapons first. If they do not get the desired effect, or their lives are threatened, they will release them without hesitation. Poison, with the help of the power of poison, or defeat the opponent, or escape for life.

Regarding the Tang Sect’s poison, people in the arena are all frightened and talked about it. Among them, the most famous poison in the Tang Sect is the colorless and tasteless "Shadowless Poison." No shadow poison, poison as the name suggests, colorless and tasteless. It is stored in a small porcelain bottle. Due to its characteristic nature, it is not easy to be found when released by a disciple of the Tang Sect, and it is poisoned almost unknowingly. Up.

The shadowless poison is extremely toxic. For the average person, as long as he is caught with this poison, his life will basically come to an end, because this poison can cause death very quickly. The rumor is that if the top players in the arena are accidentally recruited, even with their hundreds of years of strong true energy and internal strength, they will not be able to resist the erosion of this poison. If there is no Tang Sect’s unique antidote, or Tang Sect’s heart The law's treatment of drugs can hardly escape its disaster.

Shadowless Poison was developed by generations after generations of Tang Sect. It was the highest achievement of Tang Sect's drug making, and it was the essence of Tang Sect’s poison. But in addition to Shadowless Poison, Tang Sect had another kind of poison. The ancestral poison-five poisonous sand.

The raw materials of the five poisons are five poisons and iron sand. The five poisons are poisonous, but the iron sand is non-toxic. The iron sand is soaked in the five poisons and tempered in the five poisons over and over again for three years. After three years, iron sand has deteriorated and is toxic, forming a combination of five poisons and iron sand, which is more toxic than five poisons-five poisons god sand. When the five poisonous sand is hit on the body, the body will be numb and unable to move after being attacked, and more serious, if the skin is broken, the pus and blood will not stop for life, and there will be no cure.

Tang Sect was able to stand in the arena for hundreds of years. Apart from being proficient in hidden weapons and poisons, and possessing a strong own strength, there are some unknown things, that is, his family motto and management methods.

Outside the world, the Tang Sect disciples have strange forms and erratic behaviors. Many times they like to be alone and don't like to chat with others, but they don't know that the Tang Sect’s family discipline is extremely strict. , Nor can you walk on the rivers and lakes.

More than that, internally, Tang Sect disciples are not allowed to squat, and offenders will be expelled from the house, and everyone will be punishable. Some of these regulations exist in the entire martial arts and are very common, but some are only available in the Tang Sect and are very harsh. The purpose of this is to form self-protection, avoid external forces invading, and internal conflicts with internal forces.

Of course, Tang Sect not only has strict rules, but also has a humane side. Unlike other schools, Tang Sect emphasizes "the heart is Buddha, the heart is devil, the words are born from the heart, and the shape is free to move." You are not bound by secular rules, but you don’t care about secular vision.

In addition to the family motto, management, in terms of management, because most of the men in the Tang sect are fighting for the family business outside, the household items can only be taken care of by a group of young people led by the highest-ranking women in the family. These eldest ladies who grew up in the Tang Sect where family interests are important, they are well versed in the way of life, and as women, they are very delicate in doing things, unlike men, so for hundreds of years, Tang Sect is lucky. The land has escaped many disasters.

The Tang Sect is so big, of course, not all of them are elders with high generations and old ages. In fact, Tang Sect does not stick to age restrictions when it comes to employing people. As long as they have the ability, they will only use talents. In this way, generation after generation, this has continued for hundreds of years, and many people have come here today. In this way, even if young people who have been important have become elders, they are willing to let them shoulder heavy responsibilities and exercise appropriately.

Good customs can be continued and passed on. This kind of customs in Tang Sect just meets the conditions. After each generation's inheritance and development, it will naturally form a virtuous circle.

These family mottos and management methods that have supported the Tang Men's standing for hundreds of years are not really unknown to the people in the world. The ignorance mentioned above mainly refers to not understanding and not understanding.

After talking about the nature of the Tang Sect, let’s talk about its composition. The Tang Sect is known as the 36 rooms to the outside, and the inside is divided into six rooms: the inner three rooms—the hidden weapon room, the firearms room, and the machine room, and the outer three rooms—duo. Soul room, family business room, Fengzhi room.

Among them, the inner third room does not need to be explained, you can know what he is doing by looking at his name, while the wicked room in the outer third room is to hunt down traitors, assist in the arrest of wanted martial artists, and coordinate with the various major factions. The family business room is In charge of all the property assets of Tangmen, Fengzhifang manages all outsiders.

The Tang Sect is a family sect. All the main directors are in charge of the Tang Sect. The main director is the grandmother, who is the most prestigious and senior woman in the Tang Sect. Next is the housekeeper, who manages all the personnel assets of the Tang Sect. There are about 1,000 people surnamed Tang in Tangmen, all of them are martial arts, 200 masters, nearly 2,000 people with foreign surnames, and 800 capable martial artists. People with foreign surnames cannot participate in the confidential affairs of Tangmen, and can only manage most of the real estate and labor services .

As a big group of rivers and lakes, survival resources are essential materials. Tangmen has always been the main source of money for medicinal materials and restaurants, and its distribution points are spread all over the world. Most of them are in charge of foreigners, but the main manager is Tang surname. In addition, there are also firearms smuggling and sales. Most of the famous assassin killers in the arena have contacted Tang Sect, large and small, so that they can purchase the most advanced firearms in time. Even earlier, the relationship between the martial arts and the court was not as tense as it is now. At that time, in addition to purchasing weapons from its own ordnance factory, the court often bought arms from Tangmen during foreign operations.

In Tang Sect, except for a few people with foreign surnames, Tang surnamed people and some people with foreign surnames are extremely dependent on weapons and tools. Weapon tools are their life. If they can't kill the opponent with hidden weapons and poison in battle, then he may be finished.

Because of their excessive reliance on weapons and tools, the Tang Sect disciples relaxed their martial arts improvement, which made the Tang Sect itself extremely fragile. Only relying on their strong background and the research on hidden weapons and poisons in the past dynasties, the Tang Sect’s The hidden weapon is extremely powerful, and no one can solve the poison. With these two things, they can continue to power the rivers and lakes.

Similarly, the frequent use of concealed weapons and poisons to fight with people has also made Tang Sect more and more inclined to long-range sneak attacks, and close combat has suffered greatly because of its fragility. This has always been their weakness. They themselves have realized that it is only short. Time can't be corrected.

The world is not perfect, because there are flaws and regrets that make the world love it. Tang Sect is good at long-range attacks and not good at close combat, which does not affect their status in the arena.

Xie Yaoyang sent Tang Sect masters and Qingcheng Sect, Qingniu Sect masters and other sect masters to meet the heroes of the martial arts competition, so that they can complement each other's advantages and take care of each other. Because Tang Sect is not good at close combat, but the Qingcheng Sect and the Qingniu Sect are different, especially the Qingniu Sect. The children of the Qingniu Sect are the same as their sect names. Whether they look or fight, they are very rough and barbaric like bulls.

The Qingniu faction’s fighting method is pure and violent. It uses its own body to fight against others, such as head, shoulders, elbows, hands, knees, and feet. These are their weapons. The disciples of the Blue Bull faction firmly believe that a person is truly powerful. Weapons and the like are all external forces and should not be overly dependent. They are just the opposite of the Tang Sect. Such a combination is really difficult to deal with.