Angry Sword Frenzy Immortal

Chapter 94: dream


It is not surprising to say that they are two humanoid creatures, because although these two guys look like humans, they are hairy and dark, and they can't see the color of flesh at all. Moreover, those thick thighs, different soles and palms, look like claws, even if they are humans, they are also savages.

The two savages fell down and feasted, Ling Tian and Yun Cong were worried, Yun Cong vented for a while and calmed down. He looked at Ling Tian who was sitting on the rock in a daze, and asked helplessly: "What should I do now? "

"Take this to roast and eat." Ling Tian handed Yun Cong a small piece of dried meat he was holding. Yun Cong reached out and took it. He looked at the meat in his hand and asked doubtfully: "Where did it come from? ?"

"I just took it out and was preparing to roast. It was still lighting up the fire. I heard a strange noise and chased it out. I kept holding this meat in my hand. You are also hungry. You can roast it." Ling Tian explained and closed With his eyes closed, Yun Cong looked at him with dry lips. He couldn't help but ask, "What about you?"

"I'm not hungry." Ling Tian didn't open his eyes. He was dozing in a fake sleep, trying his best to resist the hungry sex. The meat was held up to the temperature by him. He just didn't hide it privately. After some entanglement, he gave it to Yun. Satoshi.

Feeling the temperature of that little piece of meat, Yun Cong could naturally understand Ling Tian's mood. Although he didn't want to eat it, he couldn't resist the attack of hunger. Yun Cong paused. He suddenly became cruel. He directly used a sword to pierce the meat and roast it on the fire. Now that there is no condiments, he can still simply roast the meat.

After a while, the meat was dripping with oil continuously, and Yun Cong learned the way it was before Ling Tian, tumbling for a while, and it was almost half-baked. Without waiting for the meat to cool down, and without giving Ling Tian, Yun Cong started chewing bit by bite, and while eating, he said, “I’ll eat this meat first. I’ll find food for you at dawn tomorrow. ."

"En." Ling Tian closed his eyes and nodded.

This night was very difficult. Tiredness and hunger attacked Ling Tian. In order not to think about it, Ling Tian forced himself to sleep. What Ling Tian didn't expect was that he found himself in a manor in a daze. He saw a kid who was somewhat similar to him. The kid was very naughty. He jumped up and down in the manor, everywhere. Make troubles and make trouble in the manor.

However, although the little guy is naughty, the people in the manor do not dislike him. His identity seems to be extremely noble, and many people call him the little master.

Ling Tianwei followed the young master, he realized that he could not see him, and the others were the same, they all passed by him, he seemed to be like air. Just when Ling Tian was puzzled, a woman's voice came from the room:

"My God, it's dark outside, come in quickly, my mother will cook delicious food for you."

"Come, mother." The little guy cheered. He wondered what the woman had cooked for him. He bounced all the way while thinking about it. The servant who followed three or two steps into the house, Ling Tian followed. Also walked in behind.

At this time, Ling Tian found out that the house was extremely luxurious, with high-silver roof tiles, majestic grandeur, ancient wooden furniture, and gold, silver and jewels, everything. This is not a place for ordinary people. The owner of the house is very particular. Seeing the woman sitting in front of the case in the house, Ling Tian had the answer in his heart.

I saw the woman with thick eyebrows and cinnabar, her black hair curled up with gold hairpins, two strings of pearl earrings on both sides, a fair face, standard facial features, a slender waist, and she was wearing a silk jacket, which fits this room.

"Mother, what are you cooking?" The little guy interrupted Ling Tian's thoughts. He stood on tiptoe, looked at the Melting Ear in the bowl and asked the woman.

"Your favorite white fungus porridge." The woman said lovingly, and while she said, she also took a small spoonful, put it in her mouth and blew it, and then delivered it to the little guy's mouth.

Seeing the woman's movements, Ling Tian suddenly felt extremely familiar, but he just couldn't remember where he had seen it. He turned his eyes to the little guy, and the little guy took a bite and was enjoying it.

"My mother is really good." The little guy pursed his mouth and flattered as he finished eating. At this moment, there was a commotion outside the house, and the sound of weapons exchanges was endless. The woman frowned, and he said to a servant: "Fu, go and see."

"Yes, ma'am." Ah Fu turned around and walked out. Seeing Ah Fu's disappearing figure, the little guy asked puzzledly: "Mother, why is it so noisy outside?"

"It is estimated that someone is acting." The woman made a random prevarication.

"Acting? Who is it?" The little guy's eyes rolled around, his eyes staring outside.

"I don't know." The woman had a bad premonition in her heart, but Fubo hadn't come back, so she couldn't go out directly.

The little guy was very curious when he couldn't see the outside scene. He grabbed the corner of the woman's clothes and shouted, "Mother, let's go and see."

"No, I won't be able to take you to see it until your Fu Bo returns." The woman's heart became more and more disturbed. A Fu had been out for a few minutes, but before seeing her back, she was almost unable to sit in the chair.


The little guy curled his lips and said dissatisfied: "Mother won't take me, I'll go by myself!"

With that, the little guy ran out, and the woman was very anxious. She stood up and shouted: "Tian'er back!"

But where is the little guy obedient, he continued to run out, and soon reached the door, but without waiting for him to continue forward, Ah Fu, who had gone out to check the situation before, went back, but he lost his previous glory and is now covered with blood. He plunged into the house and frightened the little guy.


The little guy took a step back and sat on the ground, looking at Ah Fu in horror. The woman also came to the little guy, and while supporting him, she asked Ah Fu in shock, "A Fu ,What happened to you?"

Ah Fu stretched out his bloody fingers and said in a weak voice, "Madam, run!"

The woman was stunned, and she didn't react for a while. At this moment when she hesitated, a black shadow floated into the room. When the woman was too late to make any movements, a cold knife was aimed at her. throat. Feeling the sharp light of the sword, looking at the man in black with the mask, the woman was a little confused. She couldn't understand why someone dared to break into the world's first village and succeeded.

The man in black doesn't care what the woman thinks, his voice hoarse: "Where is the blood?"

"What kind of blood?" The woman pretended not to know.

"Hmph, play less garlic, otherwise I will kill him!" The man in black grabbed the little guy by the neck and lifted him up in the air. The little guy was breathless, his little cheek flushed red. The feet are also kicking in the air.

"Don't mess around, let him go!" The woman was shocked, she didn't want to see something wrong with the little guy.

"It's okay to let him go, say, where is the blood dripping?" Not only did the man in black not let go of the little guy, his big hands also worked harder, and the little guy was really squeezed and almost suffocated this time. Seeing the situation of the little guy, the woman was distraught. She knew that if the blood was not revealed, the little guy would be dead or alive. She did not hesitate and said guiltily: "In the library of books..."

The woman's words are not over yet, I can only hear


The sound of the air being pierced sounded, and a purple sword light from outside to inside shot into the body of the man in black in an instant. When the man in black was startled, he felt the pain and immediately loosened his grip on the little guy’s neck. The hand and the big knife aimed at the woman's throat also missed the position, the little guy fell to the ground, and the woman hurriedly hugged him and ran out.

The woman ran a few steps, and a figure formed in front of her, but it was a white-robed man. After the white-robed man appeared, he didn't talk nonsense, and immediately took her hand and ran out.

However, they only ran a few steps, and the man in black who had been shot by the sword light reacted. He turned around, swiping a sword out, and a sword struck both of them, and the woman fell down instantly. The man took the little guy in her arms and disappeared.

Ling Tian saw it very clearly. The white-robed man was too familiar with him. He was the one he thought about day and night. She couldn't help shouting, "Father!"

"You have a dream!"