Apocalypse Hero System

Chapter 1044


When Li Yuanhong saw the entire conference room fell into silence, he knew that his goal had been achieved. These people probably planned to share the fruits of victory, but the fruits of victory were not so delicious, and these demons would not fight back after being beaten. These demons will take action soon, but Li Yuanhong already has a way to deal with this demon, but Li Yuanhong will never tell these people, and Li Yuanhong does not intend to confront these demons head-on. In the pyramid, Li Yuanhong has already thought about it. These demons must stay, so that these old Europeans can be at peace.

"Ahem, everyone, you have all seen the scene just now. We use almost all the missiles in our inventory to attack the headquarters of the alien demon clan and prepare to behead it. If successful, the demon's high-end combat power will be completely wiped out, and the remaining The demon army can be easily eliminated.

However, we still underestimated the combat power of these demons. Their main high-end combat power did not suffer much damage. They were just some low-level demons that were killed, which had no impact on their overall combat power.

I think these demons will fight back soon, and it just so happens that representatives from various countries are here. I hope that all countries can send troops to jointly resist these demons. "

After Li Yuanhong finished speaking, he glanced around the people present.

Before Li Yuanhong finished speaking, the American Carlos stood up again.

"General Li, are you sure you can defeat these demons?"

At this time, when Carlos spoke, he no longer had the same momentum as before, and his tone was obviously much lower-key.

"We are not sure, and everyone has seen that these monsters can't even be hurt by missiles. I don't know what other weapons can hurt them." Li Yuanhong shook his head.

"So that's it, General Li. Regarding cooperation, we need to go back and report to the president. We don't dare to make decisions without authorization." Carlos pushed back.

In fact, Carlos's attitude was already within Li Yuanhong's expectation. This group of people would come forward when they saw benefits and retreat when they saw risks, just like the jackals in Africa.

"What are the plans of everyone else here?" Li Yuanhong asked again.

"Yes, we all need to take the information back and report it to the president!" Representatives from other countries also said the same thing one by one.

"Okay, then I will wait for the good news from you all." Li Yuanhong had no doubts, as if he believed what they said.

So the whole meeting ended hastily.

After the meeting, Li Yuanhong met with Xu Ying alone and told him that he would no longer send troops to Montenegro in the near future. He would now fully reduce his troops and only defend, not attack.

"Commander, are we really unable to deal with those demons?"

Xu Ying was not a politician, so she asked this question.

Li Yuanhong shook his head and said: "We are abroad now. You have also seen the behavior of those foreigners. We are exhausted and exhausted. Not only are they not grateful, but they also plan to rob us of the fruits of victory. We have to guard against such people. Don't let us They depleted all our troops and stabbed us in the back."

"Okay, I understand." Although Xu Ying doesn't understand politics, she is definitely not stupid.

"Well, you continue to train those Italian soldiers here, and don't worry about other things. As long as those demons don't come to us, don't pay attention to them. I'll go back. We must develop weapons to fight these demons, otherwise we will If we fight these demons with our current weapons, we will suffer a big loss."

"Okay, I will definitely guard this place." Xu Ying nodded.

After arranging everything, Li Yuanhong arranged other matters, then stepped into the portal and returned to Sakhalin overnight.

When Li Yuanhong left Italy, it was already close to midnight, but when he arrived at Sakhalin Island, the sun was indeed beginning to show, and the people on the island had already begun to get up in the morning to prepare for work.

When Li Yuanhong walked out of the portal, the person responsible for guarding the portal immediately came over. When he saw it was Li Yuanhong, he immediately stood at attention: "Good morning, commander-in-chief!"

Li Yuanhong was still a bit jet-lagged. When the other party said good morning, Li Yuanhong was stunned: "Huh? Is it morning?"

"Yes, it's already nine o'clock in the morning!"

"Oh, these nine hours are gone!" Li Yuanhong sighed, then encouraged the person in charge of the guard a few words, and then hurriedly walked out of the portal.

Li Yuanhong didn't go there and went straight to the magic tower. If you want to develop weapons to fight demons, you must find these old scientists, and there must be many things hidden in the crystal skull, and they must be handed over to those old national treasures.

As soon as I entered the magic tower, it was deserted. Except for the guards, there was no one in the lobby on the first floor.

Li Yuanhong was a little confused. In the past, he could see some researchers walking around when he came by himself. Why is he on holiday today

"Why is there no one in the hall today?" Li Yuanhong asked a guard next to him in confusion.

"Commander-in-Chief, I saw that you haven't been here for a long time. Since the magic tower was raised to the fourth floor, the fourth level of magic has been unlocked, so Dr. Bai and the others started to work overtime to transform some of the previous things. If it is not during the break, , they are almost all busy in the research room. If you hadn't made a rule before that didn't allow them to move around, I'm afraid it wouldn't be strange for them to stay in the research room all day long." said the guard next to him.

This guard was one of the first soldiers summoned by Li Yuanhong from the system. After continuous upgrades, not only his force was enhanced, but his thinking became more humane.

"That's it! Can you please contact Dr. Bai? I have something to do with them."

"Commander, I'm afraid that's not possible. They will only come down in shifts unless they take a break at noon. Otherwise, they will definitely not be disturbed by others at other times."

"Not even me?" Li Yuanhong asked a little depressed.

"No!" The guard also shook his head helplessly.

Li Yuanhong looked at the time and saw that it was only around nine o'clock in the morning, and there were still at least three hours before lunch time. Sitting here was obviously a waste of time. Now Li Yuanhong is precious every second, and there is no way he can languish here. wait.

Li Yuanhong suddenly thought that since the weapon in his hand reached level 35, it was almost useless to kill those monsters. If Li Yuanhong hadn't picked on the weak points of those monsters every time, I'm afraid this knife would have been in the warehouse long ago. .

"Okay, then I'll come over at noon. If you meet Dr. Bai and the others, ask them to wait for me in the lounge on the first floor." Li Yuanhong said to the guard.

"Yes!" the guard nodded quickly.

Li Yuanhong left the magic tower and hurried towards the blacksmith shop.

Now the blacksmith shop has changed a lot. It is no longer a small one-story shop, but a large factory with a height of more than ten meters and an area of nearly 1,000 square meters. Magic light is constantly flashing inside, and you can faintly hear the beating of machines. The blacksmith shop has now completely transformed into a modern assembly line, except that the power drive is neither electricity nor steam, but a magic drive, which makes machine processing more precise.

When Li Yuanhong came to the main entrance of the blacksmith shop, he saw a group of soldiers patrolling the door. It was completely different from before, where just anyone could enter.

This was because someone had sneaked in here before and wanted to steal the blueprints in the factory. However, they were discovered by patrolling soldiers and no damage was caused. However, this also reminded Li Yuanhong that the magic tower is protected by a magic shield. Without permission, anyone who wants to It is impossible to get in, but the blacksmith shop is different. There is no such protection outside the blacksmith shop, and more importantly, with the exploration of spies from various countries, the research base here on Sakhalin Island has been discovered by various countries. In the future, various spies will , will definitely continue to penetrate.

So now the city in the center of Sakhalin is almost completely closed. If you want to go in or out, you can only go through the teleportation gate. It is absolutely safe there, and the entrance and exit cannot be detected by the outside world.

Moreover, the internal defenses have also been strengthened, just like the blacksmith shop in front of you, which is also defended at all levels.

When he arrived at the door, Li Yuanhong was immediately stopped by the guard at the door: "Hello, please show me your ID."

"Okay!" Li Yuanhong smiled slightly, then took out a golden card from the space, swiped it on a machine at the door, and then showed a smile to a video machine at the door.

At this time, the green light on the machine at the door turned on, and the guards nodded and said: "Commander-in-Chief, you can go in."

Li Yuanhong nodded and then walked towards the gate.

In fact, when Li Yuanhong swiped the card and smiled at the camera just now, they were all fake. The card can be forged by others, and even if someone loses it and uses it fraudulently, it can be fooled. Also, the lens scans the eye, the cornea. , but before the end of the world, there was that kind of artificial eye, cornea. After wearing it, it was difficult for the machine to distinguish.

In fact, when Li Yuanhong stood in front of the machine, Li Yuanhong's DNA information had already been obtained by the magic array. It's just that what Li Yuanhong did was to confuse outsiders and prevent the spies from knowing the true purpose of these settings.

Li Yuanhong strode into the factory. Master Yu Tianyao and Master Zhang Haitao now had separate workshops, so Li Yuanhong did not go to the largest workshop, but to a smaller room next to the factory.

There were still guards standing guard at the door of that room, and Li Yuanhong was still inspected before being released. This is not because these guards are unkind, but because Li Yuanhong strictly requires that no matter who they are, they cannot avoid inspection. Before the end of the world, some people who refused to accept inspection because of their high positions and powerful positions ended up being taken advantage of by spies. .

Therefore, Li Yuanhong will never allow loopholes in this system to exist. Li Yuanhong sets an example and takes the lead in implementing this system. Moreover, these soldiers on guard are all from the system. They will execute Li Yuanhong's orders absolutely selflessly.

After several inspections, Li Yuanhong finally met Yu Tianyao and Zhang Haitao.

At this time, Zhang Haitao and Master Yu were in a daze facing a black object that seemed to be iron but not iron. They didn't even feel Li Yuanhong coming in.

"What do you think this is?" Yu Tianyao asked without taking his eyes off the stone.

"I don't know. I have checked various information, but there is no record. Could this be the legendary meteorite?" Zhang Haitao answered casually without raising his head.

"It's not like there is not a trace of iron element in his composition."

"Then what do you think he is?" This time it was Zhang Haitao's turn to ask.