Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 158: 158 Web worms


He Wenbin from above saw that Zhang Xiaoqiang disappeared suddenly, and then a pistol flew towards him and hit him in the face. He picked up the pistol and recognized it as Zhang Xiaoqiang's pistol. He was also anxious, not knowing what happened ahead, Walking two steps forward, I saw a big pit with a diameter of five meters at my feet. Deep, at least the light of the flashlight can't reach the depths of the big pit, and they don't know whether Zhang Xiaoqiang is dead or alive. At the front, he was the first to take on the danger. The third son and all the members of the combat team obeyed him, and now no one dared to think carefully in this strange environment.

The third son left two people on the side of the big pit to keep yelling, and he took people to the previous warehouse to raid the house. As long as it can be used as a rope, it can be brought back, as long as it can be used as fuel. After returning, the wooden walls on both sides of the alley were demolished one after another, and then the fire ignited in the dark cave, illuminating the entire space, and everyone could see clearly that there seemed to be a passage leading to another cave on the opposite side. Don't worry, the top priority now is to get Zhang Xiaoqiang out of the pit first.

One by one wires were twisted together and tied to a member of a combat team. He held a flashlight and dragged the wires to stand on the slope and slowly descended. The place is full of strange rocks, some with slopes like blades, some upright like spears, and some shaped like miniature mountain peaks. Looking at the sharp corners, one's scalp can't help but tingle, if you fall on it, you can leave a whole The corpse was usually burnt with high incense, and it is not impossible to be cut into several pieces if he is unlucky. He can only pray that Zhang Xiaoqiang below can leave a whole corpse, otherwise it will be difficult to get it up!

Looking at everything in front of him, he almost couldn't even hold the flashlight. Below was an inverted triangular depression, on which were piled up boulders of various sizes, the big ones were square like the head of a truck, and the small ones were round and round. As big as the top of a round table, there are even smaller ones that cannot be seen. They are all blocked by densely packed zombies below, including many d-shaped zombies and s-shaped zombies. Stepping on the hilt of a treasured sword, lying on the slope with his upper body, his two hands seem to be clasped with something, just like this, he is in a stalemate with the corpses below, and from time to time, some S-shaped zombies jump up from below, trying to catch Zhang Xiaoqiang They went down to cut up the corpses and eat them alive, but they were short in stature and the slope was too steep, so Zhang Xiaoqiang almost fell down again at his feet.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stuck a triangular thorn firmly into the slope with one hand. He just knew he couldn't give up. It was very dangerous now. He was in a bad position. The most important thing was that he couldn't see. What are they? He didn’t see the corpses of zombies and human bones on the top before, and the things below can move again. It must be that someone used the terrain to lure the zombies into the pit, and the zombies who died in the pit There were only a few, and the other zombies couldn't move in the pit until Zhang Xiaoqiang fell into the pit like them. The round thing Zhang Xiaoqiang stepped on when he slid down was the head of a zombie. When he thought that he almost fell into the zombie nest, His back broke out in cold sweat. He was not afraid of falling into the zombie nest. What he was afraid of was that he would fall in with his eyes darkened. At that time, the zombie's greatest weakness would become its greatest strength. It will be useless to hold on.

He could only wait silently. He didn't know if the third son would let him go. He hoped that the third son would let him go, but he didn't rely on the third son to let him go. He had always relied on himself to survive all kinds of dangers. He has lived in a desperate situation until now, and now he can only persevere. If he can't persist, he will take out the three grenades hidden in his satchel and die with the zombies. side.

The people above hurriedly pulled Zhang Xiaoqiang up from below, and once Zhang Xiaoqiang got to the top, he sat down on the ground regardless of his appearance, unscrewed the military kettle and drank water happily, and went down to find his man to brag to his companions Seeing how many zombies he saw below and how steep the terrain below was, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at this man carefully.

This man is not very old, about twenty-four or five years old, a little taller than Zhang Xiaoqiang, more than 170 centimeters, and his body is very thin. It also looks loose, not as tight as other people wear. He wears a pair of large black-rimmed glasses, which are fastened to his head with a hemp rope. His appearance is very ordinary, and it can even be said that he looks very Frustration, the kind that is easy to be bullied, but I didn't expect that he would dare to work hard, and he could live until now. The danger just now didn't make him sluggish, but he had the vigor of a young man.

"What's your name?" Zhang Xiaoqiang had some impressions of his glasses, as if he was one of the few people who fled into the small courtyard with He Wenbin and Lu Renyi, and one of the people who followed him to charge. Although he looked frustrated, he behaved better Those big men with fierce looks want men.

When the man saw Zhang Xiaoqiang asking his name, he immediately calmed down. He didn't dare to look Zhang Xiaoqiang in the eyes, but just lowered his head and said, "My name is Networm..."

"Net? Net what?..." His voice was a little weak, but Zhang Xiaoqiang still didn't understand.

"My surname is Wang, and my name is Wang Chong. I used to like surfing the Internet, and others called me a networm..." Maybe it was Zhang Xiaoqiang's inquiry that made him excited, and he started talking endlessly... Wang Chong is nine years younger than Zhang Xiaoqiang, born in 1987. It doesn't matter if the family has no background and parents. Like most people, they live an ordinary and simple life. The conditions of the family are neither good nor bad. Wang Chong who grew up in this family is naturally very ordinary. Teaching is to endure the calm for a while, take a step back, and never cause trouble outside. The ordinary Wang Chong has always obeyed his parents' instructions, so in the eyes of outsiders, he is peaceful in nature, does not like fighting, a little cowardly, and a little low self-esteem.

Under the strange eyes of others, Wang Chong also got used to cowardice and low self-esteem. Until he graduated from university and went to work outside, it was a lucky time. He accidentally helped a big boss. The big boss thought of him, so he signed with his unit. A big order of 2 million, and promised that all the finished products will be purchased from his unit in the future, and he will get a dividend of 200,000 in a daze. In the bag, he drove home while working on the bus. Now he has earned money and his lost confidence has returned. On the day the virus broke out, he slept on the long-distance bus home. Thinking of his parents whom he hadn't seen for a year, his sister who has gone to college, his grandma's healthy and loving smile, and the woman from four years ago, he grinned. Courage, to find her, to face her, no matter what the result is, whether it is reunion or parting, whether it is finding true love or losing old love, only by taking this step, can I face it like a real man. Live, enjoy life, create life.

After that, he experienced all kinds of dangers and hardships and finally escaped to the outer suburbs of J City. He was the only one among the dozens of people on the bus who escaped alive. He has lived to this day.