Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 70: Fatty Rao was bitten


"Ling Tian, you go quickly, leave me alone, there are too many ants, and if you kill them, none of us can rush out alive." Fatty Rao wiped out countless ants with another sword. He looked at the ground and the sky. The dense swarms of man-eating ants that kept coming to them in the middle of the density couldn't help but feel a sense of despair in their hearts.

"Boy Rao, what are you talking about? How could Tian'er and I abandon you? If you are a fucking man, just support me. You have to believe that we can all get out alive!" , While shouting at Fatty Rao, the vulgar words are not difficult to make people feel warm.

In this way, Sha Ying was full of forward speed. He slowly approached Ling Tian and Rao Fatty, and stopped when he was about to post it. Without turning around, Sha Ying said directly to Ling Tian, "Tian'er, let go of the flare!"

"It's Uncle." Ling Tian replied, and then, under the cover of Sha Ying and Rao Fatty, sandwiched between them, took out the signal flare from his arms, pulled off the lead, and loosened his hand to directly send it to the sky.

call out

Only a clear sound was heard, a firework exploded in the high-altitude sky, and the gorgeous purple fire could be seen clearly from dozens of miles away. At this moment, the martial arts heroes who were scattered everywhere in the forest, as soon as they saw the signal flare released by Ling Tian, they turned around and ran straight towards them.

After doing this, Ling Tian stepped back and gave Fatty Rao to the middle. He was behind the pad, and together they resisted the attack of man-eating ants.

In fact, Ling Tian and the others did not send out the signal flare the first time they found the mushrooms and found the man-eaters, because they had the confidence to pick them and retreat all by themselves, because as spiritual practitioners, if they encounter something Just seek help from others, and the achievement in this life will definitely not be high. Generally speaking, the masters are very independent, they have their own dignity and don't ask for help casually, so Ling Tian and the others didn't send signal bombs for help until they were almost dead.

However, Fatty Rao and Ling Tian’s cultivation bases are a bit lower after all, especially now that they are hungry and tired, and they can’t afford to spend them at all. They have been exhausted after a long fight. If it weren’t for perseverance, they would definitely be exhausted. Lying down, he was also eaten into the stomach by man-eater ants.

Ling Tian and Rao Fatty persisted, but unfortunately, the reinforcements did not arrive, and these nasty man-eating ants blocked them again, which made Ling Tian and the others want to cry without tears.

Suddenly, when Fatty Rao was tired, a few strong man-eating ants crossed the sand eagle and Ling Tian’s line of defense and attacked him. Fatty Rao slashed hard with a sword, knowing that only two ants were chopped up. Several others flew over and bit his arm directly.

Seeing the ants approaching, the sad thing is that Fatty's old power has gone, but the new power has not yet come into being. He can't avoid it and just happens to be bitten.

After the nasty cannibal ants bit Fatty Fatty, they greedily began to gnaw, sticking their long mouthparts into Fatty's flesh and blood, chewing and sucking for a while, so painful that he grinned.

Fatty Rao never thought that he would be so unlucky. He was almost killed because of the martial arts competition. It just happened. He was savagely eaten by the hateful ants in the virgin forest of the back mountain, which made him hate and sad. I began to doubt whether there was a problem with my character.

Man-eating ants are not ordinary ants. They can eat human flesh, suck human blood, and be stung by them. It is not just as simple as being stung. The pain caused by that moment spreads throughout the whole body of the fat man. His body trembled constantly because he couldn't bear it, and his hand couldn't hold the sword. His sword fell directly to the ground when his hands trembled. He couldn't bear it, and he screamed out in pain.


Fatty Rao slapped his hand that was bitten by the man-eating ants. He slapped the nasty guys to death with a palm, and shook them to the ground with a shake of his hand.

The cannibal ant was shot to death, but Fatty Rao’s situation did not improve. His previous roar also alarmed Ling Tian and Sha Ying, but Ling Tian's strength was limited. He was behind Fatty Rao, but he was not capable. Going forward to help him, he must go all out to defend, otherwise he will be attacked by those nasty ants.

Compared to Ling Tian, Sha Ying’s situation is better. With his martial arts, he has been fighting for so long. Not a single ant can get close to him, and all of them have been beheaded one meter away. If this development continues, he will definitely be able to sustain the arrival of reinforcements.

When Sha Ying heard Fatty Rao’s scream, he realized that it was not good. Sure enough, when he turned around and took a look, he found that several strong man-eater ants had breached the line of defense between him and Ling Tian. He walked around among them and attacked Fatty Rao. He didn't stop him, and as a result, he was bitten by those beasts. Now, even though Fatty Rao has shot them to death, he is not doing well himself, he is struggling in pain.

Upon seeing this, Sha Ying was anxious, and with all his strength, the two swords wiped out the man-eating ants that were besieging him. Turning around again, Sha Ying grabbed Rao Fatty's arm and said to Ling Tian, "Go!"

Ling Tian nodded, Sha Ying no longer hesitated, he shouted "Promise Shaking", and then swiped out with a sword with one hand, where the sword light passed, the space was torn, and the man-eating ants were chopped to gray. A long passage was exposed.

As soon as the passage appeared, Sha Ying took Fatty Rao and flew out first, at that speed, in a blink of an eye, far away from the range of the cannibal ants.

After Shaying left, Ling Tian didn't have the confidence to deal with it alone. He took advantage of the passageway hadn't been closed, and quickly stepped away from the spot. After about two breaths, he immediately landed where Shaying was.

Looking at Fatty Rao who was placed by a tree by Sha Ying, Ling Tian walked over and asked, "Uncle, how is he?"

Sha Ying sighed. He didn't hide it, and said directly: "It's not good. He has been poisoned and must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise his life will be endangered."

"Ah, how could this be?" Ling Tian couldn't accept it, he couldn't wait to kill those nasty ants 10,000 times.

"Don't worry, let's wait a moment. I believe the fellow martial artist who saw the signal flares has already rushed over. As long as Xue Wuhen comes quickly, he will be fine." Seeing Ling Tian's expression, Sha Ying could only comfort him.

"En." Ling Tian knew that Sha Ying was right. Both of them didn't understand medical skills, so they could only watch and pin their hopes on Xue Wuhen, who came after seeing the signal flare.

As Sha Ying said, Fatty Rao is in a terrible state now. He was not only eaten by the beasts, but also sucked away some blood. This made him who was already tired and hungry, and he only felt that he had lost too much blood. A little dizzy, the whole body is soft, and I can't lift a trace of strength at all.

Not only that, anteaters are poisonous, and their toxins are quite powerful. When those ants sucked Fatty’s blood, they not only took away his precious blood, but also left their evil toxins in his body. . As soon as those dirty toxins enter Fatty's body, they will return to his heart with his blood, and then be pumped from the heart to the whole body, circulating in such a continuous manner.

In this way, Fatty Rao’s face became worse and worse. Because of his low cultivation level, even if he tried his best, he couldn’t suppress the spread of toxicity. Those toxins ran around him with the flow of his blood, arbitrarily destroying him. His whole body meridians constantly eroded his flesh and blood, directly necroticing his original normal tissues.

Fatty Rao had never experienced this kind of torture. He was not so uncomfortable last time. After this poisoning, the pain caused by the poisonous attack was very great, and it was no less than the pain of giving birth when a woman gave birth. Although Fatty Rao is a man, he can't bear the piercing pain. He was numbed by the intense pain, and he couldn't concentrate at all. He could only withdraw like a wounded beast in order to barely resist the inhuman stimulation. .

Fatty Rao was sweating from the pain. All his normal forehead, lips, chest, arms, and thighs are now showing dense purple and black thin lines, and those thin lines are still spreading to other places. Obviously, this is the toxin left by the ants in the fat man's body. They circulate through the blood, from the inside out, and gradually spread to other places.

Seeing this situation, Ling Tian and Sha Ying were very anxious and worried, but Xue Wuhen hadn't arrived yet, and they had no way to heal them. In order to prevent the situation from getting worse, Sha Ying blocked Rao Fatty's meridians, suspending the flow of his blood, and temporarily preventing the toxins from spreading and destroying.

Hey, temporarily seal it. This is not a long-term solution. Shaying’s approach cannot always stop the transmission of these toxins. After a long time, if Xue Wuhen hasn’t arrived, no one will help Rao Fatty get rid of these toxins. Sooner or later, these toxins would still spread to his whole body, and then tortured him alive.