
Chapter 24


Before seeing it with his own eyes, even if Cheng Ke had already determined that Chen Qing was a black-box protector, he would never have imagined that he could be so weak.

Cheng Ke felt that these ten steps were extraordinarily long.

In these dozen or so steps, he saw Jiang Yuduo was hit with an elbow on the back, and he saw Jiang Yuduo's backhand hit the opponent's nose with the same elbow, and the nosebleed only splashed out when the man threw his head back. Yes, I also saw that Bakugo pulled a knife out of nowhere.

Although Cheng Ke didn't know much about the specific form of this kind of gang fight, he also knew that he couldn't use a knife easily.

But Jiang Yuduo's next move made Cheng Ke seem to understand how he got to the position of the boss.

Jiang Yuduo, who was facing the eight-handed sideways, didn't know which part of his eyes he saw the knife with.

The knife flew out of Baku's hand and landed on the ground beside him.

Cheng Ke only felt a sharp pain in his palm at this moment.

Baku didn't have a knife, and suddenly raised his elbow to Jiang Yuduo's shoulder and wanted to smash it down again. If he hit it, Jiang Yuduo would at least kneel on one knee. .

But before his elbow fell, Jiang Yuduo's elbow had hit his lower abdomen, and the eight-handed scream was squeezed out from the depths of the abdominal cavity, with layers of tearing pain.

The man Chen Qing was pedaling and fighting raised his foot to step on Chen Qing's stomach. Cheng Ke rushed there, kicked the man directly to the ground by inertia, and rolled out two or three meters.

On the other side, after the screaming scream, he temporarily lost his combat effectiveness, and the other rushed over and picked up the knife on the ground.

Cheng Ke was about to remind Jiang Yuduo to be careful, Jiang Yuduo had already stepped over, and when the man hadn't straightened up, his arms stretched over his shoulders and wrapped his arms around the man's chin.

"Jiang Yuduo!" Cheng Ke roared.

This action made him froze, the chill quickly rushed from the soles of his feet to his head, and his mind went blank.

Jiang Yuduo didn't seem to hear his voice. He pulled the man's chin and pushed his other hand on his other shoulder. The man suddenly spun around in the air like a spinning top. His face fell to the ground.

Cheng Ke rushed over, grabbed Jiang Yuduo's arm, and dragged him back two steps fiercely.

Jiang Yuduo turned his face at this moment and stared at him for a while: "I told you to run."

Cheng Ke wanted to say something, but he couldn't. Jiang Yuduo's eyes were as cold as his actions just now.

He turned his head and looked behind him again.

Bakugou lay on the ground clutching his stomach and groaning in pain, and the spinning top lay on the ground and struggled to pupate for two times before moving.

The person who was kicked down by Cheng Ke got up, and Chen Qing jumped up from the ground and hit him, knocking him to the ground again.

"You," Jiang Yuduo pointed to the one who had just been hit, "can you move?"

The man sat on the ground, hesitated for a while and then shook his head.

"No?" Jiang Yuduo tilted his head.

The man was stunned, then nodded quickly.

"Call and tell the people over there," Jiang Yuduo said, "I'll be there in five minutes. If they don't leave when I arrive, then don't leave today."

The man looked at Bakugo and Mantis, and took out his mobile phone.

"Go." Jiang Yuduo went over to pick up the bag that Cheng Ke had thrown aside, grabbed Cheng Ke's arm again, and led him to the road beside him.

"That person..." Cheng Ke was still a little worried, and turned to look at the person who was still lying on the ground.

"Just fainted," Jiang Yuduo turned to look at him, "Did you think I would break his neck?"

Cheng Ke frowned and said nothing.

"Impossible, the third brother has a lot on his hands," Chen Qing said while shaking his arms and legs behind him, "I haven't played a heavy hand on anyone for so many years."

Cheng Ke was speechless.

After walking down that path, Jiang Yuduo stopped and looked at Cheng Ke.

"I'm going home." Cheng Ke reached for the bag.

When he saw the blood on Jiang Yuduo's hand, he suddenly remembered Jiang Yuduo's empty-handed grab... No, the scene of empty-handed grabbing the white blade, suddenly felt that his hand was a little weak.

"Forget it," Jiang Yuduo moved the bag behind him, "follow me and take a taxi back later."

"This injury has to be dealt with," Cheng Ke said.

"Just go to Sister Qian's place and pack it." Jiang Yuduo said.

Cheng Ke's mind was quite confused at the moment, so he didn't say much, and continued to follow him.

Not long after crossing this road, they came to another small street that looked like twins with the street that Jiang Yu had seized.

It is also a variety of health and disfigurement homes and XX early childhood education, as well as breakfast shops and grocery stores.

Jiang Yuduo stopped in front of a door without a sign.

"It's over there." Chen Qing raised his chin forward.

Cheng Ke looked over there, and a few people with arms crossed were standing next to a telephone pole more than ten meters away. Those should be eight-handed people.

Jiang Yuduo glanced at them and entered this unbranded store.

"Go in," Chen Qing whispered beside Cheng Ke, "if they don't go in, they will dare to come and do it now."

Cheng Ke followed into the store.

This is a chess and card room, four or five card tables, a mahjong table was overturned, and mahjong was scattered all over the ground.

There were a few people inside, either sitting or standing, not playing cards.

Cheng Ke took a look. Some of them were supposed to be playing cards, and some were Jiang Yuduo's subordinates. He recognized Da Bin.

"Third Brother," Da Bin came over, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay." Jiang Yuduo said.

"How about the ones outside?" Da Bin asked.

"Go away," Jiang Yuduo said, "try not to do anything."

Dabin nodded and went out with a few little brothers.

"This matter really needs to be solved by the third child." said a man standing in the corner.

"Don't fucking fart here!" A woman's voice roared in a loud voice, "You're here for me and you don't want to fucking live!"

Cheng Ke was taken aback, only then did he see a woman standing at the door of the tea room.

He looks like he's in his early 40s, he's tall, and he should be pretty when he's young, but at first glance, he can tell that he's not very easy to mess with, the kind that can make you kneel.

This should be the owner of the house he rented, Lu Qian, Jiang Yuduo and the sister Qian they were talking about.

"I didn't..." the man wanted to argue.

"Get the money!" Lucy pointed at him, "Search for me, nothing left!"

"I didn't win money either!" the man shouted, "The third child! The third child! You can't let your sister be so unreasonable!"

"Qing'er," Jiang Yuduo said, "he said again, stripped him and threw him out."

"Okay." Chen Qing shook his neck and clicked.

The man lost his voice, and under the command of Lucy, several players in the room turned over all the money on him.

"I'll leave it here today," said Lucy. "Just play cards and have fun. Whoever dares to be unclean here with me, I'll make it difficult for your whole family!"

The man didn't say a word, just walked along the wall and wanted to go to the door.

"Did I let you go!" Lucy glared at him. "If I don't have you today, how can someone with eight slurs get me this way? You want to leave now? You think so beautifully!"

"Then what else am I going to do! Isn't there anything serious!" The man was very embarrassed, "Sister Qian, I'm also a regular guest..."

"You're playing with me when you're an old guest!" said Lucy. "My table is broken too! The chairs are also scattered!"

"I've got all my money there," said the man.

"This is your dirty win today, two yards!" said Lucy. "Send me the money before five o'clock tomorrow afternoon. If I don't see the money before five o'clock, you can try it."

To be honest, Cheng Ke had never seen such a scene. He was stunned the whole time until Lucy offered a price of 3,000, and the man left in an extremely unhappy manner.

The people in the room set up the table and chairs, and put the mahjong back on the table.

Chen Qing took a medicine box, cleaned up the wound on Jiang Yuduo's hand, and bandaged it. Cheng Ke felt that Chen Qing's bandaging technique was good, stronger than Jiang Yuduo's.

However, this injury was not as scary as Cheng Ke imagined. Jiang Yuduo didn't move his hand after grasping the knife, so the incision was not deep, but his squeamish platelets were not very good, and the blood flowed a little, and there were a lot of drops on the ground.

"Where else is it hurt?" Lu Qian asked Jiang Yuduo.

"No more." Jiang Yuduo said.

"Is this your friend?" Lucy looked at Cheng Ke again.

"Well, he is the one who rented your house," Jiang Yuduo said, "Cheng Ke."

Cheng Kechong nodded to Lucy, not knowing what to say, so he simply continued to be silent.

Lucy frowned: "Why did you bring in a serious person!"

"It wasn't intentional either," Chen Qing said beside him. "He came to pay the rent, and he was blocked by Baku when he went out."

"Basiao went to block you?" Lucy was a little surprised.

"It's all right," Jiang Yuduo said, "he won't dare to do anything in the future."

"Hurry up and send them back," Lucy waved, "don't stick around here."

"Well." Jiang Yuduo responded.

"Cheng Ke, right?" Lucy turned to look at Cheng Ke again, "Why are you still hanging out with them, and then pay the rent and let the third child come to collect it. Don't come here."

"Ah." Cheng Ke nodded.

"Where's your car?" Lucy looked at Chen Qing, "Send someone back."

"If you didn't drive over, your car came in and couldn't turn around." Chen Qing said.

"Do you drive an aircraft carrier? You don't know how to get out of the front if you can't turn around!" said Lucy.

"I'm going to drive the car over." Chen Qing sighed, turned and walked quickly to the door.

"Just take a taxi," Jiang Yuduo said, taking Cheng Ke's rent out of his pocket and handing it to Lu Qian, "Here."

"Take these, and give them to me next month," Lucy waved. "Let's go quickly, I'm dizzy when I look at all of you."

Only then did Cheng Ke notice that Da Bin's group had all returned at some point, and they were all blocked at the door.

After leaving the door, Jiang Yuduo let Da Bin and the others go away, and let Chen Qing go back first.

"You sent him alone?" Chen Qing asked.

"It doesn't make any difference if you follow," Jiang Yuduo said, "Didn't you go to work at four o'clock today?"

"...Okay." Chen Qing nodded and turned to leave.

Jiang Yuduo pointed to the other end of the road: "Go over there, it's the street, you can take a taxi."

"No more taxis." Cheng Ke said.

"Huh?" Jiang Yuduo looked at him.

"Will there be trouble?" Cheng Ke asked.

"No," Jiang Yuduo said, "I mainly see that you seem to be particularly reluctant to walk."

"Let's go," Cheng Ke pulled the zipper to his head and put his hat on his head, "I'll get motion sickness in the car at the moment."

"Okay." Jiang Yuduo said.

"Your hand..." Cheng Ke looked at his hand, the blood had already seeped out from under the gauze again, a few blood spots.

"It's okay," Jiang Yuduo raised his hand and looked at it, "I didn't feel any pain."

After walking on the street, he felt that the north wind was not in such a hurry, Cheng Ke took a deep breath with his back to the wind, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

But he didn't speak to Jiang Yuduo.

He didn't know why Jiang Yuduo was silent. Anyway, he hadn't spoken much from yesterday's meal until just now.

He didn't speak because he wanted to say too much, and his mind was full of the figures of Jiang Yuduo cleaning up those people neatly before, interspersed with the pictures of the general guardian riding a bicycle.

"That bazi," Cheng Ke asked after walking for a while, "Where is the injury? Broken bowel? Bladder ruptured?"

"...I don't know," Jiang Yuduo turned his head, "I don't use too much effort, don't help me here."

Cheng Ke smiled.

"Are you cold?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"Cold," Cheng Ke said, "but I don't want to take a taxi."

"I'm not asking you to take a taxi," Jiang Yuduo pointed to the front, "I'll treat you to something hot."

"What?" Cheng Ke looked forward to see a row of beautifully decorated shops, coffee, milk tea and desserts.

"Fresh ginger hits milk." Jiang Yuduo said.

"What hit what?" Cheng Ke was stunned, "Is it fresh ginger?"

"Well, bumping into the milk." Jiang Yuduo said.

Cheng Ke hesitated for a while, and followed Jiang Yuduo into a small shop. It sounded a little uncivilized, but he somehow wanted to try it.

In fact, fresh ginger was broken and mixed with milk.

It looks very simple and civilized, and it doesn't taste good at all.

"Try it." Jiang Yuduo handed him the cup with a look of anticipation.

Cheng Ke was too familiar with his appearance. Every time Jiang Yuduo asked him to taste something, he would have this look of anticipation, which looked very... childish and sincere.

Especially now, after Cheng Ke watched him turn people into a spinning top with indifferent eyes, the contrast is a bit strong.

So he took the cup and took a sip.

He doesn't like drinking milk tea, nor does he like to eat anything with ginger in it, let alone eating Jiang Mo directly, but in the face of Jiang Yuduo's eyes, he decides when he takes this sip, no matter how much. It was bad, he had to say it was good.

"How is it?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"Delicious," Cheng Ke replied. To his surprise, the answer was sincere. He took another sip. "Well, it is delicious."

"I don't like ginger," Jiang Yuduo took another cup and took a sip, "but I think this one is delicious and the ginger taste is not too strong."

"Yes." Cheng Ke nodded.

When they came out of the milk tea shop, they still had nothing to say, but the atmosphere was not as stiff as before.

When returning to the downstairs of the community, Cheng Ke hesitated for a while: "Would you like to go up and take a seat?"

Jiang Yuduo looked at him and said nothing.

"Then go back," Cheng Ke estimated that he was unwilling, and felt that it was a bit abrupt for him to ask this question. He turned around and walked towards the elevator, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Jiang Yuduo replied.

Cheng Ke didn't even want to turn his head back to this answer. After pressing the elevator button, he stared at the elevator door in a trance.

The elevator came down quickly, the door opened, and he walked in.

As soon as he turned around, he found that there was another person behind him, almost walking into the elevator next to him.

He was startled, hurriedly took a staggered step back, and when he looked over, he found that it was Jiang Yuduo.

"Fuck me?" Cheng Ke looked at him, "Didn't you leave?"

"Didn't you ask me to go up and sit down?" Jiang Yuduo pressed down the floor and glanced at him, "You are really slow, don't you feel that I have been standing behind you?"

"...No." Cheng Ke said.

"Someone really wants to attack you," Jiang Yuduo said, "you can't even stop a single move."

"Who will attack me when I'm okay?" Cheng Ke said.

After he finished speaking, he remembered Jiang Yuduo's previous words and the days when he wandered downstairs.

"Are you talking about them?" he asked.

"No." Jiang Yuduo said.

"Who is that?" Cheng Ke asked again.

"They're not here again these days," Jiang Yuduo didn't answer directly, "I'm still surprised."

Cheng Ke couldn't ask anymore, he could only be silent.

After entering the house, Jiang Yuduo took off his coat and looked around in the living room: "Is this a safe?"

"Which one?" Cheng Ke turned his head and saw him standing in front of the wine cabinet, "Whose safe is transparent? Who puts wine in the safe?"

"Oh, the wine cabinet, isn't it?" Jiang Yuduo bent down and looked at it, "Didn't I say, young master, don't you even put red wine here that doesn't cost 300 yuan?"

"Just take it from the supermarket," Cheng Ke laughed, "you know the price so well?"

"I don't know how expensive it is," Jiang Yuduo sat down on the sofa, "I'm familiar with supermarket goods. I go shopping every week."

Cheng Ke looked at him, and sometimes he thought Jiang Yuduo was a complicated person. Apart from his look of anticipation when recommending food, he couldn't compare Jiang Yuduo who went to the supermarket every week to buy food with a shopping cart. Jiang Yuduo, who was fighting with people on the street just now, was linked.

"I want to drink water." Jiang Yuduo said.

"Oh," Cheng Ke hurriedly took the cup and walked towards the drinking machine, "I forgot."

"I'm playing." Jiang Yuduo got up and followed.

"What are you playing?" Cheng Ke was stunned.

"This water dispenser," Jiang Yuduo took the cup, "did you screw the faucet?"

"Yes." Cheng Ke looked at him.

Jiang Yuduo put the cup under the faucet, turned on the water, and immediately bent over to open the door under the sink, looking in: "Oh, it's filtering from the machine below."

"Well." Cheng Ke responded.

It wasn't until the water was full that Jiang Yuduo closed the cabinet door and took a sip from the cup: "This is very convenient."

Cheng Ke looked at him and said nothing, and after a while he asked, "You asked me to teach you taekwondo that day?"

"Well," Jiang Yuduo nodded, "what's the matter?"

"It's nothing," Cheng Ke smiled, "I feel like I'm fighting, I can't beat you."

"I look down on me too much," Jiang Yuduo leaned against the pool, "I didn't take advantage of the last time we fought..."

"I mean fighting like this today." Cheng Ke said.

Jiang Yuduo took a sip of water and said nothing.

"Why did you let me run?" Cheng Ke asked. "And let me call the police? They are not your opponents."

"What if." Jiang Yuduo said.

"What in case?" Cheng Ke asked again.

"What if I can't beat him," Jiang Yuduo frowned, "I've never done anything with Baku before, he's not here."

Cheng Ke didn't know what was in his heart.

"If it weren't for you, I definitely wouldn't have called the police," Jiang Yuduo lit a cigarette and dipped in his mouth. "You're different from the rest of us."

"Oh." Cheng Ke sighed softly, and after thinking about it, he couldn't help but ask, "You... fights are always like this... "

"See who you meet." Jiang Yuduo said.

"I actually wanted to ask... Where did you learn those tricks?" Cheng Ke asked, many ordinary street gangsters have fought for a lifetime, but they may not be able to realize such skills.

Jiang Yuduo was silent for a while, then took a breath: "As far as I can remember, that's how we fought."

Cheng Ke felt that he couldn't take it anymore.

"Cheng Ke," Jiang Yuduo put down the cup, "I... just, I just wanted to ask."

"What do you want to ask again?" Cheng Ke felt helpless as soon as he heard his question.

"You yesterday," Jiang Yuduo cleared his throat, "are you angry?"

Cheng Ke breathed a sigh of relief after being stunned for two seconds: "Well, I didn't get angry yesterday, and I'm not not angry now."

"...Oh," Jiang Yuduo cleared his throat again and stood up straight with determination, "I'm sorry."

"Ah." Cheng Ke was stunned again.

"I really didn't want to say that you are disgusting. Chen Qing is such an idiot, and I have never been disgusted by him." Jiang Yuduo said, "I treat you as a friend."

Cheng Ke didn't quite understand the logic of his comparison with Chen Qing, but his heart moved slightly.

"A friend?" He looked at Jiang Yuduo.

"Well." Jiang Yuduo nodded, a lump of soot fell from the cigarette he was smoking, he took off the cigarette and nodded again.