Apocalypse Hero System

Chapter 1061: Total retreat


After discovering the first tank, not far away, he found another armored vehicle, and then more and more abandoned tanks and armored vehicles, and Sarus even saw several abandoned corpses.

Seeing this, Sharus' enthusiasm for pursuit increased again. As a result, he went hundreds of kilometers into the no-man's land and truly reached the hinterland of the no-man's land.

But in the hinterland, the zombie death situation also began to increase. Those low-level ordinary zombies fell almost in pieces. In less than half a day, nearly ten million died.

What puzzles Sarus even more is that after arriving in the hinterland, humans have lost traces. It stands to reason that humans who have lost their vehicles should not be able to outrun these zombies, which are called perpetual motion machines. But along the way, In addition to tanks and armored vehicles, only a dozen human bodies were found. It stands to reason that humans should do more than this several times. In fact, they were several corpses, and they were not the corpses of Li Yuanhong's soldiers, but the corpses of prisoners sentenced to death. Li Yuanhong knew that if the zombies were not shown human corpses, the zombies would be suspicious of only tanks and armored vehicles, so he let them Some corpses of death row prisoners were brought from the rear.

Human beings lost their traces, which made Sharus feel as if he had been deceived, but he understood a little too late at this time.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" Sharus shouted angrily.

His order was issued, but the zombies slowly turned around and started to walk back one by one. This was not because the zombies were resisting Sarus' order. In fact, all the surviving zombies wanted to get out of this no man's land as soon as possible. It's a pity that their entire bodies are like heavy ice cubes now, and it takes a lot of effort to move.

So the chasing zombie army became a fleeing team. The zombies fell down from time to time. It took nearly two days to come, but when they returned, these zombies felt that their way back was uncertain.

After two days of arduous walking back, there were no more than ten million people around Shalus, and more than 90% of the zombies had fallen in the desolation of the plateau. Fortunately, the remaining zombies around Shalus were high-level zombies, which made Shalus Russ felt better. After all, as long as ordinary zombies return to India, they can catch a lot of them everywhere. It doesn't matter even if another one or two hundred million people die. As long as these high-level zombies are still alive, they can come back.

At this moment, a shadowy figure appeared on the distant horizon, which frightened Sarus so much. If this were a human army, it would not be able to fight in its current situation.

Just when Sharus was worrying about gains and losses, the group of figures finally saw clearly. They turned out to be a group of zombies. This group of zombies was the last part of the group of zombies led by the captain.

In order to flank the humans, Sarus did not wait for the order to be fully conveyed before leading the central group of corpses to leave in a hurry. As a result, the troops behind him did not know this change at all.

The zombie captain was injured before, so he was placed at the end of the team. So when Sarus once again pursued deep into the no-man's land, the captain still followed the order he had received before, turned around and started to retreat, but he didn't go far. Far away, they received new orders, asking them to turn around and pursue humans.

Although he didn't know what had happened, the zombie captain faithfully carried out Sharus' order and began to turn around and head deeper into the no-man's land. It was because of such a twist that the follow-up team did not appear in front of Sharus until now.

Although the captain's follow-up team entered the no-man's land late, the losses were not small. Although the losses did not exceed 90%, most of the ordinary zombies had frozen to death. Even a few shadow zombies responsible for transmitting information, They all died by a saltwater lake.

Seeing that it was his follow-up troops, Sarus was shocked. He finally had reinforcements, which gave him some confidence.

"Captain, you have finally caught up. Your men have not suffered much damage, right?" Sharus asked hopefully.

"Sir...Sir, I have less than 20 million subordinates!" the captain said with a bitter look on his face.

"What!" This answer shocked Sharus. You must know that now that Sharus has left the core area of the no-man's land, how could the army of corpses catching up behind him suffer such heavy losses

In fact, this cannot be blamed on the zombie captain. Although the captain's team did not enter the hinterland of no man's land, they turned back and forth, still tossing in the no man's land. The huge temperature difference between day and night, the cold that can take away all the body heat. There was no shortage of wind, and what was even more frightening was that they encountered a heavy rain. Many zombies turned into popsicles directly after the heavy rain.

Seeing his 200 million team, there were only 30 million left, which made Sharus want to cry. He had no choice but to merge the two teams and continue walking back.

It was actually easy for them to walk back. There were many corpses of zombies thrown on the road. As long as they followed the signpost of the corpses, they would not get lost. However, after walking for another day, Sharus felt something was wrong, because the path they took seemed like Back to the hinterland of no man's land. Because the lake in front of them was too familiar to Sarus. This was where they found the last few human tanks and armored vehicles.

Although Shalus didn't know why they turned back, a ruthless reality faced him. They might not be able to get out of this no man's land.

The culprit who caused Sarus and the others to return to no man's land was of course Li Yuanhong. After introducing Sarus into the hinterland, Li Yuanhong withdrew all troops and let the zombies fend for themselves. Li Yuanhong thought that these zombies should be wiped out within a few days.

Although Li Yuanhong withdrew all the zombies, he still sent drones to closely monitor every move of the zombies. Li Yuanhong did not expect that although the zombies suffered heavy casualties, there were nearly 30 million zombies. This number was definitely not what Li Yuanhong wanted to see. Although the vast majority of zombies died in this barren land, the remaining 30 million are definitely the elite among the elite and still pose a huge threat to mankind.

Then the bad water in Li Yuanhong's stomach began to surge. The reason why this plateau has become a barren land is not only the harsh natural conditions, but also the vastness of the land. Although it is not like a desert where no grass grows, the scenery still looks very monotonous, which makes it difficult to find reference points. When running for a long time, it is easy to get lost.

When these zombies came in, Li Yuanhong was there to lure them, which was equivalent to Li Yuanhong acting as a guide, but when they went back, there was no guide. The reason why these zombies hadn't gotten lost yet was because the lying zombies had become road signs.

So Li Yuanhong began to move these road signs, pointing the corpses of the zombies, and slowly turned the direction. Then he only knew that the zombies walking along the corpses had returned to the hinterland of no man's land again.

Looking at the familiar lake in front of him, Sarus was on the verge of crying. It was obvious that he had fallen into the trap of humans again. Although he was filled with resentment, he could not find anyone to vent his anger on. So he had no choice but to give the order again to go to the lake where there was no one. He walked outside the area, but this time he was smart and instead of walking along the corpses, he looked for the direction where the sun was setting.

Sharus had a good idea, but the sun only appeared in the evening when it set, and there was still a risk of getting lost at other times. Therefore, Sharus could only spend most of his time resting, and only ordered the team to speed up a few hours before dusk. Although doing this can give the zombie team time to rest, the cold weather still makes many zombies unknowingly go to death.

After walking hard for two days, among the high-level zombies, someone finally couldn't hold on any longer and was the first to fall. This high-level zombie was the zombie captain. The zombie captain was seriously injured when he was bombed before. Although it did not kill him, the hidden injuries never healed. If he rested for a period of time, given the zombie's physique, he would be fully recovered in four or five days. However, since entering this uninhabited land and constantly depleting his physical strength, the zombie captain's hidden injuries not only did not improve, but began to worsen, and finally broke out after walking for two days.

As the zombie captain fell, swarms of high-level zombies began to arrive, which made Sharus even more upset. But at this moment, Cruise had no way to stop the spread of this trend. Now his only choice All you can do is protect yourself from being killed by this land.

So Sarus came up with a way to make the zombies form a large circle whenever they rested, and the zombies crowded together, just like Antarctic penguins, to keep each other warm and resist the cold. Unfortunately, this method has limited effect, especially for those zombies standing on the outside. They have to endure a harsher environment than other zombies. However, Sharus does not understand the concept of rotation. In his impression, those standing on the outside are Zombies are all low-level zombies, and it doesn’t matter if they die.

Therefore, the zombies in the outer circle could not survive for long before they fell one by one. The high-level zombies in the inner circle soon became outer zombies. So when the zombie group reached the fifth day, beside Sharus, There are less than a million zombies left.

On the sixth day, while Sharus was still hiding among the corpses to save his life, he heard the roar of a motor in the distance. This shocked Sharus. He knew that the human attack had begun again. At this time His team can be said to be at the bottom of Qianglu, and it may fall by itself without any human attack. Sarus would not sit still and wait for death, so he issued the last order, and the group of corpses began to take difficult steps towards the direction of the sound of the motor, killing them.

Li Yuanhong's attack at this time was mainly because the millions of zombies were about to leave the no-man's land. Li Yuanhong didn't want to let a single zombie go, so Li Yuanhong took action himself.

At this time, the zombies do not need to attack at all. Some zombies fall to the ground while running, and they cannot die anymore. Therefore, the tank fire and gun barrage do not need to be violent at all to let the zombies The number shrank sharply. It took less than an hour and a half to clean up the more than one million zombies. However, Li Yuanhong was still very careful. If any of these zombies pretended to be dead, he would give humans a counterattack. , then you will lose more than you gain.

So after the battle was over, Li Yuanhong spent a whole day cleaning the battlefield.