Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 21: 21 women


The cold river wind in the early morning wakes Zhang Xiaoqiang up. The cold winter wind brings fresh air without the ubiquitous smell of corpses in the city. The mutated cat stone continuously transmitted heat to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Feeling warm, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't want to open his eyes, to quietly feel the rare comfort of this moment.

A warm breath sprayed on his face, he opened his eyes, and two huge dog heads appeared in front of his eyes. The breath that came out of his panting turned into white mist and hit his face in the winter. Zhang Xiaoqiang's whole body was tense and he didn't dare to move.

The two big dogs are the Soviet Red Dogs that appeared near his home a few days ago. Now it grows even taller. The bigger one is 180 centimeters from head to toe, and the smaller one is more than 170 centimeters.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stayed motionless in the sandpit, letting the two big dogs sniff around him. In the past, the mutated cat made him suffer a lot, but now it is a more powerful big dog, and there are still two of them. Zhang Xiaoqiang bitterly said: "Brother, I can't make it through today. Seeing myself being eaten by dogs, this way of death is quite creative." Zhang Xiaoqiang was thinking blindly. Eyeballs rolled around and secretly looked at the two big dogs in front of him.

The limbs are thick and slender, the paws on the ground are wider than Zhang Xiaoqiang's palm, the chest is enlarged and the waist is thin. There is a long and narrow white spot on the larger forehead. There is a pinch of red hair on the tip of Xiaodian's tail.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was waiting for them to eat him, but they lost interest in him, took out his backpack from the sandpit, flicked it on the sand, and yelled at him after a while. "Could it be?" Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't have time to think, he unzipped the backpack and took out a plastic bag from the backpack.

The big dog with red hair on its tail took the plastic bag from Zhang Xiaoqiang's hand, grabbed it with its paws, and ate the cooked meat and sausage inside. After a while, it was eaten by two big dogs.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart was dripping with blood; "That's seven or eight catties of cooked meat with more than ten knots of sausages! There's nothing left." After the big red-tailed dog finished eating, he jumped around the bigger dog to have fun. And the older dog continued sniffing at him.

"Is it not full yet?" Zhang Xiaoqiang was desperate.

The big dog sniffed Zhang Xiaoqiang's chest but did not make any further movements, leaving him at a loss for what to do. "I have no milk!" Zhang Xiaoqiang said to the big dog with a sad face.

The big dog was still sniffing, Zhang Xiaoqiang's mind flashed, and he took out the cat stone from his chest and handed it over, "Does the big dog want it?"

The big dog sniffed the cat stone twice, took two steps back and snorted. I didn't care about the stone anymore, and walked towards the river with the smaller dog, fighting with each other while running.

"Huh..." Zhang Xiaoqiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the two big dogs drinking and playing by the river, Zhang Xiaoqiang sighed: "Dogs are better than cats. No wonder it is said that cats are worse than dogs."

He ate something, put his backpack on his back, and embarked on today's journey.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was walking on the road, two big dogs followed him far away, Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped and they didn't approach him, Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered that the mutant cat's eyes were bloodshot, but the eyes of these two big dogs were clear . "Could it be that the mutated cat got rabies?" Zhang Xiaoqiang was puzzled.

This is a small square in a green belt, and there are a few cassette players on the side of the square. Seventy or eighty zombies were scattered on the square, with one S-type and two D-types sandwiched between them. "It must be the place where the aunts and aunts who live nearby dance," Zhang Xiaoqiang concluded.

Zhang Xiaoqiang retracted the binoculars, thinking about how to go around, "Whoosh." With a sound, two black shadows rushed towards the square from behind him, and he hurriedly raised the binoculars to look there.

Two big dogs ran freely among the zombies, biting off a zombie's head from time to time. The sharp minions of the zombies were helpless against the big dog's thick and thick fur. All the zombies in the square fell to the ground one after another. After a while, no zombies could stand in the square.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stepped forward and saw two big dogs bit open the skulls of several evolved zombies, licked and ate the yellowed brains, and after eating the brains, the big dogs tore the strong flesh of the d-type zombies and swallowed them. Ignore the shriveled and emaciated corpses of ordinary zombies and s-shaped zombies next to them.

After the two big dogs ate the d-shaped zombie, they couldn't stop licking and licking their mouths. Zhang Xiaoqiang tightened the backpack on his shoulders and continued to move forward.

When they got close to the urban-rural junction, the two big dogs barked at Zhang Xiaoqiang a few times, turned around and ran away, watching the figures of the two big dogs gradually disappear, "It's a pity that the two amulets. "Zhang Xiaoqiang turned around and continued to move forward.

On the edge of a ditch leading to the Yangtze River, Zhang Xiaoqiang killed a single zombie. The gun head was pulled out from the zombie's head, and the zombie fell to the ground. A bunch of rusty keys fell out of the zombie's trouser pocket.

"Did you lose the treasure after killing monsters?" Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the key on the ground and subconsciously looked around to find the legendary treasure chest.

There was no place for the treasure chest, so he found a 28-carrying bicycle in a nearby bridge hole. In the basket was a badly spoiled lunch box, a teacup, and a portable water bottle. A fishing basket full of fishing gear was tied to the back seat.

It seems that the owner of the car came here on a bicycle to fish before the mutation, and turned into a zombie as soon as he parked the car. There is no air in the tire and it looks flat. Instead, Zhang Xiaoqiang found a foot-operated portable pump in the fish basket. I think the owner is also a careful person.

The condition of the bicycle is not bad, and the owner parked it in the bridge hole to escape the rainwater that can corrode metal. Zhang Xiaoqiang pushed out with all his energy.

The bridge overhead leads to the suburban road. Zhang Xiaoqiang got on the bridge, got on his bicycle and headed towards the suburbs.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was riding a clanging bicycle on the cement road in the countryside, pedaling fast, and he was very happy: "We can be considered as car owners!"

Although it is just a bicycle, it is very different from a car and motorcycle, but it is much more powerful than walking. From time to time, there were scattered zombies on the road who smelled him and surrounded him, and Zhang Xiaoqiang whizzed past them on his bike. Seeing the s-shaped zombies chasing him farther and farther behind him, he wanted to sing happily.

"There is a situation!" Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped his bicycle and raised the binoculars hanging on his chest to observe.

On both sides of the road are rows of fish ponds, ranging from half an mu to two or three mu, all the way to the distance. There was a Honda car parked on the side of the road, and there was a tin hut on the side of the road opposite the car. On the mottled and corroded tin, a few large characters painted in white paint could be vaguely seen: "Tobacco, alcohol, non-staple food, fishing gear rental".

In front of the house, seven or eight zombies gathered together and squatted on the ground to have a meal. A gnawed bone arm fell to the side, and the remaining fingers were tightly clutching a bottle of mineral water.

"An unlucky guy!" Looking at the wreckage, Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head and wanted to go around. I also thought that the fast food noodles in the backpack had been eaten, and nearly 20 catties of cooked meat sausages were fed to the dog again, and there were only two pieces of bread left, which was enough for one meal. Although there is a lot of rice, if you can't make a fire, can you eat it raw

Zhang Xiaoqiang parked the car next to the house, picked up the iron gun and walked behind the zombie, who only cared about the blood in his mouth and ignored him.

There was no difficulty at all, Zhang Xiaoqiang stabbed all the zombies to death one by one like planting frogs in the field when he was a child. When I entered a small store, the goods in the store were not very complete and the quantity was not large. Zhang Xiaoqiang was afraid that the bloody smell would attract the zombies from a distance, so he didn't pick and choose and put them in the bag casually. The bag was filled with all kinds of food and mineral water, and he put a few cans of beer into his pocket before going out.

He walked towards the bicycle and glanced at the Honda, "What a pity! Why didn't I drive in a hypocrisy?" Zhang Xiaoqiang complained. He couldn't remember the fact that he didn't learn how to drive because he was afraid of death and accident. After taking one last look, Zhang Xiaoqiang set up the frame and prepared to ride on it.

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly turned his head and stared at the window of the Honda car, "That's right, although I can't see it very clearly, I can see that there are people inside."

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked to the front of the Honda car and looked inside through the windshield. He sat alone in the passenger seat and stared blankly at the direction of the small shop outside the window. He had shoulder-length hair and his clothes were dirty and filthy. , can no longer see the original style and color.

"It's not a zombie!" Zhang Xiaoqiang affirmed, he had never seen a zombie so quiet. Zhang Xiaoqiang opened the car door, a stench hit his face, even his nose, which has been tested by the smell of corpses, couldn't bear it.

His complexion was pale and malnourished, his face was clean, but his eyes were cloudy.

Zhang Xiaoqiang started to move: "A woman! Still, still alive."