Apocalypse Hero System

Chapter 1042: Leaving the Pyramid


After watching this video, Li Yuanhong knew that he could no longer shirk his mission of stepping into the last portal. Otherwise, once the space-time behemoth opened the door to space-time, the earth's existing technology would not be able to resist the behemoth. Attack of the clan.

"Fate, it's all fate!" Li Yuanhong sighed secretly.

The second video ended, and then Li Yuanhong pressed a few more buttons, which contained some research on space-time behemoths. Li Yuanhong briefly looked at these and skipped them, because when Li Yuanhong was bored, he pressed After pressing a button, the playback screen stopped, just like the pause button. Then Li Yuanhong tried several other buttons and found the fast forward and reverse button. In fact, this stone table was a player, and the skull was just Like a storage device, it stores the records recorded by this prehistoric civilization.

When Li Yuanhong was about to take out the skull, the screen suddenly switched to the record of the construction of the pyramid.

It was an underground river. Prehistoric civilizations used this underground river to transport stones and other materials. In the end, the entire pyramid was built on the underground river. Moreover, the energy of the pyramid also comes from the water flow of the underground river. As long as the underground river keeps flowing, the internal energy of the pyramid will not be lost.

This also explains why after tens of thousands of years, the various mechanical magic and other energy devices in the pyramid are still effective, that is to say, the dark river is still running.

This discovery made Li Yuanhong interested. Before, he had only thought about how to leave here. With this underground river, he could use the underground river to return to the ocean. When he reached the ocean, he could send a signal to Xu Ying and he could return soon. Arrived at the fleet.

But how do I reach the underground river? You must know that the entire pyramid is on top of an underground river, and there is no ready-made passage. You have to dig it by hand, which will exhaust you to death, and you may not be able to dig it successfully. Moreover, once you dig it by yourself, you may alert those alien demons.

Just when Li Yuanhong was at a loss, another pyramid map was shown at the end of the video. This map was almost identical to the map Li Yuanhong had seen before. If Li Yuanhong hadn't had the eye of truth, others would have thought that the two maps were exactly the same. of.

But Li Yuanhong was very keen to discover that in the new map, there was a thin line near the stone table in this house, which was connected to the underground river. However, the thin line was too small and could easily be ignored.

Li Yuanhong quickly took a photo of the entire map, then turned on his mobile phone to compare it with the previous map on the pyramid. Sure enough, he found that there was an extra thin line on this new map.

With the new discovery, Li Yuanhong began to search the room to see what the thin line represented.

Finally, Li Yuanhong found a different stone brick not far from the stone table. There are actually two small holes on this stone brick, which are very similar to the holes used for prying on the manhole cover. So Li Yuanhong took out two iron bars, tried to reach into the two holes, and then pried up the brick. The brick was pried up, revealing a circular hole underneath.

This hole is very similar to the sewer entrance shaft before the end of the world. The circular shaft can only be passed by one person. If two people go down at the same time, they will definitely get stuck at the mouth of the well and cannot move at all.

Even if there were not two people, a body as fat as Fatty Lu would probably be stuck in front of this wellhead.

Of course, Li Yuanhong didn't have to worry about this, he could easily get into the wellhead. When Li Yuanhong entered the wellhead, he restored the floor tile. This floor tile was not a secret door and could not be restored automatically. Li Yuanhong had to do it himself. Of course, in addition to the manhole cover, Li Yuanhong put the crystal skull back into his watch. There are many places where this crystal can be used for research, how could it be left here to waste.

As soon as the floor tiles were covered, the entire shaft immediately became airtight, and an oppressive moisture immediately filled the entire space.

"Why are we so destined to be connected with this kind of black hole today!" Li Yuanhong sighed, turned on his headlight, and began to climb down the ladder from tens of thousands of years ago.

"I don't know if this ladder is still strong!" When Li Yuanhong stepped on a ladder, he felt that the ladder was a little soft. It was obvious that the ladder had corroded over tens of thousands of years.

Just when Li Yuanhong thought about this problem, his feet suddenly became empty. The ladder below was corroded and his body suddenly sank.

This sinking increased the gravity of Li Yuanhong's entire body. The originally soft ladder could no longer bear Li Yuanhong's weight. The horizontal ladder Li Yuanhong held with both hands and the ladder he stepped on with his other foot shattered at the same time. Li Yuanhong's entire body The body lost its balance and fell rapidly.

This time Li Yuanhong suffered a lot. The shaft was not big to begin with, and Li Yuanhong's falling action was still in a half-lying position. This inevitably caused his body to come into contact with the well wall, and it was still a violent friction contact, so for a while The collision caused many bruises on Li Yuanhong's body.

Fortunately, Li Yuanhong's physical evolution was strong enough, and all the collisions were not enough to cause fatal injuries to Li Yuanhong, but these collisions still caused Li Yuanhong to suffer a lot.

A bruised nose and swollen face, stalled descent, this is not a problem, but the problem is that Xiang Li Yuanhong has descended nearly a hundred meters continuously, and the shaft has not yet reached the end. You must know that this is an artificial shaft, not a natural cave, and it is almost surrounded by rocks. , there is no soil, how much manpower and material resources are needed to dig such a shaft.

In fact, Li Yuanhong also thought wrong. The stones around the shaft can be regarded as the base of the pyramid. In those days, the pyramid used an underground river below to transport stones, and then built the pyramid on the underground river.

Just when Li Yuanhong was already a little dazed from the impact, he suddenly heard the sound of running water, and then the thick water vapor hit his face.

Li Yuanhong knew it was almost the end, so he quickly took out a flare from the space and threw it downwards. As the flare burned, Li Yuanhong soon saw the scene below.

There is a small platform below, which should be used for people above to stay. Next to the platform is a large, surging river. Since the mouth of the well is small, it is difficult to tell how big the river is.

Li Yuanhong knew it was the end, so he quickly teleported to relieve his inertia. If he fell directly on the platform, Li Yuanhong would be turned into a pulp.

When Li Yuanhong landed on the platform, he felt sore all over his body, and even a big bump appeared on the back of his head. This was caused by bumping against the wall when he fell from the ladder just now.

After recovering for a while and drinking a bottle of red potion, Li Yuanhong felt that the pain was no longer so severe and began to look around.

This platform is also built with boulders. The surrounding areas of the platform have become smooth and smooth due to being washed away by water over the years. Fortunately, the boulders are big enough, so the entire platform has lost some corners and is not yet complete. disappear.

At one end of the platform, there was a stone room, which surprised Li Yuanhong. This stone room was not marked on the pyramid map.

So Li Yuanhong curiously walked to the door of the stone house, looked at it carefully, and found that it was just an ordinary stone door. Then he stretched out his hand to push the stone door. With a "squeak", the stone door was slowly pushed open, revealing a room. A large stone room.

Li Yuanhong walked into the stone chamber and found that the stone chamber was filled with various machines and magic circles. These magic circles and machines were connected with the flowing water below and were running in an orderly manner. The magic circles also faintly emitted magical light.

Li Yuanhong finally knew what this stone house was for. This was the power core of the entire pyramid. The power of the river was converted into the operating energy of the pyramid here, and then transported into the pyramid. The shaft should be reserved for maintenance personnel. There is a passage, but that passage is too long. Before the end of the world, no one would be able to climb that passage.

Li Yuanhong knew the purpose of the stone chamber, so he would definitely not destroy the devices here. Once the demons discovered the abnormality, it would affect his plan.

Li Yuanhong exited the stone room, then walked to the edge of the dark and bottomless river. Looking at the raging river, Li Yuanhong hesitated for a moment, then quickly took out a set of diving equipment from the space, put it on, and jumped into the river.

The underground river water was no better than the river water outside. After entering the water, Li Yuanhong immediately felt the icy coldness. If it were not for the magic circle insulating the diving equipment, Li Yuanhong would have lost the ability to swim due to muscle stiffness as soon as he entered the water.

The river was very fast, and Li Yuanhong moved along the river very quickly with almost no effort. As long as he was careful not to hit the river water and the reefs on both sides, Li Yuanhong had a smooth journey. However, Li Yuanhong also encountered some troubles in the middle of the river. There were several waterfalls in the middle. If Li Yuanhong hadn't had teleportation skills, those waterfalls would have killed Li Yuanhong in the dark river.

After a long day of tossing, Li Yuanhong was finally washed into the seawater by the river at an inconspicuous beach. As he entered the seawater, his indomitable momentum was released. Li Yuanhong finally let go of his tense nerves, and then Following the slowing current, he drifted forward for some distance, far away from the coast. After thinking that the demons could not be found, Li Yuanhong surfaced, took out a rubber boat from the space, and got on it with great difficulty.

After resting for a while and regaining his strength, Li Yuanhong took out his walkie-talkie and informed Xu Ying of his position. Then Li Yuanhong closed his eyes and waited quietly for the rescue fleet to arrive.

Not long after, a drone appeared in the sky, and then a speedboat arrived to pick up the exhausted Li Yuanhong aboard the ship. At this point, Li Yuanhong's solo adventure journey came to an end.

After returning to the base in Italy, Li Yuanhong did not hold a meeting immediately, but took the lead in taking a rest. After all, during this period of time, Li Yuanhong could be said to be in a state of high tension. He could not eat well or sleep well, and even the fat on his body was consumed. After walking around for a while, if he didn't seize the time to make supplements, it is estimated that if Li Yuanhong did this again, his figure might be comparable to that of the previous skeleton zombie.