Apex War God

Chapter 1842: Time flies


Yang Wu, Zi Yuyue and Xiao Hei returned to the supernatural world.

The passage to the Shenxiao battlefield leads directly to the Yang family. When they returned to the Yang family, many Yang family members were shocked.

The statue of Yang Wu was placed in the important place of the Yang family. All the children of the Yang family admired it and remembered Yang Wu's appearance deeply in their hearts. Yang Wu's appearance naturally caused a sensation.

Yang Wu felt relieved when he saw that nothing happened to the Yang family for the time being.

He did not stay too long in the Yang family. When he was about to go out to look for Kunmingzi, a voice came over and said: "Your father Yang Zhennan and son Xietian have become hostages in the hands of Kunmingzi. If you don't rescue them in time, , the consequences are disastrous.”

"Who?" Yang Wu was shocked. He opened his soul eyes and looked in one direction. He saw a black shadow floating in the void and disappeared in front of his eyes in an instant, making it difficult for him to see who the other party was.

Now, how powerful he is, no living thing in the fairyland can escape his eyes and ears, and just now a living thing escaped in front of his eyes, he was moved by it, but he didn't have time to think about it, and he was even more worried about his father With his son's safety in danger, his expression darkened: "Kunmingzi, if I let you escape this time, I will write my name upside down."

Immediately afterwards, he took Zi Yuyue and Xiao Hei and rushed towards Kunlun.

Not only that, he also communicated with the will of the transcendent world and tried his best to find Kunmingzi's whereabouts.

He has not returned to the transcendental world for many years, and the will connection with the transcendental world is getting weaker and weaker, but he can still sense it, so it is not a problem.

"Tell me where he is!" Yang Wu yelled with the power of his will.

His strength is so strong that even the willpower of the extraordinary world has a feeling that it cannot be suppressed, and it felt the complete meaning of the great road in him, so it naturally became a lot closer and quickly locked the whereabouts of Kunmingzi. .

Deep in the Kunlun Mountains, there is an immortal ruins site. There are a large number of monsters, ferocious beasts, and alien creatures living here, and they are all very powerful. Yang Wu also came here in the past, but he did not know the existence of the immortal ruins ruins. Even if Even the willpower of the transcendent world cannot sense the existence there.

Now, Kunmingzi brought Yang Zhennan and Xie Tian to the entrance of this immortal land, preparing to enter the central area of the human world from here to find the world spirit.

He didn't kill Yang Zhennan and Xie Tian just to threaten Yang Wu. He was sure that Yang Wu would chase them soon.

The news that he returned to the human world from Zixiao Palace could not be concealed for long.

Sure enough, Yang Wu showed up as soon as he said he would show up, which did not surprise him. After all, Yang Wu once became the number one martial saint in the human world and received a unique fortune.

"Kunmingzi!" Yang Wu roared angrily, and the power of his Thirteen Yangs exploded, locking the world with an astonishing momentum, leaving no possibility for Kunmingzi to escape at all.

Kunmingzi looked at Yang Wu calmly and said, "Don't take action. Even if you are stronger than me, I can kill them before you take action."

At this time, Yang Zhennan and Xie Tian were both tied up with fairy ropes, and they both looked sluggish. It was obvious that some taboo method had been used.

"You let them go, and I will return your wife unharmed." Yang Wu responded, suppressing his anger.

"I don't really care about her life or death. I'm not as sentimental as you." Kunmingzi responded calmly.

"Then what do you want?"

"Let's put aside the grudges between you and me for now, and break this place apart with me."

"Why should I trust you?"

"You don't believe it, okay?"

Yang Wu looked at his father and son and decided to compromise.

Kunmingzi may not care about Ruan Dongni's life or death, but he cannot care about the lives of his father and son. Even if he awakens the memory of his previous life, the experience of this life is real, and the relationship between his blood is also real. , not completely forgotten because of awakening the memory of the previous life.

"What on earth is this place that you can't stand?" Yang Wu asked Kunmingzi.

"When the human world is complete, there should be immortals stepping into the fairy world from here. I suspect it is the way back to the fairy world." Kunmingzi said with a hint of longing.

In front of him, a waterfall-like sacred light shrouded a canyon. It was extremely quiet, cutting off the heaven and earth, making it impossible to peek into everything inside.

Once upon a time, the human world was a complete world. It had a complete way, and it was not impossible to become an immortal from here.

It is obvious that there is a restriction here. Unless it is easy to break through, Kunmingzi has to rely on Yang Wu's power to enter this canyon.

"Have you figured out the situation here? How do you want me to help you?" Yang Wu asked, and then he said: "Let them go, and then I can help you wholeheartedly."

"Do you think I'm stupid? Let them go, what if you fall out?" Kunmingzi responded, and then said: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in their lives. As long as they can return to the fairy world, they will Good."

Then, he pointed at the divine light around him and said: "This place should have used independent methods to isolate the world. It needs the power of immortality to break it. You and I should release the power of immortality first." , see if it resonates.”

"Don't worry, let me observe first." Yang Wu waved his hand, and then started walking around to observe the situation of the terrain. He even opened his soul eyes, and suddenly found a trace of light in a corner. Xingguang soon realized what was going on, and he said: "The art of spreading out stars."

"What?" Kunmingzi trembled, showing a look of disbelief. Apparently he also knew what the "Star Luo Chess Technique" was, which was a taboo method that used the stars as chess pieces and used the star shining technique to lay down taboos, even if it was Ordinary immortals may not be able to master it.

It can be seen that this place has a great background.

"If you want to break through the Xingluoqi formation, you have to wait until the galaxy is upside down, then you can find a flaw in it and break through the formation. Otherwise, you can't even think of breaking in." Yang Wu sighed.

Kunmingzi wiped away a hint of joy, but quickly calmed down, and then said: "With your power, Erlang Zhenjun, you can't break it open?"

Yang Wu glanced at Kun Mingzi and said, "Let them leave first. I will try my best to help you break the formation. I can swear on my name that I will never take action against you."

"Hehe, I still can't believe it." Kunmingzi smiled, and then he said: "We still have one more trick we can use, 'Star Movement'. I believe you can do it, Mr. Erlang."

Xiao Hei said: "Wishful thinking, using the Master's ability to perform the Star Movement technique will inevitably suffer backlash and cannot break the formation at all."

"I won't let him take risks alone, I will help him." Kunmingzi said firmly.

"Okay, let's use the Star Movement technique to open this immortal land." Yang Wu had no choice. He didn't want his father and son to suffer anymore.

Yang Zhennan and Xie Tian both had their meridians sealed and were speechless. However, they also knew that Yang Wu was threatened by Kunmingzi, and they were both moved and worried. They didn't know what unexpected events would happen to Yang Wu and Kunmingzi.

It is not easy to deploy the Star Movement technique, even for immortals. Fortunately, they do not need to change all the star-studded formations, they only need to open a gap.

Yang Wu and Kunmingzi worked together to find the best place to break the formation. Xianhe guarded Yang Zhennan and Xie Tian, while Zi Yuyue and Xiao Hei monitored Xianhe, and no one dared to move rashly for the time being.

After a while, Yang Wu and Kunmingzi determined the entrance to the formation, then threw out pieces of starry sky stones, laid out a small star formation, corresponding to the galaxy, reversed a corner of the formation, and opened the site of the immortal legacy.

"The formation has been deployed. To open it, you and I need to use the power of immortality. Once it is opened, no one can predict what will happen. Let me say it again, you let them go, and I will give you my full help. If you If you still insist on not letting him go, I won't help you anymore." Yang Wu said again with conditions.

"You can let one person go, who do you want to let go?" Kunmingzi was treacherous. He had two people in his hands, but he only let one person go, giving Yang Wu a difficult multiple-choice question.

Yang Wu frowned and said, "Let my father go."

Yang Zhennan struggled for a while. If he could speak, he would definitely shout and demand that his grandson Xie Tian be released first.

Xie Tian closed his eyes and had no expression on his face. He hoped in his heart that Yang Wu would choose him, and at the same time, he hoped that it would be his grandpa who would be spared. When Yang Wu chose his grandpa, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he also grew a little jealous of Yang Wu. Dissatisfied and full of contradictions.

Yang Zhennan was released by Xianhe, leaving only Xie Tian.

Zi Yuyue immediately stepped forward to remove the taboo method for Yang Zhennan. Unfortunately, she found that Kunmingzi's method was too clever and she could not undo it. She quickly said: "Husband, I cannot undo the method that is blocked on my father-in-law."

Yang Wu nodded and said nothing. It was impossible to ask Kunmingzi to unblock him. When he was free, he would unblock his father.

"This small Star Shifting Formation requires you and me to work together. You stand in the Qian position, and I am in the Kun position. At the same time, we activate the immortal way to reverse the world. When the power of the starry sky shines down, when we break the formation, the chance may only be a moment. , it’s up to you whether you can be sure." Yang Wu said.

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Kunmingzi said, and then he said to the crane: "Mr. He, please bring him here with you."

"Don't play tricks."

"Don't worry, if we can really go in, I will only take Mr. He with me, and your son will be left to you."

Yang Wu didn't say much. After taking a look at the greatly changed Xie Tian, the immortality flowed through his body, and he worked with Kun Mingzi to promote this star-shifting formation.

Immortal paths activated the formations one after another, and the star stones emitted dazzling light, piercing the nine heavens and becoming one with the heaven and earth. The stars in the starry sky flickered, illuminating the canyon. In an instant, bursts of fairy light floated. Like stars falling down.

"Reverse the stars!"