
Chapter 60


At the moment Cheng Ke lowered his head, Jiang Yuduo thought for a few tenths of a second that Cheng Ke pressed his forehead to see if he had a fever.

By the time he realized what was going on, Cheng Ke had already pressed him.

And then fucking kissed him again.

Jiang Yuduo couldn't remember how many times this was, and he felt so many that he could calmly say the words he was "accustomed to".

But this time is different.

Unlike any time before.

Because Cheng Ke's kiss was different from any time before.

Jiang Yuduo tasted the smell of green tea on the tip of his tongue, it was green tea toothpaste to be exact. Of course, he had seen toothpaste before and it was green tea, otherwise he wouldn't have guessed it, after all, he wasn't the young master who sprayed perfume in the cupboard. , there are not so many requirements in this regard...

tip of the tongue

Yes, tip of the tongue!

Not just the tip of the tongue...

When Jiang Yuduo felt more and more contact in a burst of shock and confusion, the whole person lost the ability to deal with it.

He is very confident in his own reactions and his ability to handle unexpected situations, and he knows what kind of action should give what kind of reaction.

But all of these are limited to attacks.

Front, side, sneak attack.

Knife, stick, unarmed.

There was no training that would allow him to handle the situation at hand.

What to do when someone sticks their tongue in their mouth.

Although I have never experienced this kind of situation, I have seen it thousands of times in the book, often accompanied by various detailed descriptions.

But he is a man after all, and those who are in love with each other, want to refuse or welcome, or are reluctant are all women...

He didn't know what to do.

The first reaction was to lift Cheng Ke down, but he hadn't forgotten what Cheng Ke said.

My wrist is broken.

After that, there was no second reaction, and I felt like I couldn't move like a wooden man.

Don't dare to move.

Any movement, big or small, may become a response in this posture. Since I dare not react, I dare not do anything that Cheng Ke thinks is a response.

One, two, three, four, five…

In Jiang Yuduo's mind, the wind was blowing, but he hadn't forgotten to judge the time habitually.

What surprised him was that it only took four or five seconds, but he realized so many things in shock, including the posture and route of Cheng Ke's tongue.

and a sudden pause.

Cheng Ke left him for about a second and stared at him.

Jiang Yuduo couldn't find the right expression and eyes to look at him, but Cheng Ke didn't seem to be ready to look at him, and after glancing at him, he kissed again.

you sir!

Did you drink too much, half of the kiss stopped to make sure that you were kissing a person and not a sofa!

But maybe with such a momentary buffer, after Cheng Ke kissed for the second time, Jiang Yuduo suddenly had a different feeling.

It's like the body begins to feel conscious after buffering.

Small gasps, subtle touch, and even just breathing through the skin, all began to make his body feel as if he had suddenly woken up.

Cheng Ke didn't want to stop. He stopped just because of dizziness, and because of the dizziness, he couldn't catch his breath. If he didn't stop, he might be suffocated.

Of course, there is another important reason.

Although Jiang Yuduo didn't see the scene he was curious about when he was taking a bath, but now if he wants to, he can see it, or he doesn't need to watch it, and if he doesn't get up again, Jiang Yuduo regains his senses and probably can feel it directly.

When he propped up his upper body with his arms, Jiang Yuduo scolded, "Can you fucking find a suitable place to work hard!"

Cheng Ke glanced at him and found that he was still pressing his left hand on his forehead, which made Jiang Yuduo's eyes widen.

He retracted his hands and sat up on the armrest of the sofa.

Sitting on Jiang Yuduo's lap.

Then he stood up again, looked at Jiang Yuduo who was still lying on the sofa, and spent a few seconds recalling in detail what he had done because of X-worm's brain, other than kissing without explicit hints. What other action, move or not? Did you touch it? Did you rub

Shouldn't, he has only one hand now, and has been pressing Jiang Yuduo's forehead.

After looking at Jiang Yuduo for a while, Jiang Yuduo sat up, leaned on the sofa, and looked at him with his head half up.

"That..." Cheng Ke didn't know if he should apologize, but he felt that an apology would make the situation even more embarrassing.

I knew I wouldn't fuck up.

A few seconds later, Jiang Yuduo's eyes quickly went down from his face, and then quickly jumped back to his face, but within two seconds, he quickly went down again, and then jumped back to his face again.

When Jiang Yuduo looked down for the third time, Cheng Ke sighed, pulled up his pants, turned around and entered the bedroom, pulled out a pair of pants from the cabinet and put them on.

Then he sat down on the edge of the bed and didn't want to move anymore. When he thought about going back to the living room, he had to face Jiang Yuduo who didn't even know what was going on with him...

Maybe you should know.

Although Cheng Ke didn't look at any part of Jiang Yuduo, and he didn't bother to feel it before, he could still feel the changes before and after Jiang Yuduo's breathing.

No matter if there are other reactions, normal straight men should not be able to make it this far...

Cheng Ke wanted to smoke a little, the cigarette was in the pocket of his coat, and the coat was in the living room.

He hesitated, then got up and walked out.

Jiang Yuduo, who had been sitting on the sofa, saw him come out, and suddenly stood up, walked quickly... or moved into the bathroom, and slammed the door.

It was the first time he had seen Jiang Yuduo move at such a speed.

Suddenly a little depressed.

He poured himself a glass of water, took two sips, lit another cigarette, and sat down on the sofa.

Jiang Yuduo's body temperature was still on the sofa.

He touched the phone and poked it open for a few glances. There was no movement on Cheng Yi's side. There were two more waves of photos in the circle of friends. He was sitting in the bar with his mother, and his mother was kind to him and Li Na. The background is actually the "elf" that he and Jiang Yuduo took a selfie with.

He sighed and looked again. Of course, Jiang Yuduo's Global Support Club would have to post some pictures of supper.

But the first time I saw myself in the photos taken by Chen Qing, I still felt a little inexplicable, as if I saw myself in another world.

He and Jiang Yuduo sat together against the back of the chair, their faces turned sideways in the same direction, and their faces were cast with a yellow halo from the light.

In this photo, Chen Qing still looks like a landline, but it feels unexpectedly.

In the yellowed picture, there are two people who are not looking at the camera, and there are a few faint trajectories in the blurred and lively lights around them.

Cheng Ke glanced at the words Chen Qing assigned to these photos today.


He laughed, which unexpectedly made him feel quite right.

He put down his phone and glanced in the direction of the bathroom. The door was still closed, and there was no sound inside.

The two people in the photo are so embarrassed now.

Jiang Yuduo's reaction to hide in the bathroom as soon as he saw him still made him quite... uncomfortable.

But after a while, he stood up, a little worried.

"Jiang Yuduo?" He called out of the bathroom door.

Jiang Yuduo didn't answer.

"Third brother?" He called again.

Jiang Yuduo still didn't answer, but knocked on the door.

"Are you all right?" Cheng Ke tried to twist the door handle and found that he could open it, "Can I open the door?"

"Well." Jiang Yuduo responded.

Cheng Ke took a deep breath first, then twisted the handle and pushed open the bathroom door.

As soon as the door opened, a puff of smoke came out first.

"Fuck me?" Cheng Ke was stunned, "Did you smoke?"

"Well." Jiang Yuduo sat down on the toilet lid with a cigarette butt in his hand.

"Turn on the exhaust fan," Cheng Ke walked in hesitantly and turned on the exhaust fan, "Aren't you choking?"

"Don't choke." Jiang Yuduo still lowered his head.

Cheng Ke didn't say anything and looked at the top of his head.

He had known Jiang Yuduo for a long time. For the first time, he noticed that Jiang Yuduo had two hair twists on the top of his head, and... a thin scar.

Maybe this scar was only left by Jiang Yuduo in the ten years he had been on the streets, but the things he said about his childhood still exploded in Cheng Ke's mind instantly.

Cheng Ke reached out and touched his head lightly.

Just when he was about to apologize, Jiang Yuduo raised his head: "Cheng Ke."

"Huh?" Cheng Ke looked at him.

"You said I...Did you," Jiang Yuduo threw away the cigarette and rubbed his nose, "Is it..."

Looking at his frowning eyebrows, Cheng Ke felt that he could hardly guess what he was going to say, so he cleared his throat and wanted to answer, lest Jiang Yuduo be embarrassed.

But Jiang Yuduo spoke quite neatly: "Do you think I'm gay too?"

"You..." Cheng Ke had already thought about a lot of answers, but suddenly he couldn't say anything at all. After a long time, he said, "Why do you ask that?"

"I just had sex." Jiang Yuduo said.

Cheng Ke was stunned.

"Does this mean that I am too?" Jiang Yuduo said.

"What did you just say?" Cheng Ke couldn't help asking.

"Are you fucking deaf from alcoholism?" Jiang Yuduo stood up and pulled up his pants, a little impatient, "I, Y."

"Ah." Cheng Ke was shocked by Jiang Yuduo's frankness, almost thought he was going to take off his pants to prove to himself, and glanced down reflexively.

"Look at the fart," Jiang Yuduo said in a sullen voice, and sat back on the toilet lid again, "Go down, how long has it been?"

"...Did you go down by yourself?" Cheng Ke asked.

"Otherwise, can I still give it a shot?" Jiang Yuduo glared at him.

"When I didn't ask." Cheng Ke waved his hand.

Jiang Yuduo didn't speak any more, his head lowered as if he was sulking with someone, and he stopped moving.

Cheng Ke stood in front of him for a while, feeling that the dizziness in his head had not yet passed, and he couldn't stand up a bit. He stretched out his hand to support the wall: "Go out, it's so boring to sit here."

"Well." Jiang Yuduo stood up and squeezed out of him with a swipe.

Cheng Ke opened the bathroom window and entered the living room.

Jiang Yuduo sat on the sofa, staring at the TV in a trance.

"Want to... watch a movie?" Cheng Ke asked.

"No." Jiang Yuduo said.

"Then... sleep?" Cheng Ke asked again.

"Can't sleep." Jiang Yuduo replied.

Cheng Ke hesitated for a few seconds, then walked over and sat on the sofa, not daring to get too close to him, for fear that he would be awkward.

Jiang Yuduo turned to look at him: "Aren't you going to sleep?"

"Do you want to chat?" Cheng Ke asked.

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Yuduo still looked at him.

"Chat is just a casual chat, not a propositional composition," Cheng Ke sighed, "Can you not ask me what I'm talking about every time..."

"Proposition composition?" Jiang Yuduo didn't understand.

"...Do you want to talk now?" Cheng Ke had to ask in a different way, "Do you want to talk to me? Do you want to chat with me or something?"

Jiang Yuduo frowned and was silent for a while: "I don't want to."

"Your uncle," Cheng Ke stood up, "good night."

"Good night." Jiang Yuduo said.

"Do you sleep on the sofa?" Cheng Ke walked to the door of the bedroom and turned around. "If you sleep on the sofa, take the bed and I will have one hand."

"Oh." Jiang Yuduo stood up, went to the closet, took the pillow and quilt out, and explained again, "Don't close the door."

When he opened his mouth, Cheng Ke had already taken the door with him. After he said this, the door just slammed shut.

A second later, the door was pushed open by Jiang Yuduo: "Please don't close the door."

Cheng Ke remembered something just now, and said carefully: "You didn't say..."

"I'm not afraid that you are in danger," Jiang Yuduo looked at him, "I just... don't close the door anyway, I'll think you hate me if you do."

"I won't kiss someone I hate." Cheng Ke said.

Jiang Yuduo paused, turned back to the sofa, and shook the quilt.

"You don't take a bath?" Cheng Ke asked.

Jiang Yuduo stopped in the air holding the quilt: "Can't I lay the quilt first and then take a shower?"

"Good night." Cheng Ke said.

"I said it once," Jiang Yuduo clicked, "Good night."

Cheng Ke didn't know whether Jiang Yuduo fell asleep, whether he woke up, or how he slept that night. He went to bed and closed his eyes and slept until dawn without even dreaming.

The phone was screaming at the head of the bed, and he stretched out his hand in a daze to touch the phone. Only after seeing the plaster did he realize that he was extending his right hand, so he switched to his left hand.

Before he could touch the phone, a hand swung past his eyes, and then the phone appeared in front of him.

"Xu Ding." Jiang Yuduo's voice came from above him.

Only then did Cheng Ke realize that Jiang Yu was standing beside his bed.

"You got up so early?" Cheng Ke asked.

"... It's eleven o'clock." Jiang Yuduo said.

"Ah," Cheng Ke was stunned, and quickly answered Xu Ding's call, "Hello?"

"Going into the table, chairs, sofas, etc. today, someone at the front desk will take care of it." Xu Ding was a little noisy, and it sounded like he was outside, "Lin Xu is there, do you have time to visit in the afternoon?"

"There is time." Cheng Ke said.

"That's fine," Xu Ding said. "I'll take the designer there tomorrow to clean up the things. You can check it out when you go in the afternoon. Don't do it. Is your hand broken?"

"Yes, I fell." Cheng Ke sighed.

"Is it serious?" Xu Ding asked, "I know a director..."

"It's not serious, it's already fixed, and it will be dismantled next month." Cheng Ke smiled.

"That's fine," Xu Ding said. "If you work harder in the afternoon, you'll be fine."

"Is it more busy for opening?" Cheng Ke said.

"You don't have to be busy, I'll do a few activities first, you can just watch it," Xu Ding said, "but if you're ready, you'll have to be busy."

"Okay." Cheng Ke said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, he sat up, Jiang Yuduo had been standing by the bed, not sure if he was waiting to help him out of bed or if he had something to say.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Ke sat cross-legged on the bed and looked at him.

"Are you hungry?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"Also..." Cheng Ke pressed his stomach and carefully felt it, "It's okay, I don't feel hungry."

"Well," Jiang Yuduo pulled a chair next to him and sat down, "let's chat for a while?"

Cheng Ke was stunned: "Okay."

"I sat here in the middle of the night last night," Jiang Yuduo said, "sitting until just now."

" can wake me up if you can't sleep." Cheng Ke was a little surprised.

"Why are you getting up, I didn't want to talk to you at that time." Jiang Yuduo said.

"Then you fucking sit beside my bed and stare at me all night," Cheng Ke said, "filial son."

"Cheng Ke," Jiang Yuduo bit his lip, "Did you say you had any thoughts about me before?"

Cheng Ke stared at Jiang Yuduo for a while, feeling that Jiang Yuduo's mind should have been resting all night, but he didn't hesitate at all when talking about such a topic.

Straight to the point is straightforward.

"Yes." Cheng Ke nodded.

"Is it still there now?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"Yes." Cheng Ke nodded again.

"What are the thoughts... what are the thoughts?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

Cheng Ke paused, and this question was a little difficult to answer, and he had never discussed with anyone what "ideas" really was.

After thinking about it for a long time, he cleared his throat: "It's just... all kinds of ideas, including but not limited to wanting to stay with you, wanting to touch you, kissing you..."

"Including but what?" Jiang Yuduo frowned.

"I also want to go to bed or something." Cheng Ke was too lazy to explain, but felt that some words had to be said now, you know, I know everyone, especially Jiang Yuduo's brains don't turn around and don't know what implicitness is. people.

"Then I don't!" Jiang Yuduo sat up in shock, "I didn't want to go to bed with you."

"I didn't want to sleep with you from the beginning." Cheng Ke sighed.

"Oh." Jiang Yuduo responded, and after a while he narrowed his eyes again, "I don't believe it."

Cheng Ke was speechless: "Then you are a fart!"

"Oh, it means I heard it." Jiang Yuduo said.

"I can't just say I haven't thought about it, but... Let me put it this way, the idea of wanting to sleep with you, the imagination of wanting to sleep with you... How can I say it," Cheng Ke didn't know how to explain, "I think, and I really want to do this, there's a difference, you know what I mean?"

"Take it as if I understand." Jiang Yuduo said.

"...Okay." Cheng Ke sighed.

"Except for going to bed," Jiang Yuduo said, "I'm pretty much the same."

"What's the matter?" Cheng Ke looked at him.

"That's right," Jiang Yuduo leaned on the back of the chair and thought, "I want to stay with you or something, give me a hug... kiss? Something, maybe."

Cheng Ke was stunned for a long time, and he had to ask: "You are almost the same, when did you start to be similar?"

"Last night," Jiang Yuduo said, "after you kiss me."

"...Oh," Cheng Ke looked at him, " don't need to think that Y means anything, the physiological response is not necessarily certain."

"I know," Jiang Yuduo rubbed his nose, "um."

Cheng Ke didn't know what to say. Jiang Yuduo was a little unsure about Jiang Yuduo's current state. He had never met such a person before, no matter how he looked at it, but this "yes" seemed a little ignorant.

He didn't even know if he should jump up and hug him and kiss him a few more times, or set aside some time.

"What do you want to eat?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"Are you finished talking?" Cheng Ke was stunned again.

"Well," Jiang Yuduo nodded and took out his mobile phone, "Should I go out to buy or order takeout?"

"Let's go out to eat," Cheng Ke thought for a while, "then you accompany me to buy some cement and have it delivered to the store. I made the set of tables, and Xu Ding said that he will start to enter other furniture in the afternoon."

"How can you get furniture without the floor?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"It's the concrete floor," Cheng Ke said, "just that style."

"Construction style?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

Cheng Ke laughed and said, "Yes."

"Okay, I'll accompany you to buy cement," Jiang Yuduo stood up, "do you want to make a table for you? Just the one you said last time."

"Well." Cheng Ke got out of bed.

Just when he was about to go to the living room, Jiang Yuduo suddenly put his arms around him.

Cheng Ke was stunned for a while, and before he could give a response, Jiang Yuduo had let go again.

"Fuck?" He felt helpless and walked out of the bedroom with his shoes on.

When he came out after washing up, Jiang Yuduo was standing by the window looking out.

Cheng Ke didn't call him, just poured himself a glass of water in the past.

For Jiang Yuduo, he is a little confused now.

After drinking the water and putting down the cup, Jiang Yu took it away and hugged him again.

Cheng Ke quickly stretched out his left arm and put it behind him, hugging him tightly: "Are you kidding me?"

"No." Jiang Yuduo didn't let go.

Cheng Ke rubbed his back: "what's the matter?"

"I don't know," Jiang Yuduo said, "I'm a little... I don't understand."

"If you don't understand it, leave it alone. Not everything can be understood right away," Cheng Ke said. "How many people don't understand it all their lives."

"Well." Jiang Yuduo nodded, but still hugged him and didn't let go.

Cheng Ke wanted to push him away a little bit. After all, he had some not-so-shameful contact last night. If he just hugged him and didn't let go, it was easy for him to rely on the feeling of last night. In case there was any unnecessary reaction , it is not suitable.

"Should we eat breakfast before hugging?" Cheng Ke said.

Jiang Yuduo let go of him, but when Cheng Ke was about to walk away to change clothes, Jiang Yuduo grabbed his arm again.

Cheng Ke turned his head and didn't realize what was going on. Jiang Yuduo had come over and kissed him on the lips.

Then it was settled.

Cheng Ke looked at him for a while: "What does this mean?"

Jiang Yuduo bit his lip and stuck it over again.

This time, it was very meaningless. Cheng Ke felt that Jiang Yuduo's lips were just put up, and he was directly bumped into the wall, and the back of his head was knocked on the wall.

I don't know if it's a fight or a kiss.