Apocalypse Hero System

Chapter 1041: Prehistoric Civilization


What was carved on the stone table turned out to be a structural diagram of the entire pyramid. Li Yuanhong could clearly see the several stone chambers he had just walked through. He even saw that there was another stone chamber hidden under the stone chamber where he had just deciphered the mural, but that The stone room is very special, marked with a special symbol. It is obvious that the stone room is either a dark room or a mechanism.

Recalling the vibration in the stone chamber when he decrypted it before, Li Yuanhong was a little scared. If he hadn't discovered the trick in the painting in time and stopped in time, he might have been imprisoned in the stone chamber below.

Li Yuanhong wiped the slight sweat on his forehead, and then carefully looked at the pyramid diagram. At this moment, Li Yuanhong suddenly saw a skull symbol on the picture, and by coincidence, this symbol was placed in the crystal box before. Li Yuanhong was wondering just now why the crystal box was not placed in the center of the table. He thought it was an earthquake that shook the box away from its original position. Now that he saw the skull mark, he thought that the mark must be the same as the skull in the box. Connected.

Li Yuanhong looked over the entire map several times and found that there were many strange symbols behind the two copper doors and the other copper door, and those symbols could be said to be filled with the entire passage. These symbols, when Li Yuanhong came, Several appeared on the road, and it was obvious that these symbols represented some kind of trap. In other words, behind the other copper door, there are many traps. It can be said that the road is frightening at every step. It is no wonder that the little devil has such frightened eyes.

I accidentally saw that there was a secret passage next to my stone chamber, and that secret passage led directly to the room marked with the skull mark. Obviously, this was the right way to enter the skull room.

Li Yuanhong looked at the map carefully several times, and even took a photo of the map with his watch. Then he began to look at the stone shelves around him, looking for hidden secret passages, and at the same time, he searched the things on the surrounding stone shelves into his watch space. .

The secret passage is easy to find. It is hidden behind a stone shelf. As long as you move the stone shelf slightly, you can find a secret door. After opening the secret door, a dark passage is revealed, with a spiral downward staircase inside.

Li Yuanhong turned on the flashlight and opened the Eye of Truth, fearing that there was also a mechanism hidden in this passage. Fortunately, there was no mechanism here as marked on the map.

Not long after Li Yuanhong stepped into the passage, he heard a "click" behind him. The previously opened passage door closed automatically. This pyramid is very special. Almost all the doors have a timing function. After a certain period of time after opening, they will automatically close. closure.

But this also saved Li Yuanhong a lot of trouble, as he didn't have to worry about cleaning up his own traces. However, once the door was closed, the air in the entire passage was stagnant, and the entire passage was dark. Apart from the sound of my own weak footsteps, there was no other sound. What was even more terrifying was that the passage continued to rotate downward forever, and after walking for a while , you will lose your way.

After walking for nearly half an hour, Li Yuanhong didn't see the door to go out. If Li Yuanhong hadn't firmly believed in the authenticity of the map, he might have given up long ago.

After walking for more than 20 minutes, Li Yuanhong felt like he was going to vomit. The feeling was worse than motion sickness. Finally, at this moment, Li Yuanhong saw the end of the stairs.

There is still a stone door at the end. There is a raised button next to the stone door, which is obviously the mechanism to open the stone door.

Li Yuanhong was worried, and still carefully examined it several times with the Eye of Truth. When he saw that there were no mechanisms and no magic fluctuations around him, he pressed the button.

As the button was pressed, the stone door shook and slowly opened.

This is a large stone house, square and square. Opposite the stone door where Li Yuanhong came in, there is a passage. That passage should be the entrance to the copper door.

The stone house is very empty, with nothing else except a stone platform in the middle. Li Yuanhong took a closer look at the stone house and found that except for some magic fluctuations on the stone platform, there were no traces of magic fluctuations or traps elsewhere, which was the same as recorded on the map.

Out of caution, Li Yuanhong walked cautiously towards the stone platform. The distance was not very far. Li Yuanhong soon reached the front of the stone platform.

In the center of the stone pillar, there is a depression similar in size to the crystal skull. And the amazing thing is that there is a weak magic shield on the surface of this stone platform. While other places are already covered with thick dust, there is no dust at all here.

Li Yuanhong stood in front of the stone platform and thought for a moment, then took out the crystal skull from the space and placed it in the depression.

Although there was a protective shield, the crystal skull easily passed through the shield and entered the groove.

When the crystal skull entered the groove, the entire stone platform shook slightly, and then the entire stone platform flashed with magical light, but the light quickly dissipated. At this time, the skeleton on the stone platform actually floated up, suspended above the stone platform, and on the stone platform, a suspended keyboard appeared. Of course, there were only a few buttons on the keyboard, and they were marked with words that Li Yuanhong did not recognize.

Obviously those characters were from prehistoric civilization, and Li Yuanhong could not recognize them. Do you recognize it or not? Li Yuanhong hesitated. If he pressed the wrong button, there is some kind of self-destruct button here, wouldn't he be looking for death

But Li Yuanhong thought for a long time and decided to give it a try. After all, when he came here, he had to give it a try.

So Li Yuanhong clicked the first button. Just when Li Yuanhong clicked on the button, suddenly the skull's eyes shot out light, and then the light was projected onto a wall, and then a picture like a three-dimensional movie appeared, accompanied by commentary. .

Although Li Yuanhong couldn't understand the words on the buttons, Li Yuanhong understood the language of this prehistoric civilization. This is the effect of the translation magic that Li Yuanhong was instilled in him. But this magic has a shortcoming, it can only understand the other party's language, but cannot read the other party's text.

Before, Li Yuanhong could understand those alien texts, mainly because the watch on his hand also came from that planet and had records of the texts on that planet. This allowed Li Yuanhong to easily read these alien documents.

Although he couldn't understand it, but he could understand the dubbing of the pictures, Li Yuanhong also understood the meaning of the flashing pictures.

It turns out that the picture tells the story of this prehistoric civilization, from its encounter with the alien behemoth to the time when the prehistoric civilization closed the huge outer space portal.

Before, Li Yuanhong had a general idea from the murals on the pyramid, but it was not as detailed as this animation record, and there were many scenes of live battles in it, which gave Li Yuanhong a deeper understanding of those giant beasts. Li Yuanhong had previously thought that Those giant beasts were just bigger in size and not scary at all. After seeing these images, Li Yuanhong deeply realized the terror of those giant beasts. Although not all of those giant beasts have the ability to destroy the world, they also have strong attack power. Some monsters even have incredible abilities. Some monsters can actually control human thinking and make those prehistoric people their slaves. army and thus fight for them.

The whole scene lasted for more than an hour. Li Yuanhong felt like he had watched a European and American science fiction blockbuster. However, the monsters and humans in those shots all really existed. This also reminded Li Yuanhong that if he did not want this tragedy to happen again, , it is necessary to completely close the giant portal before it opens.

When the record was played, the eyes of the crystal skull became the same as before, and Li Yuanhong also woke up from the shock.

Li Yuanhong calmed down his emotions for a moment, and then cautiously clicked the second button with his finger.

After the second button was pressed, the crystal skull's eyes began to shine again, but this time it was no longer about their history, but about the research on the portal.

These prehistoric civilizations thought that the portal was released from the mouth of a huge starry sky beast that could swallow the entire earth. That beast was the space-time node that communicated with the universe, but it connected two space-time nodes of different levels. It rises up, linking low-level life areas like the earth with high-level life forms like the behemoths.

However, this portal can be closed. Whenever the starry sky beast consumes too much energy, it will fall into a deep sleep. Each sleep will last for thousands or tens of thousands of years, which mainly depends on the time and space he has opened before. The amount of energy consumed when entering the portal.

Therefore, when dealing with this huge starry sky behemoth, scientists at the time unanimously believed that only by consuming a large amount of the behemoth's energy quickly would there be a chance for the behemoth to close the door to time and space in advance.

As expected, several seal formations were established in these prehistoric civilizations, and the energy of the portal was quickly consumed, and the portal was quickly closed.

But this closure is only temporary. Once the starry sky beast accumulates enough energy again, it will open the portal again. So the unfortunate Naga civilization encountered this crisis.

However, at the end of the video, a scientist chattered a lot. The main meaning was that the starry sky beast could be killed. Once the starry sky beast was killed, the space-time tunnel connecting the realm of the giant beast would also be destroyed. will disappear. This method of treatment is a once and for all solution, but the scientist regretfully said that they did not have enough energy to activate the powerful resonance energy to kill the space-time beast.

But Li Yuanhong also understood why Naga gave him the crystal stones to destroy the space-time tunnel. That was to use those collapsed space-time tunnels to form resonance points, so that a destructive resonance could be formed inside the empty beast, thereby destroying it from the inside. The time and space behemoth, but this resonance method has one of the biggest drawbacks, that is, it must be executed at the beginning of the space-time behemoth opening the space-time tunnel. Once the space-time behemoth forms a stable space-time tunnel, the resonance will be ineffective.

In other words, when Naga developed this method, he also missed the opportunity to destroy the space-time beast.