
Chapter 75


After having dinner with Xu Ding, and chatting about the store again, Xu Ding's cell phone rang, he glanced at it: "I found it, I will send it to you, and I will delete it here."

"Well," Cheng Ke nodded, suddenly a little nervous, "so soon."

"Just look up a detailed list, how difficult it can be," Xu Ding said, "If you can hold his ID, just go there and look it up."

Cheng Ke smiled and looked at the document sent by Xu Ding on his phone, hesitating whether to open it now or go back and look at it.

He really wants to open it now, check it immediately, find out the non-local numbers one by one in the records of the two months, and then find a city that does not snow during the Spring Festival.

But after hesitating, he put the phone back in his pocket.

In any case, he didn't want to appear too eager, and he didn't want anyone to think that Jiang Yuduo's situation might not be very good.

Xu Ding was still very attentive, and after chatting a few more words, he called the waiter to settle the bill: "I'll take you back."

"Well." Cheng Ke got up.

When Xu Ding helped him put his coat on one arm, he felt a little uncomfortable. When Jiang Yuduo helped him put on his coat, even when he was not a "boyfriend", he also felt quite natural.

When recalling that feeling, Cheng Ke felt a little soft in his heart.

After Xu Ding sent him back to Jiang Yuduo's house, he took out his mobile phone before he even entered the door, and then took out the key.

Jiang Yuduo gave him a key, which he put on the cat's head keychain.

After entering the door, Meow came to rub his leg, probably hungry.

As he opened the document, he randomly scooped some cat food and a can of food into the food bowl: "You can eat it first, and I will find your third brother when you are hungry at night."

After the document was opened, Cheng Ke didn't even bother to read it, and pulled his finger up, wanting to see the length of the detail sheet first and estimate the workload.

The form slid upwards.

Before even 0.1 seconds, it stopped.

Cheng Ke was stunned for a while, wondering if he was confused.

He pulled up again, and it was indeed the end, so he slid down again, 0.1, and returned to the top.

In order to make sure that he was not dazzled, he pulled to the end again and glanced at the serial number, 21.

Incoming and outgoing calls, a total of 21 call records.

Since leaving the house, his phone has also been used very little, but in two months, there are more than 21 ads for sale.

It seems that Jiang Yuduo's number is used very rarely.

It's also good, so his workload is much less, and he can pick out the number from other places in just one second...

He stared down at the call type column.

Local, local, local, local, local…

21 local calls.

Cheng Ke looked at the screen and couldn't tell how he felt.

Jiang Yuduo didn't use his mobile phone to contact Sister Luo, or in other words, he never contacted Sister Luo at all.

Cheng Ke didn't know which guess was right, but starting from this angle, it was obviously a failure.

He deleted the file, put the phone on the coffee table, and closed his eyes while leaning back on the sofa.

Jiang Yuduo didn't know when he would come back. Cheng Ke was constantly fighting in his heart. Should he ask Jiang Yuduo about the psychiatrist? If he did, what kind of reaction would Jiang Yuduo have.

"Fuck." Cheng Ke felt a little bored and fell on the sofa.

Remembering that he was lying in the place where Meow had pooped, he didn't move.

People are really adaptable to the environment, and now unless Meow comes over and poops on his pants, he will definitely not move in his current mood.

When Jiang Yuduo turned into the alley, he glanced behind him from the corner of his eye, and a shadow flashed behind him at a very fast speed. If he hadn't paid attention to it knowing that someone was behind him, he probably would have missed the shadow.

The people who came this time were different from the previous ones. They followed closely, moved quickly, and… they couldn’t get rid of them.

This large area consists of various shopping malls, a bar street, and a residential area. He has been around for almost half an hour between various buildings that are not upstairs. Even if he has lived here for ten years, every brick and tile is lost. It is difficult for someone who is familiar with his own palm lines to not lose someone.

But the people behind him are still there, like a shadow, no matter what route he chooses, he can't get rid of them, and the other party maintains a constant distance from him.

Jiang Yuduo began to feel fear.

You can't run away.

No matter where you run, you can't run away.

He felt that his steps were a little chaotic.

This is a big no-no, pace is very important for both offense and defense, determining the posture and speed of your shot.

Breathing a little hard.

Body joints also start to stiffen.

All this is to remind him.


He was afraid.

He's not afraid that the people who follow him will hurt him, slap him with a brick, smash him with a stick, stab him, and it won't make him afraid.

If he can't get rid of the people behind him, if these people are still there when he goes back, that's what he is most afraid of.

Cheng Ke would know.

Cheng Ke never said it, but he knew that Cheng Ke would be worried, tangled, and careful, and would always observe his reaction, his every move.

Once or twice, a day or two, maybe not a problem.

But after a long time, no one will stay here.

He was afraid, afraid that "next year" would not come again.

In front is the bar street, Jiang Yuduo turned back here for the second time.

The bar street is more chaotic than other places. At this time, there are many people and cars, all kinds of lights and shadows are intertwined, and the sound of human voices and music overflows from behind the doors, so that sometimes people passing by can't even tell the direction of the sound.

Jiang Yuduo decided to get rid of the people behind him here.

He looked back.

There were many people behind him, but he still saw the two figures behind everyone.

If it's just two people, it's not a big problem.

There is a recessed open space on the street in front, and there is a narrow alley in the open space.

He turned in quickly.

After walking about a dozen steps, Jiang Yuduo heard footsteps behind him.

He frowned.

This is not someone who has been following him.

Those people wouldn't make footsteps, wouldn't let him hear them.

This is…

Jiang Yuduo reacted suddenly when he noticed the surrounding environment.

This is the narrow alley at the back door of Zhang Daqi's bar.

On the left is the wall and closed windows of Zhang Daqi's bar, and on the right is a fence. Go straight for about 50 meters, pass large and small trash cans and the debris thrown from several bars side by side, and go out to another street. .

Jiang Yuduo was very familiar with this place. This was the main place when they clashed with Zhang Daqi's people.

And he walked in here because he was nervous and scared.

The people behind Zhang Daqi had already blocked up, and when he looked up, he also saw people.

He was stuck in the middle, and those who followed him must be waiting for an opportunity now.

"Third," a voice sounded in the darkness, "It's been over half an hour, do we really think we can't see you?"

Jiang Yuduo didn't say anything, and put his left hand in his pocket.

In order to stop worrying about Cheng Ke, he hadn't put a knife in his pocket for a long time, and now he put his hand in and only found a pack of tissues.

But two meters ahead, there is an iron pipe leaning against the wall, which should be the leg of a high chair.

"What about your gang, you actually let their third brother play Lone Hero today?" The man in the dark said mockingly, "Would you like to give you some time, call them and let them know, and come back to you in five minutes? Collect the corpse…”

Jiang Yuduo didn't listen to him, only rushed forward when he was most happy, and picked up the iron pipe.

Then he swiped his side violently.

Zhang Daqi's people hadn't approached yet, they didn't have such a speed, he was swiping at those who were following him.

But because of this interference, when Zhang Daqi's people rushed in front of him, he didn't have time to retract the iron pipe, and his arm was smashed heavily.

No pain, just fear.

There were people all around, but not a single one could be seen.

The light only illuminated him.

He took the iron rod and swung it at the opponent who was close to him.

On the head, on the shoulders, on the back, on the legs, anywhere can be attacked, and anywhere will be attacked.

Not feeling pain is not because it doesn't hurt, it's because you can't feel it.

Once pain is perceived, rout ensues.

attack! Hit him up! Don't cover your head! beat! rib cage! Not enough power!

Jiang Yuduo waved his arms fiercely, kicked his legs violently, and gave up his defense.

If you're at a disadvantage, defense will only get you down.

Must struggle, must resist, must give up protection to attack.

"Run! Jiang Yuduo! Run! Run out!" a man's voice shouted.

Jiang Yuduo gasped heavily and started to run.

Run forward, jump on the trash can, jump over the wall, land, and keep running.

He turned around, wanting to see the shouting man, but there was nothing behind him.

Cheng Ke slowly flipped through his mobile phone, wanting to check the specific method of strawberry wine.

In fact, there are quite a lot of tutorials, and there are all kinds of self-brewed fruit wines, but for a waste like him, the general tutorials are not enough.

However, he didn't take a close look after flipping through it for a long time, and just glanced at it and closed the page.

He was a little absent-minded.

Jiang Yuduo has not come back yet, although he knows that Jiang Yuduo is eating with Chen Qing, it is not a problem for two iron buddies who have known each other for ten years to eat for a few hours, and Chen Qing should have a good relationship with them. The question of the stomach may be better than Jiang Yuduo's curious baby because of the unique speed of the brain. It is not surprising that this meal is eaten in the middle of the night, but I don't know why, but I am still flustered.

Cheng Ke clicked on WeChat, but didn't receive any news, and then clicked on Da Cun's name. After confirming that Jiang Yuduo did not send him a message, he put the phone back on the table in an uneasy mood.

Thirty seconds later, he picked it up again.

He wanted to call Jiang Yuduo, but he was afraid that his worries would be a burden for Jiang Yuduo.

After hesitating for two seconds, he opened the phone book.

Just as I was about to dial, the phone rang suddenly.

Jiang Brain called abnormally.

Before even a second, Cheng Ke answered the phone: "Hello, third brother."

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Yuduo didn't speak, only a thin rustling sound.

"Jiang Yuduo?" Cheng Ke felt that the voice was like dialing the number by mistake in his pocket, "Hey! Speak!"

Just as he was about to hang up the phone and call Jiang Yuduo, a gasp came from the receiver.

The voice was wrapped in the wind and was a little hard to hear, but Cheng Ke could still hear Jiang Yuduo's breathing.

"Jiang Yuduo! What's wrong with you?" Cheng Ke stood up and shouted, then used a plaster to pick up the coat thrown on the sofa and walked to the door.

"Cheng Ke." Jiang Yuduo's voice came out.

When Cheng Ke heard this voice, his heart suddenly became tense. Jiang Yuduo's voice was a little hoarse, but this was not the point. What made him nervous was the emotion in Jiang Yuduo's voice.

"Where are you, Cheng Ke?" Jiang Yuduo's voice trembled slightly.

"I'm at your house," Cheng Ke opened the door and walked out, "you..."

"Save me," Jiang Yuduo whispered, with despair and fear that could be clearly felt through the receiver. "Cheng Ke, save me."

Cheng Ke only felt a muffled sound in his head, he rushed out on the street, reached out to stop the car and shouted on the phone: "Where are you! I'll go right now! Where are you!"

He didn't know where the address Jiang Yuduo gave him was, he only knew that it was probably a small garden similar to the small garden in the middle of the street where they met before, but Jiang Yuduo had hung up the phone, and when Cheng Ke called again He didn't pick up.

A taxi stopped at the side of the road five meters away from him, and a couple was opening the door to get in the car.

Cheng Ke never knew that he could run so fast. When he rushed to the door, the girl had just bent over to get up.

"Sorry!" Cheng Ke grabbed her arm, "Get out of the way."

"What are you doing!" the girl shouted.

"What are you doing!" Her boyfriend immediately raised his hand.

Cheng Ke grabbed his hand and twisted it hard: "I said, I'm sorry, I want to use this car."

"Ah-" the boy frowned and shouted.

Cheng Ke let go of his hand, opened the passenger door, and got in the car: "please drive quickly."

The driver looked at him hesitantly. Cheng Ke reported the address Jiang Yuduo had given him, and then took out his wallet. It was difficult to operate with one hand. The bucks fell out of the wallet and spilled the driver's leg: "Drive quickly, be fast."

The driver stepped on the accelerator and the car swooped out.

"Is it far?" Cheng Ke put on his coat with great effort.

"It'll be there in three minutes," the driver said. "Two minutes on the sidewalk. Please accept the money. It's really not that much."

Cheng Ke didn't speak, he jumped out of the car as soon as the car stopped.

On the side of the road is a flower bed, a small gravel road goes through it, and there is a circular fountain without water in the middle.

"Jiang Yuduo!" Cheng Ke rushed in along the road. Just when he was about to shout again, he saw a man sitting on the ground in front of the stone carving screen on the right, with one leg bent and his arm hanging by his side.

It was Jiang Yuduo.

Cheng Ke felt that he couldn't make a sound, but rushed over and knelt beside Jiang Yuduo, resting his left hand on the ground, and first saw the blood on Jiang Yuduo's face.

"Where's the injury?" Cheng Ke controlled his voice, "Do you want to call an ambulance?"

"No." Jiang Yuduo replied.

Cheng Ke raised his hand, wanting to see where the blood on his face was hurt, Jiang Yuduo raised his head and looked at him: "Cheng Ke."

"I'm here." Cheng Ke responded, seeing Jiang Yuduo's eyes full of horror and tears, "What's wrong? Tell me, what's wrong?"

He gently hugged Jiang Yuduo's shoulders.

"They are there." Jiang Yuduo said.

Cheng Ke's heart sank suddenly: "Where?"

"Opposite." Jiang Yuduo said.

Cheng Ke turned his head and saw only a small empty garden. There was a row of benches over the fountain, and they were all empty. It was impossible for anyone to sit in such a place in this weather.

"You can't see it, can you?" Jiang Yuduo asked, "Two people, right next to the fountain."

Cheng Ke looked at the water fountain that had been dried up, and only felt that his heart was blocked and uncomfortable. At this moment, his nose was sore that his forehead hurt.

"I can't see it," he said softly.

"Why?" Jiang Yuduo's voice was hoarse, and big tears fell from the corners of his eyes, "Why can't you see it?"

"I don't know," Cheng Ke's tears followed, and he couldn't stop it. He hugged Jiang Yuduo tightly and rubbed his back hard, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, you can see it or you can't see it. , it doesn't matter."

"It's related," Jiang Yuduo said, "I'm a lunatic."

"You're not, you're not," Cheng Ke said in a series, "you are Jiang Yuduo, you are the third brother, you are my boyfriend, nothing else matters."

"Save me." Jiang Yuduo said.

"Okay." Cheng Ke nodded vigorously.