Apocalypse Hero System

Chapter 1037: Inside the Pyramid


The sun slowly rises from the horizon, but what comes with the sun is white fog. Although there is light, the line of sight is closer because the thick fog covers everything.

Not long after the fog started, a hellhound started sneezing non-stop.

"I said, man, what's wrong with you?" the hellhound's companion asked.

"Who knows? I always feel like something pungent is going into my nostrils." The hellhound said while sneezing.

"Did you eat something unclean last night? I remember that the last time you ate a zombie corpse that was about to decay, you also sneezed for several days in a row."

"No way, I was detoxifying. You don't know how many viruses were in that zombie corpse. It made me lose my appetite for two days and my whole body lost several kilograms!" The hell dog then beat him. A sneeze, and then the whole fat body trembled three times.

Just when his companion was about to laugh at him, he suddenly felt that his nose was sore, and a big sneeze came out.

The beating didn't matter, several other hellhounds seemed to be infected, and they started sneezing one after another. The scene was quite spectacular.

The little devil next to them was watching the excitement with a snickering look. For them, guarding this gate was simply boring. Although the gate was more than five meters wide and nearly six meters high, they had eight little devils here plus The four hellhounds couldn't even fly in. What's more, there are several tight patrols guarding the area around the pyramid, so they can be said to be foolproof here.

It was a pleasure to suddenly see these normally arrogant hellhounds making a fool of themselves today.

But just when the attention of these little devils was attracted by the Cerberus and shouted loudly inside the door, the fog in front of the door suddenly stirred, and then a gust of wind blew into the door.

"Who is it?" A little devil suddenly shouted towards the dark door.

This shout shocked all the guards who were making jokes. If someone entered the pyramid in front of them, their lives would be in danger.

But after shouting for a long time, there was no sound in the dark door.

"What are you talking about? There's no one inside!" A little boss hit the little devil on the head and scolded him.

"I...I felt a gust of wind suddenly blowing in front of me just now, as if someone rushed in." The little devil quickly reported.

"Someone rushed over? Did any of you see it?" the little leader asked the others in confusion.

Hearing the little leader's question, the others shook their heads in confusion. Although they were a little relaxed just now, the door was so big. With so many of them standing at the door, the door was almost blocked. Someone walked through in front of them. , how could they not feel it? Especially these hellhounds, they didn’t get their noses for free.

"Do you really feel it?" The little boss turned around and stared at the little devil fiercely and asked.


"Okay, you, you, you, you guys, go inside and see if anyone rushed in." Although the little boss didn't quite believe what the little devil said, out of caution, he still let a few of his men go in and take a look. .

After hearing this, several of the men, although reluctantly, picked up the steel forks and walked into the dark hole.

"It's all your troubles. We keep our hands so tight, how come someone comes in and we can't find it?" complained the two little devils who followed.

"I really felt someone rushing past me!" the little devil said aggrievedly.

"Okay, stop talking. Let's look for it quickly. The shift will change in one hour. We must rush back before the shift changes. Don't let the people in the next shift say we are lazy!" The other two little devils shouted impatiently. Stop the complaints from your companions.

Several little devils lit torches and walked deeper into the dark cave.

They didn't know that not long after they entered the cave, a pair of bright eyes suddenly appeared above their heads, staring closely at the three little devils who were moving cautiously forward.

The little devil kept moving forward along the tunnel. The cave was very long, and the stone used in the cave was from an unknown source. It was smooth and hard, and there were exquisite paintings on the stone wall. However, because the door of the cave had recently been It has always been open, so the color has faded. The words and pictures painted on it are not relics of Egyptian civilization at first glance. However, if you look carefully at the content of the paintings, you will find that many of them are very similar to the pictures that appeared in Egyptian culture. , and even an aircraft appeared in the picture.

However, Li Yuanhong will not pay attention to these strokes now. He is not familiar with the situation inside the pyramid at all. If there is a trap like the one in the Egyptian pyramid, he may be in catastrophe if he is not careful. Li Yuanhong would be eager to have someone lead the way. With those few little devils walking in front, how could Li Yuanhong let go of this opportunity.

So those little devils moved forward slowly, touching each other in some places from time to time. Li Yuanhong knew that they were lifting the restrictions of the agency, so soon Li Yuanhong followed these little devils to the two copper doors. In front of the gate.

The two doors are almost identical. If you are not familiar with them, you will not be able to tell the difference between the two doors.

The three little devils came to the door and stopped.

"Are we still going forward? Look at the two doors, there are no signs of being opened, and you also know that if that person enters the wrong door, he will definitely die."

The little devil who spoke glanced at the door on the left with lingering fear.

"Well, you're right. We didn't find any other traces along the way. You must have felt wrong, so you skipped our trip in vain. I'll treat you guys to a drink later."

"Absolutely!" The little devil could only nod his head desperately. Although he didn't want to, he had no choice but to make a mistake.

It was okay, so the few little devils walked back easily. On the way back, they were not so cautious and chatted while walking back. This made them not notice that there were more people on the road under their feet. A line of other human footprints.

When the few little devils disappeared into the darkness, a figure suddenly fell above the heads where the previous few little devils were standing. It was Li Yuanhong.

Li Yuanhong walked to two copper gates and used his flashlight to shine on the left and right. Both gates were painted with a giant beast. Li Yuanhong had never seen this giant beast before. It looked a bit like a whale, but more ferocious than a whale. This giant beast is opening its mouth and devouring a planet.

Is this because the ancients read too many novels and wondered if there is such a giant beast in the world

Li Yuanhong thought to himself that this was probably some kind of ancient legend, just like Pangu of China.

But regardless of whether this picture is real or not, if Li Yuanhong wants to find the teleportation array, he must enter one of the doors. Although it was difficult for people to see the frightened eyes of the little devil just now in the dark, how could Li Yuanhong's true eyes miss such details? Therefore, Li Yuanhong was sure that there must be something terrifying hidden in the gate on the left side of the pyramid. The presence.

As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat, Li Yuanhong would never take unnecessary risks out of curiosity. So Li Yuanhong stretched out his hand, placed it on the door on the right, and pushed it hard.

Although Li Yuanhong has now evolved to level 39, according to the power before the end of the world, Li Yuanhong's power now is at least ten thousand people, but now Li Yuanhong still feels a little difficult to push the folding fan copper door. It is estimated that before the end of the world, the folding fan door will not be used Special tools cannot be opened at all.

After spending a lot of effort, Li Yuanhong opened a gap in the copper door. Although the gap was not big, Li Yuanhong still made a mistake when he tried to get through.

So Li Yuanhong ducked and entered the bronze door. Then Li Yuanhong worked hard to restore the bronze door to prevent the devil from inspecting and finding abnormalities.

When the door closed, Li Yuanhong quickly turned on his headlight. It was a large stone room. The utensils inside had long since disappeared, leaving only an empty stone room. There were also strokes painted around the stone room, but Li Yuanhong did not look carefully. If Li Yuanhong If you look carefully, you will find that what is painted here is the legend of the giant beast above the door.

This behemoth is called the Space-Time Behemoth. He is the door to the behemoth planet that invades the earth. Once this behemoth is awakened and opens its big mouth, it will open the space-time door from the earth to the behemoth planet. It's just that Li Yuanhong missed this detail because he didn't look carefully.

Li Yuanhong glanced at the stone chamber, but there was nothing to pay attention to. Then he focused his attention on a passage opposite the stone chamber. It was an upward passage, so Li Yuanhong hurriedly walked towards the opposite side of the stone chamber.

But after Li Yuanhong walked a few steps, he suddenly stopped, because in Li Yuanhong's eyes, he suddenly discovered that there were weak magic fluctuations on the ground in the center of the stone chamber. If Li Yuanhong hadn't kept the Eye of Truth open, I'm afraid this weak fluctuation would not have been possible at all. Will not be discovered.

Li Yuanhong quickly retracted his steps and began to look around. Sure enough, there were signs of magic fluctuations on the ground and on the roof. It was obvious that the room was not simple. If he took a rash step, he would probably be trapped or killed by the magic circle. .

Li Yuanhong quickly opened the Eye of Truth to the maximum, scanned the entire room, and finally found the switch of the magic array in an inconspicuous corner. So Li Yuanhong closed the magic array, then walked through the stone chamber and came to the passage opposite the stone chamber.

This passage went upwards, a dark passage with no sound at all. Through the Eye of Reality, Li Yuanhong found that there was no magic fluctuation in the passage here, but there was something strange about these stone steps. They were probably some kind of mechanism.

So Li Yuanhong took out a stone ball from the space, and then Li Yuanhong threw the stone ball towards the first stone step. As a result, the stone step was hit by the stone ball and was immediately pressed down. There was a "click" sound, and then the stone step Several sharp arrows were shot from the top, and several sharp arrows were also shot from the corresponding roof. If you step on it, you may not be fatally injured, but you will still be hurt.

"It seems that this is the most dangerous place!" Li Yuanhong thought to himself.