Anti-Cheater Strategies

Chapter 52: Beauty in a Vase (16)


Gu Yao pursed his lips tightly, stared at Su Chunchun with a calm expression, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pull her over, with suppressed anger in his eyes, "We've only met a few times, and you hate me so much? If it's because of what happened that day, I apologize to you."

Su Chunchun looked at him calmly for a long while, then said slowly, "I don't know that you pretend to like me in order to get something from me, but now, I have nothing to do with Gu Xiao, you don't need to waste time with me …”

"Do you think I'm lying to you? I even want to use you to deal with Gu Xiao?" Gu Yao hurriedly stood up with an ugly expression.

Su Chunchun didn't speak, but just looked at him, the meaning was self-evident.

Just then, the lights in the emergency room went out! Su Chunchun no longer had the mentality to think about Gu Yao, and rushed to meet the doctor, "Doctor, how is he?"

The doctor shook his head, "We have tried our best to save his life, but...whether he can wake up, and when he wakes up depends on him."

Su Chunchun lowered her hand with a dull expression. Looking at Chu Yanzhi who had been transferred to the ward with her eyes tightly closed, she felt a little haggard, and the successive emergencies made her a little physically and mentally exhausted.

On the one side, Gu Yao's face turned pale with anger, but at this moment he obviously wanted to get angry but he was worried about Su Chunchun and held it back. He just stepped forward to comfort her, but she avoided him.

With stiff hands, he said dryly, "Even if you want to take care of him, you have to take care of yourself first."

Su Chunchun didn't pay attention to him, she just sat quietly by the bed, obviously because of the overnight watch, Gu Yao's cold expression changed slightly.

[When I confessed, no one ever doubted my sincerity. However, once the seeds of doubt are planted, I feel that everything is full of illusions.]

[Then what will the host do next?]

Gu Yao looked at Su Chunchun and narrowed his eyes slightly, [Is there a bottle of truth-changing potion in the mall?]

[True exchange potion, priced at 599 points, after taking it, it can guarantee the host’s sincerity of emotion, complete body and spirit, and exchange the truth for the truth. But correspondingly, the characters will be completely devoted to the setting, and the host will temporarily forget his identity as a raider. Do you want to buy?]

[Exchanging the truth for the truth, becoming the real Gu Yao, will be exchanged for the real love of the heroine.] Gu Yao paused, [Confirm the purchase.]

[Di—after deducting 599 points, the host will get a bottle of truth-changing agent, and the host can choose the time to take it.]

Gu Yao nodded, then paused, [How is the matter with Chu Yanzhi's manager?]

[It has been done, and it is expected that news of his manager absconding with money will appear tomorrow morning.]

[I remember that Chu Yanzhi was an orphan in the script, right? This is just right, isn't Chu Yanzhi going to pay off the debt for the heroine? Tomorrow morning, I want to take a look at one who is unconscious and relies on medical equipment all day long; the other is penniless and owes Gu Xiao a whole body of debt... At that time, who else can help her besides me?]

Gu Yao walked out with a heavy expression on his face, then turned back, took a look at Su Chunchun, took a blanket and threw it to her, and sat on the sofa with his head propped up. After he had arranged everything, he chose to take the truth-changing potion, and when he woke up early tomorrow morning, he would be Gu Yao who had completely devoted himself to the identity of the setter.

Su Chunchun glanced sideways at Gu Yao who was resting on the sofa with his head half propped up and his eyes closed. Because there was no systematic appearance at the beginning, she couldn't fully understand his true character, and naturally she couldn't make the real him fall in love with him. .

Therefore, she pretended to doubt his sincerity, just to persecute him.

As long as he has a point of truth, she can turn him into a point!

Real for real? Then, when the time comes to take back your memory, you will find that even without the truth-changing agent, you have already surrendered your sincerity!

The next day, Su Chunchun slowly opened her eyes, and found that she was lying on the sofa, covered with yesterday's blanket.

She remembered that she fell asleep lying next to Chu Yanzhi's bed last night, so now... She looked around, Chu Yanzhi was still sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed, but Gu Yao was gone. He must have carried himself here to rest.

Su Chunchun got up and went to the bathroom to take care of herself a bit, looked at her pale and haggard face in the mirror, and then returned to the ward satisfied. After all, according to Jia Yaoyao, from today onwards, she will be penniless and in debt, and she will have to take care of an unconscious patient.

After a while, there was a knock on the door of the ward. Who would come here now

Su Chunchun followed her reputation, and saw a middle-aged woman with delicate makeup, "Hello, is this Miss Su Chunchun?"

Su Chunchun stood up, nodded with some doubts, "I am, who are you?"

"I'm Mr. Gu's client. Regarding the arrears that Ms. Su should pay and Mr. Chu's liquidated damages, I'm sorry that we haven't been able to contact Mr. Chu's agent, so we had to find Ms. Su."

Su Chunchun somewhat understood that the person in front of him should be here to ask for a debt, but Gu Xiao would never ask someone to do this kind of thing. As for who sent him, Su Chunchun didn't care.

Her expression became lighter, "I see, I will pay back the money."

The middle-aged woman raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard the words, "Miss Su may not know that Mr. Chu's agent has already left with all his money in the news this morning."

"What?" Su Chunchun's eyes widened, and her face turned pale in an instant.

"Mr. Chu's current appearance, I am really worried that Ms. Su will not be able to repay the amount."

"Reassure Gu Xiao, I will pay back the money." Su Chunchun said every word with dry voice.

"That's good. This is the amount of liquidated damages. Miss Su, please deposit the liquidated damages into the following account within today." The middle-aged woman handed over a document.

"Today?" Su Chunchun looked at Chu Yanzhi, who was unconscious on the bed, and gritted his teeth, "Can we wait for two days..."

"Sorry, I'm just following the orders above..." Before the middle-aged woman could finish her formulaic words, a sarcasm suddenly sounded outside the door and interrupted him.

"Is Gu Xiao so poor that he wants to ask his ex for money?"

Gu Yao stood at the door in a light gray overcoat, with a packed breakfast in his hand. The handsome face, which was exactly the same as Gu Xiao's, became cold and stern, and his aura was equally frightening.

The middle-aged woman trembled a little from his sharp gaze, and forced a smile.

Gu Yao didn't even look at her, and walked over directly, and handed the breakfast in his hand to Su Chunchun, with a flattering tone, "You didn't eat early in the morning, are you hungry? Sit over there and eat this first, and I'll take care of it here."

Su Chunchun was a little surprised that Gu Yao would speak in such a tone. What else she wanted to say was stopped by his gentle gaze, "Go."

For a while, she couldn't react to Gu Yao's sudden change, but walked to the side with a dazed look and sat down.

Seeing Su Chunchun's rarely obedient appearance, Gu Yao couldn't help but feel better. Only then did he turn to the middle-aged woman, his eyes instantly turned extremely cold.