
Chapter 93


I am a little ant.

What little ant

Is it the little ant of the little grasshopper and the little dung beetle

Cheng Ke was a little confused when he heard this, and the place on his face where the little ant's elbow smashed was still hurting, hot and spicy.

But he didn't care about the feeling on his face.

The phrase "it's a puppy" thrown by Jiang Yuduo when he ran past him made his back chill.

If this person is really the puppy who was with Jiang Yuduo... All along, whether it be hallucinations or his memories, Jiang Yuduo's fears are all hidden in his mind, but now it may be because of this puppy And suddenly it became real.

This is proof that all fears become real all at once.

Cheng Ke stared at Jiang Yuduo, and he also paid attention to the little ant from the corner of his eyes.

He couldn't let go of any small movements and glances.

"...Little ants?" Jiang Yuduo asked softly after being stunned for a long time.

"Yes," replied the little ant, "I am the little ant."

Jiang Yuduo slowly loosened his grip on his collar, then took a step back, stared at him and looked up and down for a long time: "What are you doing here?"

"I've been looking for you for a long time," said the little ant. "I've looked for a few people, but I only found you. Before the little brick committed suicide, he said that you might be here. I've always... never dared to come here."

"Why do you dare now?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

The little ant looked at him and smiled, but did not speak.

Jiang Yuduo was silent for a while before speaking again: "Have you eaten yet?"

"I haven't eaten it since yesterday." The little ant replied.

Jiang Yuduo glanced at Cheng Ke and hesitated for a few seconds: "I'll take you to eat something."

"Okay." The little ant lowered his head and tugged at his clothes, nodding politely.

Cheng Ke wanted to say something, but he didn't say it. This little ant's style was somewhat similar to Jiang Yuduo's, but it was also very different, and he couldn't say the specifics.

"Go buy cigarettes." Jiang Yuduo whispered to Cheng Ke.

"No." Cheng Ke simply refused. In this case, he couldn't let Jiang Yuduo and Little Ant, who basically represented Jiang Yuduo's dark childhood, be alone, not even for a second.

Jiang Yuduo glanced at him and said nothing else.

The little ant should be very hungry, Jiang Yuduo just found a small restaurant next to him, and he swallowed as soon as he entered.

Jiang Yuduo ordered a few dishes, but didn't ask for wine.

The little ant probably didn't need wine either. He filled a big bowl of rice, and after it was compacted, he added another spoonful, and then he started to eat without speaking.

It's earlier than Cheng Ke and the others usually eat dinner. Cheng Ke hasn't felt hungry yet. In addition to the appearance of little ants, he and Jiang Yuduo didn't use chopsticks. Maybe they were a little worried that these dishes were not enough for little ants. food.

After eating three big bowls of rice and cleaning up several dishes, the little ant wiped his mouth: "I'm full, do you have any smoke?"

Jiang Yuduo took out the cigarette and lighter in his pocket and put it in front of him.

The little ant took one and lit it, took two puffs, put the cigarette case in his pocket, and then glanced at Jiang Yuduo: "I didn't dare to inquire when I came here, so I kept looking for it for almost two hours. It's been a month, I finally met you."

"Is it you who followed me before?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"Well," the little ant exhaled a puff of smoke, "I almost can't remember what you look like, but I remember the scar on your face, so I have to make sure first, when you just chased after me, I knew it must be you, The only one who can outrun me is you."

Jiang Yuduo did not speak.

The little ant took another two puffs of cigarettes and glanced at Cheng Ke: "Is this your friend? You are doing well."

Cheng Ke was about to speak, but Jiang Yuduo had already answered before him: "My landlord."

"Well." Cheng Ke immediately followed Jiang Yuduo's words.

He estimated that Jiang Yuduo had his own judgment, so he quickly cooperated, although the excuse of "landlord" was not much better than the one he used in front of his mother before.

The little ant smiled.

Jiang Yuduo settled the bill, and the little ant walked out of the hotel with them. He didn't say where he was going or what he had to do with Jiang Yuduo. He just followed them all the way back to the intersection in silence.

"Where do you live?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"Where can I live," said the little ant, "I don't even have money to eat, can I still afford a store?"

Cheng Ke glanced at him. The little ant was fairly neat and clean. In this weather, if he didn't take a bath for a few days, he must have smelled on his body, but Cheng Ke didn't smell any peculiar smell on him.

"Well." Jiang Yuduo responded and turned around, "Then I'll go back first."

"Jiang Yuduo," the little ant stopped him, "I'll go to your place to rest, I'll leave later."

Jiang Yu took his head back and said, "No."

"Why not?" The little ant didn't seem surprised by his answer, and there was no expression on his face, he just tilted his head, "We've endured hardship together, it's not too much to take a break with you, right?"

"No." Jiang Yuduo repeated.

When Cheng Ke walked back with him, the little ant did not follow.

Jiang Yuduo was silent, walking very fast, Cheng Ke looked back.

The little ant was still standing at the door of the hotel, lit a cigarette, and stared at them from a distance. When Cheng Ke turned back, he exhaled a cigarette from his mouth.

"Are you going to buy cigarettes?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"Well," Cheng Ke responded, "it's okay to buy it tomorrow, do you still have it?"

"Go buy it now, it's fine." Jiang Yuduo said.

After buying the cigarettes, Jiang Yuduo didn't ask the boss to bring the wine to the house, and went back with Cheng Ke alone with a beer.

In order not to miss the date when passing by the lottery station, Cheng Ke went in and bought a bet.

"You bitch," Jiang Yuduo snorted, "Chen Qing wouldn't just buy one bet."

"Chen Qing is referring to getting rich." Cheng Ke said.

"What number did you buy?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"Not fixed, buy whatever you remember." Cheng Ke smiled.

"Then your chance of winning the lottery is even lower than Chen Qing finding a girlfriend within this year." Jiang Yuduo said.

When he got home and entered the corridor, Jiang Yuduo looked on both sides of the road, and then walked in. After entering the house, he locked the door.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Ke asked.

"Be on guard." Jiang Yuduo walked to the window and looked out.

"That little ant," Cheng Ke frowned, "is it really a puppy? When you were young... together?"

"Well," Jiang Yuduo nodded, took the beer into the kitchen, and put the cans in the refrigerator, "he was kidnapped, he was four years old when he came, he was very young, and he didn't even remember where he came from. , the police have been searching for a long time and can't find his family."

"Then..." Cheng Ke didn't know what to ask.

He could feel that the encounter between Jiang Yuduo and the little ant was different from the pattern of struggling to survive together through the dark as a child, except for the moment when he heard the word "little ant", He never had any emotions related to "reunion after a long absence" and "share weal and woe" because of the appearance of the little ant.

The opposite is tension and preparedness.

Cheng Ke didn't have a good impression of the little ant. The little ant was a little thinner than Jiang Yuduo, and his force value was comparable to Jiang Yuduo's. Cheng Ke felt that when he first caught the little ant, if he hadn't run away but counterattacked head-on, You must be hurt yourself.

The force value is not the same, the key is that the eyes and the aura emanating from his whole body are different from Jiang Yuduo.

Jiang Yuduo will never be like a little ant, no matter how he acts again and again, he will never be like the little ant, with murderous aura in his eyes, not the kind of murderous aura on the third brother, I am the boss of this piece. It's the kind of murderousness that I would really kill.

"Doggies are very dangerous," Jiang Yuduo took out an ice pack, wrapped it in a towel and pressed it lightly on Cheng Ke's face, "Every day they huddle together to keep warm, but they can attack anyone at any time."

Cheng Ke's face was icy for a while, and he felt a layer of goosebumps on his back.

"Then what do you think... This little ant, why did he come to you?" he asked.

"I don't know," Jiang Yuduo frowned, "he said he couldn't find any other puppies, only me."

"If this is true, he is looking for a puppy, not specifically looking for you, right?" Cheng Ke asked.

"Well." Jiang Yuduo opened a can of beer and took a sip.

"Why is he looking for a puppy?" Cheng Ke frowned, "It's been so many years."

"Maybe I've been looking for it for so many years," Jiang Yuduo smiled, shaking his hands and spilling beer all over his body, "I haven't been able to find it... No, he has found a small brick."

Cheng Ke stared at his hand for a while, walked over and took the beer can in his hand, and held his hand.

Sure enough, Jiang Yuduo's hands were shaking.

Cheng Ke was nervous for a while, and quickly squatted in front of him and touched his face: "Jiang Yuduo."

"I'm a little... scared," Jiang Yuduo frowned and looked up at him, "he said before Little Brick committed suicide."

"Do you think he has something to do with... that puppy committed suicide?" Cheng Ke asked.

"I don't know, it's not surprising that any puppy wants to commit suicide," Jiang Yuduo said. "Living is the hardest."

"What are your thoughts now, this little leech... little ant," Cheng Ke said, "what are you going to do? Do you want your people to stare at him?"

"No," Jiang Yuduo shook his head quickly, "he will find out, he is not an ordinary person, Dabin and the others will be found out within ten minutes of staring at him, it's too dangerous... I don't know how he found it. Mine, how long have you been following me?"

The two of them hadn't eaten dinner before, but now the little ants are not necessarily cat-catchers, and they don't know what they want to do, so they didn't go out to eat either. Cheng Ke ordered a few dishes to eat at home.

Jiang Yuduo's mood was relatively stable, there was no outbreak or hallucinations, but he was always a little scared.

In the past Jiang Yuduo would also be afraid, but unlike now, when faced with fear in the past, Jiang Yuduo would look like he was wearing armor. This armor was like a scar on a wound that was constantly injured. composition, and now that layer of armor, has been removed.

Jiang Yuduo in front of him is obviously much more fragile, but also much more real.

Cheng Ke spent the whole night watching TV with Jiang Yuduo on the sofa. He knew that Jiang Yuduo didn't watch it seriously, and was always paying attention to the movement outside the window and the backyard.

The state of the process is similar to his, and he is very vigilant.

When he was sleeping, Jiang Yuduo carried Miao into the bedroom, closed the door and locked it, and placed a few beer cans on the windowsill and under the bedroom door, all leaning against each other, so that even if there was only a slight movement, the cans would fall.

Jiang Yuduo sat in front of the bedside table and took the medicine.

Cheng Ke knew that he had added a sleeping pill to the medicine he normally needed to take, and reached out and touched his back: "Are you afraid that you won't be able to sleep?"

"Well," Jiang Yuduo lay down, "I don't want to keep my eyes open all night, but if there is movement at night, I can wake up."

"I know." Cheng Ke smiled and rolled over to hug him.

The little ant didn't come that night, and it didn't appear again the next day. It was peaceful until Jiang Yuduo's birthday.

The only one who is not quiet is Chen Qing.

Calls every half an hour starting at ten in the morning, asking what time to come and pick them up at noon.

On the birthday of the third brother after the disappearance of the trip for several months, the battle must be big. You have to eat from noon, you have to eat at night, and you have to eat late at night.

Cheng Ke didn't expect to spend this birthday alone with Jiang Yuduo at first, but he didn't expect it to start at noon.

"Fuck you, change your birthday," he sighed while sitting on the bed. They fought hard last night. Today, they wanted to sleep until the afternoon, but the general guardian successfully wiped away his drowsiness. Leave the rest for him, "Anyway, your birthday is set arbitrarily."

Jiang Yuduo smiled and got up and put on his clothes: "Why don't you check the lunar calendar's birthday, we will spend the lunar calendar alone in the future."

"Okay," Cheng Ke slapped, "I think this is a good idea."

"Where's my gift?" Jiang Yuduo stood in front of him, "I thought you would give it to me at midnight."

"I want to give it to you at zero," Cheng Ke tutted, "don't you know what we are doing at zero?"

"You didn't give it to me after that." Jiang Yuduo said.

"You sleep like a pig after you're done!" Cheng Ke glared at him, "I'll give a shit!"

"You didn't give it either." Jiang Yuduo said.

"Shut up, I'll warn you." Cheng Ke said.

"Gift." Jiang Yuduo said.

"Wait!" Cheng Ke got dressed and got out of bed.

"Where are you waiting?" Jiang Yuduo asked.

"Living room, sit up and wait." Cheng Ke said.

That bottle of strawberry wine, Cheng Ke kept in the yogurt box in the most conspicuous place in the refrigerator, Jiang Yuduo never noticed it.

He took out the strawberry wine from the yogurt box, took a gift box that he had already bought and hid in the cupboard, and put the wine into it carefully.

The color of this wine is a little different from before. The clear red is very beautiful. With the black bow tied on the bottle, it looks very high-end. At first glance, it is not a supermarket shelf.

"Hurry up! Presents!" Jiang Yuduo shouted in the living room.

"Come on!" Cheng Ke roared, picked up the tray and walked out.

Jiang Yuduo sat upright in front of the table, and when he saw him coming out, he wanted to get up, hesitated for a while and then kept his sitting position, his eyes kept staring at the gift box in his hand.

"What is it? Damn it, this box is several hundred at a glance." Jiang Yuduo was a little excited, but he kept talking, "Did you give me a box? Is there anything in the box? What is it? A watch Is it still a mobile phone? I really want to change the mobile phone for a bit of a card... It won't be cat food, will it? Or a belt? Is it handmade?"

"Shut up." Cheng Ke said.

Jiang Yuduo quickly stopped talking.

Cheng Ke put the gift box on the table and pushed it in front of him: "Jiang Yuduo, happy birthday."

"Thank you." Jiang Yuduo circled the gift box with both hands and smiled at him.

"This is the first time we've celebrated your birthday," Cheng Ke said, "so I put some thought into it, I hope you like it."

"Well, I like it," Jiang Yuduo said with a smile, "Can you open it?"

"When I finish speaking," Cheng Ke looked at him, "I hope you will spend every birthday with me in the future, and every birthday will have me..."

"Well." Jiang Yuduo nodded.

Cheng Ke thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of what to say next, so he had to wave his hand: "Open it."

Jiang Yuduo didn't wait for his voice to fall, and he raised his hand to open the lid of the box, and then shouted: "Fuck! It's so beautiful!"

"Isn't it nice?" Cheng Ke asked with a smile.

"It's beautiful!" Jiang Yuduo carefully took out the wine bottle and shook it to the light, "What kind of paint did you use for this! You artists are interested in color..."

"Wait a minute?" Cheng Ke stared at him, "Paint?"

"Ink?" Jiang Yuduo also looked at him.

"Can you stay away from Chen Qing in the future?" Cheng Ke said.

Jiang Yuduo was stunned for a while, then stared at the bottle for a few seconds, and suddenly jumped up: "Strawberry wine? Really! Fuck! Is it strawberry wine?"

"Yes." Cheng Ke replied.

"Did you really make strawberry wine!" Jiang Yuduo shook the bottle again, "strawberry wine is this color! It's so beautiful! You can actually make strawberry wine? When did you make strawberry wine? !I do not know how!"

"You did it after you ran away." Cheng Ke snorted.

Jiang Yuduo paused, staring at the wine without saying a word. After a long time, he carefully put the wine bottle back into the gift box, and then came over and hugged him: "Cheng Ke."

"Huh?" Cheng Ke responded and rubbed lightly on his back.

"Thank you." Jiang Yuduo said.

"It's not your style to always say thank you." Cheng Ke smiled.

"I don't even dare to think that you actually made strawberry wine," Jiang Yuduo hugged him tightly, "I thought you didn't even remember."

"I promised you." Cheng Ke said.

"Then will you promise me one more time?" Jiang Yuduo said.

"Well, what do I promise you?" Cheng Ke asked.

"Make some sorghum bars next year." Jiang Yuduo said.

"...Okay." Cheng Ke smiled helplessly and nodded.