
Chapter 64


When Cheng Ke's message was sent and quickly withdrawn, Jiang Yuduo's cell phone still hadn't gone black.

If it wasn't for Cheng Ke's instant withdrawal, he probably wouldn't have been able to react so quickly.

Just miss you.

When Jiang Yuduo saw this sentence, he didn't think it had any value worth withdrawing. He would also miss Cheng Ke. During the Chinese New Year, he kept looking at Cheng Ke's circle of friends, waiting for news from him. I want to go to the store and help Cheng Ke do something.

Because he wanted to stay with Cheng Ke.

I miss him when we're not together.

He was a little stunned after returning the news to Cheng Ke. The meaning of this sentence is probably not as simple as he thought.

miss you.

Chen Qing also said similar things to him, often saying it.

Let's have a meal with the third brother, I miss you.

Third brother, come out for a walk. I haven't seen you for a few days. I miss you.

No matter what format it was, it gave him a different feeling than what Cheng Ke said.

It was different from the feeling he wanted to stay with Cheng Ke.

The phone rang, and Cheng Ke's message came back

- good night, idiot

Jiang Yuduo smiled at these four words, and he could imagine Cheng Ke's expression now.

-Good night

He sent a message back to Cheng Ke, and when he was about to send another photo of Meow, the phone suddenly rang and a call came in. He glanced at it and it was Da Bin.

"What?" He picked up the phone.

"Third brother, I saw one," Dabin said, "but I just walked around your house and left. If I didn't do anything else, I didn't let anyone do anything, I was scared."

"Well," Jiang Yuduo responded, "where did you go?"

"Take a taxi," Dabin said. "I followed a motorcycle for a while, and I went north to the street. If the motorcycle couldn't pass there, I didn't follow."

"It's alright, there is really something that will come again," Jiang Yuduo said, "where is it?"

"There's no one over there, Brother Ke," Dabin said, "I took a picture of that person, I'll send it to you, and see if you can recognize it? It's just... a bit blurry, it's too dark. already."

"Okay," Jiang Yuduo lit a cigarette, "you all go back and come out tomorrow when you have time."

After hanging up the phone, Dabin sent a photo over.

When he saw the photos, Jiang Yuduo wanted him to learn from Chen Qing. It was even more blurry than the photos taken by Chen Qing. Chen Qing was often able to take pictures with a lot of feeling. Ordinary people can also see that there is a person above.

But he could see that he was very sensitive to figures in the dark.

At this time, people don't rely on details, they only look at the outline and the trend of the body.

This person is one of the two people I saw today. The one with the white stripes on his clothes changed his clothes, but his whole feeling remained the same, because Jiang Yuduo was very impressed by seeing him twice today.

He sends a message back to Da-bin, telling him to pay attention to this man.

Then put down the phone and walked to the window.

Although Cheng Ke thinks that he has no "enemy", this person should not come for him, but Jiang Yuduo is almost certain that this is for Cheng Ke.

If it's for yourself, it won't be like this.

If you want to find trouble with the third child, you don't need to spend so much trouble, tracking it, and wandering around. It's usually like Zhang Daqi, who will start a fight when you meet him, or deliver it directly to your door, like Bakuo. .

Today, these two people are not at all in their street style.

It's just that he still can't be sure. If Chong Ke came here, what was his plan? The only valuable thing on this young master was the watch, which he had already ripped off.

But no matter what the reason was or who it was for, he didn't care. Here, in this world, from the day he came here to now, there is nothing to frighten him.

He knows the style here, he knows what all these people are doing, and he knows what kind of being he is here.

he was afraid...

He slammed the curtains shut and turned around.


Ignore it.

Ignore that person.

The one who quickly hid in the darkness in his sight.

He clenched his fists, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.


He can ignore that person.

Can be seen when not.

But he couldn't ignore the fear that slowly permeated from the depths of his heart.

Fear cannot be ignored, it cannot be controlled by the will, it can come and go freely.

"Are you afraid? If you can't escape, face him and defeat him! You have no choice, just be afraid to defeat!"

When Jiang Yuduo rushed out of the room, he heard meow lazily.

It was like the last intersection between him and the world at this moment.

"Third brother!" Chen Qing's voice came from the living room to the bedroom, "Third brother, am I in?"

"Well." Jiang Yuduo replied in a hoarse voice.

"I bought breakfast," Chen Qing appeared at the door of the bedroom, "Why didn't I answer your call?"

"I fell asleep, didn't you hear?" Jiang Yuduo turned his head and glanced at him, "What time is it now?"

"It's past eight o'clock," Chen Qing said, "I'm off work today, do I need to go to the rental house?"

"Yes." Jiang Yuduo lowered his head and closed his eyes to let himself slow down. After a few seconds, his legs began to feel numb, and he frowned and took a breath.

His waist and back were also sore, as if hooks were caught in the muscles, pulling them up and down.

He was sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall. He was not sure how long he had been in this position. The phone was at his feet. When he took it over to take a look, he found that the upper right corner of the screen had cracked into a spider web.

But it still works. He lit the screen and looked at the time he said good night to Cheng Ke yesterday.

Less than ten hours, okay.

He rubbed his hands on his legs, and after the numbness passed, he stood up, leaning against the wall and sighing softly.

Fortunately, I didn't spend the night at Cheng Ke's house yesterday.

But he was still frustrated.

He didn't know why.

Why can't it be ignored

Why can't it be done

Why is it so hard to make yourself look like an ordinary "normal person"


What else do they want besides wanting him to have no peace

Jiang Yuduo threw himself on the bed.

He always thought that he had stronger control, stronger willpower than everyone else... still overestimated himself.

"Did you sleep last night?" Chen Qing walked to the bedroom door after feeding Meow, "Why did you lie down again?"

"Sleeping while sitting, my back is sore." Jiang Yuduo buried his face on the quilt, wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes, and got up and got out of bed.

When he was washing, he felt the back of his hand was burning hot, looked down at him, frowned and clenched his fist again. The wound on the joint was just a bruise, but the pain became clearer after the tension.

He raised his hands, both of them clenched fists and slowly pressed them against the wall, with a little bit of force, until all the wounds were pressed against the wall.

Maybe two punches, maybe more.

Apart from the pain of skin abrasions, there is still a dull dull pain, but it should not hurt the bones.

Back in the living room, he took out the medicine box and casually put a few Band-Aids on the back of his hand.

"Did something happen yesterday?" Chen Qing watched him put a Band-Aid while eating.

"There are a few days when I don't touch anything," Jiang Yuduo said, "how is the second bald leg?"

"It's raised at home," Chen Qing said. "I went to see it. It's not serious, but Zhang Daqi's bum is definitely not something that can be done just like that."

"He wants me to go over and bow his head." Jiang Yuduo took a bun and took a big bite.

"Say something soft or something," Chen Qing frowned, "Are you going?"

"Don't go," Jiang Yuduo said, "he didn't do anything, it's all his people, I have nothing to talk about when I go."

"What should we do then?" Chen Qing asked.

"For so many years, it's not just Zhang Daqi who has touched one," Jiang Yuduo said. "There's nothing to do, I'm not in a hurry."

"Yeah," Chen Qing nodded, "Zhang Daqi is pretty much mixed up, maybe he should retire in a few years, isn't that the case with all the old people, it's just like that in the end."

Jiang Yuduo took a mouthful of soy milk and said nothing.

"How young we are," Chen Qing waved his hand, "let him get out first."

Jiang Yuduo buried his head and ate, and didn't answer Chen Qing's words again.

He can't take it.

He was suddenly scared.

It's a whole new kind of fear.

Chen Qing first felt the fear when he said "how young we are".

He's only 21 years old, he's only 22 years old in a few months, and he still has many years, five years, ten years, twenty years, thirty years, right here, in this kind of life.

Boring and calm, placid and hopeless.

He's not like everyone else here, even though he once wanted to believe that he was one of those people.

But Chen Qing and those little brothers, they have parents, a family, and everything that fits into this place. They have a place to come from and a place to return, even if they are hopeless, they still exist.

And he, here year after year, is submerged in this prosperity, no one can see him, he is the child who didn't know where he came from ten years ago, he is the third, he is the one The legendary third brother who has no pain nerves.

In the end no one will remember him, because no one has ever seen him.

He is just a passerby in his own story.

When he was busy with Cheng Ke in the store yesterday, he wanted to do something for the first time.

When Sister Luo talked about this, he didn't have any clue but felt irritated and annoyed, but yesterday he suddenly wanted to do something.

Literally, standing somewhere.


Maybe it's just "want".

He wanted to struggle, but didn't know which finger to start with.

How should I start.

Chen Qing was driving a Beetle today, parked at the door with the hood open.

After Jiang Yuduo got in the car, he turned to look at Chen Qing, and Chen Qing also looked at him while hitting the car: "What's wrong?"

"How many months now?" Jiang Yuduo looked at him, "How many degrees?"

"You mean this canopy?" Chen Qing asked.

"I'm not talking about this awning," Jiang Yuduo said, "I fucking told you to close this awning!"

"No, third brother," Chen Qing approached him a little embarrassedly, "Today there is no suitable car in the store, just this one, this car... It's here to repair the car, and its hood... can't be closed. already."

Jiang Yuduo couldn't describe his mood: "Did you thank God that it didn't snow today when you drove it out?"

"It hasn't snowed for several days, I guess it won't." Chen Qing drove his car and turned to the street.

"Is the old north wind no longer blowing!" Jiang Yuduo yelled at him.

"Wrap up." Chen Qing shrank his neck.

Jiang Yuduo sighed, pulled the zipper of Chen Qing's coat to his head, then buckled the hood of his coat on his head, pulled it down as much as possible, covered his face, and leaned his head against the back of the chair.

"Third brother, it's useless to block your face," Chen Qing said. "Everyone who knows me knows that the person next to me is you."

"Go away," Jiang Yuduo hid in his hat and muffled his voice, "In case anyone thinks it's Cheng Ke, this dress belongs to him."

"...Fuck," Chen Qing laughed wildly after being stunned for a while, "Hey! I just said you didn't see you wearing this dress today, but it looks a little familiar. It's from the fucking Jaeger-LeCoultre?"

"Well, he exchanged this one for my thick one." Jiang Yuduo said.

"He's really acting like a young master. He's enough to buy twenty of yours," Chen Qing said. "He's heartless."

"The key is not that you can't buy it." Jiang Yuduo smiled, thinking about Cheng Ke sometimes, he is really a person who lives by himself and is fascinated.

"Ask him if he wants mine," Chen Qing said, "I have a thicker one, I haven't worn it twice, let him replace it with his thick short trench coat, I'll take a look at his Dressed nicely."

Jiang Yuduo raised the brim of his hat with his fingers and looked at him: "You want some face, I'll tie a piece of wood to your shoulders and see if you can hold up that person's clothes?"

"I have gained weight, and I have gained several kilograms during the New Year." Chen Qing refused to accept it.

"Shut up and drive your car!" Jiang Yuduo pulled up his hat.

The ground outside the rental house was full of red cannonball shreds, old and new, as well as various fireworks cones that were soaked in snow and then pushed back and forth by people and vehicles into black mud cakes.

Jiang Yuduo looked around, his eyes were full of the red joy of the New Year, but it always made people feel decadent and lonely.

"Go to Building 3 first." He walked forward.

"Well," Chen Qing followed him, "is it still telling them to clean up one by one?"

"Otherwise." Jiang Yuduo said.

"We should get a building manager, just like the owners' committee of other communities," Chen Qing said. "It's convenient."

Jiang Yuduo glanced at him and didn't want to speak anymore.

"I'll just say it casually." Chen Qing said.

"Don't be so casual in the future." Jiang Yuduo said.

Chen Qing laughed for a long time.

Telling these tenants to clean the hallway and then clean the small sanitary area downstairs is annoying and has to be explained.

"Why do you still need to sweep downstairs? My house didn't fire a cannon," said a woman who was very unhappy with her child in her arms. "Besides, it's on the street. The cleaners should clean it."

"I don't care about the cleaners here. If you don't want to clean, I'll ask someone to do the cleaning," Jiang Yuduo said. "The money you ask for will be added to this month's rent."

"Why increase the rent!" The woman raised her voice.

"The rent here is the lowest in this area," Jiang Yuduo said in a cold voice, "Other homes do the same, and the rent is higher than yours, so decide for yourself, and let me know if you don't want to scan."

"Family cleans a place as big as a slap," Chen Qing followed up and raised his voice, "I sit down on a buttock that is bigger than that place. I don't usually let you clean it, and I only pay it once a year. If you don’t like it? If you don’t like it, just move to the next door and pay 50 extra a month, and you have to clean it as well.”

Jiang Yu grabbed the third floor, Chen Qing went up layer by layer, and he knocked on a door on the third floor.

"Uncle Zhang," Jiang Yuduo greeted the person who opened the door, "I have something to do with you."

"What's the matter?" Uncle Zhang asked.

"The last time I came here, I saw that you have a lot of wooden pieces here, right?" Jiang Yu snatched into the house.

"There are quite a few," Uncle Zhang pointed to the pile of clutter beside the toilet. "It's all there, why? Do you want it?"

"I remember that there is a kind of wooden strip with beautiful colors," Jiang Yu snatched it away, turned around in the pile of things while holding his breath, and pulled out a wooden strip about a finger's width from a broken plastic box. "this one."

"This is wenge, it's all scraps, why do you want this?" Uncle Zhang asked.

"To make things," Jiang Yuduo looked at it, "it's quite suitable for this kind of thing, how many do you have?"

"It's all in that box, look for it," said Uncle Zhang, "what are you doing?"

"Make a lamp," Jiang Yuduo dragged the box out, rummaged through the pile of broken wood inside, and found seven or eight long and short, "I bought these, how much?"

"Take it," said Uncle Zhang, "I brought it back to make chopsticks, just leave me two."

"Yeah." Jiang Yuduo took out two short ones and put them back, "Lend me your tools, just hammers, saws, etc., and sandpaper... Is tung oil useful for the rest? Give me some too. "

"What kind of lamp are you making?" Uncle Zhang looked puzzled.

"I can't tell you, I took a picture for you to see, maybe it can inspire you," Jiang Yuduo said, "I will improve the grade when I go to make furniture for people in the future."

"You got it." Uncle Zhang laughed.

Jiang Yuduo originally wanted to use the preservative wood left over from Cheng Ke's place to make the table and chairs as the lamp, but Cheng Ke was too annoying, what a surprise, and in order to make it a little more pleasant, he decided to use a different kind of wood.

Surprisingly, the material is different.

He put two packs of cigarettes for Uncle Zhang and came out with a bunch of things. He was a little excited when he thought that these things must be turned into a lamp within tomorrow.

Although he didn't know what to do at all, he felt like he had done it.

After arranging things for several floors, Jiang Yuduo and Chen Qing ate something casually together, preparing to go to Cheng Ke's shop to continue making the cement table in the construction site style.

"I'll take you there," Chen Qing said, "to save a taxi."

"Just this car?" Jiang Yuduo looked at him, "I'm afraid you'll catch a cold when you drive back to the store."

"Driving my own car! It's not that I don't have a car." Chen Qing said.

Jiang Yuduo sighed: "Lend me your car, I'll drive over, and I can bring Cheng Ke back in the afternoon, or I'll have to take a taxi."

"Alright." Chen Qing nodded.

Before Jiang Yuduo drove Chen Qing's car to the intersection, Cheng Ke's phone came in.

"I'll go now." He answered the phone.

"Have you eaten lunch?" Cheng Ke asked.

"Eat," Jiang Yuduo glanced at the time, "it's already a little over one o'clock. I ate with Chen Qing, why?"

"Bring me something to eat later, I'll have breakfast." Cheng Ke said.

"...You didn't eat anything all morning?" Jiang Yuduo was stunned.

"I don't want to eat," Cheng Ke said. "I'm hungry right now. I checked the takeout on my phone, but there is nothing I want to eat."

"Then what do you want to eat?" Jiang Yuduo asked. At the red light ahead, he stepped on the brakes and glanced at the rearview mirror habitually.

"I don't know, you can take it as you like, it's your fate." Cheng Ke said.

"Okay." Jiang Yuduo responded, followed by a very ordinary black car, but the person sitting on the co-pilot playing with his mobile phone was very unusual.

Jiang Yuduo could tell at a glance that he was pretending to play with his mobile phone.

This is another person who followed him and Cheng Ke yesterday.

After hanging up Cheng Ke's phone, he called Chen Qing: "You and Dabin take a few people to Cheng Ke's store, and I'll send you the address later."