Apocalypse Hero System

Chapter 1045: Forging a new sword


When Zhang Haitao asked this question, both of them fell into silence. This question was exactly the answer they were looking for, but this answer was not easy to find.

At this moment, Li Yuanhong coughed, causing the two silent people to look up suddenly. You must know that this place is heavily guarded and not just anyone can come in.

This cough startled the two of them. When they saw it was Li Yuanhong, Zhang Haitao's obviously fat face immediately showed a bright smile.

"Oh, when did Boss Li come, he didn't notify us in advance so that we could tidy up the house. Look at the mess here!" Zhang Haitao said while using his feet to push the materials piled on the side of the chair to the corner. push.

Only then did Li Yuanhong see that the room was not small, but most of it was occupied by various materials. If there were more people, there would probably be no room to stand.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. I'll take some time to come and take a look." Li Yuanhong said.

"Haha, it's a bit messy and makes Boss Li laugh. I wonder what brought Boss Li here this time?" Zhang Haitao knew that Li Yuanhong would not come here for no reason. You must know that Li Yuanhong commanded thousands of troops and had no time to hang around.

"It's a little trivial, but what are you looking at?" Li Yuanhong was also very interested in the thing on the table, because just now Li Yuanhong looked at it with the eye of truth and found that it turned out to be something incredible.

"The Space Stone Essence

The time-space stone is condensed by being nourished by the power of space for a long time. The power of space-time contained in this time-space stone is a hundred times that of ordinary time-space stone.

But this kind of space-time stone is often hidden inside a space-time black hole and can rarely be seen in other spaces. But once a huge change occurs inside the black hole and an eruption occurs, this essence will occasionally be ejected. "

When Li Yuanhong saw this, he knew that this stone was anything but ordinary, so he deliberately asked questions.

"We don't know what it is. It was found in the time and space stone that was transported back. The workers thought it was waste ore. Fortunately, Master Yu was nearby at the time and felt that there were strong energy fluctuations in the ore. That's when the stone was picked out." Yu Haitao quickly explained.

Li Yuanhong pretended to pick up the stone, closed his eyes and sensed it, then put the stone down on the table and said: "This stone contains much more pure time and space power than ordinary time and space stones. It is probably those time and space stones." Since we don’t know what the essence of it is, why not give it a name, let’s call it the Essence of the Time and Space Stone!”

"Good name, um, good name, very appropriate!" Zhang Haitao immediately threw a flattering compliment.

Master Yu next to him also thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement with the title.

"I think there should be more than one stone. Master Yu and Master Zhang have suffered a lot. Please supervise it carefully. Don't let it slip by and be thrown away as scrap!" Li Yuanhong warned again.

"How could that be possible? The worker who was about to throw away the things was given a good lecture by Master Yu. I guess other workers will not make the same mistake! Moreover, we sent people to sift through the discarded waste ore. , no similar ore has been found." Zhang Haitao said.

"That's good, that's good!" Li Yuanhong was also afraid that this kind of essence would be thrown away as waste ore. It was a very rare treasure. Maybe the core components of the new aviation giant he wanted to build would be based on this ore. .

"By the way, Boss Li, why are you free to come here today?" Zhang Haitao suddenly remembered that the question he just asked Li Yuanhong was interrupted, so he took the initiative to ask again.

"Haha, no, I just came back from Europe. I don't have much good stuff, but I also brought a few bottles of foreign wine to see the two masters." After saying this, Li Yuanhong took out a lot of foreign wine from the space, including XO, wine, and brandy. There are more than a dozen kinds of foreign wines in two large boxes, all of which are well-known domestic brands. If these foreign wines were placed before the end of the world, they would definitely be worth more than hundreds of thousands, but now they are randomly packed in the boxes by Li Yuanhong, as Give it away as a random gift.

"Oh, this is too expensive!" Zhang Haitao, who loves wine, couldn't even move when he saw these famous wines. Although he said "I'm sorry", he moved the box of wine to himself. Tugged at the side.

"The price of this wine is high in our country, but overseas, these wines are similar to our Erguotou. It's no big deal. You drink slowly. If you drink well, I will ask the logistics department to send a few more boxes to the two masters. "Li Yuanhong said generously.

"Then love is good, then love is good!" Zhang Haitao returned the gift after hearing this, and immediately his whole face smiled like a chrysanthemum.

"But Master Zhang, Master Yu, I have one more thing to trouble you two with."

"Tell me, I knew you didn't come here just to give a gift!" Master Yu, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

"That's it. The Shenyue Sword you forged for me before can no longer kill those zombies. Their enhanced skin is too hard." After saying this, Li Yuanhong took out the Shen Yue Sword from the space.

Yu Tianyao took the Shen Yue Knife, rubbed it carefully on the back of the knife for a long time, and then sighed: "Oh, I made this knife before, thinking it was my pinnacle work, but I didn't expect that this knife would become outdated so quickly. Got it!"

"Master Yu, can this sword still advance?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"This knife has been modified once, and after a long battle, it has a lot of hidden wounds. It seems that you have used this knife violently. This knife can be repaired and the hidden wounds can be restored, but I want to Upgrading, I’m afraid it’s no longer possible.” Master Yu shook his head.

"What should we do?" Li Yuanhong rubbed his hands anxiously.

"It's easy. Let's build a new one for you. It just so happens that you have the essence of the Time and Space Stone. You can try out the power of a knife forged from new materials!" Master Yu said.

"How long will it take?" Li Yuanhong didn't have much time to wait here.

"Hmm..." Master Yu lowered his head and thought for a moment: "Let's do this. Come and get the knife in five days!"

"Okay, great, then I'll come over in five days!" Li Yuanhong said excitedly.

Li Yuanhong briefly chatted with Master Yu and Master Zhang for a while, then said goodbye and left. He had an expectation in his heart and didn't know what the newly made knife would look like.

Leaving the blacksmith shop, Li Yuanhong came to the library. The last time Li Yuanhong entered the Pope's treasury, although he only took the antiquities belonging to China, there were many books in it, especially the books of various schools of thought, including two books. The books turned out to be legendary books, one was "Jiang Taigong's Book of War" and the other was "Mo Jia".

The first book is said to be the ancestor of the art of war, and the art of war of later generations evolved from this book of war.

As for "Mo Jia", although it is one of the hundreds of scholars, Mohist theory pays more attention to natural science and has unique insights in military defense. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to rank this book as a legend.

If these two books are seen by those old scholars who study cultural relics, they will definitely be listed as national treasures, and may even be listed as cultural relics banned from going abroad. However, Li Yuanhong wants to use the magic of the library to combine the two books. Copying the content so that future generations can read and spread it is the value of the book.

After placing the two books on the top floor of the library, Li Yuanhong felt that his military skills suddenly jumped up two levels. Many things that had confused him before seemed to suddenly become clear. As a result, Li Yuanhong's military skills evolved from master level to legendary level.

Li Yuanhong didn't expect that the two books would bring him such benefits, which was an unexpected surprise. This will be a better help for future marches and battles, and for plotting against those aliens.

After leaving the library, it was already past eleven o'clock. Li Yuanhong originally planned to go to the Magic Academy to see those little guys, especially Li Luoxia's younger siblings. They were all studying in the academy. It was estimated that they would be there in more than a year. graduated. But now I don’t have enough time, so I gave up.

Li Yuanhong walked quickly towards the Magic Tower. It was already after 11:30, and there were gradually more and more pedestrians on the road. There were no idlers in this city. If anyone was wandering on the street, they would soon be killed by those The patrol noticed that, of course, the patrol would not take action without concrete evidence. Of course Li Yuanhong is not afraid of this. Those patrols are all system soldiers. These system soldiers are all related to Li Yuanhong's watch, so they will naturally not regard Li Yuanhong as a suspect.

When we returned to the Magic Tower, there was still no one on the first floor. It was still a few minutes before twelve o'clock. If it were an ordinary unit, someone would have come out to take a rest by now. But these scientists, one by one, They all regarded the laboratory as their home and wanted to move there. However, Li Yuanhong did not want these national treasures to tire themselves out, so he forced them to rest on time, otherwise they would not be allowed to enter the laboratory.

With this ban, these scientists followed Li Yuanhong's requirements and worked according to the time. However, they would not leave the laboratory before time, even for a minute. Therefore, the hall was still empty at this time, and Li Yuanhong could only continue. Wait a while.

The clock hanging in the hall finally reached twelve o'clock. Within ten seconds, the elevator in the center of the hall opened, and a group of people rushed out of the elevator and began to rush towards the canteen opposite the Magic Tower.

These people ran towards the canteen almost like a trot. For these people, time is scientific research. If they can finish their meal earlier, they can return to the laboratory earlier.

At the end of the crowd were several old men with all white hair, Dr. Bai and Dr. Yuan.

When he saw several old scientists coming out, Li Yuanhong immediately stood up and greeted them. For these old scientists, Li Yuanhong had always been filled with admiration.

"Mr. Bai, Mr. Yuan, long time no see!" Li Yuanhong trotted over.

The two old men were obviously discussing something. When someone called them, they frowned, obviously dissatisfied with interrupting their discussion.