
Chapter 1



Cheng Ke sat on the steps beside the road, facing the north wind, took out a cigarette from his pocket and held it in his mouth.

This was the last word he heard before he left the house. It should be Dad... No, it should be the last comment from the whole family on him.


Cheng Ke nodded, feeling that this evaluation was very pertinent.

After bowing his head, wrapping his arms around his face, pulling his jacket to cover his face, and turning around in the wind, he failed to light the cigarette in his mouth, so he threw the lighter into the grass by the roadside.

"Fuck you." Cheng Ke said.

Waste that can't even light a cigarette.

However, cigarettes are still important. After all, a useless waste like him has not been able to quit smoking for two years, and it is even more impossible to quit smoking at this time.

Cheng Ke looked at the grass where the lighter disappeared.

Withered grass is a bit dense.

Unknown shrubs are also planted.

He imagined himself squatting there and touching something inexplicable...

Cheng Ke looked around, there were quite a lot of people in this meeting, and the people who came and went hurriedly walked through the yellow leaves swept up by the wind.

He has always been idle, and he has never experienced this state of walking on the road without even having time to glance at people.

Five minutes later, he finally made eye contact with a young man who had just thrown out his cigarette butt for half a second.

"Dude," Cheng Ke stopped him, "borrow a fire."

"Oh." The young man took out a lighter.





The young man focused on pressing the lighter, Cheng Ke quietly drank the cigarette, held his breath and waited.

Just when he felt that he was about to hold back, the lighter's head flew out with a click.

Cheng Ke raised his eyes and looked at the young man.

"No... I'm sorry," the young man was very embarrassed, "I just lit a cigarette and it was fine."

"It's hard work," Cheng Ke nodded and took two breaths, "Thank you."

The young man left quickly, and Cheng Ke put the cigarette back in his pocket.

By the way, I took two more handfuls in my pocket, making sure that I had nothing else in my pocket besides this pack of cigarettes.

Mobile phones, wallets, all stayed at home along with the sound of "waste".

A place I probably will never go back to.

He walked back to the grass and stood there, looking inside for a while through the dead grass and bushes. He didn't see the lighter he had thrown in before, but only two balls of tissue paper.

He turned around and walked over to a small supermarket next to him.

Cheng Ke is not a big smoker, but he is so strange. He has cigarettes and a lighter at hand. He may not touch it once a day, but once he can't smoke when he wants to, he can't bear it like he has some kind of illness. .

"Good evening." The little girl at the cashier said hello.

"Good evening." Cheng Ke walked over and took out one of the two rows of lighters on the cashier counter.

Before the little girl could react and ask him if he wanted to buy it, he had already completed a series of actions of lighting the cigarette and putting the lighter back in place, then pushed the door and walked out.

Flowing clouds and water.

The most cheeky operation in my life was completed so smoothly.

After sitting on the iron chair on the street and smoking a cigarette, Cheng Ke stood up and sighed through the chill from his butt to his lower back.

He glanced at his watch, it was past nine o'clock.

He didn't have the habit of wearing a watch. This Jaeger-LeCoultre piece was given to him by Cheng Yi last month. He was surprised, thinking that maybe this was the beginning of the relaxation of the relationship between the two brothers, so he kept wearing it.

He just didn't expect that there would be more unexpected things waiting for him. After a month, he was kicked out of the house by his father himself.

And his previous thought should just be an embarrassing misunderstanding.

There is a lot of credit for Cheng Yi here, and how much of the blame is on him. He didn't think about it, and he didn't plan to think about it again. He didn't even ask what was going on.

Like Dad said.

You haven't even used a sentence why you don't know where to ask!



He was not interested in business matters, so he had to force him to do it together with Cheng Yi. He felt that he was no different from a janitor in front of Cheng Yi, that is, he just wanted to make his father look better after so many years of waste.

He really didn't know where to start, he was just surprised.

Compared with what happened to this matter, there is nothing in my body now, and where to stay is the more urgent thing to know the answer.

Cheng Ke walked along the road. Liu Tiancheng should be in the store at the moment. It's not too far from here. It only takes one hour to stroll around.

After walking for a while, the wind picked up, the people on the street began to become sparse, and the feasting on both sides of the road began.

A short horn sounded from behind.

Cheng Ke didn't look back and continued walking. A red sports car drove past him and stopped two or three meters in front of him.

It's Cheng Yi's Maybach.

He has been driving this car for a while, and almost lost the driver to his job, so he is very familiar with this car. He doesn't need to listen to the engine or look at the license plate. He can tell by smelling the exhaust that he feels a little suffocated.

The co-driver's window was down, and Cheng Yi's face stuck out: "Where are you going?"

"Heaven." Cheng Ke replied, and then walked forward.

"I'll take you off?" Cheng Yi said.

"Don't be too confident," Cheng Ke stopped, "maybe you are going down?"

"It doesn't matter," Cheng Yi smiled and handed out a wallet from the car window, "Here, you're home."

Cheng Ke didn't speak, he reached out and took the wallet.

Only wallet, no cell phone.

"Your phone is in the house, I didn't go in." Cheng Yi said.

"Oh," Cheng Ke glanced at him, "then I walked out of the house by myself with my wallet, right?"

"The wallet was taken from the coat you put in the living room," Cheng Yi said. "Tell me what else do you need, and I'll accompany you to get it when Dad is not at home."

This is quite thoughtful, Cheng Ke couldn't help but want to sneer, but he couldn't laugh when he hooked the corner of his mouth.

"Just find a hostel and stay first," Cheng Yi looked at him, still smiling, but his eyes were a little cold, "your unpromising wine and meat friends, no one dares to take you in at this moment."

Cheng Ke still didn't speak and looked at him.

"Start from scratch," Cheng Yi said, "don't rely on your family for everything."

Cheng Ke continued to be silent. This time, he really couldn't say anything. Besides Dad, who in this family "started from scratch"? He couldn't understand Cheng Yi's stance in saying this to him seriously.

"Drive." Cheng Yi said to the driver and closed the window.

Cheng Ke couldn't tell how he was feeling at the moment. He stared at the direction the car was driving away for a long time, and then lowered his head and opened his wallet.

ID card.

Cheng Ke frowned.

Apart from that, there is no other similar shape, and all his free membership cards and bank cards and credit cards are all gone.

"Brilliant." Cheng Ke turned over the interlayer again.

When Cheng Yi asked him to find a hostel before, he only thought that Cheng Yi was hurting him, but now he only reacted when he saw the money in the mezzanine.

Cheng Yi was telling the truth.

One hundred dollars.

The guest houses are estimated to be in the remote areas of Datongpu.

Moreover, he usually has no cash in his wallet, and the hundred yuan was specially put in by Cheng Yi.

Cheng Ke pinched out the red note and could clearly see his fingers shaking, probably angry.

He could still feel that all his previous dazed emotions began to gather little by little when he saw this hundred-yuan bill, starting from his fingertips and slowly spreading to his whole body.

This kind of anger never appeared when he was tricked by his own younger brother, kicked out of the house by his own father, told that his friends would not take him in, and even when he wanted to smoke and the lighter disappeared.

Now, he was quickly slapped by this humiliation with a victorious attitude.

"Fuck!" Cheng Ke gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice, smashing the things in his hand into the trash can next to him.

Every time he threw something into the trash can, as long as the distance was more than one meter, he basically had to throw it a second time. Now, at a distance of two or three meters, the wallet accurately flew into the trash can.

Only the one hundred dollar bill fell to the ground.

Cheng Ke walked over, picked up the money, grabbed a handful, and threw it in again, making his arm hurt a little.

Then he turned and walked down the road.

After walking all the way to the intersection, Cheng Ke stopped when he saw the green pedestrian crossing light in front of him.

His original plan was to go to Liu Tiancheng's place first, but now it should be impossible.

He believed Cheng Yi's words. If he could get him out of the house, then it would not be a big deal for Cheng Yi to cut him off.

He doesn't have any particularly sincere friends, they are all people he knows by eating, drinking, and having fun. Most of these relationships are based on constant eating, drinking, and having fun. For someone like him who doesn't want to play, even such friends are not strong.

Therefore, he should be as Cheng Yi wished, and there is nowhere to go.


Cheng Ke stared at the red light across the road for a long time, finally sighed, turned around and walked back along the road.

Gotta have a place to stay tonight and figure it out tomorrow.

One hundred yuan can be a little urgent anyway.

Gotta get it back.

The trash can is a large green square bucket.

Two, side by side.

The lid that was opened before has now been covered by an excellent citizen from nowhere.

The body of the barrel gorgeously reflected the neon lights of the bar across the street, making it very distinctive, and the posture of the little white man printed on it looked like he was playing a disc.

Cheng Ke stood for a while without moving.

One is that someone passes by.

The second is that he never thought that one day he would pick up the garbage, and he was struggling very hard.

The third is that he forgot which bucket he threw his wallet and money into, whether he threw them into one bucket or into two buckets separately.

your uncle.

Finally, he randomly picked the one on the left, walked over and lifted the lid carefully with his fingertips, and took a look inside.

The trash can was not full, and I couldn't see what was there, but a trash can that looked clean on the outside, but it still smelled bad when it got close.

Cheng Ke raised his left hand, put it down, raised his right hand, and put it down again.

After repeating these two movements again, he stopped, feeling that his breathing was a little short, his eyes were swollen and uncomfortable, and he could even clearly count the number of times the blood vessel on the temple was beating.

The anger that had already been dispersed because he was about to dig out the trash can, at this moment, went straight to the top of his head as if it had exploded.

Cheng Ke took a step back and kicked the trash can.

The "Tom" sounded very relieved, and the garbage in the bucket also cooperated very well, and it was spread out.

Broken packaging bags, waste newspapers, fast food boxes dripping with soup, skewers with meat... Cheng Ke was trying to concentrate and look at the wallet and the hundred-yuan bill from a distance. All of a sudden, all his hair stood up.

Rat spider snake, the three things he is most afraid of.


Before he could back away in disgust, a shadow suddenly popped out of the darkness over the barrel. Cheng Ke didn't even see what it was, and was already punched heavily in the face.


is an individual.

The punch that jumped directly from the garbage end was very heavy, and Cheng Ke, who was completely unprepared, didn't recover for at least three seconds.

From childhood to adulthood, except for training in the gym, this is the first time he was punched in the face without protective gear, or in the street.

"Are you sick!" Cheng Ke roared after turning his head to see the man clearly, this was the first reaction in his mind, he had encountered a neuropathy.

"Are you sick?" the man yelled almost at the same time as him.

The pain on Cheng Ke's face just started to wake up now, he almost thought it was too painful and he had hallucinations: "Ah?"

"Who the hell kicked you?" the man glared at him.

"I kicked..." Cheng Ke finally came to his senses, and the anger that had deserted his chest immediately returned to his chest, "I'm fucking kicking your relatives, sorry!"

The man didn't speak, just raised his leg and kicked him.

He pushed and kicked with a powerful kick, but at first glance it was a self-taught wild way. Under the circumstance that Cheng Ke was on guard, he easily avoided this kick and swiped a left punch on the man's chin.

The man shook and stopped in place.

Okay, the stakes are very stable.

Cheng Ke quickly looked up and down the man in front of him by the instant the neon light flashed green.

He is quite tall and wears a ski cap, which is pulled down very low. Because his face is green, red and yellow, he can't see what it looks like. He can see a scar under his left temple extending to his ear. .

Just punch this scar, this person can't be anything funny.

Cheng Ke took this person out of the sick group and put it in the rogue group.

But thinking about it, I still think it should be put back.

After all, in the current weather, many people are wearing down jackets, and this person is only wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt.

Looking cold, Cheng Ke almost couldn't bear to beat him.

But the knife scar was very bearable, and without waiting for him to sweep his eyes from head to toe, he kicked one leg over, Cheng Ke didn't hide, the kick was very high, and he put his arm on the man He pushed his leg aside, and then slashed with a knife against the inner side of his thigh.

"Fuck!" he growled.

"Fuck." Cheng Ke frowned, this man was okay, but he didn't fall.

When Scar wanted to kick him again, Cheng Ke pointed at him: "It's over, isn't it? Is this your fucking trash can?"

"Whose trash can you take care of?" Knife Scar also pointed at him, "Why don't you tell me who's trash you don't turn over?"

"Your uncle!" The words that Cheng Ke squeezed out of his teeth could feel like a blade.

Originally, there was nowhere to put the fire in his stomach, but this sentence suddenly made him explode, and he rushed towards the scar.

Scar also punched over very simply.

The next fight was out of order, even though Cheng Ke knew in his mind that every technical move he had gone astray, but based on the emotion of letting out his anger, he was still in a mess when he shot.

At this time, he also found that he still underestimated the scar, the wild way is right, but the shot is ruthless, strong enough, lock, twist, split, from his point of view, no action is standard, but Not a single action was in vain.

Cheng Ke didn't know which action ignited his fighting spirit, and he used a move comparable to Scar, and in an instant, the two of them changed from a rather dashing punch to a wrestling.

It was not until the continuous sound of horns came from behind that Cheng Ke suddenly came back to his senses.

Now he doesn't care whether there are passers-by watching, or whether the police will come or not. The only thing he has is that he can't let Cheng Yi see it.

He shoved the scar away sharply and looked back.

My heart was tensed at first, and then it was loosened again after I saw it clearly. It was a white Range Rover.

Then there was a sudden burst of unpleasantness, and he actually became like this within two hours

A man jumped out of the car, and pointed at him with something I didn't know whether it was an iron rod or a wooden rod: "You fucking seek death!"

"I'm fucking looking for you." Cheng Ke looked at him.

"What nonsense," Scar said in a cold voice beside him, "Where are my clothes."

"Oh." The man with the stick glared at Cheng Ke again, grabbed a coat from the car window and threw it at Scar, "What's going on? I'll call a few people..."

"Go get the cat out," Scar interrupted, turning to look at the trash can, "Fuck!"

Cheng Ke also took a look, and was suddenly disgusted, he took off his jacket with the wind, shaking frantically.

The trash can that was kicked over, I don't know when it has been separated from its head, and it has been crushed and deformed.

Cheng Ke didn't want to remember how he could still roll into the trash can after a fight.

"Mimi?" Scar didn't pay much attention to it. He put his hands on the ground, leaned down and turned his head to look at the trash can, "Miaomiao? Mi~mi~mow~"

Cheng Ke wiped the corner of his mouth and looked at him in shock.

"Mi..." The one with the stick also lay down and wanted to call, but was interrupted by a knife scar as soon as he opened his head.

"Go get it," said Scar.

He nodded, and without any hesitation, leaned over with hands and arms and reached into the overturned and deformed trash can.

Then fumble for a while.

When Cheng Ke felt that the river was turning over in his stomach, he withdrew his arm, and there was a fist-sized kitten in his palm that was dirty and gray.

Cheng Ke was stunned for two seconds, then turned to leave.

After such a tossing, he no longer knew whether his monstrous anger was dissipated, whether he was distracted, or whether he was already covered up.

After walking out two steps, Scar's laughter came from behind: "Grandson, are you looking for this?"

Cheng Ke turned his head and followed Scar's finger down, and saw the hundred-yuan bill in a pile of rubbish.

His heart twitched, it hurt.

But in the end, he didn't speak, he turned his head and continued to walk forward. After walking a few steps, he suddenly felt very tired.

Tired of walking too fast.

The Range Rover drove past him and headed for the intersection. He stared at the butt of the car for a while, then turned around and started walking back.

You can't be brave at such a time, even if he is penniless tonight, he won't die on the street, but pick up a hundred yuan...

"Go back." Jiang Yuduo leaned his head against the passenger car window and said while wiping the cat's dirty hair with a wet tissue.

"What?" Chen Qing was stunned for a while, but he still stepped on the brakes and turned the front of the car, "Why are you going back?"

"Look at that person." Jiang Yuduo said.

"No," Chen Qing looked at him, "a homeless man, after you beat him up, you still go back and watch a fart?"

"Your homeless is dressed like that," Jiang Yuduo stretched out his hand and pulled Chen Qing's coat from the back seat, came over and put the cat bag back on the back seat, "Did you see that he was wearing a Jaeger-LeCoultre piece on his hand?"

"Jaeger-LeCoultre?" Chen Qing was at a loss, "A watch?"

"Well." Jiang Yuduo no longer wanted to speak.

"Okay," Chen Qing nodded, "As long as the third brother speaks, leave the rest to me, I'll go back and grab it."

Jiang Yuduo looked at him.

"Don't worry," Chen Qing also looked at him, "I'm taking the guy with me, and I'll be done with a smash, promise..."

"Shut up." Jiang Yuduo said.

The author has something to say:

This is a rich story o(≧口≦)o.

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