Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 130: 130 Despair


The atmosphere at the scene was very dull, everyone kept their mouths shut and waited for the slash, just like the description in Lu Xun's book, people's expressions were different, but none of them could bear the look in their eyes, even this dying man The woman the man wanted to protect at the end didn't even look at him, she just put all her mind on her new master Long Ge, with a flattering smile on her face, her waist dangling in front of Long Ge non-stop, Long Ge Obviously not interested in her, he just looked at the dying man indifferently, the man in front of him was just a chicken in his eyes, and he wanted to use that man's blood to warn some restless guys.

The man looked desperately at the crowd around him, but from whose faces he saw excitement, pleasure, schadenfreude, and indifference, the woman who said she wanted to live with him for the rest of her life and give birth to a child for him, was not at all from the beginning to the end. Take a look at him, he is waiting to die, and that woman is pleasing other men right in front of his eyes, he is very aggrieved and angry, the force he erupted before he died was so great that the two people who were pressing on his shoulders He couldn't hold him down, and was thrown away by him, and then he knocked down the person who was holding his hair, jumped up from the ground, and ran towards the gate shaking his bound arms.

The man with the knife saw that he was about to run away, so he didn't have time to wait for Brother Long's order, so he chased after him, and then the knife flashed, and the man's head was separated from his neck, his body was still running forward, his neck The broken fountain on the road sprayed blood rain outwards, and the blood rain flying in the air was carried around by the strong spring wind, and a little bit of scarlet fell to the ground, the car, and the faces and bodies of the survivors.

Brother Long's subordinates and survivors avoided the bloodshots caught in the wind one after another. The women didn't move, letting those blooddrops scatter on their bodies, and there was a sense of satisfaction on their faces. The youngest woman saw the spraying blood The bloodshot corpse ran for more than ten meters and fell to the ground. Finally, it couldn't help crying loudly. It was a kind of venting crying. Hearing her crying, the women around her hugged each other with tears in their eyes.

When the man's head was cut off, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help turning his head away. This tragic scene made his stomach hurt. Although he killed one person and fed two people to zombies, he still couldn't accept this kind of scene He was still unwavering in killing zombies, but when he saw the blood sprayed on the same kind, he felt nauseous, "Could it be that I'm dizzy?" Zhang Xiaoqiang had this thought in his mind, but he didn't care about killing chickens or pigs. Feeling, how do you feel this way when you see people? Or is my heart not hard enough

Looking at the pool of blood accumulated under the headless corpse, looking at the streaks of blood flying everywhere, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly felt very irritable, and felt flustered in his heart. He looked around, trying to find out what made him flustered. It was very sudden, not the kind of inexplicable sixth sense, but rather a whim.

Brother Long asked the third son to take a few women to an off-road vehicle and drive towards the chicken farm. He brought the enchanting woman to Zhang Xiaoqiang and pretended to say, "Brother, what do you think of this woman? Take it if you like it." !"

The woman had already wiped her face clean, her appearance was not bad, she was better than Su Qian, and worse than Yuan Yi. Zhang Xiaoqiang was agitated, he only glanced at the woman, she looked at him with a smile on her face, her man wanted to please other men as soon as his man died, this made Zhang Xiaoqiang disdainful, naturally he also looked down on this woman.

He turned to Brother Long and said, "Brother Long, let someone load the car as soon as possible, I always feel something is wrong, the sooner you leave this place, the better."

Brother Long didn't take it seriously when he heard that, he had long ago decided to settle his family here and develop slowly with food. Zhang Xiaoqiang's worries seemed to him to be paranoid.

"My husband is eating! I'm waiting for you!" Yang Ke'er came over to call Zhang Xiaoqiang to eat at this moment, and when she saw the headless corpse lying on the ground, her complexion was not very good, so she stopped looking and just stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Zhang Xiaoqiang decided not to persuade Brother Long and the others, turned around and walked out together with Yang Keer, thinking about driving back after eating, and getting ready to leave tomorrow, when he walked to Yang Keer, the two turned around together When walking outside... "Boom..." There was a muffled sound, and Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a shock coming from his feet. Everyone stopped and looked around. Zhang Xiaoqiang held the horn gun and pulled Yang Ke'er calmly. For him, the world is big and the earth is big, not as big as his own life, and something is definitely wrong now, he had better get out early, no matter if it is d2 or a mutant beast, just rely on the mob like himself? Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to escape before the crisis appeared.

"Boom..." This time the sound was even louder. Some people started to scream in fear, and some even threw away the things in their hands and ran around. Brother Long and Chen Yi also looked terrified, and they were still beckoning to their subordinates to maintain He turned around and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang, only to see Zhang Xiaoqiang pulling Yang Ke'er and walking outside.

"Brother..." Brother Long shouted to Zhang Xiaoqiang, wanting to ask his opinion.

Hearing Brother Long calling him from behind, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned around and shouted two words to Brother Long: "Run..." Then he pulled Yang Ke'er and started running.

When the people around Brother Long heard Zhang Xiaoqiang's words, they all looked at Brother Long and waited for him to speak. He Wenbin and the two public faces ran after Zhang Xiaoqiang without the slightest hesitation. Seeing the scene of the chaotic tower, those survivors also cried loudly and wanted to escape outside.

Brother Long looked at his subordinates who were about to speak, "Bang..." After a loud noise, a big hole was knocked out of the wall of the grain depot, and then two arms as thick as elephant legs expanded the hole, followed by the two-meter-wide wall. Collapsing, a figure close to three meters walked out from the dust in the sky.

It is tall and strong, without a single hair on its head. Its bald head is the size of a watermelon. Its body is covered with intertwined muscles. Its little bird is just hanging outside, although it is tall and strong, its little bird can make any man proud, it is too small, it has reached the point where it needs to be observed with a magnifying glass, of course the little bird is not interested in it now of any use.

The two thighs, which are thicker than the waist of an adult man, are like two walls. It walks on the ground with bare feet, and there are slight vibrations. It may be that the dust in the sky has stimulated its sense of smell, and it roars to the sky: "Ow …”

Everyone was stupefied when they saw such a tall monster walking in. With its roar, many people were too frightened to hold their weapons and let it jingle to the ground. Shivering all over the place, puddles of water dripped down the trouser legs to the ground, one of the two faces running behind Zhang Xiaoqiang was terrified when he heard the roar, then he lost his footing and rolled onto the ground with a grunt. After a few somersaults, he bumped his head on the pedal of an off-road vehicle parked on the side, knocking himself out.

"Damn it, how can I meet it anywhere!"

Seeing this d2-type zombie, which is taller and stronger than the d2 he encountered before, Zhang Xiaoqiang's mouth was bitter. He knew the strength of d2's body. It had skin as perverted as the armor plate. He didn't know that apart from the horn in his hand, What else can a gun pierce through it? And this d2 is so high, who knows if it has evolved to d3? Zhang Xiaoqiang just wants to escape now, the farther he can escape the better, and it is best never to see it again, compared to it, s2 is a cute little lamb.

What is more terrifying than meeting d2? Yes, that is to meet two.

What is more desperate than meeting two d2 at the same time? Yes, that is, a d2 is behind and an s2 is in front of the body, which cannot be beaten or escaped.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a short s2 with thick and long claws appearing at the gate, he knew that he might be here today. He stopped and looked at the zombies in front of him, and the desperate screams behind him made his heart tighten. When he stopped, a survivor passed him and fled to the door. Perhaps the survivor thought that the door Compared with the d2 behind him, the one in front of him is really no deterrent.

When he suddenly speeded up and wanted to dodge past s2, s2's figure shook, and the man let out a scream. He looked at his chest with horror on his face, and he stepped back a few steps and fell to the ground on his back. Several deep paw prints came from His neck was inserted all the way down to his waist, white bones, a mess of internal organs, and a section of intestines were all pulled out, the heart could also be cut open, and blood sprayed out from his chest.

After s2 killed the survivor, he threw himself on him and started chewing. The other survivor thought he saw an opportunity, so he ran faster and wanted to take advantage of s2's gap when he was eating, and escaped. S2, who was eating, kicked his legs on the ground, and then threw his whole body into the arms of the man. After the man let out a scream, he fell to the ground. After killing him, s2 dragged him to the place where he had eaten before, and put The corpse is kept beside him and continues to eat the man he killed earlier.