Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 541: [Extra] - 25 acres is king [End]


It had been sleeping at the foot of the mountain. It was only when it heard Tang Shi's call that it woke up and came to join the battle.

Although its speed is slow, its defense is the highest. Its thick turtle shell, which is as hard as a rock, is its best means of attack and defense.

As if they suddenly thought of something, the two commanders took a deep breath and shouted: "Attack! Attack! Stop it! Don't let it get close!"

They had all heard that people in Xia City could use wild beasts as mounts. Since they could tame wild beasts, the appearance of this giant turtle at this time was obviously caused by Xia Cheng.

"Oh my god, what kind of monsters have we provoked? How can such a huge creature obey the orders of these people? Who are they? If there is such a terrifying group of people on Tianluo Continent, their reputation must have spread long ago. Out, half a year ago, we didn’t even know that there was a city here!”

The giant mountain turtle came from diagonally behind. It didn't care at all about the attacks that tried to stop it. These attacks were vulnerable to its hard shell, so it didn't stop and kept moving forward. Take a step forward.

When it got closer, the giant mountain turtle lowered its head and turned its huge body, knocking down a group of soldiers, and many of them were directly swallowed by it. There were frightened roars everywhere.

However, regarding this matter, a voice finally came out from the gate of Xia City.

It was the sound of the delicate soles of their feet landing on the ground, like that of some kind of animal. The pads of flesh under their claws fell to the ground very lightly. There was only a dull sound of pressing to the ground, and the rustling of the tips of the claws across the stone slab.

When the magic warriors in the front row saw what was running out of Xia City, their eyes all widened!

They were hound-like creatures that were as big as war horses. They were all red, with three heads, and a thick layer of lava on their backs. There were a large group of them, and they were too heavy to run forward. , what drips from the mouth is not saliva, but lava!

Everywhere he passed, there was a "sizzling" sound on the stone brick floor, and even the stone bricks were so hot that white smoke rose up.

They rushed towards the city gate very fiercely, with their six pupils spitting flames, as if they were excited to see prey!

All the magic warriors who saw this scene were trembling all over, kept retreating, and could not even speak.

In the end, it was the captain of this team who gave himself a sharp blow to calm himself down. The first order he issued was, "Retreat! Retreat! Retreat quickly!"

Hearing this roar, the two commanders who were still at the rear could not see the scene in the city at all. They thought that their soldiers were scared and wanted to escape before the battle, so they shouted, "You are not allowed to retreat! You must hold on!"

However, the magic warriors at the front turned around and ran back like crazy without obeying any orders.


One after another fiery red figures rushed out of the city as fast as lightning. With their strong bodies, they rushed towards every magic warrior who wanted to escape. As long as one person was knocked down, the three heads would definitely attack together. In the blink of an eye, , the demon warrior will be bitten to a bloody pulp.

The creatures coming out in groups are none other than the famous card creatures—Hellfire Demonic Dogs!

Screams sounded one after another.

The two commanders were so shocked that they were speechless. Those demon-like creatures were something they didn't even dare to think about. They really didn't know where these things came from.

This was not the worst thing. The most terrifying thing was that the ground began to shake again, and the roaring sound came from far away, making the soldiers outside unable to stand still.

The horses were pacing manically, screaming constantly, and wanted to escape. This was their first reaction when they sensed danger, but they were controlled by the knights on their backs, forcing them not to escape.

Giant humanoid monsters, several meters tall, rushed towards this side from the wide streets of Xia City.

They were too tall and strong, but when they rushed to the city gate, they bent down carefully and emerged from the city gate, one after another, with lava dripping from their bodies, waving. Mountain-like fists hit the magic warriors on the ground one after another.

Following closely behind the hellfire demon dogs are the magma demons. Their attack power has always been fierce. If a group of them appears at one time, it is enough for those demon warriors to drink a pot.

If these were not scary enough, then the undead army following the magma monster completely shattered the tensed nerves of the million-strong army outside the city.

Looking at the densely packed dead corpses pouring out from the city gate, each of them has green eyes, wearing rotten armor, holding half-rusted weapons, roaring and charging out, wherever the undead army passes, everywhere The air of death filled the air and blood splattered. The undead army enjoyed bathing in blood and killed with great joy.

The scene was extremely tragic. The millions of troops who came to attack were killed and defeated before they could even get close to the city gate. Everyone shrank aside in fear, dropped their weapons, and shouted loudly, "We surrender! We surrender! Don't." Kill us! Don’t kill us!”

The two commanders were already devastated and pale at the moment. So far, they had not even injured anyone in Xia City, but their army had been completely routed.

It's so scary. What kind of city is this? It's simply a hell on earth, a gathering place for demons!

Look at those monsters rushing out of the city. Which of them are humans? They are all real monsters!

Why on earth do they want to come here? If they could surrender obediently and send the city away, maybe they could still keep their position, but they would just change their allegiance to another city lord, and they wouldn't see such a nightmare-like scene!

"Retreat! Retreat!"

The two commanders shouted loudly, and all the soldiers who were still at the rear turned around and ran away. The speed of their escape was incredible!

Then, just as they were running away in panic, a huge shadow suddenly enveloped the entire Xia City.

In the sky above the Yueshen Forest behind Xia City, a huge creature suddenly appeared. Its huge wings spread out, almost covering the entire Xia City. Its wings were spread wide, and half of its body was exposed from the Yueshen Forest. .

On the long neck, a small head roared at this moment. The sound waves hit the trees in the deeper forest, rising and falling like ocean waves. The sound waves made everyone's ears roar, their brains buzzed, and before their eyes. The white light suddenly appeared, and I almost fainted.

All the fleeing soldiers were frightened by the huge black shadow. That earth-shattering roar would be their lifelong nightmare.

They kept praying in their hearts that as long as they could leave here alive today, they would never set foot here again in this life, and they would never come again!

Tang Shi and Yan Xu, who were riding snow-colored griffins and red-winged dragons, were flying at low altitude in Xia City. Unexpectedly, they were suddenly enveloped by a huge shadow. Looking back, they were shocked to find that it was Yan Xu's That protoss blue dragon!

It turned out that it did not leave the Luna Forest, nor did it go away, but came to this world with them.

It has been living in the Luna Forest and has not shown up. It appears now, probably to frighten the enemy.

Sure enough, the Star Spirit Blue Dragon did not leave the Luna Forest. He only exposed half of his body and let out a roar, which frightened everyone into dying and fled faster than they could fly.

This roar shook Tang Shi and Yanxu to the point where they almost fell out of the air.

After the Star Spirit Blue Dragon finished threatening, he tilted his head and looked at Tang Shi and Yanxu alone, and then slowly retreated back into the Moon God Forest. Tang Shi looked at Yanxu and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "I would have known there was such a person. As long as the patron saint is here, I won’t activate these trump cards. Let it come out and roar, which will definitely overwhelm all enemies.”

"It surprised me that it came here."

Tang Shi smiled and said, "It's better now. Even if no one is guarding Xia City, no one will dare to invade."

Yanxu held Tang Shi's hand, pulled him over, let him sit on his Red Winged Dragon, hugged him, kissed his lips, and after a passionate kiss, he said, "Xia Cheng is Our roots are protected by the Moon God Forest. Even if we unify the entire north, our capital will be in Xia City."

Tang Shi leaned in Yanxu's arms and sighed comfortably, "Okay, I like it here too. I will work hard this year to make sure that every household has land and enough food, so that they are not afraid of the severe cold. We can have a lazy and pleasant winter.”

"Okay." Yanxu kissed his forehead and whispered, "Do you have any suggestions for their arrangement?"

Tang Shi looked up at him, "Don't you already have an idea?"

Yanxu nodded, "Qin Lie, Zhan Rong, Long Mian and Asa, their status is not light, we cannot let them stay in Xia City as subordinates all the time. They need to have their own city territory, so that the Beast Spirit Tribe and the Elf Tribe can There will also be a place to stay.”

"You are right. They are very powerful. They should not be trapped in Xia City. They should have a bigger stage." Tang Shi reminded: "But there is one less thing you mentioned. Fei Ying, you forgot to mention . ”

Yanxu said helplessly: "Let Fei Ying be the captain of the guard team of Xia City, it is indeed a bit overkill, but also give him a fiefdom and let him manage it."

"What about Jin Jue? Are you also going to be sent with Fei Ying?" Tang Shi asked.

"He can't do it. I can't do without him." Yanxu refused.

"If this is the case, I think Fei Ying will not leave Xia City, and he will not leave Jin Jue." Tang Shi curled his lips and said.

Yanxu was speechless for a moment, and in the end he could only say: "Then let me slow down. When I find someone who can take his place, I will send him to Feiying's territory. Isn't that okay?"

"Okay. Counting the last two fourth-level cities, there are a total of 27 cities in the entire north. How do you want to distribute them?"

Yanxu thought for a while and said: "For the three fourth-level cities, let Qin Lie and Zhan Rong govern one respectively, Long Mian and Asa govern one, Fei Ying and Jin Jue govern one. The remaining three third-level cities, Let Yan Jing guard one, Yan Xing guard one, and let Jin Jue’s brother Jin Yu guard the remaining one.”

"The remaining second-level and first-level cities will be divided under the jurisdiction of the big cities. They will be divided according to the provinces, cities, and counties of the old world. Political institutions will be established. I will select outstanding generals and send them to each city to strive to control our Create this country into a perfect and peaceful paradise.”

Tang Shi smiled, "This is the future we long for most after experiencing the apocalypse."

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