Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 190: 190 base meeting


Zhang Xiaoqiang took Shangguan Qiaoyun and walked slowly along the lakeside. There were some women resting by the lakeside, and many people were mending some tattered clothes under the streetlights. The streetlights were hung by Zhang Xiaoqiang on the path. A 100-watt incandescent lamp next to it. These women were arranged by Zhang Xiaoqiang to live in the villa area, but their rooms would not have electricity at night, and these women consciously stayed in the house with unfinished work during the day. Continue to work under the street lights, only those women who have completed their tasks early and quickly will enjoy the scenery by the lake.

There are quite a few women in the base. In the original chicken farm, the two little sisters of Honest Man followed He Wenbin’s two women and a dozen others. Twenty-eight intact ones were rescued in the hot spring. One half-dead, thirty-seven were found at the gathering place at the foot of the mountain, plus the scattered ones brought back by the third son, not counting the women found today, there were nearly a hundred women, and there were nearly three hundred men. To maintain the stability and continuity of the base, Zhang Xiaoqiang let all the women live in the villa area. Except for going out to work everywhere, women are generally not allowed to go to the men's group at night, for fear that those energetic men will make something happen. The men in the group can come here to chat with women and show their love. The other men can only be free from admission. Treat with care.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang walked into the valley, he saw hundreds of big men densely crowded around the open space in front of the five-story building. A few strong lights illuminated the front of the door like daytime. Lu Renyi stood in the middle of the open space with a There was a row of long tables, on which were piled up a hill of various supplies, alcohol and tobacco, snacks, towels, teacups, toothpaste and toothbrush, shampoo, soap, and some newer clothes and leather shoes. Lu Renyi held a white Paper called loudly, and as a personal name popped out of his mouth, big men came out of the crowd and came in front of him. They had different expressions. Some looked around triumphantly, while others stared blankly at Lu Renyi. , Waiting for him to announce his reward, some people may not have been in the limelight, they stand in front and dodge, avoiding the scorching eyes of the crowd behind them, some people ignore others or encourage or jealous eyes, they are looking at themselves. The position in the team, counting how many people will have their turn before it will be their turn, and some people don't care about everything, they are very calm, they just keep looking at the various materials in front of them, thinking about themselves Get those things to get a little bit cheaper.

Lu Renyi began to distribute prizes to those who worked hard. Zhang Xiaoqiang walked through the crowd into the gate of the small building and followed the stairs to the meeting room on the third floor. The model workers of the 1900s and the outstanding employees of the enterprises after 2000 have few things, which may motivate the workers and make them work harder with peace of mind.

After Zhang Xiaoqiang entered the conference room, He Wenbin, Honest Man, and Zhang Huai'an were already sitting at the conference table waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang. Wang Le, Fat Cook, and Wang Chong were sitting on chairs at one side, and there was another person in the darkest corner. Hiding his whole body in the shadows, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that it was Guo Fei, and it was difficult to see his figure at ordinary times. Usually he would go out with the third son, and the third son complained to Zhang Xiaoqiang more than once, that guy was a lunatic, seeing zombies Just pounced on and hacked with a knife, making it difficult for the combat team to shoot, and he didn't use the gun that was assigned to him. It seemed that his carbine hadn't fired a single bullet yet

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked to the main seat and sat down, Shangguan Qiaoyun also sat down on the chair beside him and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang quietly, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that Shangguan Qiaoyun looked at him again, and he was also accustomed to Shangguan Qiaoyun's gaze, he I don't care anymore, it would be impossible to get closer to her, who let her see his weakest side thoroughly, this is not allowed to Zhang Xiaoqiang who takes machismo as his creed.

The honest man was the first to speak. Now the top priority of the base is the construction of the fence. He first reported the progress of today's project, and then made a detailed plan for the next work plan. Looking at the thick stack of A3 blank paper in the hands of the honest man , Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a little itchy buttocks, not only Zhang Xiaoqiang, except for Guo Fei and Shangguan Qiaoyun in the corner, everyone was a little restless.

When the honest man started talking about the progress of the drainage ditch, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally couldn't help interrupting the honest man:

"Honest man, I know you. No matter what the task is, you never complain of suffering or tiredness. You are just silently promoting that? Old scalper? Oh, yes, the spirit of the old scalper, I I am most at ease with you. I don’t ask about the construction of the wall. I trust you, so you don’t have to do everything yourself. What do those senior engineers do? I’m not talking about you, you are also a leader now Well, huh? You just need to keep an eye on the bottom, uh... Generally speaking, I can rest assured that you can handle things... "

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s praise to the honest man made the honest man dizzy. He looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang’s excited face. There was a kind of man who died for his confidant. Now that Zhang Xiaoqiang asked him to jump from the third floor, he might just open the curtains Just jumping down like this, looking at the excited look of the honest man who seemed to have something to say, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Zhang Huaian and winked.

Who is Zhang Huaian? Seeing the look in Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes, he quickly reported to Zhang Xiaoqiang the people he accepted today. He accepted 112 people today, including 63 men, and the rest were women. The oldest man was 37 years old, and the youngest was 15 years old. No woman is over 40 years old. These people are the same as those captured by Zhang Xiaoqiang before. They are all mixed by construction workers on the construction site and local civilians. These women are female workers in a small food processing factory. The virus broke out. After that, I was trapped in the factory building until I was rescued by the workers who came here to look for food. Because there were enough women, those men didn’t pay much attention to them. Every time the men finished eating and had leftover food, they gave it to the women. If they don't find much, the women will have to starve. Women in the last days have little creative value except for these men to vent, so these women are half-starved until the third son and others find out The man who went out to look for food followed the clues to get these women back.

"Zhangtou, there are nearly 500 people in the base now, and the valley can't accommodate them. In addition, so many people consume a lot of food every day. Although Sanzi can get some back every day, it is still beyond the means. There is food in the valley. No one can say for sure what it will be like in the future. Do you think that the third son will not bring people back in the future? If he wants to bring back, he will only bring women back. To be honest, there are very few women... "

Zhang Huai'an kept talking about the current situation of personnel consumption. He is now He Wenbin's assistant, and he also knows some information about the valley base. After sacks of rice were consumed, he also began to worry. He was afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang's soft heart would bring back all the scattered people, and the valley base would be dragged down.

Zhang Xiaoqiang thought for a while and shook his head. He looked at Zhang Huai'an and He Wenbin and said, "If you can't live in the valley, you will live on the mountain. If you can't live in the mountain, ask honest people to dig out the mountain. If you don't have enough food, go out and search for it. Now we don't When food is short, people are sent. When the outer wall is repaired, we can grow food and vegetables outside, and when we have the opportunity to find livestock, we will also engage in breeding... "

Zhang Xiaoqiang dealt with Zhang Huai'an's worries, looked at the third son and said, "The third son has to look outside, one counts as one, and the combat team is still too small. The thirty temporary engineers last time were very good, and I will give them to you tomorrow." They fire equipment and guns, the bullets are the same as before, they must be firmly in their own hands, and besides... "

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to look at Wang Le, Wang Le stood up and said: "Now we have made fifty long knives, all of which are made of automobile spring steel plates, fifty thin steel composite shields, and rifles within fifty meters. The bullets can't shoot through, we only copied less than 30 of Brother Cockroach's sniper crossbows, the key is that the materials are not easy to get, but more than 1,700 crossbows have been made."

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded and continued to explain to the third son: "Your team members must learn to use cold weapons. In some places, the corpses should not be disturbed. Just use cold weapons to deal with the scattered zombies. Pay attention to protecting your own vitality. Now The death of a human being is a great loss... ”

The third son nodded repeatedly, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was also a little thirsty after giving instructions. He picked up the teacup prepared for him and drank water, but saw that the fat cook was a little uneasy, so he nodded to the cook.