Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 69: The situation is wrong


Hey, it's these ants again. Ling Tian and the others really don't know how to describe their feelings. From their voices, they can hear that the man-eating ants coming from behind are not less than those in front, and the dense crawling sound comes from behind. After it came, they didn't dare to retreat.

Ling Tian and the others never thought that these extremely low-witted beasts would know the art of encirclement. They didn't know which life they had fallen, and they were surrounded by a group of ugly ants, which made them feel ashamed and helpless. Finally, I can only complain in my heart.

These damn ugly ants even blocked Ling Tian and the others from retreating, which made Ling Tian and the others feel bitter. However, despite the large number of cannibal ants, there has not yet been a situation that has made Shaying desperate. He is still confident that he will survive the attack of these bugs at the cost of serious injuries. He is just a little worried about Ling Tian and Rao Fatty.

Ling Tian and Fatty Rao’s martial arts were not as good as Sha Ying. They had never seen this situation. They were so scared that their faces were ashamed. Their hearts were very frustrated, and they jumped and jumped without their control at all. The speed was higher than usual. violent.

The cannibal ants are in such a position, the sand eagles are under great pressure, and they can hardly see any hope. They are surrounded, and they dare not move at all. They can only be forced to stop in place, with their hands tight. Holding the only weapon that could save his life, he was ready to fight these ants.

"Damn, it's really unlucky. The mushrooms weren't picked, and these beasts didn't know where they came from. There are so many of them. Isn't this going to kill us?" Fatty Rao sipped, his scalp numb. The man-eating ants that blocked the way they passed before and after, were full of bitterness and cursed in a low voice.

"Uncle, what should I do?" Ling Tian was not like Fatty Rao. He did not complain or vent. When faced with the encirclement of these man-eating ants and had no idea, he placed his hope of life on Sha Ying. Looking at him, asked in a low voice.

"You are all close to me, we are back to back, forming a three-sided defense, and then looking for opportunities to rush out." Sha Ying observed the situation, and then suggested.

"it is good."

Ling Tian and Rao Fatty both agreed with Shaying’s proposal. When Shaying was vigilant at the front and back looking at their man-eating ants, they quickly adjusted their positions, quickly leaning against Shaying, and then back to back, forming a triangle defense. .

Just as Ling Tian and the others adjusted their positions, the man-eating ants surrounding them also moved.

Rustle, rustle, rustle

Neatly advancing to the middle, directly narrowing Ling Tian's encirclement circle, but after Ling Tian and the others changed their positions, they stopped at the same time in a very tacit understanding. They did not immediately rush out impulsively, and did not make any other actions. The ants surrounding them also stopped. They did not approach or attack, but quietly surrounded them in the center, as if they were waiting for something

In this way, the two sides began to stand in a stalemate. Time passed by every minute and every second. After only a few minutes, Ling Tian and the others felt pressured, and their lives were like years. They were already nervous and couldn't be nervous anymore.

Dou Da's sweat gradually came out of Ling Tian and Rao Fatty's foreheads, Shaying was no longer good, sweat came out of his hands holding the sword.

The atmosphere is extremely depressed. As time goes by, Ling Tian and the others feel that the situation is getting worse and worse. They are almost unable to bear it. If this continues, it is estimated that Ling Tian and the others will not wait to fight the ants before they will be the first to collapse. .

"Uncle, it seems that the situation is not right. Look at these ants. They are besieging us and not attacking. This is unreasonable. I think they should be waiting for more clans, or waiting for the king of ants, waiting for them to come, and then Besie us." Looking at the weird behavior of those cannibal ants besieging and not attacking, Ling Tian finally couldn't help but whispered to Sha Ying.

"Well, you are right, what do you think should be done?" Sand Eagle naturally saw the attempts of the cannibal ants, but he was looking for loopholes that could break through, but there were too many ants, and he had not found a suitable one. He asked Ling Tian to finish speaking, he wanted to hear his thoughts.

"I think we can't wait any longer. We can't wait until more of them arrive in the clan before we do it. Otherwise, we will definitely be eaten and not left behind. We will attack now, kill now, and then rush. There is a bloody road." Ling Tian looked at the countless ants surrounding them, gritted his teeth and said firmly.

"Okay." Sha Ying agreed. He didn't plan to find another breakthrough. He knew that there might be a chance to break through now. It would be hard to say if he waited a while. He determined a direction in his heart, and then whispered to Ling Tian. They said: "Are you ready?"

"Okay." Ling Tian and Rao Fatty nodded at the same time, and responded in a low voice.

After receiving the reply from Ling Tian and the others, Sha Ying no longer hesitated, he immediately started to act. I saw him swiping his sword and yelling: "Kill!"

The word "kill" in Sha Ying's mouth was full of murderous aura. Following his roar, the sword in his hand slammed out of its sheath. Holding the sword in his right hand, the first one turned and rushed back, Ling Tianhe When Fatty Rao saw this, they didn't dare to neglect, and immediately turned around and rushed back.

Sha Ying has been on the battlefield for a long time. He was full of suffocation. Once he rushed into the cannibal ant colony, he directly swung his sword and slashed fiercely. Although his sword was not as sharp as Ling Tian's ruthless sword, it was blessed by his true energy. Invincible. Nothing can stop where the sand eagle's sword passes. The bodies of those cannibal ants are all cut into two pieces, with almost no exceptions. Only hear

Flutter, Flutter, Flutter

The sound of human-eating ants being cut off constantly sounded in this mountain forest. However, the number of human-eating ants in the entire mountain forest was too much. Ling Tian and the others worked hard to kill them, and it took a lot of effort to just tear them apart. A gap was opened, but before they had time to rush out, the gap that had just been torn open was re-blocked by man-eaters flooding from other places.

In this way, Ling Tian and the others' efforts were lost. In order to survive and to bring the news back, they could only continue to fight, step by step, and advance very hard.

Sha Ying's martial arts is the highest. He shared most of the pressure. Ling Tian and Rao Fatty only need to deal with the fish that broke through his defense. Although they struggled hard, they continued to move forward slowly.

Where Ling Tian and the others went, the broken limbs were thrown away, and those small and hateful ants were beheaded one after another under their attack, basically they didn't have much resistance.

The entire battlefield seemed like a one-to-one massacre. In fact, it wasn't. Although Ling Tian and the others killed a lot, they still had more and stronger ones. The situation was not at all optimistic.

Ling Tian had never felt so bitter before. He would rather fight with people than consume these ants, because these ants are low-intelligence beasts, they don't know what fear is, and they act entirely on instinct.

Man-eater ants are the most greedy. Once they smell the food, they are all crazy. One after another, one after another, like moths fighting a fire, all rushing forward without fear of death. They are weak physically and mentally numb.

The number of man-eating ants that surrounded Ling Tian and the others this time is really uncountable. Ling Tian and the others can't kill them no matter what. Later, after fighting for a long time, Ling Tian and the others gradually became tired from killing them, and their bodies were completely dirty. Xixi, the long mountain road around and behind him all left traces of battle, except for chaotic footprints, fallen trees, trampled weeds, and many ants' corpses, a thin layer, like The ground was covered with fallen leaves.

After Ling Tian and the others fight, the number of man-eating ants besieging them has decreased significantly. Although I don't know why the ant king has not appeared, Ling Tian and the others are not in good condition. Except for the sand eagle, Ling Tian and Rao Fatty are about to run out of oil. They are struggling to fight harder and harder. The speed of killing cannibal ants is not as fast as before. They are now relying on the sand eagle to push forward. As they move forward, they can only do defense.

In fact, it is not surprising that the situation will turn out to be like this. Although the man-eating ants are being beheaded and their numbers are decreasing, their huge base is always an advantage. They rely on their numbers to bring down Lingtian.

ps: I went to the county town today. I don’t want to complain anymore. Xiaoyu'er almost didn’t run away. It used to be a 40-minute drive. Now because of the highway construction, it has become more than two hours, back and forth, and stay again. , I didn't have it in one day, anyway, he was almost vomiting and vomiting and diarrhea. Fortunately, Xiao Yu'er is still alive!