Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 20: 20 escaped from birth



Zhang Xiaoqiang put his index finger in his mouth, closed his eyes and bit it, "it didn't bite through", and he couldn't bear to bite again. He drew out his saber and gestured for fear of a virus.

The sound of "bang, bang" hitting the door kept coming, and my heart was burning. He fumbled around his body trying to find sharp objects. As soon as he touched the crossbow arrow, he tore it off and swiped the arrow on his hand.

Blood came out from his index finger, Zhang Xiaoqiang printed blood on all the iron doors from the second floor to the seventh floor, and went back to the house to think of a way.

"I can't go to the roof, I have nowhere to run, and I can't do it even if I'm trapped in the house! The anti-theft door can't prevent d2."

Zhang Xiaoqiang went to the window and looked downstairs. The downstairs was at the back of the residential building, surrounded by walls on both sides. There were no zombies in a small open space, but the protective fence blocked the windows firmly. "If the protective fence is installed, people will die." He was full of resentment.

The sound of knocking on the door from downstairs kept coming, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was scurrying around the room like a headless chicken. He rushed to the bathroom, saw the transom on the wall, and gestured just enough to climb out by himself.

Use a hammer to remove the grille ventilation fan on the transom. Poked his head out. "A bit high" The distance from the fifth floor to the downstairs is about fifteen or six meters.

The curtains were pulled down, the sheets were torn and joined together, and lowered over the transom. "Not enough." Zhang Xiaoqiang searched for something that could be used as a rope. D2 had already arrived downstairs, and the vibration of the door slamming had been transmitted upstairs, and the photo frame hanging on the wall was swinging from side to side.

"What a pig's brain!" Zhang Xiaoqiang patted his head. Picking up the quilt and tearing off the quilt cover, he went to the children's room and pulled off the little boy's bed together, "Don't blame, don't blame, I will burn paper for you every year and festival." Zhang Xiaoqiang kept chanting.

"Bang" d2 had already started hitting the opposite iron gate, Zhang Xiaoqiang hurriedly let go of the simple rope. Then throw down the backpack, satchel, water bottle, and iron gun one by one. Stretch out the two feet first, and retreat the whole body outward.

"Boom, boom, boom" d2 hit the door as if hitting Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart, he got stuck on the transom.

"Boom" the door was knocked open, and d2 walked in. Zhang Xiaoqiang kept inhaling and exhaling, and slowly retreated outward.

"Only the shoulders are left." Zhang Xiaoqiang encouraged himself, his body stepped back bit by bit, and his heart lifted up bit by bit.

d2 Zombies walked into the living room, into the bedroom, into the children's room, until they walked into the bathroom. And Zhang Xiaoqiang still has half of his head left outside the transom. He was stuck on the transom, and the zombie was standing under the transom.

The bathroom was not big, and the transom wasn't opened too high. The straight-line distance between d2 and him was less than one meter, so Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't dare to make a sound. I pray for the blessings of the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

D2 sniffed the smell in the air, and waved his two paws in an attempt to lift him out. A paw swiped past his forehead, and the air flow stirred up his hair, fluttering slightly, and cold sweat kept breaking out.

"Oh..." The zombie couldn't catch him, and became angry, waving his arms even more vigorously. The sink and the makeup mirror were scratched and torn, and various pieces flew into the air and hit everywhere. A small piece of broken porcelain brushed his face, and after a while a small drop of blood oozed out. d2 smelled the smell of blood and clawed towards Zhang Xiaoqiang's head.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's mind was blank, only his knees kicked vigorously on the outer wall, and the moment the claws caught his head, Zhang Xiaoqiang got out.

D2's frantic roar came from next to his ear, Zhang Xiaoqiang slid down quickly, his eyes fixed on the transom for fear that d2 would also get out. The bed sheet was tightened and then loosened, and the bed sheet fixed to the window sill of the transom was grabbed by d2. Zhang Xiaoqiang fell down.

"Boom..." Zhang Xiaoqiang's back hit something, he didn't have time to think about it, he rolled on the ground a few times, lost his strength and stood up.

An ordinary zombie was hit by Zhang Xiaoqiang and fell to the ground. The tattered coat on his body has xx green printed on it, and his iron gun is pressed under him, struggling to get up.

Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his foot and kicked the zombie's head, "click" the zombie's neck was broken by him. Zhang Xiaoqiang picked up the backpack and water bottle, tidied it up, and looked around. There are walls on both sides, and a small house full of flower pots and sundries is tightly locked. Outside the small house stands an aluminum alloy ladder used for pruning trees.

Zhang Xiaoqiang leaned the ladder against the wall and climbed up to the wall. Outside the wall is Binjiang Avenue, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped off the wall and looked around, finally escaped.

Binjiang Avenue has just been built, and the wide road is deserted. On the opposite sidewalk, through the fence, you can see countless containers neatly stacked together. Several gantry cranes stand in the middle.

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked on the lonely road, the surroundings were quiet, and he couldn't see a single zombie. To be honest, he hated killing zombies. He had killed quite a few until now, and there were more than a dozen evolved zombies. I haven't seen myself promoted to a level and a half.

"If there is no benefit, there will be no free contribution, and if there is no benefit, ghosts are willing to kill zombies," Zhang Xiaoqiang thought.

There is a green belt next to the Port Group, and you can go to the riverside along the green belt. Zhang Xiaoqiang walked in the woods carefully avoiding the occasional zombies. They are all elderly people exercising by the river, and their speed is not fast. Soon he was standing by the river.

Looking at the broad Yangtze River, the river flows slowly downstream. The green river water is somewhat clear, without pollution and emissions from upstream cities. The water quality became clearer, and the Yangtze River became more lively. Zhang Xiaoqiang walked slowly along the embankment, and began to relax his mood.

After a short time, Zhang Xiaoqiang was blocked by zombies. From a distance, more than a dozen of them are wandering on the river embankment. A row of fishing rods around the zombies was facing the river. They were all ordinary zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't want to waste steel balls, so he stepped forward with an iron gun.

Zhang Xiaoqiang fights with zombies by the Yangtze River, and the river flows quietly, just like a thousand years ago. With countless memories and the past, witness the changes of the times.

By the river, under the willows, on the embankment, the zombies and him. He ran and leaped, shouting and screaming! The gun goes with the shadow, and the body swims like a dragon. When the last zombie fell, he fell silent.

Zombies fell to the ground in a criss-cross pattern, Jiang Feng slowly wiped away the sweat on Zhang Xiaoqiang's forehead, seeing that he was able to face more than ten zombies alone, he felt excited. Thinking back to when he was surrounded by six ordinary zombies in the room, he racked his brains. Today, he has grown to such a great height! Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't believe it.

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked slowly along the river. The road along the river was not easy to walk, and from time to time a sewage canal blocked the embankment, which made him have to take a detour and waste a lot of time. It was only half way until dark.

Zhang Xiaoqiang dug a hole in the sand by the river with a military shovel, allowing him to punch in it overnight. Huddled in the sandpit, ate two pieces of bread, and drank a sip of water.

Shaking off the thin silk quilt that came from the fifth floor, it was tightly wrapped around his body. The thin silk quilt was smooth and delicate but could not block the wind. Zhang Xiaoqiang felt more and more cold in the quilt, and there was no material to light a fire by the river. It reminded him of that cat stone, he took it out from his satchel and put it on his chest, a warmth spread out and passed it to his chest, his whole body warmed up. Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly fell asleep listening to the sound of the river lapping against the shore.