Apocalypse Hero System

Chapter 1040: Goodbye Portal


Li Yuanhong heard movement above his head and quickly looked up. He saw that the ceiling in the center of his head slowly cracked into a huge square, and then the huge ceiling slowly lowered. When the entire ceiling lowered, Li Yuanhong saw that it was actually an elevator. Humans knew how to make elevators tens of thousands of years ago.

Li Yuanhong stepped onto the elevator without doing much. Soon the elevator began to rise slowly, and soon the entire ceiling was tightly closed again. If you don't know that the passage is on the ceiling, you may never find it in your lifetime.

The elevator rose slowly and soon brought Li Yuanhong to the upper floor.

As soon as you enter this floor, the whole space lights up immediately. I don't know how prehistoric civilization did it. The whole room is brightly lit, but you can't see any light bulbs or light tubes. Those soft lights, It shot out from the wall, and at the same time, the surrounding murals were clearly visible.

The murals depict many grotesque behemoths, which pass through a huge portal and enter the earth. Facing these behemoths are a group of panicked humans. In fact, if you look carefully, there are still differences between those humans and modern humans. Not only their clothing, but also their facial features are very different.

Li Yuanhong did not pay attention to these details, but continued to read. What followed were various battles. Those humanoid civilizations fought with the giant beasts, and there were wins and losses, but overall they were still losing ground. In the last picture, the prehistoric civilization built a huge magic array and sealed the teleportation array. However, due to the huge cost of this prehistoric civilization, the civilization gradually declined, especially the giant beasts that caused the earth's environment at that time. Huge destruction, most of the earth's creatures were wiped out, which also forced this prehistoric civilization to migrate.

When Li Yuanhong saw the spaceships used by aliens to migrate, he was a little confused. Why did those spaceships look so much like the legendary flying saucers

After reading the mural, Li Yuanhong roughly understood that this alien behemoth had not invaded the earth more than once. The Naga clan was definitely not the first race to be harmed by the behemoth.

After reading the mural, Li Yuanhong moved his eyes to the center of the stone room, where there was a magic circle. In the center of the magic circle was the magic portal that he had seen many times.

Of course, Li Yuanhong recognized at a glance that this was the teleportation array he was looking for, and he was about to walk towards the teleportation array, but Li Yuanhong suddenly stopped, and his dangling feet almost stepped on the magic circle outside the teleportation array. ,

In fact, there will be corresponding magic arrays outside the portal. This is why Li Yuanhong did not pay too much attention to this magic array. However, when his feet were about to step into the magic array, he felt that there was something from the heel to the tips of his hair. A very uncomfortable electric shock. Li Yuanhong had experienced this feeling several times before, and without exception, it was a dangerous alarm.

So Li Yuanhong quickly retracted the steps he was about to take before carefully examining the magic circle.

Upon closer inspection, Li Yuanhong discovered something fishy. This magic circle was larger than the one he had seen before. In fact, it was not that big. Instead, there was an extra magic circle outside the original magic circle. And this extra magic circle , but it is an offensive magic circle, and it is also a high-level attack magic circle. As long as Li Yuanhong steps in, I am afraid that not even the scum will be left by this magic circle.

"Damn it, who is so wicked to have such a thing outside the teleportation array, trying to kill me!" Li Yuanhong cursed secretly, and then began to look for a mechanism to close the magic circle outside.

In fact, this mechanism is easy to find. It is in the corner of the stone house, and it is very abrupt. You can find it if you look carefully.

In fact, it's not to blame for the suddenness of the mechanism. The magic circle was added later. Judging from the traces of magic drawing, it shouldn't have been long. It seems that it was added temporarily by the demons. It is estimated that the demons are also afraid that someone will do something to the portal. They set up such a defensive magic circle after destroying it, but their workmanship was so poor that the switch of the magic circle could not be integrated with the original stone chamber, which made it appear so abrupt.

Li Yuanhong carefully closed the magic circle, then walked to the edge of the magic circle, then took out a metal rod from the space and threw it to the magic circle. Seeing that the magic circle had no reaction, he stepped in with confidence.

Li Yuanhong walked safely to the center of the magic circle, took out the crystal given by Naga from the space, and then put it into the portal. As long as the portal is opened again, the entire portal will explode, and those who enter the portal will explode. The devil who opens the door will disappear into the black hole space forever.

Of course, the creatures standing in this room will not feel too good. Li Yuanhong has seen the tragic situation of those cavemen being bombed before, so Li Yuanhong can only express his sorrow for those demons, hoping that their skin is thick enough and they will be killed by the bombs. Don't be too ugly when doing it.

After finishing everything, Li Yuanhong restored the magic circle in the outer circle. Li Yuanhong didn't want those demons to notice anything, otherwise he would fall short.

But there is still another problem in front of Li Yuanhong, and that is how to get out. You must know that there is fog as a cover when you come in, but there is no fog inside the pyramid. If you do anything inside the pyramid, no matter how stupid the hellhounds are, they will notice it. Something was wrong, so I had to find another way out.

This suddenly reminded Li Yuanhong of the two bronze doors. The bronze door he came in led to the teleportation door. Where did the bronze door that demons were afraid of lead to

Li Yuanhong thought for a while, but still rejected the idea. Even the devil felt scared, so he decided not to commit suicide.

When Li Yuanhong was confused, he accidentally raised his head and glanced at the top of his head. At this time, Li Yuanhong discovered that there was something different about the top of his head.

The ceilings of the several stone rooms we came to before were all flat, without any decoration except for some murals. But there is a recessed place in this ceiling. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it. You must know that this stone chamber is illuminated and is not as dim as the other stone chambers. But if you look closely, you will see that the recessed area is located in the blind spot where several lights shine. Perhaps this is the visual darkness under the light.

"Is there something hidden above the head?" Li Yuanhong thought to himself.

Before the end of the world, Li Yuanhong often saw various pagodas and the like. During maintenance, he discovered the treasures hidden by the ancients in the hidden compartments on the top of the pagoda. They were all national treasures among national treasures. It was even said that one pagoda was actually Discover the relics of Sakyamuni Buddha from 2,000 years ago.

Such news is so shocking, how could Li Yuanhong forget that this is the relic of a prehistoric civilization tens of thousands of years ago. Maybe these prehistoric people would also hide something.

So Li Yuanhong took out wall-climbing tools from the space. These tools can turn Li Yuanhong into Spider-Man, and he can walk on flat ground on steep mountain walls.

Li Yuanhong climbed up to the roof carefully. The reason why Li Yuanhong was so careful was because the attack magic array below had been activated. If Li Yuanhong accidentally fell, he would be attacked by the magic array, so Li Yuanhong was extremely careful.

Fortunately, Li Yuanhong's wall-climbing equipment was good enough and the suction power was strong enough. Li Yuanhong clung to the stone wall as if he was glued to it.

Li Yuanhong successfully arrived at the center of the roof. Only then did Li Yuanhong see that there was a small recessed hole in the center of the roof, and there was a pull ring hidden inside. It was obviously a mechanism that turned on the switch leading to the top.

Li Yuanhong pulled down the pull ring and heard a "click" above his head. Then the ceiling slowly opened, and then a vertical ladder was lowered. Li Yuanhong climbed up the vertical ladder into this hidden space.

There were no lights like the ones below. It was pitch black. Li Yuanhong quickly turned on the headlight above his head.

As soon as the headlight turned on, Li Yuanhong immediately saw the facilities in the house. The whole room is not very big, only half the size of the room below. It is a room like this. It is surrounded by stone shelves with many items placed on them. However, due to the passage of time, most of the items have long since turned into dust. , only a few of them can still be seen as they were, but it’s hard to say whether they can be restored.

However, in the center of the stone house, there is a stone table with a box placed on it. Because it has been too long, the box is covered with dust. Now I can’t see what material it is made of, and I don’t know what is inside. Obviously, the whole room , come to think of it, the box in the middle is the most valuable.

Li Yuanhong carefully used the Eye of Truth to explore the surroundings, but found no traps or magic circles. Then he slowly approached the stone table in the middle.

When he got close to the stone table, Li Yuanhong carefully brushed off the dust on the box and saw clearly that it was a crystal box. The box was not small and could be regarded as a small treasure box. Although there were no patterns on the whole box, it looked very simple, but this It's a whole piece of crystal, and the crystal is crystal clear and perfect without any impurities. If you don't pay attention, you might think it's a glass box. The tentacles of the box were cold and refreshing, which made Li Yuanhong feel energetic. Obviously, this crystal was not an ordinary item.

The box had no lock, so Li Yuanhong didn't have to worry about unlocking it, so Li Yuanhong gently opened the lid and found that there was a crystal skull inside.

Li Yuanhong was stunned. Li Yuanhong knew very well that the Crystal Skull had been found in the ruins of the Mayan civilization. Until now, the scientists had not figured out what it was used for. Why is there another one here

Li Yuanhong now was not the time to study it carefully, so he put all the crystal boxes into the space and waited for time to study them later. Just when Li Yuanhong was about to leave the round table and look at the shelves on all sides, suddenly the light swept across the round table, and Li Yuanhong discovered that there were some scratches on the place where the crystal box was placed in front of the round table.

In fact, the entire table was already covered tightly with dust. If Li Yuanhong hadn't taken away the crystal box, the lines on the table would not have been exposed.

Li Yuanhong quickly lowered his head and wiped away the thick dust on the table, revealing the original appearance of the table.

The entire tabletop is made of granite. Even after tens of thousands of years, the stone table still maintains its original appearance. However, Li Yuanhong did not pay attention to the material of the stone table. Now Li Yuanhong is paying attention to the patterns of the paintings on the stone table.