Apocalypse Hero System

Chapter 1059: No Man’s Land


Seeing the figure flashing, Saraus was immediately furious. Thousands of zombies had already died before the war started. Although he had hundreds of millions of zombies at his disposal, he would not die without even looking at the enemy's face. So much.

So Sharus roared angrily and shouted at the zombie captain who was a little dazed after being hit: "You, bring the zombies to me and tear those damn humans on the mountain to pieces. No one is allowed to be left!"

"Yes, sir!" The zombie captain was holding his breath now. The flying rocks just now almost buried him alive. If Sharus hadn't taken action just now, he and his men would have been buried under the boulders at this time. , there is no difference.

Full of rage, the zombie captain led an army of tens of thousands of zombies and rushed towards the top of the mountain. Suddenly, the hillside was still covered with gravel and was covered by a black mass of corpses. However, because the gravel on the hillside is now unstable, the zombies' climbing speed is greatly delayed. Some zombies even accidentally stepped on the air and rolled down, driving a large number of zombies behind them to slide down.

But even so, the zombie army still slowly approached the top of the mountain. Just when the zombie vanguard was less than a hundred meters away from the top of the mountain, fierce gunshots were heard from the top of the mountain. Those zombies that were still crawling slowly on the gravel were immediately knocked down by the bullets that swept across.

But the advantage of zombies is that they are huge in number and can sweep them away. The zombies behind them will just step on the corpses of the zombies in front and continue to move forward, not caring about the death of their own kind.

In this way, the group of zombies braved the rain of bullets and slowly approached the top of the mountain step by step. Finally, the first zombie crossed the trench on the top of the mountain and jumped into the human position.

However, what caught the eye was not the human soldiers who were tenaciously sniping, but several machine guns on the position firing automatically, and there were not many bullets left in the ammunition supply boxes of those machine guns. If the zombies did not attack, they would In less than thirty seconds, these machine guns will automatically shut down.

Seeing this, the zombie was very angry and overturned a machine gun. Another zombie following this zombie also overturned another machine gun. Soon, several machine guns placed at the front of the position , have not been able to escape the clutches of zombie destruction.

"Look, you must find it for me. Those cunning humans can't disappear out of thin air!" Just as the zombies were destroying the machine guns, the zombie captain also came to the human mountaintop position, but he found that those destroyed machine guns turned around. It wasn't long before the automatic shooting mode was activated, that is, not long ago, there were indeed humans on the top of the mountain.

As the zombies began to search, they were soon discovered on the other side of the mountain. Many humans were running along the hillside quickly toward the foot of the mountain. At the foot of the mountain on the other side, there seemed to be a large military camp. Thinking about it, these soldiers were fleeing to that military camp.

Upon receiving the report from his subordinates, the zombie captain immediately ordered the zombies to pursue him. However, when a few zombies just jumped out of the top of the mountain and rushed to the hillside, they felt something stepped on under their feet, and then a big explosion occurred on the entire top of the mountain. The corpses that had just poured into the top of the mountain were suddenly overwhelmed by the intense fire.

The explosion did not last long, less than ten seconds, but the destructive power caused by the explosion was not small. Almost all the zombies that poured into the top of the mountain were wiped out by this big explosion.

However, there are exceptions to everything. Among the rubble, a head struggled to stick out from the rubble. It turned out to be the captain. When the magic circle under the mountain rock was activated just now, this zombie clearly felt the abnormality of the magic energy around it, so he directly pulled a few zombies to make stepping stones, and instantly turned on all the protective magic, which allowed him to escape. , but such a powerful magic circle did not allow him to make good use of it. The energy burst of time damaged his magic. In a short period of time, it may be difficult for him to exert his due combat effectiveness.

At this moment, Sarus, who had almost entered the top of the mountain, felt scared. He had only reached the top of the mountain just ten meters away. Although he was not injured, the huge burst of magical energy also made him feel the threat of death.

"Assholes, damn humans, they know how to play tricks. I'm going to cut them into pieces!" Sharus yelled and stamped his feet. Throughout the whole morning, he didn't even see the faces of humans, and he lost tens of thousands. Zombies, this is undoubtedly very embarrassing.

"Chase me, don't let those humans run away!"

Sarus knew that the magic circle on the top of the mountain was disposable, so he dared to let the zombie army enter the top of the mountain with confidence. This also saved the zombie captain, who was buried in the sand. If he was not rescued in time, , it is estimated that in a few minutes, he will be crushed to death by sand and rocks in the mound.

As soon as Sharus saw the captain, he asked angrily: "Tell me, what happened just now?"

The captain then recounted what had just happened intermittently. The captain became more and more angry as he listened. It was obviously those damn humans who had already prepared a trap for him, just waiting for him to get into it!

"Damn humans, do you think killing tens of thousands of zombies will make me scared? Level up the military camp at the foot of the mountain for me!" Sarus waved his hand, and thousands of zombies rushed towards the human military camp at the foot of the mountain. .

But this time Sarus was clever and instead of letting all the zombies swarm forward, he sent hundreds of zombies to rush into the military camp. He wanted to explore the way first to avoid being ambushed by humans again.

Not long after the hundreds of zombies rushed into the military camp, fierce gunshots were heard. Soon, the hundreds of zombies were defeated one by one by the human soldiers hiding in the military camp and killed in the military camp.

Now that the human soldiers were exposed, Sarus was naturally not polite, so the zombie army came up behind them, intending to surround the human soldiers in order to annihilate them all in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, those humans retreated without a fight. The zombie army pressing up from behind had not even approached the military camp. Those humans drove away in military vehicles from the other side of the military camp.

"Damn humans, where is your bravery? Why did you run away after just one shot? Where did your chivalry spirit go? Bastards, bastards!" Shalus was furious. How did he know that human beings are now? He didn't know anything at all. Even if you know the spirit of chivalry, you will not follow it rigidly.

Sarus would not give up easily after humans ran away. Did he know that human vehicles need fuel? The fuel in this high-altitude area is very special. It is estimated that there is not much high-altitude crude oil left by humans, so they cannot run far at all. All that's left is to take two legs and run. You know, if humans run against zombies in a long-distance race, they will definitely lose, because zombies never know what fatigue is.

Sure enough, these zombies pursued forward. They didn't pursue them very far before they found cars and other vehicles abandoned by humans on the mountain road. This strengthened Sharus' determination to catch up with humans and take revenge.

But not far away, they were suddenly ambushed again on a road through the mountains. Another explosion suddenly occurred on the cliffs on both sides of the road. Countless boulders fell from the sky, killing countless zombies.

Obviously, the humans they were chasing had set a trap for them again.

Three times in a row, on a mountain road less than ten kilometers away, Sarus was attacked no less than three times. Either magic traps were buried on the road, or explosives were buried on both sides of the road, causing the rocks to collapse and huge rocks to fly.

At this time, Shalusi not only became more angry, but also began to be extremely cautious, for fear of being ambushed.

But since being ambushed three times, humans seem to have disappeared. Sarus even suspected that humans were scared. Because of the previous attack, Sharus was already prepared, so during the attack, Sharus quickly sent troops to rush into the human position, but the humans ran away again in advance. With only less than fifty meters left, the humans would Caught by these zombies.

Sarus had been leading the group of corpses, and he was about to leave the mountainous area and enter the plateau area. This made Sarus relax a little. When he thought that the humans had escaped without a trace, he gave up resistance completely.

But who would have known that just when the zombie army passed through less than half of the pass, the whole earth began to vibrate violently again, and then many zombies were buried under the collapsing sand and rocks. This was so severe that the zombies were directly killed. Nearly twenty thousand.

This made Sarus completely hate human beings, especially when he received reports from his subordinates who entered the plateau that a troop of about ten thousand people was fleeing like crazy. This made Sarus issue a death order for this unit. So this army was followed by a long army of zombies, which they couldn't get rid of no matter how hard they tried.

In fact, this army is the bait army led by Li Yuanhong. They want to lure these zombie armies step by step into no man's land.

Sure enough, Sarus, who was furious, was led step by step to the edge of the no man's land by Li Yuanhong. However, after a long pursuit, Sarus became somewhat calmer.

On the road led by Li Yuanhong, there are almost no decent roads anymore, and the weather changes are also extremely bad. Not only are the temperatures low, but there are also hypoxia, thunder and lightning areas, and natural traps that make it easy for corpses to die from time to time. In front of them, sometimes, the group of corpses in front of them had just walked through the safe road for less than ten seconds, and then the group of corpses behind them were suddenly attacked by lightning.

Therefore, Sarus felt a little bit at this time that he had been deceived by humans, and humans must not have good intentions if they led them here indifferently. So Sharus planned to withdraw from this plateau and then look for human settlements again.

At this time, Li Yuanhong noticed the strange movements of the zombies and knew that the zombies were about to run away, so he quickly summoned the army officers and held a meeting.

"Damn it, these zombies are going to run away. No matter what we do, we must keep them here!"

"Commander in chief, we will do whatever you say!" the officer below said firmly.

"Okay, thank you brothers for your trust. However, what we are going to do next may be very dangerous. Many of you here may be buried in this land forever!" Li Yuanhong's voice was a little heavy. said.