Apocalypse: Counterattack of a Cannon Fodder

Chapter 91: Things are changing


Song Deren still has some weight in the hearts of the people of Meizhen. Uncle De is a typical intellectual. He has been the mayor of the town for many years. He has an upright personality, a hot temper, and no grain of sand in his eyes. Tang Shi originally thought that he was the mayor of Meizhen. It was still him, but unexpectedly it was replaced by this Ge Nanlin.

All the townspeople who knew or didn't know him gathered around Tang Shi. Yanxu guarded Tang Shi like a calf, fearing that these townspeople might hide their knives in their smiles and stab Tang Shi secretly. He was already frightened, and Tang Shi would be injured at every turn. , which made him feel annoyed, guilty, and self-blame at the same time, blaming himself for not protecting him well.

Tang Shi didn't care, and allowed the townspeople to hold his hand, chatting and laughing excitedly. They were quickly divided into two groups in front of the tomb. On one side were the simple and unscheming townspeople, and on the other side were the awakened ones headed by Ge Nanlin. Ge Nanlin never expected that things would turn out like this.

The strong man looked at the situation in front of him, his head still unclear, and said angrily: "What the hell is going on with you?! He is a tomb robber! He dug up your Zhenzhen ancient tomb, are you all crazy?! Follow him! Why are you so affectionate?!"

The noisy townspeople suddenly became quiet, and looked at the strong man with strange eyes, looking more disgusted than eating shit.

Ge Nanlin had some tricks after all. Seeing the reaction of the townspeople, he immediately thought of a possibility, his expression softened, and he said gently: "I wonder who this is? Could it be that he is really an exiled town citizen from Mei Town?"

Someone answered: "Tang Tang is not a town citizen, he is the grandson of Mr. Mei, the real Mei family!"

Ge Nanlin was stunned for a moment, secretly clenched his fists, and then stepped forward with a smile, "It's really a flood that washed away the Dragon King Temple. My family doesn't recognize my family. It turns out that he is Mr. Mei's beloved grandson. It's rude and disrespectful."

Tang Shi said coldly: "Ge Nanlin, I gave you a chance."

After Tang Shi said this, he glanced at Yanxu. Yanxu understood, and immediately materialized the weapon card - Ice Fire Demonic Heart Sword, and headed towards Genanlin to kill the general!

Song Deren just recovered from his gaffe. If Mr. Mei's tutoring was not good, then the whole Mei Town would not be good. It's just that Tang Shi was too naughty when he was a child. If it weren't for Mr. Mei, most people wouldn't be able to control him. He then said anxiously: "What's going on? Why did you start to attack?!"

"Uncle De, folks, do you believe me?" Tang Shi said loudly.

"Whatever you said, if we don't believe it, who can not believe you? Mr. Mei is no longer here, and you are the backbone of our Mei Town. As long as you say it, we will believe it."

"Well, let me tell the folks about the shit that Ge Nanlin did!"

In the Tang Dynasty, people who took refuge outside were not allowed to enter the town, and they had to pay "decent prey" to enter the town. Ge Nanlin and Fang Shen colluded to dig up the Mei family's ancestral graves, and massacred the victims outside the town and the elders of Mei Town. They all told it. Everyone was shocked, they obviously didn't know anything.

Tang Shi learned from their words that it was just as he had guessed. In order to protect their safety, Ge Nanlin gathered the townspeople in East Town and distributed food on time, but they did not starve. It's just that a few elderly people have not come to the "safe zone" for a long time. They were originally arranged by the mayor to evacuate in batches. Young people and children left first, followed by middle-aged people, and then the elderly. However, the elderly have not left with them. When we met, many people asked anxiously. The answer given by the mayor is: the elderly are old and cannot be crowded together with them. There are specialized medical staff in another place to take care of them.

The townspeople were right. After all, Mayor Ge had taken good care of them so far and had no ill intentions. Of course, they would not be suspected. However, they never expected that they would brutally kill the old man! !

Many family members who had lost their elderly people cried loudly, grabbed the shovels, hoes and wooden sticks they had thrown away, and rushed towards Ge Nanlin's group, all in a desperate posture.

Ge Nanlin was no match for Yan Xu, so he dragged the nearby Awakened One as a human shield. He retreated while making a final struggle, "Folks! Don't listen to his nonsense! Those crazy things were not done by me, Ge. They were all caused by that method." What Gentleman did has nothing to do with me!"

"If it doesn't matter, then why do you put the townspeople under house arrest, but throw the old people outside the town and let them fend for themselves, and send people to beat and kick them to massacre, and you still say that you didn't do this!" Tang Shi wanted to be chopped alive! This scourge was eliminated, but he currently had no weapons at hand, and it was inconvenient to take out the Undead Scythe, so Yanxu had to fight alone.

"You are a bastard that is worse than a pig or a dog! Fortunately, I believed in you so much before. Because you are the strongest and can protect the villagers, I gave you the position of mayor. I didn't expect you... you actually..." Song Deren, who had always had a hot temper, was angry. Unable to stand still, he almost couldn't draw a breath, and said angrily: "Folks! Beat this beast to death, worse than a pig or a dog!"

Things have turned around, and now Genanlin and his gang have turned into street rats, and everyone is shouting and beating them up. The angry townspeople no longer care about their fear of the awakened ones, and they all gather around to fight, even if they can't get rid of them with hoes. Ge Nanlin was just a little Luo Luo, nothing compared to Fang Shen. Yan Xu also hated what he did and killed him with a sword. Turning around and looking at Genanlin's lackeys, they were beaten into pig heads one by one. Even the card creatures were beaten until they were lying on the ground unable to move. Being beaten like this by ordinary people only shows that their level is still too low to face them. They would never be able to withstand the overwhelming anger of so many people.

When Tang Shi saw that Yanxu's side was over, he shouted to Song Deren, "Uncle De, I'm going to chase Fang Shen, I'll leave this place to you!"

Song Deren was very angry, but still told him, "Be careful! Those beasts can do anything!"

"I know!" Tang Shi said and the person had already run away.

Yan Xu ran forward after Tang Shi, who didn't stop for a moment and chased towards the outside of the town.

After chasing Lu Yanxu for a while, he asked strangely: "Do you know where he is?"

"I put a tracking card on him."

When Fang Shen escaped from the tomb, Tang Shi made a secret move and planted a tracking card on Fang Shen. The card was taken from Sun Li by Tang Shi, but it came in handy unexpectedly. The tracking card, as the name suggests, is mainly used for tracking. As long as the tracking card is placed on the tracking target, it will not be able to escape. No matter where it escapes, the person who placed the card will know.

The tracking card is also a rare card. Fang Shen not only massacred the old people of Mei Town, but also dug up the ancestral graves of the Mei family, and seriously injured Tang Shi. Tang Shi had already made up his mind to kill him when he didn't know that he had taken away the burial objects. Otherwise, I wouldn't have wasted a tracking card on him, but I didn't expect it to actually come in handy.

Fang Shen indeed had a premeditated plan and evacuated as soon as he succeeded. Fang Shen's strength is not low. There are not many people in Tang Dynasty who can hurt him now. This shows that Fang Shen is very powerful, especially since he also has a cheating weapon - the invisibility card! And his weapon level is not low, so sharp, absolutely extraordinary!

What kind of organization can recruit a powerful awakener like Fang Shen? Why did they rob the funeral objects from the Mei family's ancestral tomb? Tang Shi racked his brains but couldn't figure out these things!

Yanxu was originally one step away from Tang Shi, but the two ran closer and closer. In the end, Yanxu and Tang Shi were running shoulder to shoulder with the Drew Hound.

"How is your injury?" Yanxu was still worried about Tang Shi's injury.

"It's completely healed." Tang Shi patted his chest to prove it.

Yanxu was silent for a while, and then asked: "What did you do to other people's strawberry fields?"

Tang Shi's expression that was two parts sarcastic and one part mocking froze for a moment. He glanced at Yan Xu with a slightly embarrassed look and decided not to say it out loud. No one had done anything stupid at that stupid age, but when Tang Shi was a kid, he didn't do anything stupid. He just did more stupid things than others. For example, he stole the unripe strawberries behind Aunt De's house and ate them. Aunt De caught him and complained directly to his grandfather. Tang Shi was inevitably punished. In order to take revenge, one day At night, I secretly took a flashlight and buried all the green strawberries behind Aunt De's house in the soil. When Aunt De found out, the strawberries were all rotten in the soil. He had done bad things like these all the time when he was a child. No matter how harsh his grandfather was, he was not afraid. In his heart, he believed that his grandfather loved him the most, so he dared to act recklessly.

Yanxu snorted and said, "I know even if you don't tell me, I will definitely be ruined by you."

"Hey, can you say something nice about me? Am I so harmful?" Although this was true, Tang Shi still felt that he should refute it.

"With your personality that you can even lie down and roll on the ground during military training, this is not enough for you." Yanxu said firmly.

"Shit!" Tang Shi still wanted to quibble, but he burst out laughing first, "I don't believe you didn't climb a tree on the wall and drag a dog's tail out of a bird's nest when you were a child."

Yanxu said: "I really haven't done it before."

Tang Shi looked at him in disbelief, "Then what did you do when you were a child?"

Yanxu thought about it. When he was a child, apart from going to school in a regular manner, he also learned various fighting skills. In his spare time, he would read books on weapons expo, or books on military strategy, etc. In short, at home Almost everything involved military matters, so he had no choice. Moreover, in a home that was as rigorous and disciplined as a military camp, Yanxu had nothing to do, and there were no children of the same age to compare with. He always thought that other people's children They are all the same as him.

Tang Shi looked at him sympathetically, "You are so miserable. Do you call that childhood? No wonder you always turn your elbows to the military. It turns out that you have been raised since childhood... Oh no, it should be said that you were raised in the womb. Military brilliance.”

They had run far away from Meizhen, and Tang Shi felt that the other party was still moving forward quickly, so they had to follow them. Tang Shi regretted not getting a car out. It was really not a wise move to chase people on two legs in such a hurry. No matter how good his physical fitness was, he was still a mortal body after all. Fang Shen could move so fast. Just with the help of transportation.