Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 89: Reasonable plan


"Ahem, I'm just talking." Yun Cong was a little embarrassed. He also knew that the idea was unrealistic. They have gone through several toss and energy, and they still lack food. They want to cover the big ice. The large-scale project of the block is almost impossible.

"No, letting the big ice block here is too dangerous, the goal is too big, and something will happen sooner or later." Although he didn't think of a good way, Ling Tian knew that leaving the big ice block here would never work. He shook his head and hugged him. Thinking hard with his head.

As time passed, Ling Tian felt a splitting headache. He still didn't think of a way to do it, and Yun Cong did the same. They both stood silently in front of the ice.

After a while, he still didn’t come up with a reasonable plan. Ling Tian felt panicked. He turned around and walked to the side. When he reached a big tree, he clenched his fist and punched it. , While hitting, he said to himself: "I'm so useless!"

There was an unnamed fire in Ling Tian's heart, and he didn't save any effort to self-mutilate. The big tree was swayed by his fist, and the leaves fell siftingly. Yun Cong was attracted by his actions, looking at his bloody hands, he felt the same way. After so many experiences, his hostility to Ling Tian has become much smaller.

Yun Cong did not stop Ling Tian’s self-harm. He knew that the kind of grief a man felt when he was sad would not get better because of other people’s persuasion. Sometimes venting can calm his mood. He can figure it out and look away. , Can find the direction of the next step, he has also experienced it.

Yun Cong did not choose to vent the accumulated depression in his heart in the same way as Ling Tian, because he was used to living in the sect since he was a child, and there were too many trivial annoying things. As Xie Yaoyang’s big disciple, Yun Cong was placed with high hopes and shouldered heavier responsibilities than his peers. When dealing with sect affairs, he encountered countless confusions. From confusion to numbness, he gradually hid his thoughts in his heart. , Did not show it, only the superior and aggressive temperament did not change.

Therefore, when Ling Tian got tired and stopped there to catch his breath, Yun Cong slowly said, “Don’t blame yourself. If you continue like this, the tree will be interrupted by you. On the ice, then you’re too guilty."

Ling Tian ignored Yun Cong. Yun Cong was boring. He continued to say: "You are also really stupid. You are so stupid. You are affected by your parents. It is not only disrespectful, but also not cost-effective. If I were to use a sword, I would definitely use a sword. Chop, by the way, get two cylinders and roll them for fun."


Ling Tian snorted coldly. He originally wanted to say Yun Cong was boring, but after his jokes, his mind suddenly flashed: "En? Cylinder? Fuck?"

Ling Tian remembered that when he was in the dust-free valley, the sand eagle built a pavilion. When transporting the stone, he used wood to pad it. Several of them were laid in a row with a little gap. Then the stone was pushed up. People pushed the stone, and the wood was connected one by one. Roll one by one, and finally the stone was easily transported from the mining site to the terminal.

Thinking of this, Ling Tian couldn't help laughing. He nodded to Yuncong, and then said jokingly: "You are right, you should use a sword to cut it, and then roll it into a cylinder to play."

In this way, Ling Tian went to look for the big trees. Looking at his figure, Yun Cong was a little inexplicable. He shouted, "Hey, what are you going to do?"

"Chop the tree!" Ling Tian didn't turn his head back. He walked away from the canyon. Seeing him go further and further away, Yun Cong finally couldn't help but follow him. He walked and rushed at him incomprehensibly. Roared: "Are you mentally sick? I'm joking with you, don't take it seriously."

"I'm not kidding." Ling Tian stopped, he turned around and looked at Yun Cong who had caught up with him, with a serious expression on his face.

"Ahem, what are you doing?" Yun Cong found that Ling Tian did not seem to be joking, but he didn't know what medicine was in his gourd

"I'm going to make a wheel." Ling Tian replied briefly and walked out. Yun Cong continued to follow. He felt as if he had guessed Ling Tian's thoughts, but he was not sure.

"What are you doing with wheels?" Yun Cong kept asking in order to prove his idea.

"Transport the ice cubes." Thinking that the big ice cubes might be hidden, Ling Tian's heart was a little more settled. He couldn't rescue Sand Eagle, but he must protect the ice cubes and not let others disturb him.

"Ah, are you crazy?" Yun Cong was startled, such a big guy, it's not that you can move it, Ling Tian is really crazy, he dares to think about everything, he feels that his brain is not enough. Up.

"I'm not crazy. As long as I prepare enough big logs, I can push the ice into the Grand Canyon and hide it. Then we can leave with peace of mind." The current situation is not optimistic. It will be a matter of time before leaving, otherwise Staying here, it is estimated that he will starve to death in a few days. Ling Tian understands this situation, and he naturally strengthens the thoughts in his heart.

"Okay, I hope you can succeed." Yun Cong didn't know whether to deny or agree with Ling Tian's statement. He knew that Ling Tian was right and it was necessary to leave. But there are too many of his relatives in the ice, and he doesn't want them to make any mistakes. Ling Tian can get the ice into the canyon and hide it, of course he would like to see it, but he also knows the difficulties, and his reason tells The possibility of his success in Ling Tian is very small, and he does not hold much hope for this.

"What is'hope I can succeed'?" Ling Tian gave Yun Cong a blank look. He was a little speechless. Yun Cong could not help but correct his face when he said something like this. "It sounds like it doesn't matter to you, then There are your Master, Master, Master Uncle, and many of your fellow students. Would you like to see them being taken away from life and die?"

"I didn't mean that." Yun Cong was flushed by Ling Tian's words, and he quickly defended: "Of course I don't want to see the master and their business, but you also know that the ice is so big, you can guarantee your way. Can it work?"

"No guarantee." Ling Tian didn't lie. He knew that although the method of using wood to make wheels and transporting materials could work in theory, he didn't know how it actually was. Because the ice cube is not those small stones, it is really too big, whether the wood can bear it, whether it can be transported away, Ling Tian hasn't tried it, and he has no idea.

"That's not enough." Yun Cong didn't want Ling Tian to underestimate him. Seeing Ling Tian let go, he blocked it all at once.

"What's the point? How can I know the result before trying? There is so much nonsense, hurry up and cut down the tree with me." Ling Tian didn't want to argue with Yun Cong anymore, he dragged Yun Cong to go further.

Half an hour later, Yun Cong looked at Ling Tian who was wandering under the big trees and said with some impatientness, "Have you chosen? It took you two quarters of an hour to choose, and then you only choose one place. One, and you're still picking it up, when are you going to get it?"

"It's going to be done soon." Ling Tian didn't care, he was choosing the kind of tree that was bigger and more marginal, so that if someone came here in the future, it would not be easy for them to find those traces.

In this way, Ling Tian and Yun Cong chopped one tree here and one tree there. It took almost five days. They patronized a few tens of miles around. Every big tree, and it grows in those inconspicuous places, Ling Tian Tianhui cut it down and carried it back to the Grand Canyon with Yun Cong.

This is the deep part of the virgin forest. There is no shortage of big trees here. Many trees have grown for more than a thousand years. Lingtian has chosen large ones, so the smallest trees are one meter in diameter, and the largest is less than two meters in diameter. It can't be shipped back. Even so, Ling Tian and Yun Cong were tired like dogs, and they moved back nearly a thousand big trees in five days. Ling Tian and the others had never thought about this terrifying number before.

The diameter of the big tree is enough, but the big ice block is a kilometer in radius and is not wide enough. Ling Tian and Yun Cong can only splice the big trees one by one, and then spread them all the way from under the ice block to the Grand Canyon. The spacing between each big tree is about one meter.

Due to the low location of the Grand Canyon, after paved with logs, coupled with Ling Tian and others' trimming, naturally formed a slope that is conducive to transportation. In this way, the first step of transporting ice cubes has been completed.

Seeing the preliminary completion of the project, Yun Cong was lying on the ground with a piece of grass in his mouth. Without raising his head, he said to Ling Tian who was sleeping next to him: "Whoo, I'm exhausted, this sleeper has already been laid. What do you do next? How do you push that big ice block onto the sleeper? How do you let it slide into the Grand Canyon?"

"Stone it!"

"Ah, hit with a stone?"


"How to smash?"