Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 164: 164 Migration


Today, there is no distinction between the logistics team and the combat team. All the men are carrying large items, and the women are carrying small items, or a few women are carrying one item. The women are very contented now. Compared with before, although it is much worse Before the apocalypse, it was much better than Brother Long being in power. No one could abuse them at will. Instead, the members of the combat team who used to beat and scold them at will wanted to please them. They also had their own jobs. Although it was cumbersome, they could Live more energetically, and they are also the ones who support Zhang Xiaoqiang the most, but now they complain a little bit about Zhang Xiaoqiang, he brought back so many women, and the men who used to surround him with caresses all went to other women, but this It makes them a little jealous. This is the idea of the women who stayed at the chicken farm, and sometimes the women who come from the grain storage.

They were trapped in a small space with a group of men, and those men had nothing to do but torture them under the fear. After months of torture and humiliation, these poor women gradually began to despair physically and mentally. , They are like plants without sunlight and nutrients, waiting to wither and wither until they turn into soil.

When they were rescued by vultures, they saw those men who were like wolves and tigers. They knew that their tragic fate was not over yet. When they saw the man who bullied them the most was beheaded, they cried and vented their oppression. Weeping as if they were crying, they were crying for the past misery, and they were also crying for the future ignorance. They knew that after crying, they would continue to face the oppression in the future. When they were sent to the chicken farm, Susie appeared, but they They didn't go with Susie, they had already resigned to their fate, they were so numb that they didn't want to resist, they just wanted to endure it slowly until they couldn't bear it anymore.

The current life is like heaven for them, without the bullying of men, they can move freely, and they can breathe clean air without the smell of corpses. They already feel satisfied. When those men are around them to please them, they It is fear, they have already developed a fear of men, but they dare not refuse at will, they can only endure the fear and disgust and force their smiles, now it is all right, the man who used to pester them has a new goal, they left, and they I can finally relax.

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that some large supplies were almost loaded, only some small and odd things still needed to be loaded, so he carried the sleeping Yang Keer to her Land Rover and put her into the car, Shangguan Qiaoyun also Supporting Yuan Yi to get into the car, Yang Keer lay on the back and fell asleep, three people sat in a row, Yuan Yi was at the innermost, Shangguan Qiaoyun sat in the middle, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Shangguan Qiaoyun next to him and hesitated , sat in the front passenger seat.

The convoy stopped at the auto repair shop. Zhang Xiaoqiang asked someone to drive a fuel tanker to pump out all the fuel stored in the gas station, and he took some people to get out the arms and supplies in the secret small base. I also want to understand, when will I hide slowly by myself? Now that there are ready-made manpower and so many firearms, as long as you take them carefully, it is no problem to recover some small villages, and then find and hoard the supplies scattered in the houses, which is better than taking a few women by yourself. Zhang Xiaoqiang's location is different, and his thinking is also different. His vision is more long-term, and he also has the idea of self-reliance, but this idea is still very weak. The gathering place of h has always been his dream. Hundreds of people How can there be a gathering place of hundreds of thousands of people in the team? To him, the current hot spring base is like a small remote village, and the place where H gathers is the big city, so he has to visit it to be reconciled.

Dozens of big men moved out the various supplies below and put them on the truck like ants moving. He Wenbin watched in a daze. He was the first person to meet Zhang Xiaoqiang. He knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang had only one person when he first came. The materials for a three-wheeled agricultural vehicle, in just over half a month, Zhang Xiaoqiang quietly hid so many materials? And there are many types, many of which are things that Brother Long and the others couldn't ask for before. When he saw the boxes of arms, he changed from dazed to stupid. The supplies are easy to find, but the arms are hard to find. Looking at the countless The ammunition box was nailed with iron sheets. He ran forward and back and put all the ammunition under his eyelids. Now his heart is open. Yesterday he was worried about the lack of ammunition for guns, but now he is completely relieved. Why did tens of millions of bullets fight a large-scale battle? I don't know where Zhang Xiaoqiang dug out these World War II antiques from that corner.

Military uniforms, steel helmets, cowhide armed belts, what kind of medical equipment and expired medicines, until the mortars and air-cooled heavy machine guns were brought up, all the members of the combat team began to cheer. Knowing what it means to have a heavy weapon, everyone is happy, only Yang Ke'er is not happy, she thinks that her treasure has been divided up by others, she looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang with a mournful face, Zhang Xiaoqiang understands Yang Ke'er's situation at this time Thoughts, watching these supplies that I and Yang Ke'er worked so hard to find out again, it's like gouging out the flesh in his heart, but this place has already been known by Susie, if she finds the ammunition, then I will Not a bigger loss

There are a total of ten large trucks and more than ten other trucks and small vehicles. Zhang Xiaoqiang's huge convoy is like a swarm of locusts. It drags all kinds of materials and vehicles that can be used on the road into the convoy. Some vehicles can't be used. It doesn't matter, Wang Le used steel wire ropes to pull behind the big truck. When he encountered scattered zombies, the people in the combat team went down to a row of random guns. They were all training in actual combat. Now everyone is equipped with the same equipment. Even Zhang Xiaoqiang is wearing a dead set. He was not used to the m1 helmet, which weighed more than two catties, on his head. Others, including the policewoman, were wearing military uniforms with cowhide belts and M1 Garand rifles on their backs.

He Wenbin was sitting on the big truck transporting arms. Lu Renyi and Wang Le in the huge carriage behind were checking the exact quantity of arms. They saw the zombies on the side of the road being knocked down, and then people from the combat elementary school rushed in holding shields and machetes. The house was cleared of remains, and people from the logistics team rushed into the house to see what was being moved, furniture, bedding, tools, food, and even some people moved out the logs stored by the owner's house. Cremation is not practiced in the countryside. The logs should have been used to make coffins for the elderly, but now they are being dragged out, just because Zhang Xiaoqiang said today, why do people who behaved well today eat meat

Stopping and stopping like this, the huge convoy arrived at the hot spring in the middle of the night. The two people staying behind at the hot spring saw the convoy approaching and pushed open the electric telescopic door without power. The convoy entered the hot spring just like that. Seeing the good terrain of the hot spring, the old man on the chicken farm couldn't help but put down the boulder hanging from his heart. This place is secluded and safe enough.

Not to mention others, Zhang Xiaoqiang's Land Rover sent him to the largest house in the villa area. Zhang Xiaoqiang held Yang Ke'er in his arms and looked at this European-style villa with mixed feelings. He finally had a home again. This villa will belong to him forever, and Yang Keer was also very happy to see the villa in front of her. She asked Zhang Xiaoqiang to put her down, and walked slowly on the withered lawn, looking at the quiet small lake. Her body made her look particularly beautiful at this moment, like a little fairy falling from the sky.