Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 83: 83 is actually genuine


Zhang Xiaoqiang no longer cared about the busyness of the women, and walked slowly up to the second floor, rummaging in the office to see if there were any good things, but unfortunately there was nothing there except some documents and promotional materials.

The third floor was similar to the second floor, and I didn't get any benefits from the offices. I found a locked room and opened it to see that there were large cardboard boxes containing computer monitors and chassis neatly stacked inside. Zhang Xiaoqiang was speechless, it was useless to have a notebook.

Go up to the fourth floor and enter a conference room. The conference room is deserted and empty except for the tables and chairs. Pass through the conference room and you will arrive at a living room. The living room is luxuriously decorated with leather sofas, cashmere carpets and mahogany furniture. But these are useless to Zhang Xiaoqiang, it seems that there is nothing good.

The living room is connected to a room, the high-grade mahogany door is locked tightly, and something is scratching the door inside, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows from experience that there is a zombie locked inside, and when he wants to turn around and leave, he feels that there is no benefit in finding the fourth floor from the first floor It's too bad, what if Limen has something good? Isn't that even worse

'Ka' the horn pierced the lock and then turned the horn, twisting and flying all the lock parts on the mahogany gate. After that, he kicked the gate, and the gate bounced inward, and something was knocked into the air by the gate fell to the ground.

Generally speaking, it is difficult to tell the gender from the face after a human becomes a zombie. Only by seeing whether there are two deflated balloons on the upper body of the zombie can we judge whether it was a man or a woman before. Another way is to look at the clothes.

The zombie on the ground was wearing a colorful women's windbreaker, a lavender silk scarf tied around his neck, flesh-colored tight wool pants on his lower body, and knee-high maroon high-heeled high-waisted leather shoes on his feet.

Before the zombie got up, Zhang Xiaoqiang stepped on and broke its cervical vertebrae, and it lay on the ground without moving.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at this luxurious office. It seems that the status of the owner is not low, not to mention the luxurious furniture and seats. Otaku have heard of it.

There is a wine cabinet in the corner, which is full of various famous wines. Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t understand the foreign language, but there is a lot of baijiu in it, and the famous wines sold outside are basically invisible. The labels are somewhat unclear, and some are simply left with some fragments still stuck on them. After a closer look, it is found that the production dates on the bottles are all 70 years ago, and a few dark clay wine jars are placed in the most conspicuous place.

Without further ado, Zhang Xiaoqiang opened the wine cabinet and took it out, yelling in his heart: "It's mine, it's all mine, if you don't drink it, you have to keep it."

After finding a suitcase in the bedroom next to the office and packing all the famous wines, Zhang Xiaoqiang began to search for treasures again. The bedroom is very simple, and there are no good things. Although some clothes are famous brands, Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t wear them. Besides, wearing famous brands in the last days Running away and dying fast enough? There are quite a few blue pills and some medicines for nourishing the kidneys under the pillow, as well as many ultra-thin condoms.

It seems that the owner of this office is also a pervert, and that zombie may be his life secretary. When Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a pair of underwear printed with pictures of various island actresses, he realized that the owner of the office was the one who died in the warehouse. guy.

Zhang Xiaoqiang found a lot of good cigarettes in the desk. There are at least 20 or 30 famous cigarettes of various types. Some cigarettes Zhang Xiaoqiang has never heard of. What kind of giant panda and Nanjing Nine Five Supreme are all randomly suppressed at the bottom , even the Yellow Crane Tower 1916 is not conspicuous, but there are a few unprinted whiteboard cigarettes on it. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't understand either, he just pretended to be inside.

In the end, it really made him find some good things. A piece of pornography with pictures of pure or sexy hot actresses was hidden in the innermost corner of the drawer. Zhang Xiaoqiang was really lucky to find it. Looking at the beautifully packaged DVDs, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help but curse, "Kao is still the original version?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Bao Xiaobao came downstairs full of ambition, Yang Keer and the others had already moved almost, saw Zhang Xiaoqiang carrying a big bag and Yang Keer ran up to open it to see clearly.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't mind letting Yang Keer open it, but Yang Keer lost interest when he saw the cigarettes and wine inside, turned around and left the building.

"Hey, of course you can't see those treasures are hidden at the bottom!" Zhang Xiaoqiang hummed a little song and followed Yang Ke'er to the door.

The open space outside the main building was piled full of supplies, which looked very fulfilling. Yuan Yi and Su Xi sat slumped on the steps in front of the building, and Yang Keer rummaged through the cardboard boxes for things she was interested in. , She has put on high-top leather shoes on her feet, and now she looks only a little worse than Zhang Xiaoqiang. Seeing that Yang Keer still has a tendency to continue to develop, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought to himself: "Any god, don't Let the little girl grow taller!!!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't care about the few women who looked towards the parking lot. All kinds of cars on the parking lot had been covered with a thick layer of dust, and all the cars were yellowish in color, looking miserable and desolate.

Walking up to a sturdy off-road vehicle and touching the dust on the windshield, I can see that there is a lot of space in the car. It is no problem to fit seven or eight people, and there is also a lot of space on the luggage rack on the top. Things, as long as you find the key, you can drive away. Looking at the off-road vehicle in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, it's a pity. God knows where the key is

Yuan Yi stepped forward to look at Zhang Xiaoqiang, and said cautiously: "That's the car of Director Li of the Preparatory Office, the one who died in the warehouse."

A Chinese truck was running ahead, and Zhang Xiaoqiang sat on the passenger seat of the Hummer car and looked at the scenery outside the window, sighing in his heart, he and that director Li were really destined to contribute so much good cigarettes and wine to himself, There are also genuine pornographic videos, and now I am giving myself such a cool Hummer, it is a good comrade, especially since he actually has the key stuck in his belt, so he doesn't have to climb to the fourth floor anymore, saving himself Save time and energy, I really have nothing to say to myself!

Yuan Yi focused on driving the car. She has been cautious since she got the pistol given to her by Zhang Xiaoqiang. She knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang hated herself, so she became more cautious. Now she has the courage to face zombies. She believes that this courage was given by Zhang Xiaoqiang , if Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't want her. She didn't know if she would have the courage to face those zombies again after she died. When Zhang Xiaoqiang forced her to face the zombies, she couldn't help but rely on Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Lit a cigarette and took a puff beautifully. Looking at the smoke coming out of his mouth, Zhang Xiaoqiang began to reflect on himself again. Yuan Yi is a woman with multiple personalities. The desire to destroy, even she herself didn't know about this kind of desire, Zhang Xiaoqiang was terrified when she tortured and killed that zombie.