Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 110: 110 For the grain store?


Zhang Xiaoqiang got out of the car and was ready to see if the weapon he had made was ready. The feeling of not having a weapon was really hopeless. He had already made up his mind to let Yuan Yi teach him and Yang Ke'er to loosen hands tomorrow.

"Brother Cockroach! Are you back? Brother Long and Brother Yi waited for you all day yesterday!" The third son saw Zhang Xiaoqiang talking quickly, it seemed that he had been waiting at the door waiting to send a message to Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang signaled that he knew and walked towards the living room. It happened that Brother Long and Chen Yi were also there. Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang coming in, they stood up and greeted him very enthusiastically. Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that there must be something wrong when he saw Brother Long and Chen Yi being so active. If you are courteous, you can either rape or steal! '

"Haha, my brother is back. I haven't come back for two days, but brother, I can't eat well or sleep well!" Brother Long showed himself very worried.

"Let me just say, my brother has such a good skill, he won't have any problems anywhere, so he's coming back now? He didn't even get a scratch on his skin, what a capable person!"

Chen Yi was also praising Zhang Xiaoqiang. The compliments and compliments of the two made Zhang Xiaoqiang alert. The day before yesterday he looked like he was going to turn his back on him, but now he has become so enthusiastic? There must be something wrong.

Brother Long and Chen Yi kept talking about Zhang Xiaoqiang's benefits, but Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't answer, just smoking while watching the performance of the two, and he didn't get confused by their flattery. Be careful, both Brother Long and Chen Yi are arrogant people, it must be a small thing to let them do this. Zhang Xiaoqiang knows how many nails his small sampan can have, and he is willing to do the trick of sending him to death.

Brother Long and Chen Yi said something to each other, until it was time for lunch, they warmly invited Zhang Xiaoqiang to the restaurant, and Zhang Xiaoqiang also followed suit, wanting to see what they were paying attention to.

When a group of people arrived at the table, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that it was himself and Long Ge Chen Yi who were eating here today. Although there were few people, there were a lot of dishes on the table, including chicken and meat, mountain products brought back by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and a silkworm. Apples, and even a few cold dishes, in this world where supplies are scarce, can no longer be described as rich, but more precisely, they should be described as luxury.

Brother Long opened a bottle of dry red mousse and poured wine for Zhang Xiaoqiang himself, while Chen Yi picked up food for Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang was also a little confused when he saw the two people who were cooperating closely. If you're being courteous to yourself, what's your plan

After three rounds of food and five-flavored wine, Brother Long and the others also blushed and had thick necks. Brother Long took Zhang Xiaoqiang's hand and described the suffering, saying that the world was difficult, that he had brought these people to fight for food in the pile of zombies, and that he was sad. Feeling a bit sad and in tears, Chen Yi also sighed, saying that whoever, who was only 16 years old, was torn to pieces by the zombies just to find a bottle of medicine for his father.

The more the two talked, the more sad they became, as if they were going to hug each other and cry in the next moment, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was also aroused by them. He remembered thinking about a few cabbages for a long time, touching the doorknob several times, and finally pulling the burglar open with his desperate thoughts The door rushed out, and that sad feeling churned in my heart again. Looking back now, it is really unbearable.

The sincerity shown by Brother Long and Chen Yi almost aroused Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart-to-heart, and when his mind was hot, he wanted to smack his chest to promise Brother Long, and when the words came to his lips, Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered the only one who stole eggs and was beaten. The young man who was still breathing, thought of the woman who was raised to eat meat only to die, and also thought of the little girl with pale cheeks and numb eyes. His blood, his passion evaporated instantly.

"Brother Long, Brother Yi, everyone is a sensible person. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it, and don't play around. You are tired of talking, and I am tired of listening." Zhang Xiaoqiang drank the red wine in his glass in one gulp. , put down the cup and said to Brother Long and the others.

Brother Long and Chen Yizhen spoke in a hypnotic manner, and they were both taken aback when they heard Zhang Xiaoqiang say that.


Brother Long slapped the table in front of him with a slap, causing the cups and bowls of tea sets to jump up, and the goblet filled with red wine also fell on the table, and the red wine flowed out, staining the pale yellow tablecloth in blood.

"Okay... you are refreshing, brother!" Brother Long cheered loudly, and then winked at Chen Yi.

Chen Yi stood up and poured red wine for Zhang Xiaoqiang while saying, "Of course it's a trivial matter for my brother!"

He picked up the red wine and made a false respect to Zhang Xiaoqiang, then finished the red wine in one gulp, looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang and said, "I don't know if my brother has any image of the grain depot we escaped from last time?"

As soon as he said Zhang Xiaoqiang, he remembered that the last time Long Ge and Chen Yi were driving seven or eight big men with No. 20 were stuck in the grain depot, two of them died, and they escaped after losing a lot of off-road vehicles. return.

At that time, I lost confidence in Brother Long and his group because of this incident. I was going to go with Yang Ke'er to clear out the zombies there, and then bring some food back, but I found a few thousand catties of fragrant rice in the preparation office. I forgot all about it, there seems to be survivors in that grain depot.

Zhang Xiaoqiang thought about it, and said to Brother Long and Chen Yi: "Brother Long, Brother Yi, I won't say much. I want to know what I can get. I won't stay here for long. I don't want to do white work." Will do it!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang said in front of the two of them that he didn't do free work, and wanted to recover the grain depot? Okay, but he wants benefits. He is just a small person, and he can't do white work, let alone suffer.

Brother Long heard Zhang Xiaoqiang's request and Chen Yi glanced at each other. Both of them had smiles on their faces. Brother Long raised his hands and clapped them. After that, five or six young women in sexy dresses walked into the restaurant. Stand in a row facing Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Seeing Brother Long clapping his hands, the women came in, until they stood in a row in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang hadn't reacted yet, smelling all kinds of strong or light perfumes coming from the opposite side. Watching these women scratch their heads at him, wink at him, and boldly stick out their scarlet tongues and lick their lips in front of him.

Looking at everything in front of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang never felt familiar, didn't the ladies at the entertainment venues always look like this in those movies? Do you treat yourself as a prostitute? Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Brother Long full of doubts. He couldn't figure out what kind of tricks Brother Long and the others were playing. Three of these women were Chen Yi's women. Zhang Xiaoqiang had met them before, and the others were not much worse than Yuan Yi.

There is also a mature and hot one who is even prettier than Yuan Yi, she is licking her lips at Zhang Xiaoqiang, she doesn't wear much, she has a thin silk shirt on her upper body, the shirt is somewhat transparent, and the two red cherries on top of the shirt are clearly visible It can be seen that the hem of the shirt has just covered the private parts, and it seems that there is nothing underneath, looming under the shirt. One hand gently caresses the smooth thigh, and the hem of the shirt is lifted from time to time, which makes people jealous and heartbeat.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't dare to look again, where did he experience this? He didn't even dare to go to those hair salons for leisure. He had seen a lot of them on the "Island Country" before, but it was on the computer. Now the real person is only two meters away from him. Make a fool of yourself.

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head to look at Brother Long. Brother Long and Chen Yi were sizing up Zhang Xiaoqiang's expression. Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang looking over, he asked with a smile on his face, "How about you, brother? Who are these guys looking for? Don't be shy, just choose, as long as you can." Take back the grain depot, you can take these with you.”

This time Brother Long and Chen Yi both invested a lot of money, and he even took out Brother Long's treasures. In his opinion, as long as there is food, a woman? What's that? I only eat things that I can't cook.

This time Zhang Xiaoqiang was determined not to, Yuan Yi and Su Qian had their heads turned a few times, if these women were added, wouldn't the sky be turned upside down? Besides, these are treasures in the eyes of Brother Long and the others, but they are troubles in their own eyes. What I want is a companion who can run around with me, not a mistress who is holding back.

"Haha! Brother Long was joking, it's not that he doesn't want it, it's that I can't bear it, even a steel gun will be ground into embroidery needles!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang refused to accept Long Ge, just kidding, he is not a shelter, why are these messy women stuffing me here

Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang's refusal, Brother Long had an ugly look on his face, so he gave the coquettish and most beautiful woman a hard look. The woman shivered when she saw Brother Long staring at him.