Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 126: 126 Don't take advantage of bastards if you have advantages


Shangguan Qiaoyun's body fragrance is not as rich as Yuan Yi's body fragrance, it is faintly like the orchid in the empty valley, slowly oozing out from her body, that kind of light fragrance is elegant, and the elegant chime fragrance fills Zhang Xiaoqiang's nose Zhang Xiaoqiang's exhalation brought warmth to Shangguan Qiaoyun's ear, feeling the heat in his ear, Shangguan Qiaoyun blushed A blush slowly oozes from under the skin, her pupils that are as moist as black jewels begin to glow with moisture, and her hazy eyes quietly look at Zhang Xiaoqiang leaning on her shoulder with a very complicated expression.

She didn't know if her choice was right or not, she gave up her natural capital as a woman, and took up arms like a soldier to face those terrible monsters. She was very scared, afraid of the unknown, and she felt a little bit of resentment towards Zhang Xiaoqiang in her heart, didn't he know , women are like flowers, do you want men to take care of them? Flowers are delicate and sensitive, and they will wither quietly as the environment changes and the climate changes. She needs someone to care for her, to water and fertilize her, to shield her from the wind and rain, and to shield her from the scorching sun.

Looking at his face quietly leaning on his shoulder, feeling the airflow of his breath touching the hair around his ears, the warm and moist airflow sprayed on the ears, itching, and the itchy numbness passing through the ears It spread all the way to the apex of her heart, and the apex of her heart was itchy when she scratched it. The numbness at the apex of her heart made her whole body sore and limp. She no longer had the strength to support him with her body, and leaned back slightly involuntarily.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is extremely embarrassed now, his skin is not thick enough after all, he was fine at first, he gently leaned on Shangguan Qiaoyun's shoulder, he didn't even dare to use too much force, most of the strength on his body was still in his own hands Bear it, he just wants to take advantage of her a little bit, this is also a common problem of most men, if you have an advantage, don't take advantage of the bastard.

Her shoulders were bouncing tight at first, Zhang Xiaoqiang smelled the intoxicating breath on her body, and was dreaming, Shangguan Qiaoyun's body suddenly softened, and the faint fragrance on her body just now also became strong, Zhang Xiaoqiang He didn't dare to exhale loudly, for fear that his own breath would startle the fragrance away.

When he came back to his senses, he didn't know what to do now? He was considering whether to pretend to wake up and get up from her. A pair of jade arms stretched out from behind his head and gently encircled his head, holding his head in front of his chest, a slender hand gently stroked the hair on the back of his head, with the slender hand flicking behind his head, , a long-lost sense of ease welled up in his heart, and the apex of his heart became numb and warm, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally decided to continue pretending to be asleep.

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly felt that she was no longer annoying. Although the current posture was a bit wrong, it was very embarrassing for him as a machismo, but he didn't care now. He remembered that this feeling was very familiar, as if it was in the deepest part of his memory. There is this feeling in the corner, as if I have returned to my baby, being gently embraced by my mother, listening to her heartbeat, and coaxing myself into sleep.

Shangguan Qiaoyun was taken aback by Zhang Xiaoqiang falling headlong into her arms. She was a little at a loss. In her opinion, Zhang Xiaoqiang was a very old-fashioned man who was not easy to get in touch with. He always showed a kind of strength in front of her. Even if he took off his clothes and stood naked in front of him, it still couldn't change his strength. He is proud, and he shows a sense of arrogance in front of himself at the same time, even if he begs him in front of everyone, he can't let him let go of the arrogance in his heart.

Now he is lying in his arms, his heart beating faster, as if there is a little rabbit naughty jumping in his heart, looking at his closed eyes, watching him lying quietly on his chest like a child, She suddenly felt a kind of tranquility, the tranquility from the bottom of her heart. She couldn't help but stretched out her hands and took his head in her arms, like a kind mother to herself when she was young, gently stroking his hair and letting him sleep She felt more at ease, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, it was not a mockery at Zhang Xiaoqiang, but a smile that she didn't understand, this smile came so suddenly, she felt a kind of satisfaction, she didn't know why she felt this way , This feeling is very comfortable for her.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's body was getting heavier and heavier in Shangguan Qiaoyun's arms. Shangguan Qiaoyun felt that his arms were a little numb. She gently put his head on her lap, looked at his sleeping face, and stretched unconsciously. Gently stroking his face with his hand.

Zhang Xiaoqiang realized that his cheeks had been removed, and he felt a faint sense of regret, not for continuing to take advantage, but for not being able to hear that strange yet familiar heartbeat, until his head was rested on her round and soft On his lap, Zhang Xiaoqiang rested his pillow on his lap, smelling the elegant fragrance on her body, suddenly felt a sense of drowsiness in his mind, a slightly cold little hand gently stroking his cheek, that feeling of loss. The sense of ease returned to his heart, his heart was warm and numb, and he fell asleep in this extraordinarily comfortable feeling.

Zhang Xiaoqiang lay quietly on the boat, the boat swayed gently, the gentle wind slid across his face, causing ripples on the lake surface, the ripples spread out one by one and turned into layers of waves, carrying the boat gently sliding on the lake surface, the elegant and quiet chime The fragrance floated to his side from the lotus flowers blooming on the lake, smelling the faint fragrance, he opened his eyes and looked at the blue sky, the sky was so clear, he hadn't been so carefree for a long time. Looking at the sky thoughtfully, he looks very greedy, maybe, he hopes to put the sky away and put it in a small cloth bag to hang on his heart.

The warm sun appeared in the sky, and the golden and brilliant sun shone on his body. The sun did not make him feel hot, warm, and just right. He stretched a little while lying on the boat, and the pores all over his body Full of comfort, he quietly looked at the sky, basked in the sun, smelled the fragrance of flowers, and felt the swaying of the boat. It seemed that there was nothing more comfortable and enjoyable in the world than this. Suddenly a strong wind hit, and the clear lake surface rolled up huge The boat was overturned by the huge waves, and he struggled hard to jump off the boat.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Shangguan Qiaoyun's crystal clear chin. He felt that the hummer had stopped, so he propped up his hands and sat up straight. In the process of sitting up, his hands reached a soft place, Out of the corner of his eyes, it was Shangguan Qiaoyun's thigh, and he didn't feel any embarrassment, even if he hugged him, he was still afraid, should he touch it