Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 53: Strange bloodthirsty (first shift)


Ling Tian was fine, he was sheltered by a ruthless sword, but the other martial artists who were also unconsciously staring at Yun Cong’s sword had their eyes blurred, and they were exhausted in just an instant. They sat on the ground with a cold sweat. There was even a big gasp in the mouth, obviously mentally impaired.

Yun Cong’s sword was given to him by Venerable Blood Cloud last night. His own sword was cut off during the battle with Ling Tian yesterday. This sword was formerly Venerable Blood Cloud’s weapon, and he has fought the world with him. .

This sword is very weird, named "Bloodthirsty", the sword is as its name, tyrannical and ruthless, can suck human blood. Yun Cong's current realm is still low, and he can't stimulate the full power of "bloodthirsty". This kind of mental attack is just the autonomous behavior of "bloodthirsty". The warriors who have been swallowed up by it have lost their combat power in a short time. The future development of martial arts will also be affected.

Xie Yaoyang didn’t know why the Venerable Blood Yun passed the "Bloodthirsty" to Yun Cong, because "Bloodthirsty" was an evil sword in his eyes. He knew exactly that Venerable Blood Cloud was bitten by it when he was practicing a profound martial arts.

Therefore, Xie Yaoyang didn't catch a cold at all for "Bloodthirsty", or even said it was disgusting. He didn't want his disciple Yun Cong to repeat the same mistakes and lose it after holding it, because not everyone can get rid of its control.

Back then, Venerable Blood Cloud was beaten back by "Bloodthirsty". Because of his high martial arts, strong internal strength, and firm willpower, he finally walked out of the magical realm.

Because of this, Venerable Blood Cloud was still unable to control himself for a while. He was controlled by bloodthirsty and killed innocent people. Later, he was taken together by everyone. He was trapped in the ice cave for several decades. There are thousands of years of ice and true energy washing day and night. After applying his endless skill, it took decades of time before he woke up and gradually returned to normal.

After Venerable Blood Cloud came out of a state of devil, his martial arts went even further, but the world could threaten his peer masters either have passed away or have retired, leaving behind the characters he once looked down on, he disdains Fighting with them, and didn't want to compete with those younger generations, so I chose to retire.

In this way, if there is no battle, no threat, "Bloodthirsty" will be useless. Venerable Blood Cloud no longer depends on it, and it needs a new master.

Although bloodthirsty is weird, its power cannot be underestimated. Venerable Blood Cloud knows its power well. Originally, he wanted to pass on "bloodthirsty" to Xie Yaoyang. Because of bloodthirsty, Xie Yaoyang's position as the leader of the martial arts is more stable. Prudent, almost no one in the world can shake him, even those masters of his level will not be able to do anything to him.

However, Xie Yaoyang had a firm heart. He saw bloodthirsty harming others and himself, and his martial arts were not weak, and he could sit on the throne without the help of external forces. Moreover, this external force was not stable, so he naturally rejected it directly and decisively.

Therefore, no one uses it, "Bloodthirsty" has been frozen in the Mingbing Cave on the Cliff of Ten Thousand Swords for decades. Xie Yaoyang didn't know what Venerable Blood Cloud thought, and even passed it on. Yun Cong, and Yun Cong has also been recognized as "bloodthirsty".

Xie Yaoyang felt that this matter was not trivial. He decided to wait for the martial arts convention to go and ask questions. It would be better to persuade Venerable Xueyun and let him take the "bloodthirsty" from Yun Cong.

These are all later words. At this time, some warriors didn't know how "bloodthirsty" was, and they stared at him looking for death. Xie Yaoyang hurriedly stopped:

"Don't stare at Yun Cong's sword!"

Xie Yaoyang’s voice sounded in everyone’s minds. Those warriors who were still trapped in a sea of blood were awakened. Their martial arts were good, and they were not swallowed by the blood wave in a short time. They just woke up with a false alarm, and they turned their eyes away, rejoicing. At the same time, there are lingering palpitations.

Xie Yaoyang said like this, the sword intent in his eyes was agglomerated, and a vast sword intent shot out from the eyeballs, forming an invisible barrier, circled the ring outside the ring, and kept all the spiritual consciousness connected with "bloodthirsty". All cut off, and those warriors also woke up one after another, and don't start with a panic.

Although there were some changes under the arena, it did not affect the fighting on the arena. From Yun Cong's sword to the collapse of some martial artists, and then to Xie Yaoyang's voice reminding, it seemed like a long time, but in fact, it was only a few seconds. time.

When Xiong Jun fought with Yun Cong, he did not stare at Yun Cong's "bloodthirsty" sword, so he was not recruited, and the "bloodthirsty" autonomous behavior was very weak. It only absorbed a certain amount of martial artist's spiritual consciousness. Saturation, no longer release the suction that affects people's spirits.

After Xiong Jun’s big knife was cut by Yun Cong, Yun Cong pressed forward every step of the way. Xiong Jun only had time to resist two or three times with the broken knife, and was kicked by Yun Cong. He retreated in panic, and he had no time to defend. Yun Cong slashed his left shoulder with a sword.

What is frightening is that Xiong Jun’s shoulders are like paper under Yun Cong’s sword.


Xiong Jun’s painful roar shook the crowd. He threw away his hand and interrupted the knife, and continued to step back, kneeling on one knee, and then firmly grasped the bloody broken arm with his right hand, looking at Yun Cong with hatred. Xie Yaoyang reminded that Xiong Jun did not dare to look at the "bloodthirsty" in Yun Cong's hands.

After Xiong Jun's arm was broken, Yun Cong stopped attacking. He took the sword and stood, not worried that Xiong Jun would fight back desperately, because Xiong Jun now has little combat power in his eyes, and there is not much threat.


Xiong Jun was defeated again, and he also lost an arm. The cult's anger was suppressed in the hearts of everyone, and an angry roar came out from the direction of Heihutang.

The roar was made by Xiong Lin. He was the head of the Black Tiger Hall and the father of Xiong Jun. Seeing that Xiong Jun was so embarrassed, he was furious. Without even thinking about it, Xiong Lin abruptly stood up from his seat, and was about to rush to the ring. Seeing his movements, Xue Wuhen, who was sitting next to him, immediately reached out and held his shoulders and shook his head. , Persuaded:

"Hall Master Xiong, fighting in the arena, ruthless swords, life and death are very common things, let alone breaking his arm? We don't want to see what happened to Linglang, but it has already happened. You can't change anything if you go up like this, please restraint!"

Feeling the tremendous strength of Xue Wuhen, Xiong Lin glared at what he said and wanted to have an attack. After all, he held it back. He knew that Xue Wuhen was true, and he couldn't change anything when he went up. Because the arena is a matter of life and death. Once you enter the arena, life and death will be your destiny. Now that you participate, you will be prepared for injury or even death.

Secondly, Yun Cong defeated Xiong Jun and removed his left arm. Although he was cruel, he did not use any vicious moves. There was no yin person. It was a normal attack. Xiong Jun’s defeat could only be blamed on his inferior skills, but Yun Cong could not blame him. . In this way, if Xiong Lin rushed to find Yun Cong's revenge, it would be sheer shame and could not afford to lose.

Moreover, this is Brokeback Mountain, the Spirit Sword Square, and the site of the Sword Sect! Xie Yaoyang was sitting there, and there were elder disciples of Jianzong everywhere, not to mention that he was the Xionglin, even if the entire Shadow Sect was here, it might not be possible to please him.

Under normal circumstances, Xie Yaoyang and others would not intervene or protect the calf, but if Xiong Lin broke the rules and dared to mess around, they would definitely not sit idly by. With Xie Yaoyang there, if you want to go wild and hurt Yun Cong, the possibility is almost zero. Some of the people sitting can do it, but that person is definitely not Xiong Lin.

Thinking this way, even though Xiong Lin couldn't swallow the breath in his heart, the previous violent murderous aura gradually stabilized. He did not break away from Xue Wuhen's suppression, but slowly calmed his anger in his chest. Xue Wuhen heaved a sigh of relief when he saw this. He cast a look at a disciple of Heihutang next to him. The disciple understood, and stepped onto the ring to help Xiong Jun down.

The disciple of Heihutang has not yet reached the ring, and there is already a familiar figure on the ring. This person is stopping Xiong Jun’s bleeding. He tore his clothes and tore into cloth strips for Xiong Jun to tie the knot. Xiong Jun got it. With his help, the blood no longer gushes from the broken arm. It's just that the injury was serious, Xiong Jun's spirits were sluggish, he lost excessive blood, his face was pale, and his body was crumbling.

Seeing that the disciple of Heihutang went up to the ring, the person who had previously helped handed Xiong Jun to him, told him to take Xiong Jun’s severed arm, and help him to let Xue Wuhen heal, while he stayed in the ring. Go, looking at Yun Cong with indifferent expression, as if to vent his anger to Xiong Jun.

This person is no one else. It is Fatty Rao who has been staying next to Ling Tian. He is a disciple of the Broken Sword Sect and a member of the evil sect. He has friendship with Xiong Jun on weekdays, so after Xiong Jun was defeated, his shoulders were cut off. Just go up and take care of it.

ps: Crazy dizzy, I was even more wrong this afternoon. I only found out that I was depressed when I looked at the customer service. . . .