
Chapter 44


Cheng Ke's question has always been "they", which is what Jiang Yuduo would avoid a little bit when he took the initiative to mention it to him, although Jiang Yuduo has deliberately stopped talking about it since the last fight.

Cheng Ke doubted whether Jiang Yuduo had a mental problem. When Chen Qing pointed at him and scolded him, he still had doubts, and there were too many doubts that could not be explained from his point of view.

It's just that he has always been reluctant to think about these things, especially when facing Jiang Yuduo, who still "has ideas" even now, he is even more reluctant to think about it.

When Jiang Yuduo did not answer his questions, he chose not to ask further questions.

But now Jiang Yuduo's protection beyond his cognition of "friends" has made him a little overwhelmed.

He thanked Lin Xu for not telling Xu Ding the real situation. Maybe Lin Xu felt inconvenient to tell, or maybe Lin Xu didn't know what to say at all, but at least he didn't need to explain to Xu Ding about him and Jiang Yuduo. What the hell happened.

Just like he didn't want to think about it, he was also afraid to explain, even when he was kicked out of the house, he didn't explain much.

After Cheng Ke asked, Jiang Yuduo didn't speak, just looked at him.

He is not in a hurry, he has a whole night to grind with Jiang Yuduo slowly, if Jiang Yuduo really can't give him a reason that he can understand... He is not sure that his "ideas" about Jiang Yuduo are still there. Can you support him.

He couldn't imagine what would have happened if he hadn't come out of the toilet just now.

If Jiang Yuduo fell into a madness like last time and didn't listen to him and let go.

The cup poked on Lin Xu's lateral neck artery, and Jiang Yuduo's murderous eyes, he was still afraid when he thought about it now.

"You should have seen them," Jiang Yuduo said softly, "but you don't necessarily know."

"For example?" Cheng Ke asked.

"You stood across the street that day," Jiang Yuduo said, "did you really see nothing? Your left."

This sentence made Cheng Ke feel a chill on his back. He remembered that Jiang Yuduo had asked him this question, but he didn't even know that he looked to the side, maybe it was just a random turn of his head.

"I really didn't see anything," Cheng Ke said. "Tell me, who are they?"

Jiang Yuduo frowned, and was silent for a long time before saying, "They have followed me for many years, and I can almost see them every day."

"Is it human?" Cheng Ke asked.

"Who?" Jiang Yuduo was stunned.

"Is the person following you?" Cheng Ke asked carefully, "or... a ghost?"

"You've watched too many ghost movies," Jiang Yuduo said, "of course it's human."

"Who are they?" Cheng Ke asked again, "How many are there?"

Jiang Yuduo hesitated for a moment, lowered his eyelids, and was silent for a while: "It's me... Mom and Dad."

Cheng Ke was stunned, thinking of the puppies Jiang Yuduo had mentioned before, and other puppies.

"You said it, you called them mom and dad..." Cheng Ke asked, "Is it a kiss?"

Jiang Yuduo still drooped his eyelids, his eyelashes trembled slightly: "I don't know."

do not know.

This answer was not perfunctory, Cheng Ke could see that Jiang Yuduo really didn't know, but this "don't know" made Cheng Ke very confused.

If this memory is so painful and scary, most people should answer no, not don't know.

This made him suddenly have a shuddering guess.

Cheng Ke didn't know how to ask anymore, he touched a cigarette, lit it, thought about it and handed it to Jiang Yuduo.

"Open the window." Jiang Yuduo took the cigarette.

Cheng Ke opened the skylight a crack, and the cold wind quickly poured in. His body seemed to wake up just now, and he found that he was freezing and his whole body was a little stiff.

But after taking a look at Jiang Yuduo, he didn't seem to feel anything, so he gritted his teeth and didn't show it, lest Jiang Yuduo take off his clothes again.

Cheng Ke lit a cigarette for himself again, and after half smoking he asked again, "Then your parents...why did you ask someone to follow you?"

Jiang Yuduo's fingers holding the cigarette trembled, and the ashes fell on his trousers.

He lowered his head and stared at the lump of soot for a while, then patted it twice.

"Because I ran away." Jiang Yuduo said.

Running away, it should be when he and Chen Qing first met, they escaped from somewhere

"Then you've been running for a long time," Cheng Ke said, "how can they still..."

"Those who can't escape," Jiang Yuduo interrupted him, speaking very fast, with an anxiety that can be heard in one ear, "They said that no matter where they run, they will be found, and they will be found. "

Cheng Ke didn't speak.

"So they found me," Jiang Yuduo lowered the car window, flicked the cigarette butt out, and turned his head to look at Cheng Ke, "They have been following me all the time."

"Is it your parents?" Cheng Ke asked, "The people who followed you."

"No, no," Jiang Yuduo shook his head irritably, "someone I don't know."

Cheng Ke looked at him, hesitated for a long time before asking again: "You don't know the people who follow you?"

"Yes." Jiang Yuduo said.

"For so many years, there have been people following you, and these people you have never met before," Cheng Ke frowned, "Is that what you mean?"

"Yes." Jiang Yuduo said.

Cheng Ke looked at him and was silent.

"Are you finished?" Jiang Yuduo asked softly.

"In the beginning," Cheng Ke lowered his head with his forehead on the steering wheel, "did you think I was one of them?"

"...Yes." Jiang Yuduo replied.

"Why not anymore?" Cheng Ke asked.

"You can't even hit the gas stove," Jiang Yuduo said, "nothing."

Cheng Ke laughed and turned his head to look at him: "Why do you think they are going to hurt me now?"

"We ate together and got close." Jiang Yuduo replied.

"Isn't Chen Qing closer to you? And your little brothers," Cheng Ke said, "why are they okay?"

"You are different from these people." Jiang Yuduo said.


Maybe, it's different.

Cheng Ke lit another cigarette, and when he pressed the lighter, he found that his hands were a little numb, and he lit the cigarette after pressing it two or three times.

He glanced at Jiang Yuduo.

Jiang Yuduo looked a little nervous, but his body didn't seem to react to the cold.

"How am I different from these people?" he asked.

"They wouldn't want to ask me this." Jiang Yuduo said.

you do not believe me.

Cheng Ke could still clearly recall Jiang Yuduo's expression when he said this, his expression, his eyes, and his tone.

Cheng Ke felt that his mind was in a mess. Jiang Yuduo seemed to be able to answer what he wanted to know, but these answers made him fall into even greater confusion.

When Jiang Yuduo was a child, he followed "Mom and Dad" and other children, and experienced some pain that he couldn't mention, and then he escaped from there. In the following years, "Mom and Dad" sent The person who has followed him all the time is a different person every time, a stranger he has never met.

At first, Jiang Yuduo felt that he was also one of these strangers. After confirming that he was not, Jiang Yuduo found out that these people wanted to hurt him.

In Jiang Yuduo's view, Lin Xu should be the one who wanted to hurt him.

Cheng Ke feels that his brain is not enough. He still remembers the scene when Chen Qing pointed at him and cursed, and he is not willing to make such guesses, but now the information given by Jiang Yuduo makes him unable to think at all. clear.

"How do you judge, who are..." Cheng Ke couldn't find the right words.

"I can see it," Jiang Yuduo turned to look at him, "I can also feel it. If I see them, they will run away."

"Then Lin Xu..." Jiang Yuduo interrupted Cheng Ke before he finished speaking.

"I can tell," he said. "I've seen too much."

Cheng Ke didn't speak.

"Sometimes I get hurt," Jiang Yuduo looked out the window. "It's not a particularly serious injury, they just want me to know."

"Know what?" Cheng Ke asked.

"You can't run away," Jiang Yuduo said, "you can never run away."

"Why didn't you call the police?" Cheng Ke said.

"It's useless." Jiang Yuduo answered quickly.

"Have you called the police?" Cheng Ke stared at him, "Why did you say it was useless if you didn't call the police?"

Jiang Yuduo frowned and said nothing.

"Have you called the police?" Cheng Ke asked again.

Jiang Yuduo still frowned, as if he didn't hear him.

Cheng Ke didn't know what else to ask, and he didn't know what else he wanted to know.

From the very beginning, all of his questions may have already been answered in his heart. He just had the same mood as an ostrich, and he didn't care or ask, and even had a bit of luck. After all, he had a long-term relationship with Jiang Yuduo. If you don't have "thoughts" about anyone, you can continue in a daze if you don't know some things.

Even if it's just "friends".

He even told Jiang Yuduo his whereabouts in order to make Jiang Yuduo not worried.

If it weren't for today's scene, if it weren't for the fact that he had to face the reality that Jiang Yuduo might actually hurt completely unrelated people...

Now these seem to be the same conversations as not asking, answering and not answering, which suddenly made him wake up in fear.

With his last struggle, he looked at Jiang Yuduo: "Can you tell me..."

"Don't ask." Jiang Yuduo said.

Cheng Ke paused, but still said, "I want to know..."

"Don't ask." Jiang Yuduo said.

Cheng Ke gritted his teeth: "Tell me what the puppy is doing."

Jiang Yuduo turned his head sharply, rushed over from the co-pilot, grabbed his collar, and roared, "I told you not to ask!"

Cheng Ke wanted to pull his hand away, but he was unsuccessful. Jiang Yuduo's entire arm was shaking, but his strength was so amazing that he couldn't pull it at all.

At this moment, fear flooded over like the darkness outside the car window where the lights flickered but couldn't shine.

"Jiang Yuduo!" He also roared, "Let go!"

"I said don't ask! Don't ask! They'll know! They'll find you!" Jiang Yuduo glared at him, "Puppy training! The puppy is fighting! The puppy is hungry! The puppy wants to sleep! But the puppy Can't cry, can't talk..."

Cheng Ke felt that he was out of breath, and wanted to lift his leg and push Jiang Yuduo away with his knee, but Jiang Yuduo suddenly stood up, and his knee had already pressed against his leg one step ahead.

"The puppy is scared," Jiang Yuduo's voice began to tremble, his eyes were a little red, "I'm scared."

"Don't be afraid," Cheng Ke said with some difficulty, "you are safe now, no one will hurt you, no one will hurt you."

"I'm afraid." Jiang Yuduo lowered his voice.

Cheng Ke touched the door with his hand, grabbed the handle and pulled it, and the door suddenly opened.

He fell backwards, and Jiang Yuduo's hand grabbing his collar slipped away.

Cheng Ke's legs were still in the car, and his shoulders fell to the ground. When he was struggling to stand up, Jiang Yuduo had already got out of the car from the passenger and walked around the front of the car to his side.

Cheng Ke felt that in the next second, the knife in Jiang Yuduo's pocket might pierce him.

But Jiang Yuduo didn't take the knife, just grabbed his clothes and lifted him from the ground, and threw him into the car: "Do you know why I don't want to tell you?"

Cheng Ke leaned back on the car and hit the car, and suddenly felt dizzy.

"Because you don't believe me," Jiang Yuduo approached him and said word by word, "Cheng Ke, you don't believe me, you won't believe anything I say!"

"Yes!" Cheng Ke roared, "How can you make me believe it!"

Jiang Yuduo stared at him, panting heavily.

"I believe that you want to protect me, and I believe that you don't want to hurt me," Cheng Ke said, "but all my dangers are brought to me by you. If it was another person, I would have been far away!"

"Then why don't you hide!" Jiang Yuduo roared almost to the tip of his nose.

"Why don't you ask!" Cheng Ke also roared, not knowing whether the rampage in his body was anger or fear or confusion, "I said I had thoughts about you!"

Jiang Yuduo didn't speak, stared at him for a long time, finally released his hand and leaned on the car behind him: "Do you think I'm sick?"

Cheng Ke glanced at him and said nothing.

"Someone said that before, but I never saw him again," Jiang Yuduo said. "You think so too, but you didn't say it."

Cheng Ke coughed twice.

"I know you don't want me to follow you," Jiang Yuduo's voice slowly became calm, "I don't want you to find out that I'm following you, but..."

Jiang Yuduo lowered his head and paused for a long time.

"No one can have an accident because of me," Jiang Yuduo said, "I'm afraid."

When Jiang Yuduo said this "scared", his previous emotions were gone, and he was as calm as if nothing had happened, not even calm.

"Who happened?" Cheng Ke asked.

"He said, you are safe now," Jiang Yuduo looked at him, "you are safe now... I don't remember who told me."

"Remember now?" Cheng Ke asked.

"No," Jiang Yuduo said, "I remembered that he died... There is no safety, it will not be safe... "

Cheng Ke felt that his breathing stopped for a moment.

Even when Jiang Yuduo was talking about the puppy, he was not as shocked as he is now. He didn't think that among Jiang Yuduo's experiences, there was death.

The person who once wanted Jiang Yuduo to believe that he was safe has died.

Cheng Ke didn't believe those "them", but for some reason, he believed in the past that Jiang Yuduo refused to mention.

"How did you die?" he asked.

Jiang Yuduo didn't answer, but repeated: "He's dead."

Cheng Ke didn't ask any further, he was exhausted, and he didn't even know if he had any "ideas" for Jiang Yuduo.

"Will you move out?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

Cheng Ke didn't speak.

"Yes?" Jiang Yuduo looked at him, "You're scared."

Cheng Ke glanced at him: "No."

"You're scared," Jiang Yuduo said. "I can see that I know what fear is."

"It's normal for me to be afraid," Cheng Ke said, "but I'm just tired now."

"Then go back?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

Cheng Ke hesitated for a moment, then turned around and opened the car door.

He didn't know why he stayed with Jiang Yuduo in this situation, but he still got into the cab.

After starting the car, he felt relieved the moment the heating came out.

It took a long time to get out of the car.

Jiang Yuduo didn't speak along the way, just lay down on the chair.

Cheng Ke didn't speak. He felt that he was full of questions. If he asked them one by one, he might not be able to finish them all night.

But now the question is still there, but he doesn't have the courage to ask any more.

All he wanted from the start was a proof of nothingness.

He just wanted Jiang Yuduo to prove his judgment was wrong.

But in fact, he already knew from the beginning that Jiang Yuduo could not prove it.

Those who no one has seen, those who will never be repeated, those who will only be strangers, everything is determined only by Jiang Yuduo's "I can see it".

Cheng Ke felt that his whole body was sinking, and he couldn't hold the steering wheel.

After returning downstairs to find a parking space and parked the car, he looked at Jiang Yuduo, who was lying in the co-pilot.

Jiang Yuduo still closed his eyes, as if falling asleep.

Cheng Ke originally felt that he was a little numb and had no strength to be afraid, but the moment he opened his mouth to wake Jiang Yuduo, he found that he was still afraid.

He was afraid that Jiang Yuduo would suddenly jump up and grab his collar suddenly.

He believed that Jiang Yuduo would never hurt him, but he would not be surprised if Jiang Yuduo stabbed him.

"Are you there?" Jiang Yuduo asked softly with his eyes closed.

"Well." Cheng Ke responded, and when he wanted to open the door, he stopped again.

Jiang Yuduo's voice was a little wrong, weak and erratic.

"What's wrong with you?" Cheng Ke turned on the dome light.

"No." Jiang Yuduo still closed his eyes and lay motionless.

After the light was on, Cheng Ke could see his face clearly, it was very pale, his brows were tightly knitted, and there were large beads of sweat hanging on his forehead.

"Jiang Yuduo?" He rushed over and touched Jiang Yuduo's forehead, "Why are you uncomfortable?"

"I'm dizzy." Jiang Yuduo replied in a low voice.

"Dizzy again?" Cheng Ke was startled, and after hesitating for a while, he gently pulled his arm, "I carry you up and lie down?"

"Don't move," Jiang Yuduo said, "can't move."

After saying this, he frowned and kept silent, keeping his previous posture motionless.

Cheng Ke was stunned for a while, then opened the car door: "wait for me for a while, you lie here, I'll get the bed and quilt down."

"Don't worry about me." Jiang Yuduo's voice was almost inaudible.

Cheng Ke didn't speak and got out of the car.

When Jiang Yuduo took two bottles of water from the house and carried the quilt back to the car, Jiang Yuduo was still the same as before.

Cheng Ke carefully put the quilt over him, then lowered the car window, started the car, and turned on the heater.

He didn't know why Jiang Yuduo suddenly fainted again, maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was an emotional reason.

According to Chen Qing, we can only wait, maybe an hour or two, maybe tomorrow morning.

It doesn't matter if he is not in the process, he is here with Jiang Yuduo, or lying on the bed, the result is the same, he can't fall asleep tonight.

He took out his phone and wanted to talk to Chen Qing, but after thinking about it, he put the phone back.

Chen Qing can be said to be a knife to Jiang Yuduo. If you know that he faints, he will definitely run over and squeeze into the car together... Cheng Ke really doesn't have the energy to face Chen Qing again.

Thinking of Chen Qing, Cheng Ke was a little confused.

Chen Qing sometimes seems to be at odds with IQ, but Cheng Ke also knows that he is not a complete fool, but he has been with Jiang Yuduo for ten years, but he has never doubted Jiang Yuduo, or even because of He got mad at his guesses.

If Chen Qing, even the little brothers who followed Jiang Yuduo together, didn't help Jiang Yuduo to hide... These people don't seem to have such acting skills and reasons for concealing... Then it can only be said that Jiang Yuduo When dealing with Chen Qing and the others, there is nothing more suspicious than "them".

The last time Jiang Yuduo beat him, Chen Qing said that it had not been like this for many years.

Cheng Ke frowned, he didn't know if he could understand it this way, because of his appearance, because of the appearance of a "different" person like him, Jiang Yuduo began to have abnormalities so frequently.

Jiang Yuduo said before that Chen Qing and those little brothers, "they are fine", that is to say, only he will be fine.

Cheng Ke rubbed his face irritably, inserted his fingers into his hair and scratched hard, holding his head and didn't move.

The night passed quickly.

Jiang Yuduo said that the more time passed, the slower it passed.

Ignore time itself, time flies by quickly.

When Jiang Yuduo moved slightly beside him, Cheng Ke glanced at the time, it was past four o'clock.

"How is it?" Cheng Ke asked.

When he made the sound, he was startled. The sound seemed to be squeezed out of the sand-filled crevices, and it was so dry that it had a whistle.

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Yuduo turned his head, "like a screaming chicken."

"Fuck you," Cheng Ke said, still whistling, "are you still dizzy?"

"Much better," Jiang Yuduo sat up slowly, hugging the quilt, "I don't want to vomit."

"Drinking water?" Cheng Ke asked.

"Well." Jiang Yuduo nodded.

If he can nod, he should not be dizzy, Cheng Ke took the bottle of water, unscrewed it, and handed it to him.

Jiang Yuduo poured half of the bottle with his head up, then wiped his mouth, turned his head and smiled at him.

Cheng Ke also smiled.

Jiang Yuduo's smile made him very uncomfortable.

"Are you hungry?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"I'm not hungry." Cheng Ke said.

"Are you sleepy?" Jiang Yuduo asked again.

"I don't feel it, I shouldn't be sleepy," Cheng Ke said.

"Oh." Jiang Yuduo nodded, holding the quilt, as if he didn't know what to say.

Cheng Ke didn't know what to say.

He is a person who just lives by. Once the danger and trouble pass, he will no longer worry about why, what to do, and how.

But now, when he was so squeezed into the car with Jiang Yuduo, sitting tired and relaxed, he couldn't get along any longer.

"Cheng Ke." Jiang Yuduo called him.

"Huh?" Cheng Ke turned his head.

"Can I still be your friend?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

Cheng Ke felt that his breathing stopped.

"We are friends," he said.

Jiang Yuduo seemed to be relieved, smiled and asked again, "Then do you still want to move out?"

Cheng Ke was silent for a while, looked at Jiang Yuduo and said softly: "If they... that is, the people who follow you, if they know that we are not getting very close, or... stop communicating, are you just... just... Don't worry about me anymore... unsafe?"