Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 70: 70 to test the driver's license together


Susie's family is not good, her parents are both laid-off workers, and the family can't get enough to eat when it's the most difficult time. Fortunately, the school waived tuition and miscellaneous fees.

My father thought that his original unit bought him an accident insurance, which had not yet expired. He gritted his teeth and ran a red light on the road looking for death. In the end, he failed, but was knocked into a high paraplegia and lay at home unable to move. He wanted to go on a hunger strike and die. Death is no longer a drag on the family.

Susie knelt in front of her father's bed and cried and swore that she would never go to college in her life. Then she found a job as a waitress in a restaurant and started to work. At the beginning, the manager promoted her to be a foreman, and after preparing for inspection for a period of time, he applied to the general manager to promote her to be a supervisor.

Seeing the family getting better gradually, her mother began to feel sleepy and weak. Susie urged her mother to go to the hospital for an examination, but her mother was reluctant to bear the cost of the examination. I didn't go to the hospital to see a doctor until my whole body was swollen and I couldn't eat anything.

After the examination, the uremia was in the advanced stage, and the examination result was like a bolt from the blue hitting Susie's heart. She dragged her mother to the hospital, asked her aunt who was farming in the countryside to take care of her mother with 800 yuan a month, and went to work by herself. Resigned to wash feet city as a lady.

Her salary as a foreman is only 16,000 a month, and even if she becomes a supervisor, it is only more than 2,000. thousand. If you don't care about anything and just eat meat, it will be even higher.

Seeing that the hospital's reminders became more and more frequent, and her mother's condition became more and more serious, she sold her first one to a 60-year-old coal boss for 8,000 yuan. Afterwards, she took care of her father during the day and became a young lady at night. The city of J was not big, and the news of her being a young lady slowly reached his father's ears. His father pretended not to know until her mother died and rolled under the bed and crawled into the The kitchen cut the veins with a kitchen knife.

When she returned home, it was already too cold. Her father walked away with a smile, holding a letter in his hand, saying that he did not blame her, let her live a good life, live a good life for her parents, walk the right path, and read University.

Speaking of this, Su Xi was already in tears, and Yuan Yi listened stupidly while holding a teacup.

"I have thought about death, I have the courage to commit suicide, but my father let me live, even if I live like a beast, I will live."

After finishing her father's affairs, she completed the "adult college entrance examination" at home under the guidance of her neighbors. She started from the lowest level of a star hotel and became a lobby manager step by step. Wai gave cash coupons to customers, and was trapped in the customer's home until he was rescued by Chen Yi.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked over to Yuan Yi, and Yuan Yi quickly handed him the teacup, looking at Yuan Yi in front of him and Su Qian who was kneeling and crying on the ground, Zhang Xiaoqiang sighed again: "This is the end of the dog days!"

"Know your identity now?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang took a sip of water, looked at Yuan Yi sideways, compared to Su Qian, Yuan Yi grew up soaked in a honey pot, she is nothing but a rich daughter, although she deliberately showed flattery , but there is still that superior arrogance in his bones!

Yuan Yi knelt on the ground imitating Su Xi, and massaged Zhang Xiaoqiang's other leg lightly and heavily: "Master, I will be obedient, I don't want you to kill me again, I will be very obedient, please don't Give me back to Brother Long, you can do whatever you want me to do."

Although Yuan Yi acted submissively, Zhang Xiaoqiang still didn't think so, thought for a while and said:

"You have killed people before, so you should be a little courageous. I don't keep vases. If you want to eat enough, you have to grab it yourself and go all out. Of course Susie is the same."

Yuan Yi and Su Qian's complexions turned pale in an instant, and they were unable to speak for a long time, and their movements also stopped.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was not in a hurry, he calmly waited for their reaction, the little girl with a face under the age of fifteen was desperate, and the two adults still wanted to eat ready-made ones

Of course, it is not really necessary for them to go all out, but first get familiar with the atmosphere and take care of their bodies. There will be two more helpers in the future. Using the comparison between Yang Keer and Xie Yuanshan, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't trust men now, even He Wenbin and the others he saved a life. If he wants to go out to find supplies, he would rather bring a few women with him. Anyway, Yang Keer is strong enough to be a man type crane.

Susie nodded first and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang's firm face. She seemed to think that this was an opportunity, a chance to get rid of her status as a plaything. Yuan Yi also nodded, but was a little worried.

"If, if I'm surrounded by those monsters, you, you have to kill me before they eat me!" She looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang and begged.

This time Zhang Xiaoqiang is very straightforward, as long as he is determined to make progress, he can't take care of everyone, and he won't take care of others. If he is really in danger, he will run away, and he will not stop because of a woman's call. Yang Keer is an exception, and only Yang Keer can be excluded, because if she is in danger, Yang Keer will definitely turn around to save him, even if she dies.

It looks silly, but Zhang Xiaoqiang just likes Yang Keer's stupidity. He likes women who have no intentions, and women who treat him wholeheartedly. It's a pity that Xiao Xiaoqiang really doesn't respond to Yang Keer's three-no figure.

"Which of you can drive?" Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered that he saw many cars along the way, but he couldn't drive, so he drove a three-wheeled car slowly, especially when he saw so many cars on the expressway. Most of the keys are there, but he can’t drive them. Thinking of this, he feels distressed. What a good off-road vehicle, what a good escape tool!

"I will" "I will too!" Yuan Yi and Su Qian said one after another, looking at the woman kneeling at his feet, Zhang Xiaoqiang became depressed again, he couldn't even compare with the two little girls.

"Yang Ke'er!" Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted loudly, the door of the 'Peng' room was opened, and Yang Ke'er rushed in and said, "What's wrong? What's the matter? Should I teach them a lesson?"

When she saw Zhang Xiaoqiang staring at her, she said embarrassedly: "I didn't listen to the corner, really, I just came here!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't bother to talk about her, so Yuan Yi and Su Qian stood up, walked to the door and said to Yang Keer: "Let's go to the driver's license test together!"

There is an open space behind the building, which is the temporary parking lot here, and it is full of off-road vehicles such as 'Beijing Jeep', 'Mitsubishi' and 'Land Rover', as well as some small cars such as 'Bluebird' and 'Audi', as well as four vans and vans. Five cars, it seems that Brother Long and the others got them back.

Zhang Xiaoqiang picked a 'Beijing Jeep' and asked Su Xi to tell him to drive. Yang Ke'er accidentally chose a 'Land Rover' and asked Yuan Yi to teach her how to drive.

The chicken farm is neither big nor small, and the two cars can still run. Yang Ke'er got started very quickly, and now he has a good appearance, but he is not yet skilled in turning and reversing. It seems that he will be able to start in a few days.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was sitting in the driver's cab, holding a heavy steering wheel in his hands, stepping on something that was either the accelerator or the brake, shaking the thing in his right hand that was more than a toilet stick, and shouted while looking at the front of the car Help, while the third son was running away, he sighed in his heart: "It's not that I didn't want to learn before, but that I really have no talent!"

He tossed and tossed until he was eating, and continued to toss and toss after eating, until finally Zhang Xiaoqiang walked on the ground, raising his hands unconsciously, as if he was holding a steering wheel. After a day of hard training, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally understood the difference between the accelerator and the brake, how to operate the steering wheel from left to right, and as for the stuff that shifts gears, he still couldn't figure it out in the end.

Looking at the bumper with no bones left in front of the car, he felt better again. Doesn't the big boss in the movie always bring a driver when he goes out? Don't you have two ready-made

Zhang Xiaoqiang was very tired after learning how to drive. It was the kind of exhaustion caused by long-term tension. He was sitting in the living room drinking tea, and Su Qian stood behind him and held his shoulders. Two big beauties are waiting by your side, and there is still power to turn over the computer and play games at night. As long as you don't relax your vigilance, you can be regarded as stable!

Brother Long and the others came back when they were enjoying themselves, and before entering the door, they heard He Wenbin talking: "Brother Long, these two days of evil deeds, yesterday and today together, ten people died! I want to go out tomorrow Do you want to offer a stick of incense to Guan Erye!"

Chen Yi taught him a lesson: "Why did you go so early? You don't usually burn incense, so who cares about you at critical times?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked up, Brother Long walked in with a gloomy expression, followed by Chen Yi and the others.