Apocalypse Hero System

Chapter 1053: Thousands of years of essence and blood


Hearing the voice of the logistics director, the man nodded: "Tell me, tell me all the military information you know."

This logistics manager has now completely become a blood slave. He will never refuse the vampire master's request, so he tells everything he knows, including things he guessed, such as Li Yuanhong and Er Although the leader No. 2 seems to be working closely together, the leader No. 2 is still wary of Li Yuanhong. The old man must have experienced too many betrayals before, making him unable to trust anyone 100%.

The vampire, after hearing what the logistics manager said, suddenly asked: "What will happen if the old guy is killed by a soldier who is not his?"

"I estimate that there will be civil strife. After all, in the Chinese army, most of the officers are still high-level military officials before the end of the world. They are still very loyal to the old guy. Once he is killed, everyone will probably suspect that it was the one who Whatever the commander-in-chief did, even if he didn't kill the old immortal, as long as he sees that the assassin is a soldier, he will definitely target the commander-in-chief with suspicion," the logistics director said.

"Well, this is a good idea. We can provoke them to fight among themselves without too much effort. When they are almost exhausted internally, we will then strike to give them a fatal blow." The vampire said with a sinister smile.

That night, the logistics director returned to the military camp and continued his normal life in the military camp. However, he began to live in a bit of a home. He would never go out during the day if he could. Even if he went out, he would cover himself as tightly as possible, even if he was in front of him. During the two days when the weather was so hot that he would be exposed to the sun, he would come out wearing a long shirt, long trousers and a wide military hat. And more importantly, his gold-rimmed crystal glasses were replaced by black and brown sunglasses, which made people feel more relaxed. Nor could he see his eyes that flashed red from time to time.

Soon after, the supervisor finally found out that Chief No. 2 was going to attend an important meeting and had to pass through a busy street, which was convenient for them to ambush.

So the assassination operation against the No. 2 leader was launched. However, the outcome of the matter surprised them. The human soldiers who were guarding Leader No. 2 were not afraid of death. Even if they hugged the blood slaves tightly with both hands, they would not let them get close to Leader No. 2's vehicle. Finally, the backup troops were rushed. When they arrived, their plan was ruined, and several blood slaves who participated in the assassination were captured.

However, although the assassination failed, it also succeeded in making the No. 2 leader suspicious of Li Yuanhong, but at this moment, Li Yuanhong came back.

As a result, their plan to frame the blame was flawed, and soon Commander Luo held a meeting to announce the method of killing the blood slaves. Although the logistics director was very doubtful whether the bullet with the magic circle could really kill the blood slave. It would hurt them, but this kind of information still needs to be reported.

So that night, the logistics manager sneaked out of the military camp again. Although the search here was strict, he was an officer here and a logistics officer, so he needed to go out frequently, so the soldiers at the gate did not check him too much.

After leaving the military camp, in order to prevent anyone from following him, he walked around Spring City several times, and even got into the crowd. Once, he even got into the toilet and got out through a small window in the toilet.

After all this trouble, he found that no one was following him, so he walked towards the abandoned church with confidence.

The church was still eerie, and those were not frightened bats, but the eyes of the vampire, staring at the surrounding movements. Although the logistics manager is now a blood slave, he still feels a cool breeze on his back from time to time.

Entering the church, the lights in the church suddenly turned on, the vampire appeared behind the podium, and then the high-pitched and harsh voice sounded again.

"You're here, what news have you brought this time?"

The logistics director quickly bowed deeply: "Master, the army held a meeting today and said that they have developed weapons to deal with you!"

"Oh? A weapon against me? What weapon?"

In the past two days, the vampire suddenly felt that the blood slave he sent out before began to die, so he has been worried. You know, this blood slave has similar characteristics to him. As long as the blood does not drain dry, even if it is cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. , will also be reborn. It's just that those blood slaves may lose their intelligence because their brains are damaged, but what does it matter? On the contrary, these blood slaves are his servants. If they are no longer useful, they can be replaced at any time.

But the death of these blood slaves made him a little anxious. You know, these blood slaves had been living well before. This shows that humans have not found a way to completely kill these blood slaves. But once the blood slaves die, then It means that his invincibility is a bit dangerous.

When the logistics manager said just now that humans had found a way to kill them, I was startled and immediately panicked, but on the surface I still had to pretend to be calm.

"It's a special kind of bullet, a kind of bullet engraved with a magic circle." the logistics manager reported truthfully.

"What kind of runes?" the vampire asked in a somewhat summoned tone.

"They said it was a kind of thunder rune. The runes are quite complicated and I can't remember them all."

"Okay, draw it quickly!" said the vampire, taking out a piece of white paper and an oil pen.

The logistics manager hurriedly went to his desk and started to draw the magic circle from memory. Although he could not remember the magic circle 100%, he could still draw the general outline.

The vampire grabbed the drawing and began to identify it. Maybe the logistics manager's drawing was not accurate, so the vampire took a long time to identify it before he saw that it was an advanced thunder and lightning array.

Although this magic circle has strong lethality, its main function is to paralyze. Creatures hit by this magic circle will lose their mobility within a certain period of time.

After seeing this formation diagram, the vampire laughed loudly: "Stupid humans, want to rely on this magic formation to defeat me, stupid, really stupid. I am a vampire, but I am afraid of thunder and lightning."

Although the vampire was very arrogant, he turned his head and said behind him: "But you guys need to pay attention. Although this bullet can't kill you, it can still make you incapacitated for a short time. When the time comes, they humans I can catch you easily, so you should keep a low profile for me in the near future. When we look for an opportunity to destroy their high-level command in one fell swoop, I will take you to receive the reward in front of the earl. Maybe the earl will reward you. Drops of thousands of years of essence and blood."

It turned out that there were more than a dozen blood slaves standing behind the vampire. They were standing in the darkness and could not be spotted unless they looked carefully. Each of them was tall and strong, and when they stood there, they looked like soldiers. If it weren't for their pale faces and eyes that glowed red from time to time, no one would be able to associate these people with monsters.

"Yes, thank you Master!" After listening to the vampire's words, these blood slaves all bowed to express their gratitude to the vampire.

However, the logistics director listened in confusion. Because he joined late, he did not understand the origin of the vampire at all. He had no idea what the count and the thousand-year blood essence were in the vampire's mouth.

Seeing the confusion on the logistics manager's face, maybe the vampire was in a good mood, so he explained: "This vampire count is our lord. He has hundreds of viscounts and barons under his rule. Of course, they are all us vampires. If the task Once you complete it and go back, I will also grant you a title, and your status will also rise with the tide.

That thousand-year blood essence is the product of the blood pool left by our vampire ancestors. A drop of thousand-year blood essence can allow you to easily break through level 35. However, that essence blood is very rare. Without great skill, it is impossible. get. As long as you work hard, you may get this good thing this time. "

After hearing the vampire's explanation, the logistics manager quickly bowed and thanked him. This was obviously a promise of benefits to himself. Although the logistics manager no longer had any ambitions, he was still very concerned about improving his level.

"Okay, go back quickly, don't let those cunning humans find out." Seeing that the logistics director had nothing else to report, the vampire waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Master, then I'm resigning!" After saying this, the logistics manager bowed and exited the church, and rushed back to the military camp.

The military camp was still as strict as before. After passing the inspection post, the logistics director returned to his room. Since he became a blood slave, he has been particularly energetic at night. He lies on the bed and looks at the ceiling, thinking about how to cause destruction. How about poisoning the food and poisoning the entire military camp

When I was thinking of bad ideas, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

"Dong dong dong, is Old Sun here?"

Judging from the voice, it should be one of their group leaders. What's the business of coming here in the middle of the night

Although full of doubts, the logistics manager agreed and got up to open the door.

"Hey, Captain, why are you here here in the middle of the night?"

"A batch of materials suddenly arrived from above. This batch of materials is related to the production of secret weapons, so it must be put into storage as soon as possible. So the leader wants you to hand over it in person." The regiment leader said with some anxiety on his face.

Upon hearing this, the logistics manager thought that maybe he could do something with this batch of supplies.

"Okay, I'll be right away!" the logistics manager promised, and went back to the house to put on his clothes and coat, and then went out with the group leader.

"I said, Lao Sun, it's true that you are dressed so neatly even though no one is looking at you in the middle of the night."

"Hehehe, I'm used to it!"

The two sides walked forward without saying a word, but as they walked, the logistics manager felt a little strange. The direction they were walking was not the direction of the warehouse, but a place that was heavily defended, and that place was not even close to him. No one has access.

"Captain, where are we going?" the logistics director asked cautiously.

"Oh, this batch of supplies is too important to be placed in an ordinary warehouse, so it will be kept in the backyard under strict guard. After the handover, it will be transferred to the secret warehouse. By then, you will know clearly that this batch of supplies is available. When the production time comes, you will It’s good to be able to deploy it,” the group leader explained.

"Okay!" The logistics director was even more happy when he heard this. If this was the case, he might be able to destroy the secret warehouse in one fell swoop.