Apocalypse Hero System

Chapter 1051: Methods to kill blood slaves


Li Yuanhong read this information and finally understood why these blood slaves did not spread the infection in the city. I am afraid that as the number of infections increases, the infectivity of these blood slave viruses will decrease, and they will not be able to spread as quickly as the zombie virus.

These blood slaves are usually similar to humans. As long as they are used well, they can blend in with the crowd and become the eyes of the undead clan.

It is estimated that they definitely planned this assassination plan for a long time, but they failed to succeed because they did not correctly estimate the combat power of humans.

Li Yuanhong didn't believe that there were only a few blood slaves in Spring City. There were definitely more blood slaves hidden in the city. Therefore, these blood slaves must be found as soon as possible, and then the black hands behind them can be uncovered as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Li Yuanhong planned to do an experiment, so he said to Commander Luo: "Commander Luo, do you have mercury here?"

"Mercury, what do you want with that thing?"

"I plan to do a few experiments. As long as the experiments are successful, it is possible to find the black hands behind these monsters."

"Okay, I'll find it for you right now." After saying that, Commander Luo strode out.

Soon, Commander Luo came back with a small bowl of mercury.

"Have you seen enough of this?"

Li Yuanhong saw that there was not much mercury in the bowl, and the mercury was also mixed with glass fragments. He didn't know where the watermark in the small half of the bowl came from.

"Well, I think it's almost the same!" Li Yuanhong nodded.

"Fortunately, it's enough, otherwise I wouldn't be able to keep the thermometer in my room!" After listening to Li Yuanhong's words, Commander Luo breathed a sigh of relief and accidentally said this.

After listening to Commander Luo's words, Li Yuanhong smiled hoarsely. Obviously, the mercury was obtained from various mercury thermometers, otherwise there would be so many glass fragments.

Li Yuanhong took the small bowl of mercury, then took out a syringe from the space, then used the syringe to suck some mercury, and then placed a drop of mercury on the arm of a blood slave lying on the bed.

This time it caused trouble again. This blood slave was already quiet, but this drop of mercury burned the blood slave's arm, creating a big crater, and a smelly black eye appeared. The sleeping slave The blood slave woke up from his deep sleep and let out a piercing scream. This scream was even more piercing than the previous sounds, and it woke up several other blood slaves again.

As these blood slaves woke up, they began to struggle violently again, and the sound became as harsh as this blood slave. Several soldiers had to reach out and cover their ears to barely resist the harsh sound.

Li Yuanhong was indifferent and continued to do his experiment. Li Yuanhong suddenly inserted the needle into the blood slave's arm, and then quickly pushed the mercury in the needle into the blood slave's body. Then he stepped back and began to check the blood slave. The reaction of the blood slave.

Soon, the blood slave's cry changed again. It was no longer a harsh scream, but a kind of wailing, but the wailing sound became weaker and weaker, and there was black smoke in the corners of the blood slave's mouth and ears. When it came out, the smell was exactly the same as the black smoke that came out of the blood slave's skin before.

Finally, the blood slave stopped wailing, but the black smoke continued to rise. Finally, the entire blood slave turned into a piece of human skin, and the black smoke stopped.

"Commander Li, are you trying to silence someone?" Commander Luo, who was standing next to him, remained silent. Seeing Li Yuanhong suddenly kill a blood slave, he couldn't help but become speechless.

"Commander Luo, don't worry, I won't kill them all. I'm just doing an experiment to see how to kill these blood slaves. Aren't you also unable to kill these blood slaves? I'm looking for them again. Weakness, you don't think there are just a few blood slaves in this city!" Li Yuanhong said lightly.

"Blood slave? By the way, what kind of monster is the blood slave?" Commander Luo had just heard Li Yuanhong call these monsters blood slaves, so he asked curiously.

Li Yuanhong then explained the origin of the blood slaves, and then said: "I suspect that we may still have blood slaves lurking here. You first send someone to screen them yourself, and I will find a feasible way to identify these blood slaves later." , and then find a way to follow the clues and find the lair of these blood slaves."

"Holy crap, these monsters can actually disguise themselves as humans and get in among us!" Commander Luo cursed.

"You can't say that. These blood slaves used to be human beings, but they were bitten by vampires."

"Are vampires also in this city?" Commander Luo asked.

"It is very possible that these blood slaves were intelligent before, but once their brains die, they will lose their intelligence and become brainless, bloodthirsty monsters. At this time, vampires are needed to command, otherwise these blood slaves will look like brainless monsters. Bumping around like a fly on the head."

"That means we can find the culprit in the city!" Commander Luo said, clenching his fist fiercely. He wanted to kill the vampire with his own hands and avenge his dead brothers.

"But I advise you not to fight with him, you can't beat him!" Li Yuanhong said very directly.

"You look down on me?!" Commander Luo was a little angry.

"Do you know the level of these blood slaves?" Li Yuanhong asked, pointing to the blood slaves tied to the bed.

"What level?"

"They are only level 30, and there are less than ten blood slaves at level 30. You have lost a company, which shows that your combat power is very bad. I think that vampire will definitely not be lower than 30." Level 5, I'm afraid if you fight him, there will only be one result, and that is to become another blood slave." Li Yuanhong said without mercy.

Commander Luo stared at Li Yuanhong with blazing eyes, his teeth itched fiercely, and his fingernails even dug into his flesh, but in the end he still looked like a deflated ball and asked feebly: "Then do you have any way to let me Kill that vampire with your own hands?"

"I'm not looking for a way! These blood slaves and vampires all have a common weakness, which is that they are afraid of mercury. To them, mercury is a potent poison. By the way, I haven't asked you yet, you How did you catch these monsters?"

"Oh, don't mention it. At that time, these monsters rushed into our guard group and killed several of my brothers one after another. Then my brothers also turned into like them. I thought they were mutated zombies at first. They used the same method to deal with zombies. Several snipers directly blew their heads off. But who knew that not only did these guys not die, but their blown heads actually grew back. However, their actions were not as good as before. So flexible.

Later, I sent rope gun troops to tie them up, and then used electric batons to stun them. Only then did I subdue them. Otherwise, I really don't know how to kill them. "

"How did you deal with the soldiers who were bitten by them?"

"They were all cremated. I can't let my brother live in this world as a monster."

Li Yuanhong nodded. It seemed that whether it was fire or electricity, these attacks with magical elements were still effective against these monsters.

It's a pity that among the soldiers staying behind, there are too few elemental evolvers, and more of them are power and speed evolvers. Otherwise, a company of soldiers would not be wiped out by others.

Afterwards, Li Yuanhong did some experiments with these blood slaves. Li Yuanhong finally confirmed a few things, that is, weapons soaked in mercury can also cause damage to these blood slaves, but unlike directly injecting mercury, they can directly kill them. Kill these blood slaves, because these blood slaves are very special, and only by completely destroying their blood can they be completely killed.

"How to directly inject mercury into the bodies of these blood slaves?" Li Yuanhong looked at the three remaining blood slaves and began to frown. He couldn't hold a needle and say to the blood slaves: "Hey, stand there and don't move. Uncle will give you an injection!"

Suddenly, Li Yuanhong thought of a way, and then said to Commander Luo: "I have a way to kill these blood slaves and vampires. Then you will have the opportunity to kill the vampire with your own hands."

"Really?" Commander Luo said excitedly.

"Really, but I have to leave for a while. I will come back tomorrow and I will make these blood slaves look good."

Li Yuanhong did not say hello to Li Luoxia because of this matter. Li Yuanhong did not want this matter to disturb anyone, because in order to find out the blood slaves hidden inside, it must be kept strictly confidential and no information should be revealed.

A day later, Li Yuanhong came back, went directly to Commander Luo, and handed him a pistol and a box of bullets: "This gun has been modified. As long as these special bullets are used, it can directly kill the vampire."

Commander Luo took the pistol and bullets: "Thanks, brother, I'll treat you to a drink when you kill that vampire!"


"By the way, how do you plan to find out about the blood slave hiding in the team next?" Commander Luo asked.

Hearing Commander Luo ask, Li Yuanhong took out a shiny silver box from the space: "This box is the only way to screen for traitors."

Commander Luo took the box and looked at it curiously. It was just an ordinary box. There was nothing in the box, but Li Yuanhong said that this box could identify traitors, so Commander Luo didn't know that Li Yuanhong What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd

That afternoon, Commander Luo held an emergency military meeting, and all officers attended the meeting.

"We have called everyone to a meeting today because we in Spring City may have special monsters mixed in. Everyone knows that our leader was attacked two days ago. Those babies who attacked the leader are not actually humans or zombies, but a kind of monster. The monster called the Blood Slave. Everyone already knows what that monster is capable of. It can be said that this monster is very harmful to us.

After recent research, we finally found a way to kill these monsters. "

As soon as Commander Luo's words came out, he immediately caused a commotion among the people below, especially one of the regiment leaders, who was extremely excited. The company that was completely wiped out was one of his men.

"Commander, what is the method?" the regiment leader asked excitedly.

"Bring it up!"

Commander Luo waved, and a soldier came in carrying a tray with the silver box in it.

"The method to kill the blood slave is in this box." Commander Luo said.