Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 185: 185 frontal battlefield


Blood is the original sin of zombies, and it is their irresistible bait. When the smell of blood slowly dissipated, the zombies in the town went crazy. Groups of zombies rushed out from every corner of the town and rushed out of the town. The weaker zombies were squeezed by the stronger zombies behind them, and then they were stepped on by their companions who came from behind. When their companions walked away, they were still struggling on the ground to get up. When they arrived, the stinky feet of countless zombies stepped on them one after another until they turned into puddles of fleshy mud. The ones who walked in the front rushed to the ditch excitedly. As they passed by, they were like rice and wheat cut down by a sickle during the autumn harvest and fell into the first ditch. Some lucky people climbed up and walked like the second ditch, and some unlucky ones were struggling. The zombie behind was trampled, or it died in the ditch, becoming a stepping stone for other zombies, or struggling to trip other zombies, or at least pull a back one.

The dense crowd of zombies crowded closer to the battle line. Looking at the tide of corpses in front of them, their scalps were numb. Fortunately, the members of the combat team had seen the corpses on the viaduct, and they were able to stabilize their emotions. The former construction workers were a little palpitated. Although they had fought face-to-face with zombies, they had never experienced fighting a thousand zombies. There were more than a thousand zombies in front of them. The space of 100 meters was almost filled by the first zombies. , but the zombies behind are still pouring out of the town. Wang Chong, who raised his arms, felt a little weird at this moment. He was wondering if his blood was particularly sweet, so many zombies were coming towards him. It's kind of an achievement.

"Boom..." A group of dazzling flames was in the middle of the corpses, and countless sand and sand were flying up with the zombies' stumps. The air waves generated by the explosion made the zombies around the explosion site unsteady and fell to the ground. Sand, mud and rocks fell like raindrops, and a small open space was cleared out of the dense group of corpses. After the first roar of the 60mm mortar, the "chug" sound of heavy machine gun fire was heard, and the long barrel sprayed With a foot-long tongue of flame, countless shimmering bullets whizzed towards the dense zombies, "Papa..." The rifleman's Garand rifle also rang out, and every rifleman put the gun inside the rifle as quickly as possible. Eight bullets were fired, and they no longer aimed, as long as the bullets hit the zombies to make them stop for a while.

The advancing zombies are like encountering an invisible sickle. The zombies walking in the front are instantly cut to pieces by this invisible sickle. Fifty meters in front of the battle line, they came to a standstill. They hit the city wall woven by bullets. Groups of zombies fell down. Groups of zombies rushed up and were knocked down again by the rain of bullets. The skin and flesh under it flew in the air and scattered in the air. Mortar shells exploded among the corpses again and again. The bright red light tore apart the zombies one by one. In the sky, blasted sand and corpses kept falling on the zombies moving forward. Before the last bit of sand and rocks fell, as new fires lit up the corpses, more Debris flew into the sky again, and some zombies in the middle of the corpse group lost their direction due to the pungent gunpowder smoke. They ran around in the corpse group, disturbing the messy group of corpses even more, time was passing , the 50-meter zombie death zone has been piled up with lost corpses into a one-meter-high gentle slope.

The heavy machine gun continuously ejected bullets, the heavy machine gunner trembled and howled, the sub-machine gunner sent the heavy ammunition belt into the gun body with dexterous hands, and as the empty gun hung up, they picked up a new ammunition chain to reload , but the machine gunners couldn't even wait for this short ten seconds. They scolded the women around them. They said anything dirty or vicious. They didn't target the women around them. They were venting, venting the doomsday But women are not fuel-efficient lamps, ever since Zhang Xiaoqiang equipped them with pistols, they started shaking, whoever scolded them, they had to scold them back, the woman put on the ammunition belt nimbly, talking nonsense They unconsciously uttered words that would make even the cheapest lady blush, so the machine gunners were in a tragedy. They stared at the little hands that were stained black by gunpowder smoke and lubricating oil as they loaded bullets, secretly praying in their hearts that it would be over soon, and when the The machine gun rang out again, and the woman dragged the ammo belt and cursed. The machine gunner didn't care at this moment. Their bodies trembled with the vibration of the machine gun. Heat started to curse again, so he continued the tragedy.

Although Zhang Xiaoqiang's team members have tried their best to stop the zombies from advancing, but his team members are too few. The machine gunners, mortarmen, and riflemen are only about 30 people. The tide began to struggle. When the two heavy machine guns began to load bullets at the same time, dozens of zombies broke through the 50-meter death line and pressed towards the front. After a short time, the sound of the machine guns fired again, but The zombies are still slowly approaching, thirty meters... twenty meters... ten meters... Although the zombies are approaching, no one dares to turn around and run away. They know the consequences of turning around. They don't have the courage to face Zhang Xiaoqiang's anger. Zhang Xiaoqiang walks away In front of the Land Rover, he took out a wooden box from the trunk and opened it behind the parapet. Rows of grenades were exposed to everyone. Zhang Xiaoqiang picked up one and opened the safety and threw it out. The round grenades slashed in the air. It made an arc and landed on the head of a zombie 30 meters away. A few seconds later, a mass of smoky flames sent the zombie to the sky, and some of the blasted soil flew over the 20-meter The distance fell on everyone, and several team members put down their guns, picked up the grenades, opened the insurance and threw them at the zombies. There were a total of 150 grenades in five boxes, and the 150 grenades blasted a blank isolation zone among the zombies. The zombies couldn't keep up, so the combat team had time to wipe out the hundreds of zombies in front of them.

Some scattered zombies on the side are too advanced, they are located in the blind spot of the heavy machine gun fire, the rifleman has to face a lot of zombies, and the zombies have to be hit in order to be killed, let those zombies approach The chest is strong, the chest wall is as high as the chest of an adult man, some ordinary zombies can't get through, it may block the ordinary zombies but not the evolution zombies, two S-shaped zombies climbed on the straw bag and turned over at once, straight He rushed towards Wang Chong who was raising his gun to shoot. Zhang Xiaoqiang, who had been paying attention to the whole battlefield, pulled out the Desert Eagle and shot again and again. An S-shaped zombie had several big holes in its chest shot by a large-caliber bullet. It staggered to one side, The other zombie was not disturbed, and continued to pounce on Wang Chong. Zhang Xiaoqiang stepped forward in desperation and put his foot on Wang Chong's buttocks.

The fast figure of the S-shaped zombie has already rushed in front of his eyes, and his black claws grabbed Zhang Xiaoqiang straight. Zhang Xiaoqiang slashed at its claw wrist with his left hand. Leaning over to pass the zombie, the elbow of the right hand holding the gun hit the back of the zombie forcefully, the S-shaped zombie could no longer stand up and fell forward, "Bang bang bang..." Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his hand and shot three consecutive shots at the zombie The back of the head, the zombie's head was beaten into a mass of hot sauce by a large-caliber warhead, and the white skull, yellow brain, and dark red neurofascia stained with black blood flew around.