Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 113: 113 Beauty is a disaster???


The man took out a small Norman knight's kite-shaped shield that looked a bit thick. The shield surface was smooth and curved, with a slightly pointed top and bottom. There are four arm buttons riveted with rivets on the back of the shield, three dead buttons and one loose button, and it looks like four or five catties in the hand.

The man was explaining that this is a composite shield, five layers of thin steel plates are spliced together, which can block the stabbing and slashing of sharp weapons. The inner layers are spliced vertically and horizontally. The overall structure is very strong and can spread the impact force well. During the test, the hand holding the shield only felt a slight vibration, and the hammer could not break it open, and it was also well protected against the axe.

Zhang Xiaoqiang took the knife and shield and walked towards the bedroom. He was very satisfied with these two weapons, and specially ordered to make another set. This set will be given to Yuan Yi first, and the other set will be kept for Su Xi. As for Yang Keer ? Give her a stick and let her have a good time.

Zhang Xiaoqiang had completely forgotten about that woman, and when he walked into the room, he found that something was wrong.

There are four women in the room now, a mahjong table is set up in the middle of the room, the four women are sitting around playing mahjong together, Yang Keer is yelling, Yuan Yi's face doesn't fluctuate at all, she's playing listlessly, Susie still looked cautious, watching Yang Keer's expression. There were some fudge piled up on the table. The woman had the most in front of her. Yang Keer might have lost badly. She was picking up a bag of fudge and opened it. His eyes were still fixed on his own cards.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't disturb the four beauties, he closed the door gently, hit the wall at the end of the corridor, raised his head and wanted to hit it again, but the pain in his head made him give up this stupid plan, he walked to the living room He sat down and lit a cigarette and started to smoke. The cigarette was exhausted quickly. He put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, got up and walked to the bedroom.

After walking into the bedroom, the women still didn't notice him coming in. He walked behind Su Qian with a blank expression on his face. Yuan Yi saw that he wanted to stand up, and was warned by his eyes.

"Touch..." A shield and a machete were thrown on the table. Only then did Yang Ke'er realize that Zhang Xiaoqiang had come to her side. She stood up and kept her head down. Make Zhang Xiaoqiang angry? I really don't know that she won't hide and beat her secretly. Isn't she waiting to be beaten in Zhang Xiaoqiang's room like her

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the coquettishly dressed woman in front of him and said, "Go back to your room!"

At this moment, Yang Ke'er walked out with her head down very honestly, Yuan Yi and Su Qian followed behind her.

"Yuan Yi, wait a minute!" Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped Yuan Yi, pointed to the weapon on the table and said to her: "It's for you, take it away!"

Yuan Yi's eyes lit up when she saw the weapon that Zhang Xiaoqiang specially prepared for her, she stepped forward to take it in her hand and turned around again, and closed the door when she went out.

Zhang Xiaoqiang sat on the sofa by the door, crossed his legs, smoked a cigarette and looked at the woman standing in front of him.

The woman is very beautiful and charming. She has long, waist-deep wavy hair, which is a little yellowish, but it is well maintained. The light reflects slightly on it, and a strand of hair just hangs from her forehead, slightly blocking the On her right eye, the skin is very white, the kind of crystal clear white that gives people the feeling that if they can blow one breath, they can blow out her cheeks.

The face is very clean, without any blemishes, like the white lotus quietly blooming under the moonlight, people can't bear to touch it, for fear that even the slightest touch will make it die young, I just want it to be quiet Quietly blooming in the pond under the moonlight.

The eyes are slightly narrow and long Danfeng eyes, and the outer corners of the eyes are slightly deeper. With the dark and bright Mouzi like black pearls, her eyes are agile. When it moves, it is like a tireless lark that keeps in the eyes. Jumping, when it is quiet, it is a demon gem hidden in the water, so deep that it can pull your soul into it.

A small and exquisite hanging bile nose, the high bridge of the nose is exquisitely carved, every angle, every curve is just right, one can't help but marvel, who can carve such a work except the love of God

The pink lips are slightly raised, revealing some white shiny silver teeth, which look like pink roses blooming in the early morning, and those silver teeth are the dewdrops on the petals, which makes people want to lean down and see clearly. The most beautiful moment is imprinted in the mind.

A clean melon-seeded face with plump and thin uniformity, combined with her delicate facial features, looks like a delicate flower of interpretation.

"What name do you give?" Zhang Xiaoqiang asked, he wanted to divert his attention as much as possible, he had no experience in face-to-face communication with such a stunner, he was not used to all kinds of temptations and stimulations like Brother Long and the others, he said to him Also just an otaku.

A super beauty, a super beauty that Zhang Xiaoqiang has never seen before. Compared with her, those so-called celebrity girls are like country maids. Zhang Xiaoqiang fears this kind of woman.

Before the apocalypse, if Zhang Xiaoqiang meets this kind of woman, he will hide aside and take a closer look, and then he will have enough bragging rights when he meets and drinks with his friends. What if he goes forward to hook up? That's something I dare not even think about. Even if such a super beautiful woman stands in front of you and doesn't say anything, it will be a huge pressure on him. He has self-knowledge, and he can't even deal with ordinary girls, let alone this kind of girl. Walking on the road, the top player with a 100% turning heads, what else can he get besides being ridiculed by her

In the last days, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't dare to provoke him even more. Although he had the ability to own this kind of woman among Brother Long and his group, he was even more afraid. He was afraid of being confused by this woman, so he immersed himself in the tenderness of a woman's arms every day. , if he had just come here, Zhang Xiaoqiang might have accepted it half-heartedly, and then turned upside down with her at night, but just now he fought against d2 and s2 one after another, and he was almost torn into pieces by s2. He didn't dare to be careless, Zhang Xiaoqiang likes beautiful women, but he loves his own life even more, for him this woman is blindly poisonous.

"My name is Shangguan Qiaoyun, will the master protect me?" Shangguan Qiaoyun's voice is slightly thick, and when she speaks, her voice is hoarse, and her hoarse voice is full of magnetism. When she speaks, her magnetic voice is like The woman was moaning eloquently, and Zhang Xiaoqiang felt itchy when he heard it. Zhang Xiaoqiang had already shifted his gaze to her forehead and tried not to look at the area below her forehead, but now he heard her moaning voice eloquently like a girl in bliss, his little brother Immediately he rose up, hitting his crotch unyieldingly.

"Beautiful beauty!" Zhang Xiaoqiang groaned in his heart when he saw this evil-level evildoer in front of him. Zhang Xiaoqiang finally knew how those kings in ancient times perished. What kind of ambitions can you have if you are tired of this kind of woman

Zhang Xiaoqiang also admires Brother Long. In this world where 90% of the population has turned into zombies, he actually found such a superb product. It seems that a pair of twins who are still more beautiful than Shangguan Qiaoyun were also fed zombies. I really don't know what kind of character Long Ge is. Could it be that his goal is so big that Zhang Xiaoqiang can't figure it out, so Long Ge abandons these women so much