Apex War God

Chapter 1834: Create Thirteen Yangs


Yang Wen used a series of methods to stabilize the military morale of the Wuhou Gang.

However, this was not enough to make those allies completely trust the Wuhou Gang to fight against the Canxian Palace. It was not until Yang Wen personally dealt with the quasi-emperor of the Canxian Palace that he left a deep impression on everyone. This elegant man The young man has abilities that are no less than those of his elder brother.

Every word uttered has extraordinary power, making those strong people helpless, and it is also extremely lethal.

And after Zi Yuyue became emperor, she held a pair of immortal weapons and became the most powerful helper of the Wuhou Gang. Even the quasi-immortals of the Canxian Palace were killed by her and fled in panic.

As for Haoren's strength, he is also extremely powerful. This Yang Wu's master is not just a showdown, he is more vigorous than the young people who come after him.

After the Wuhou Gang showed extraordinary fighting power, it was able to frighten the Canxian Palace. If the Canxian Palace wants to take down the Wuhou Gang and the Medicine Temple, it must concentrate all its forces and have Kunmingzi lead the army to kill them. They are destroyed.

Not long after, the Wuhou Gang added reinforcements, and Xiaoman returned.

Xiaoman brought the barbarians and the army of barbarians and joined the Wuhou Gang.

After not seeing each other for many years, Xiao Man also entered the realm of true gods and became the leader of the new generation of the Barbarians.

However, her master who looked like a divine dragon still didn't show up, and she really didn't know why he was so sacred.

The Canxian Palace simply gave up putting pressure on the Wuhou Gang, and instead continued to conquer other states. They also joined forces with the Void Palace to further expand their results and set a fifty-year plan to unify the divine world within fifty years.

The Void Palace is not that obvious about expansion, and their overall strength seems to be inferior to that of the Broken Immortal Palace. Together with the Broken Immortal Palace, they can create some momentum.

The divine world fell into a turbulent dark period.

The so-called darkness means that all those forces were robbed by the Crimson Immortal Palace, cutting off their countless years of heritage and the inheritance they cherished.

In the Broken Immortal Hall, the Tuoyue Tower remains unchanged. The Tuoyue Tower has been silent for three years.

Just wait until Kunmingzi comes out of seclusion or Can Cang returns from his trip, then he can put the Tuoyue Immortal Pagoda away.

Has Yang Wu in the Immortal Tower really been refined

Of course it's impossible. He has used the past ten years to do something unprecedented - building a realm of ten suns.

The realm of true gods is only the realm of Nine Suns, and it has never been said that there is a realm of Ten Yangs.

Since he chose the Dantian Shrine as the only true god palace, the others are just virtual shrines, different from other true gods, but his strength is indeed constantly improving, which proves that he has not gone astray on this path. However, he believes that it is not perfect yet and there is still a long way to go.

When he was suppressed in Tuoyue Immortal Tower, he noticed its flaws, and when the power of the Immortal Tower hit him, he even had the bold idea to use the power of this Immortal Weapon to build Take the Tenth Yang, make up for the shortcomings, and create a brand new system.

In the third year of being suppressed, he was able to build the Tenth Yang.

But after building the ten yangs, he still felt that it was not enough. There was still a lot of room. All the internal organs could build yang. Now, in addition to the Dantian, he also had the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, stomach, triple burner, and gallbladder. , bladder have already been imprinted with immortality, turned into a shrine, and the large and small intestines have not done this, so he tried to imprint the power of immortality on the large and small intestines. If he can do it, there will be two more large intestines. Shrine.

Therefore, in the following years, he integrated the newly refined immortal way into the two internal organs of the large and small intestines.

These two positions were the most difficult to imprint with power, and he had to use the power from the Immortal Tower every time to refine these two positions again.

It's not that the power of Tuoyue Immortal Tower is not terrifying, but he uses the bronze cauldron to float above his head, as well as the black plate shield and the soul clock on the left and right, to protect himself layer by layer, and from the gaps. He went to absorb the power of the Immortal Tower, so he didn't suffer much damage.

Previously, he had continuously suppressed the Tuoyue Immortal Tower, firstly to dispel suspicions, and secondly, with the help of the Tuoyue Immortal Tower. The power of the Immortal Dao here was extremely pure. It was best to polish the body, brand new Immortal Dao, and then refine the Immortal Crystal. Improve strength.

After the chain of immortality was successfully imprinted on the large intestine and small intestine, he felt that his physical body was very powerful and perfect.

At this point, he felt that he was still in the realm of true gods and was already a powerful true god of the Twelve Suns.

With such strength, even if he encounters a quasi-immortal, he can kill him with one palm. He feels that he is too powerful.

But he still felt that it was still not enough, and there was still some shortcomings. He spent another year meditating to find his shortcomings, and finally determined that there was still a divine palace missing.

The thirteenth yang can be the divine court.

Dantian and Shenting have always been the most important training secrets for warriors. Dantian has been branded as the only real place of the temple, so why can't Shenting become the most powerful place in the virtual palace.

One reality and one emptiness, one yang and one yin, which is Tai Chi and perfection.

So, he began to build the Shenting Palace.

There are Dao flowers in the divine court. If you want to open a remote temple without affecting the existence of Dao flowers and the unity of soul and body, you must think clearly.

In the end, Yang Wu made a bold attempt to build the temple with the Taoist flower in Shenting, and imprinted the immortal way on the Taohua. In fact, the Taoist flower was imprinted with the martial arts and various inheritances he had practiced throughout his life. , as long as it is transformed into immortality, it seems to be OK.

Later, he discovered that it was not enough to be like this. The fighting spirit still needed to be fully understood and integrated with Daohua to form the real world of the palace.

When the Divine Soul Palace was formed, Yang Wu felt that his whole body was bright and yin and yang were intertwined. Both his soul and body had a feeling of soaring, and the potential treasures of his body were fully penetrated. It seemed that he felt like he could become an immortal in one step.

The true god built nine suns, and he actually built thirteen suns.

What a different existence this is.

The ubiquitous power of the Dantian Shrine, combined with the immortal roots, seems to have turned into a fairy bridge, leading directly to the Shenting Shrine. In the process, the power of other shrines exploded together, like the rising sun, Round after round rises, the thirteen suns shine in the sky, and the sky and the earth are all suns.


Tuoyue Immortal Tower began to tremble, and emitted immeasurable fairy light. Suddenly, a strange phenomenon appeared between heaven and earth, as if the sun was hanging high, and the majestic power of the Sun was shining down towards Tuoyue Immortal Tower. , and the moon also appeared. It was really the sun and moon in the sky, and wisps of the mother energy of heaven and earth swept over from the chaos, forming a vast cloud, rolling in.

Everyone in the Canxian Palace was shocked.

"Where did this vision of heaven and earth come from? Could it be that the master of the palace broke through and became an immortal?"

"No, the vision is heading towards the Immortal Tower. Could it be that the person who was suppressed got out of trouble?"

"That seems to be the mother energy of heaven and earth. It's so strong. How did it appear? Hurry and cut them off."

"I hope it's not that guy who got out of trouble. Shouldn't he have been refined a long time ago? Once he gets out of trouble, who can stop him?"

Now Kunmingzi is not in the palace. He left a few years ago to find his chance to become an immortal.

The divine world is so big, and there are many places where there are legends of immortals. He needs to speed up the gathering of immortal ways, gather immortal roots, and become an immortal as soon as possible. He is not involved in everything else.

Including conquering the world, Can Cang and the others are basically doing it.

Now there are only two quasi-immortals, Ruan Dongni, Xuan Tianfeng and others sitting in formation in the Hall of Immortals.

When Tuoyue Immortal Tower trembled again, their hearts trembled.

"Quick, activate the formation with all your strength, and pour the power of the formation into the Immortal Tower." A quasi-immortal swept out, and while activating the formation, poured his own power into the Tuoyue Immortal Tower to enhance the lethality of the Immortal Tower.

Others did not dare to neglect and started the formation one after another. The power of the divine veins in the formation gathered on the fairy tower like a dragon, making sure to stabilize the fairy tower.

Not only that, there are also people who want to intercept the floating mother energy of heaven and earth to prevent these powers from pouring into the fairy tower. Unfortunately, these powers are not under their control at all, and they still avoid their power and flow into the fairy tower.

The mother energy of heaven and earth is so rare, and it is also hard to find in the fairy world. It is the original power that created the world.

This is only possible under certain special circumstances.

Yang Wu created a new realm of true gods, built thirteen temples, and was recognized by heaven and earth. Only then did he receive this gift of the mother energy of heaven and earth. How could anyone else intercept it

When the mother energy of heaven and earth was poured into the Immortal Tower, the Immortal Tower also tried to intercept this power, but still failed. They all entered Yang Wu's body. The Real God Palace and the Virtual God Palace accepted them all at the same time. Flashing, everything exploded with immeasurable light. The Immortal Peach Tree grew crazily, bloomed rapidly, and soon bore crystal fruits. The Taoist Flower of Yangwu Shenting also bloomed the fruit of the Great Dao. Its whole body was crystal clear, and its immortal roots were crazy. And long, forming a fairy bridge, all of which are awe-inspiring and fairy-like.

A lot of power poured into the Immortal Tower kept pouring into Yang Wu's body. This was a destructive force, but it still could not pose any threat to him. Instead, at this special time, it became part of his body's strength. .

Yang Wu only felt that he felt great. His Dantian, internal organs, and divine court kept growing. At the same time, the power traveling in the meridians moistened the body round after round. The old skin began to shed and new skin appeared. Starting to grow is like a rebirth, which is extremely surprising.

From his debut to the present, even including the previous life, such a situation can only be born when he ascends to become an immortal. But now it is obvious that he is not an immortal, but still belongs to the realm of true gods. However, this realm of true gods is extremely special and has been broken once. Another limit, perhaps this is the ultimate true god realm.

"This is the ultimate fairy embryo."