
Chapter 88


Cheng Ke did not buy a ticket, but a bus ticket.

He wanted to bring meow, and he was really worried about taking the plane, so he chose the bus.

He also always wanted to experience how Jiang Yuduo felt when he was on the bus, what he saw and heard.

But after getting in the car, I regretted it a little bit. What kind of shit are you being hypocritical

It's too long, and the environment is uncomfortable and smelly.

He had already chosen the most expensive ticket, but it didn't improve much... Fortunately, the driver asked him to carry Meow's small bag into the car and didn't stuff it into the suitcase.

After getting in the car and finding his position, Cheng Ke took out his headphones and plugged it in, looking out the window with his head tilted.

In fact, this action will make him miss Jiang Yuduo strongly.

Jiang Yuduo's obsession with the observation window has been carved into his memory. When he thinks of all kinds of Jiang Yuduo, there must be a window.

He also looked out the window sometimes, but mostly because of boredom, or to avoid communication that he was unwilling to communicate, but Jiang Yuduo was habitually vigilant.

In that case, the things he sees should be different. Every time Jiang Yuduo looks out the window, he may not notice the signs with different styles, different trees and flowers, and the colors in the sunlight. different buildings.

If Jiang Yu takes it back, after finishing what he should do, maybe he should be taken out to see the new world again.

In fact, Cheng Ke was not in the mood to watch the scenery at the moment, he basically just stared at the glass in a daze.

Xu Ding had probably already guessed that the real destination of his investigation this time was definitely not the places he reported, but Huihui, who was very careful about the characteristic themed restaurants in the cities he said he was going to. Added some more.

Of course, he wasn't visiting the restaurant this time, he was visiting the mental hospital this time.

But he has no bottom line on how far he can investigate and whether the ultimate goal can be achieved.

He didn't even call Sister Luo in advance, for fear that Sister Luo would stop him from going on the phone.

However, he was not too impulsive this time, and considered it for a long time.

It's been a while since Jiang Yuduo started the treatment secretly, from early spring to early summer, if he cooperated, it should have been effective.

If the doctor can agree with him to meet Jiang Yuduo, it may give Jiang Yuduo the motivation to continue to cooperate well.

When Cheng Ke came from the bus with Meow, he felt a little stiff all over his body, his waist was quite sore, and he seemed to have a strange smell on his body.

He took a taxi directly to the hotel where he stayed with Jiang Yuduo last time, but it was a pity that he didn't book that hotel when he made the reservation.

This time he had more luggage than last time. After all, it was hot, and he also stuffed a small folding cat cage in the box.

After entering the room, the waiter watched him put Meow in the cage and then left.

"I feel sorry for you these few days," Cheng Ke put the water and cat food into the cage, "I will take you to see your third brother tomorrow, if you can see him... If the doctor agrees, you can accompany him to the hospital. ."

Meow has been in the car for a day, and it seems that his mood is not too high. He just ate a few cat food and then fell down.

"If it doesn't work, you have to go back with me." Cheng Ke touched it.

If you don't see anyone, you can go back tomorrow.

Cheng Ke suddenly felt a little nervous. He hadn't had such nervous expectations and fear of disappointment for many years.

I thought I would be calmer after a night's sleep... It was quite calm when I walked out of the hotel with Meow in my arms, but when he got into the taxi and reported Sister Luo's address, he became uneasy again.

After arriving at the place, he called Sister Luo.

"Hello Xiaocheng." Sister Luo answered the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Luo," Cheng Ke cleared his throat, "I... passed by you on a business trip. I wonder if you have time to come out and sit?"

"Ah!" Sister Luo was a little surprised, "Where are you?"

"I'm just... at..." Cheng Ke suddenly felt a little embarrassed, "downstairs in your office."

"Downstairs?" Sister Luo was even more surprised, "Okay, okay, I'll come down here."

Cheng Ke's embarrassment reached its peak when Sister Luo walked out of the door.

He is almost thirty. According to Jiang's bastard's virtual age system, he is already thirty. As a result, he has done such an impulsive thing like a brat.

Although he was talking about a business trip, when Sister Luo saw the meow in his hand, her eyes already told him - my God, is this chasing her husband for thousands of miles

"I can't tell you where Xiaojiang is," Sister Luo said after sitting down with him in the small cafe next to him, "I can only tell you that his current state is relatively stable, and the effect of treatment is also Not bad."

"I didn't come to ask you where he is," Cheng Ke smiled, opened the map on his mobile phone and handed it to Sister Luo, with the destination already set on it, "I plan to go directly, so... I mainly want to Let me know first, is he in his current state, is he suitable to see me? After all, it has been a few months, if he keeps thinking that I can't wait and leave, and I never show up, I'm afraid he will be disappointed."

Sister Luo looked at him, and after a while she said softly, "He probably has such concerns. I asked if I wanted to contact you, but he said no."

Cheng Ke suddenly felt distressed.

Some long-lost feeling.

During this period of time, after he calmed down from his anxiety, he just waited. Everything related to Jiang Yuduo could make him trance, and the waiting time got longer and longer, and he started to stop trance, everything seemed like An established habit.

Now, when Sister Luo heard about Jiang Yuduo's content, this kind of distress actually made him feel a little joy.

He has the same fear as Jiang Yuduo, he will not be able to bear it, he will leave, and many things will fade away.

And now his instant reaction made the anxiety that he hadn't noticed for a long time but really existed sank, and the whole person was peaceful and calm.

He looked at his fingers tightly holding the handle of the cup: "Then..."

"I think you can try it out, talk to his doctor first, and listen to his opinion, whether it will help Xiao Jiang, or if there is another more suitable way." Sister Luo said.

"Thank you." Cheng Ke pinched Miao's ear, maybe because he was excited and didn't grasp the strength, Miao patted his paw.

It can be seen that Sister Luo really cares about Jiang Yuduo. Before Cheng Ke went to the hospital, Sister Luo called Jiang Yuduo's doctor and briefly introduced the situation.

"You can go directly, Dr. Li is waiting for you there." Sister Luo said.

"Thank you, Teacher Luo," Cheng Ke stood up anxiously, "Well, then I..."

"Come on," Sister Luo smiled, "I'll buy coffee."

Cheng Kechong bent over to Sister Luo, and before he had time to say anything, he walked out of the cafe with Miao in his arms.

The taxi driver knew where he was going as soon as he heard the address. He probably didn't talk to him all the way because of the mood of the patient's family.

When we got to the place to stop the car, the driver said, "Have you never been here before? Just go in. The left side is for the family. You can register there."

"Thank you." Cheng Ke nodded and got out of the car with Miao.

Meow is extraordinarily honest today, except for the paw just now, no matter if he is carrying or hugging, Meow will obediently put his paws together.

Jiang Yuduo's doctor, surnamed Li, is an uncle in his fifties. He is a doctor with a good reputation. Cheng Ke saw it when he checked the hospital information.

After he explained the situation to the nurse at the reception, the nurse asked him to sit in the hall next to him and wait for a while.

There are many small tables and chairs in the hall, and there is a TV. The news is being broadcast at the moment. After sitting down, Cheng Ke looked around.

There were a few people, both male and female, wearing clothes with the name of the hospital on them. A young boy who looked at the table kept talking in a low voice. The rest were quiet and a little embarrassed because of this. Several people tilted their heads and stared at him curiously.

Cheng Kechong smiled at them, put his eyes on the corridor, and did not continue to look at them.

For some reason, seeing such a scene, he was a little worried.

These are patients, and they all have a different world than others, and some people are trapped in another world their whole lives.

But when he felt it intuitively, he suddenly realized that Jiang Yuduo was just like them.

Jiang Yuduo is also a patient here.

Even in most of the time he spent with him, Jiang Yuduo would not make people feel strange, but that was only because he covered the pain with pain.

It might be easier to not know it.

Those who are separated between the two worlds may suffer more despair.

When Dr. Li came out of the corridor, Cheng Ke recognized it at a glance, he stood up, and the momentary tension made him forget about Meow lying on his lap, Meow quickly grabbed his clothes and hung them on on him.

"Is it Cheng Ke?" Dr. Li came over and stretched out his hand with a smile after a few steps away.

"Yes," Cheng Ke greeted him and shook hands with him, "Hello Dr. Li, please excuse me."

"Sit down," Dr. Li said, "let's have a brief communication first."

"Okay." Cheng Ke sat down and grabbed Meow with both hands to avoid shaking his hands from excitement and nervousness.

"Xiao Luo told me about the situation," Dr. Li said, "I think Jiang Yuduo's meeting with you will have a more positive effect. Especially during this period, he wants to be discharged from the hospital. I hope his mood can be stabilized. , would like to observe another week."

"Can he be discharged?" Cheng Ke sat up straight.

"It is now combined with drugs. After a few months, it is basically stable, and it is unlikely to fully recover," Dr. Li said. "But I am still relatively optimistic. His self-control and willpower are quite strong."

"Then he is now..." Cheng Ke asked carefully.

"The situation is not bad, it's much better than when I first came here," Dr. Li smiled after thinking about it, "Of course it's not ruled out that he's fooling me. This kid has been able to deal with us before, but this time he offered to cooperate. Treatment, I believe his condition is indeed stable."

"That's good," Cheng Ke sighed in relief, "Thank you."

"I'll talk to him, and then ask him to come over," Dr. Li stood up, "wait a moment."

"Okay." Cheng Ke got up and nodded.

After Dr. Li walked away, with a meow, Cheng Ke picked it up from his lap and put it on the table, tugging at its beard: "What should I do, I'm a little nervous, just in case I get nervous and cry. What to do?"

Meow sat looking at him.

"Probably not," Cheng Ke said, "I think your third brother may cry first. When I see him crying, I may not have the chance to cry. I have to comfort him."

Meow licks its paws.

"It is estimated that if it goes well, he will be discharged from the hospital before his birthday," Cheng Ke took out his mobile phone and looked at the calendar, "but this time will be quite long. Should I go back first or stay here forever..."

Meow put down her paws and looked at him indifferently.

Cheng Ke felt that he couldn't stop: "I..."

"Meow~~~" A cat meow came from the front.

Meow looked back.

Cheng Ke raised his head abruptly, even if it was such a non-standard cat meow, it was enough for him to hear it.

It was Jiang Yuduo.

When he saw Jiang Yuduo, Cheng Ke felt that his whole person was frozen.

Because there is no return date, the waiting period has made him accustomed to numbness. He doesn't think too much, and he doesn't dare to think too much. All kinds of imaginations about Jiang Yuduo can only stay on the literal.

Even a second before he heard Jiang Yuduo's voice, he didn't specifically think about the scene of their meeting.

When I saw Jiang Yuduo's smiling face, it was as if the TV that had been receiving bad reception suddenly had a signal all around, and it suddenly became real and clear, and even the whispering of the boy next to him seemed to be amplified.

All the colors became bright and full, all the sounds began to pour into the ears, and the smell of the earth and grass wafting in from the window.

"You..." Cheng Ke looked at Jiang Yuduo before saying a word, "Aren't you fat?"

"I pay attention. There is a gym on the second floor. I go to it every day." Jiang Yuduo walked up to him and touched the bag with one hand, his eyes never leaving his face, "I..."

This sentence was not finished, just as Cheng Ke guessed, Jiang Yuduo's tears slid down in this second, and the tears flashed on his face.

"I thought you were gone," Jiang Yuduo frowned, trying hard to control his tears, and tugging at the corners of his mouth with a smile, "Sister Luo said to contact you, I dare not, I'm afraid you have left …”

"I said I won't leave," Cheng Ke hugged him, "I said I won't leave, did Sister Luo tell you?"

"Say," Jiang Yuduo hugged him tightly and buried his face on his shoulder, "but it's been too long, I'm afraid your words won't count for so long..."

"When did I stop talking?" Cheng Ke rubbed his back fiercely. This real touch made him feel like a man who had been hungry for two years and could only eat boiled vegetables every day. Mouth full of braised pork.

Practical and satisfying.

"Why aren't you thin," Jiang Yuduo said while suppressing his voice, crying in a low voice, "don't you miss me?"

"Think, why don't you think about it, I think about it every day..." Cheng Ke also whispered, his voice trembling.

"Then why aren't you thin?" Jiang Yuduo asked persistently.

"I learn from you every day, three meals a day are quite a lot, and each meal is quite a lot," Cheng Ke said, "I always eat in the store, the food is too good, I can't lose weight."

Jiang Yuduo didn't speak, and after a while he covered his neck and laughed: "Stupid."

"You." Cheng Ke smiled.

Jiang Yuduo kept laughing, and he kept laughing too.

There was nothing funny, but just wanted to laugh, Cheng Ke even laughed out loud.

He laughed until he wanted to cry, then he stopped.

Jiang Yuduo let go of him, stared at his face and looked carefully again.

Cheng Ke found that the tears on Jiang Yuduo's face were gone, and even the tears were no longer visible, probably all wiped on his shoulders.

"Go for a walk in the yard?" Jiang Yuduo asked softly.

"Well." Cheng Ke nodded.

Jiang Yuduo picked up Miao and walked inside, passed through the door, and led him into the yard: "How is it, the scenery is not bad, right?"

"Well," Cheng Ke looked around, "very comfortable."

Jiang Yuduo glanced at him, turned his head as if embarrassed, and walked slowly along the path with his hands in his pockets and his head lowered.

Cheng Ke seemed to have the same feeling, maybe it was because he hadn't seen each other for too long, he was a little embarrassed to follow along.

After walking a short distance, Jiang Yuduo sat down beside the fountain and looked up at him: "Give me a cigarette."

"Okay," Cheng Ke took out the cigarette case and hesitated again, "Are you taking medicine, can you smoke?"

"I can smoke, but I made an appointment with Dr. Li for four a day, and he will give it to me every day," Jiang Yuduo said. "Today's smoking is over."

Cheng Ke laughed: "So is it secretly smoking now?"

"Well," Jiang Yuduo also smiled, "give it to me."

Cheng Ke handed him a cigarette and lit it for him.

Jiang Yuduo took a sip and gently spit out a pillar of smoke.

Cheng Ke stared at him, and finally began to slowly find the familiar appearance of Jiang Yuduo, his eyes narrowed when he smoked, still the third brother's arrogant appearance.

But there were changes, subtle ones that maybe only he could feel.

That is relaxation.

Jiang Yuduo is much more relaxed than before. If there is no comparison, Cheng Ke feels that he will not find out that Jiang Yuduo in the past will always be a little nervous.

"How did you know I was here?" Jiang Yuduo asked, "Did you bribe Sister Luo?"

"No, she's a good comrade," Cheng Ke smiled, "I guess."

"The guess is so accurate." Jiang Yuduo said.

"Let's guess who you are, guess what you said is so accurate." Cheng Ke said.

Jiang Yuduo narrowed his eyes and laughed, and after a while he reached out and grabbed Cheng Ke's clothes and pulled it in front of him, looking up at him: "I really... I wonder every day, will you leave? ."

"If you say no, you won't. You don't know me too well," Cheng Ke lowered his head and pinched his chin, "I still have unfinished business."

"What business?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

Cheng Ke looked around, there was no one, he lowered his voice: "Fuck you."