Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 167: 167 Materials


Looking at the warmth and happiness between the honest man and the little sisters, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't bear to go up to disturb them. Looking at this rare scene in the last days, Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes were a little wet, and the two little sisters followed The honest man is the right person, the honest man loves them sincerely, and never takes them home when there is fire outside, so that the little sisters can experience the warmth of family members again.

The elder sister is sharp-eyed, she saw Zhang Xiaoqiang standing in the distance, pulled her younger sister to nod to Zhang Xiaoqiang, and then returned, the honest man was reminded by the little girl and also saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, he walked to Zhang Xiaoqiang's side with a big smile on his face Embarrassing, he has the ability to vent his anger on anyone, but he dare not vent his anger on Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang has kindness to him, a great kindness.

Looking at the honest man with a cautious face, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled. He patted the honest man on the shoulder to reassure him, and asked about the past of the honest man at will... The honest man lost his parents since he was a child. The eldest brother lives, and the two have been collecting junk in a small county town for nearly ten years. An honest man has been skillful since he was a child. Some old appliances he took back can be repaired slowly, relying on collecting junk. With the sale of second-hand small appliances, the life of the two has improved, and his elder brother also said that a daughter-in-law is going to get married the next year.

The two people's house was passed down from their parents. It was close to the main street. A restaurant owner wanted to buy their house and connect it with his frontage on the street, so that the size of his restaurant could be doubled. Candide and His brother was reluctant to sell the house. It was the only valuable thing left by their parents, and he wanted to pass it on to his children and grandchildren, but that person was the brother-in-law of a section chief of the County Public Security Bureau. Relying on his brother-in-law is also a domineering guy, he directly sent someone to beat his brother seriously, drove them out of the house, found a house sale agreement and forced his brother to press his fingerprints.

It’s okay to be honest, and the neighbors also said that he was not to be messed with. He carried his brother’s 5,000 yuan house payment and found an abandoned house to settle down. His brother was seriously injured, and he was reluctant to go to the hospital. The daughter-in-law who was going to take it sent someone over to make peace with him. He spurted out a mouthful of blood in a hurry, and swallowed his breath that day. Honest people know that it was his elder brother who was distressed by the three thousand yuan dowry. He is a tolerant person. He is also a person who must take revenge, so he waited for the opportunity in the small county town, bought a second-hand motorcycle with the remaining money, and learned to ride a motorcycle.

On the first day that the person who injured his brother redecorated the store and opened it, he put on iron chains and locked the front and back of that person's store, poured gasoline on it and set it on fire. He is a kind man again. He called the neighbors on the left and right to put out the fire. In the middle of the night, except for the small restaurant, the other houses did not suffer more damage because of the timely rescue.

After doing all this, he left the small county where he was born and raised with his brother's ashes on a motorcycle. Life outside was difficult, so he had to learn how to pick locks with his fellow countrymen, and formed a group with a group of people. A small theft group, they ran around and committed crimes for ten years. The result was that they went to the prison together until the virus broke out while serving their sentences in the prison.

Hearing the story of the honest man, Zhang Xiaoqiang also sighed a little, it's not easy, the honest man is still kind, if he was himself, he would definitely cut that guy to pieces.

"How long can the materials last? What's the difference?" Zhang Xiaoqiang asked the main purpose of looking for him today. The honest man lowered his head when he heard Zhang Xiaoqiang's inquiry and began to calculate... "Brother Cockroach, basically all the flying materials are Poor, the worst thing is steel bars, cement, and sand and gravel. There are still some bricks and prefabricated panels you found, but there are only less than a hundred bags of cement left. If the construction is going to stop at noon tomorrow, the steel bars will be even worse. There is none left, Wang Le has been busy since early in the morning, except eating and drinking water, other time is making soil reinforcement, do you think it is possible to reduce the number of reinforcement?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang waved his hands as soon as he heard it, he was afraid that the steel reinforcement was not enough, how could it be reduced? Now it is four meters high, and the foundation will be at least six meters. The original plan was to pour the parapet and the foundation together. Now the fence has not seen the shadow, and the steel bars have just been dug. The foundation, if there is danger in the future, what is the use of the paper wall

"Do you want to go to that small town to look for it?" Thinking of the two little sisters who were there just now, Zhang Xiaoqiang recalled the situation in the small town, but there was no major construction project in that small town, and he turned over the market in the small town It seems that the town does not need these building materials at all, and there are no such things for sale in it, but there are more water pipes and lamps for sale.

The more Zhang Xiaoqiang thought about it, the more he thought about the highway viaduct next to the town... A pair of long convoys appeared from a distance and slowly approached. The leader was a heavy dump truck, an m1919a6 air-cooled heavy truck. The machine gun is mounted on the roof of the large truck, the thick and straight gun body and components are mounted on the base, the black muzzle is aimed at the front, and the 250 rounds of canvas ammunition are loaded with thick and long machine gun bullets in the sunlight. Glittering below, a heavy machine gun team consisted of two people, one was holding the handle of the gun to guard the surroundings, and the other was gently holding the bullet belt, ready to straighten the belt at any time.

Ten large trucks ran ahead, and the first three large trucks had a heavy machine gun mounted on the roof. The machine gun team consisted of a man and a woman. Due to the shortage of manpower, Zhang Xiaoqiang asked three more courageous women to conduct assault training. After a while, he took them to the construction site of the expressway. Zhang Xiaoqiang brought out all his capital today. The honest man, the third son, Lu Renyi, and Zhang Huai'an were quite a few. All the men in the base set off with the car. Now Apart from the crippled He Wenbin and Yuan Yi, who can't exercise vigorously, there are only a few women left at the base to guard the house, but Zhang Xiaoqiang even brought the cook out to help.

Watching the viaduct in the distance slowly approaching, the speed of the convoy is also slowly slowing down. It is even more spectacular when you walk in. The thick supporting columns are as high as 40 to 50 meters, and there are everywhere along the line of the construction road. Simple houses built with oilcloth, piles of rusted steel building materials are piled up in the open space, hills formed by yellow sand are piled up here and there, and some yellow sand is sprinkled on the ground to form patches of sandy beaches. The hills formed by all kinds of crushed stones are no longer rare. The various construction vehicles and equipment make Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes envious. He just looks envious, but the honest people around him look enthusiastically. On the billboard, there are huge and eye-catching red letters "xxx Engineering Bureau xx Company", "xx City xx Construction Company", "xx Group xx No. xx Construction Engineering Team" painted with red paint.