Apocalypse Hero System

Chapter 1073: Iceberg Bronze Gate


Li Yuanhong led the team and continued to move forward between the icebergs for nearly a day. During this period, the team also passed through many ice caves under the ice. The ice caves were like caves and filled with many ice bamboo shoots. When Li Yuanhong’s headlights shone on these ice bamboo shoots, the light was reflected to the surroundings, making the team more excited. The entire ice cave looked crystal clear, and everyone seemed to have entered a peaceful and pure world. All the worries and distracting thoughts in the world were purified by this pure world at this moment.

However, Li Yuanhong does not have time to appreciate these beautiful scenery. It has been almost six days since he entered the snow mountain, but Li Yuanhong has not yet found the end of his goal, and there are only a few days left before the portal opens. If he delays any longer, it will prevent the portal from opening. The mission will fail.

"Quick, everyone, follow us. We must hurry up and pass through this cave." Li Yuanhong turned around and urged his men.

In fact, the entire team is now exhausted. Moving forward in this world made of ice and snow, both physical strength and energy are rapidly depleted at all times. Now many people feel as if they are filled with lead when they step forward.

"Brother Li, should we take a rest here?" the guard came over and asked.

Li Yuanhong frowned slightly, looked at his watch and said, "Let's go a little further and rest after passing this stalagmite. It's too dangerous to rest here." Li Yuanhong said.

The guard looked around in confusion. Apart from icicles and ice bamboo shoots, there were no other creatures at all. He didn't know where the danger came from.

"Look above us." Li Yuanhong pointed to the top of our heads.

The guard looked up and saw that the top of his head was covered with ice bamboo shoots hanging upside down. The tips of the ice bamboo shoots were like sharp knife tips, which shone brightly under the light of the guard's light.

"The ice bamboo shoots above our heads are too dense. Once there is any vibration, these ice bamboo shoots will fall down. Do you think we can avoid these ice bamboo shoots?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Vibration? Where is the vibration coming from?" The guard didn't understand what Li Yuanhong was worried about.

But before the guard could finish his words, the whole ground began to shake, and with the shaking, those ice bamboo shoots that were not very strong fell down one after another.

Li Yuanhong was already prepared. He drew out his tracer knife and swung it at the ice bamboo shoots falling above his head. Hearing "bang bang bang", those ice bamboo shoots were instantly shattered by Li Yuanhong's sword energy, but the soldiers behind him were not like that. Fortunately, the soldier had no time to dodge, and was instantly penetrated by ice shoots, and his blood was sprinkled in this silent world of ice and snow.

However, the vibration disappeared quickly, and the shaking was not very severe this time, so after a few seconds, the whole world returned to calm.

But this short vibration cost Li Yuanhong's team five or six lives. Li Yuanhong quickly ordered everyone to treat the wounded, then put his dead comrades into body bags and put them into the space, where they would be picked up by the spacecraft and buried in a grand ceremony.

Li Yuanhong had no time to grieve. The vibration just now was not accidental. This was the Himalayas, and earthquakes were common here. The vibration just now might be just a warning, and he could not be prepared for a bigger vibration coming soon.

So Li Yuanhong led the team and quickly passed through the ice cave. Finally after dark, they finally walked out of the ice cave and came to an empty ice field.

"Let's set up camp here now, and we'll move forward when the sun comes up." Li Yuanhong looked at the stars in the sky. The stars seemed to be above his head and he could pick them off with his hand.

"Yes! I'll make arrangements right away!" the guard agreed and turned around to make arrangements.

Now the team has been reduced to less than thirty people, and several people were injured in the earthquake just now, so the guards are also very worried and don't know what dangers are lurking nearby.

Li Yuanhong was also worried. Li Yuanhong had a vague feeling that the snow mountain giant did not appear at the iceberg pass by chance, but was guarding there.

This made Li Yuanhong even more curious about his end point, but it also made Li Yuanhong more vigilant. So when setting up camp, Li Yuanhong used his true eyes to carefully inspect the entire camp and found nothing unusual, so he took a rest. .

There was no risk overnight, not even an earthquake. When daybreak, Li Yuanhong was shocked by the scene before him.

It turns out that this is an ice field valley, surrounded by towering icebergs. There is no way to go. In other words, Li Yuanhong has entered a dead end.

"Is the place indicated on the map a dead end?" Li Yuanhong quickly unfolded the map and compared it with the surrounding terrain, but Li Yuanhong found helplessly that the map stopped abruptly at this point. Apparently, the person who drew the map before also failed to move forward at this point. , but in the corner of the map, there is a circle that says: Garden of Eden.

But there was a blank space with no hint at all, and Li Yuanhong was helpless. So Li Yuanhong put the map into space.

"Guard, divide the people into several groups and search around carefully to see if there is a way." Li Yuanhong said to the guard.

The guard nodded in agreement, and then divided into groups and began to search the surrounding area.

The space here is very large, and searching is very time-consuming. Li Yuanhong did not sit idle and walked directly towards the iceberg on the opposite side.

After walking for half an hour, Li Yuanhong reached the foot of the mountain. This iceberg reached straight into the sky. From time to time, there were broken snowflakes blown down by the strong wind on the top of the iceberg, but the wind in the valley was very small, and Those falling snowflakes melted quickly, so that there was no thick snow at the foot of the mountain.

Li Yuanhong was stunned when he saw this. Logically speaking, this is a plateau. How could the snowflakes melt

So Li Yuanhong was very curious and reached out to touch the smooth ice surface. This touch made Li Yuanhong stunned.

The smooth ice surface is no different from ordinary ice, but Li Yuanhong feels that there is a faint energy coming from the ice layer. Although this energy is not large, it just breaks the falling snowflakes, but does not cause any damage to the ice surface. .

Li Yuanhong felt the vibration of the ice surface and knew that there must be some secret hidden behind the ice wall.

Li Yuanhong kept stroking the ice, feeling the changes in energy fluctuations. Finally, at a certain point, Li Yuanhong felt that the energy fluctuations reached a peak, and this energy resonated with the energy in Li Yuanhong's body.

So Li Yuanhong increased the energy output in his body and resonated with the energy of the ice wall. Cracks appeared and then the "rattling" sound continued, and finally the ice surface collapsed.

Seeing the ice collapse downwards, Li Yuanhong quickly teleported away from the ice wall. After a burst of smoke and dust, a copper door was revealed on the ice that was originally as smooth as a knife.

The copper door is very high, more than ten meters high, and the huge copper door is covered with various patterns, and there is faint energy flowing through the copper door. Li Yuanhong experienced the bronze door carefully. The energy emitted by the bronze door was the same energy he felt on the ice wall just now.

The collapse of the ice quickly alerted the guards. They didn't know what was happening here and rushed over quickly. When they saw this copper gate, they were all shocked. They did not expect that such a man-made copper gate existed in such high mountains.

"Everyone, go over together and push the copper door open!" Li Yuanhong saw his men coming, so he ordered everyone to prepare to open the copper door.

"Hey, hey, work harder!" Everyone came to the bronze door and tried their best, but the bronze door didn't move at all.

When Li Yuanhong saw this, he frowned and said quickly: "Stop, I'm afraid I won't be able to open this copper door!"

"Why, why did Brother Li stop?" the guard asked.

"I'm afraid this door cannot be opened by brute force." Li Yuanhong said.

"What should we do?" the guard asked.

"Let's study the pattern on this door first. Maybe the key to opening the door lies in the pattern on this door." Li Yuanhong said.

When the guard heard this, he immediately shouted to the surrounding soldiers: "Everyone, come here and take a look together to see if there is any secret in this gate pattern."

Upon hearing the guard's shout, all the soldiers stopped pushing the door and began to pay attention to the pattern on the copper door.

I saw that the pattern on the copper door was very locked and consisted of many lines, which made many people confused. Even Li Yuanhong did not see what was painted on the copper door.

At this moment, a soldier suddenly heard a "Hey" sound.

"Why are you making such a fuss here?" The squad leader next to him glared at him fiercely.

"Monitor, I think this pattern looks familiar!"

"Looks familiar? What did you see?" the monitor asked.

"When I was traveling in Sichuan, I went to Sanxingdui. There was a copper tree there. I saw that the photo of the copper tree was very similar to the pattern on the copper door." The soldier said.

Upon hearing the soldier's words, the people around him immediately looked carefully. Sure enough, the pattern looked very much like a tree growing upward, but instead of leaves growing on the tree, there were things like birds. Because the trees had lush branches and leaves, it was difficult to see them. It looks very complicated and difficult to understand for a while.

Li Yuanhong also heard the people below talking and hurriedly walked to the soldier.

"Little warrior, can you tell me the origin of that copper tree?"

When the little soldier saw Li Yuanhong coming to ask questions in person, he quickly stood up and said, "Yes, Commander-in-Chief. The copper tree is said to be the sun tree, a place for the sun to rest."

"Sun God Tree?" Li Yuanhong looked at the bronze door in confusion, but didn't see the sun

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief, have you seen the birds on those trees? They are called sun birds, and they are the divine birds responsible for carrying the sun into the sky."

"Oh? Why are there so many birds on the tree?" Li Yuanhong noticed that there was more than one bird on the tree.

"Commander, do you still remember the story of Hou Yi shooting the sun? Legend has it that there were originally ten sacred birds on the sacred tree."

Only then did Li Yuanhong understand that the origin of this sacred tree must have been handed down from ancient legends. But no matter how he counted, there were only eight birds on the bronze door. Obviously, there was a big difference from the ten sacred birds in the legend. Could it be Could the key to opening the door be another magical bird that disappeared