Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 11: 11 big dogs



February 19, 2013.

Zhang Xiaoqiang continues to live a simple and fulfilling life in this city that is no longer noisy. He gets up, exercises, eats, continues to exercise, eats, still exercises, eats, and sleeps after a while. The huge amount of exercise every day consumes his stored food quickly, and sometimes he even forgets the original intention of exercising, just exercising numbly and mechanically, without the Internet, without the days, so that he doesn't know what to do except exercising.

A person can't be idle, once he is idle, he will think wildly and be trapped in this square inch all day, what else can he do besides make him tired like a dead dog every day

After exercising every day, watching zombies on the window sill with a telescope is one of Zhang Xiaoqiang’s few entertainments. Yesterday was his birthday on February 18, which was his first birthday in the last days. Reminding myself that I am one year older, I can't remember my life before the end of the world. It seems that only the present day is real. Everything in the past is just not a dream, and it doesn't exist after waking up.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the zombies outside the window. Being extremely bored, he named the zombies. The ordinary zombies are called "cannon fodder", the powerful zombies are called "Hercules", or d-type zombies for short, and the agile zombies are called "Lightning" by him. Heroes", referred to as s-shaped zombies, can be regarded as his bad taste!

The s-shaped zombie that likes to eat mice is still guarding in front of the gutter, but it has become stronger and more flexible. It seems that another mouse is in trouble. This zombie seems to be continuing to evolve. It is still 1.4 meters tall, its arms are longer, its palms have reached its ankles, and its five sharp claws are like sharp black daggers. It is about fifteen or six meters around. None of the zombies dared to approach, and if any zombie accidentally entered its territory, it would give a hoarse growl to warn.

In Zhang Xiaoqiang's view, the s-type zombies and d-type zombies on the street evolved by eating human flesh. If they continue to eat more flesh and blood, they will continue to evolve. S-type zombies will appear in s2-type and s3-type, or higher s4, s5, s6, and d-type zombies will also evolve in the same way.

There are only less than 10% or less of human beings left, so the zombies will attack all living beings if they cannot get human flesh and blood.

"6.3 billion or more zombies eat all living things on Earth."

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled wryly. He wondered if zombies that could move in water would evolve. If there were, insects would be the only thing left on earth besides zombies. Get these messy thoughts out of your mind. Continue to observe the zombies. You will feel bored after watching it, and you are going to make dinner, but you find that the zombies on the street are rushing towards the end of the street.

"There are survivors?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang hurriedly took a telescope to look over, the zombies in the distance were crowded together, the angle of view was not very good, he was a little anxious, and he didn't want to go to the top of the building to look, afraid of missing something.

The zombies downstairs were almost empty, and they crowded at the end of the street. From a distance, an S-shaped zombie was jumping up and down among the corpses, and a few D-shaped zombies that arrived later crashed in from the periphery of the corpses. The corpse turned on its back and was squeezed out in a few straight lines, and the zombies that fell on the ground in the straight line were stepped on by the same kind.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that unless the survivors were driving tanks, they would never be spared. The crowd of corpses shoving and shoving in the distance was in chaos, and the unlucky ghost has only bones left now!


Two black figures rushed out from the zombies. In sight, there were two huge Soviet red dogs, facing the zombies on the left and right, circling around, with a zombie arm in their mouths. The one that jumped up was gnawing, while the other was carefully running back and forth around the zombies, looking like it was preparing to pick its prey.

Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that the largest breeding area of the Soviet Red Dog was Shandong, and it was bred by crossbreeding the long-haired German Shepherd and the Soviet Red-haired dog. The limbs are thick and thick, and his eyes can hardly keep up with its speed when walking and running.

Zombies surrounded the two Soviet red dogs from the end of the street. The s-shaped zombie ran in front, and the s-shaped zombie who liked to eat mice ran in front of the other s-shaped zombies.

With a sound of "嗖...", a wolf dog threw the front zombie to the ground, and the zombie grabbed the wolf dog's front legs with its claws. The wolf dog didn't care, bit off the zombie's arm, and Running backwards in the mouth. The other wolfhound had already finished eating, rushed to the zombie, tore off a piece of thigh meat and ran away again.

The two wolfhounds were running and jumping among the zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked dumbfounded.

"... Humans are really inferior to dogs these days!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang complained. In his opinion, the two dogs have also mutated, but instead of becoming zombie dogs, they have evolved into super big dogs. They are 1.6 meters tall and nearly two meters long. He also believes.

"This damned zombie, this damned dog, this damned last days" Zhang Xiaoqiang cursed in a low voice, the more he thought about it, the more unhappy he was, he was tortured to death by that damned rain, which was more tragic than the ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty. He has suffered and suffered, and there is no benefit. He doesn't know if he is immune to the D virus, and he dare not go to the zombie experiment.

In extreme grief and indignation, Zhang Xiaoqiang sang a song with his tone-deaf voice, "You say I'm cheating so you can't leave... Be careful every time you are bullied, I will take revenge"

Feeling better, the two big dogs downstairs outside the window seem to have eaten enough, no longer hunting, just wandering and fighting, more than 200 zombies in the whole street were mobilized, centered on the two big dogs form an encircling circle.

"Hahahaha!" Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled gloatingly, "You pretended to be too much, let's see where you go this time." Zhang Xiaoqiang said that the guy who hopes to eat grapes if he can't eat grapes is in bad luck. His face was looking out eagerly.

The space for the two wolfhounds to move around is getting smaller and smaller, the zombies are getting closer and closer, and Zhang Xiaoqiang looks happier upstairs.

"Wow!" A bigger wolf dog barked, and then clasped its limbs to the ground, and sprayed a white mist at the zombies in front of it. Two seconds later, more than a dozen zombies were sprayed by the white mist. After moving, the two big wolfhounds knocked away the immobile zombie, and they disappeared in a blink of an eye. Looking at the zombie that was knocked to the ground, Zhang Xiaoqiang was stupid, motionless, his mind seemed to be filled with paste.

"Magic? Warcraft?" After a long time, he choked out four words.