Apocalypse Hero System

Chapter 1079: Strange portal


The reason why Li Yuanhong chose to rush out at this time was entirely because the zombies were focused on eating at this time, and the group of zombies just left not long ago and would not come back in a short time, so even if there was some movement here, it would not cause any disturbance. their attention.

So Li Yuanhong took action, and once he took action, it was a killing move. The zombie squad leader who was concentrating on eating the corpse had his head chopped off by Li Yuanhong before he had time to react. Along with it, the zombies sitting side by side with the squad leader also returned to the west.

As the zombie corpse fell to the ground, there was a "pop" sound, which attracted the attention of other zombies. They raised their heads to check what was going on. Unexpectedly, these zombies just raised their heads, and a black light flashed, and there were five more zombie heads, all in unison. Flying up.

In fact, if these zombies did not raise their heads, Li Yuanhong would not be able to cut off the heads of these zombies so smoothly. After all, their heads were almost stuck into the corpses, making it difficult to do so.

After a table of zombies were dealt with, Li Yuanhong quickly turned around to deal with the last few zombies.

These zombies already understood what was happening. They stood up one by one with gritted teeth and roared at Li Yuanhong. It's just that these zombies are no match for Li Yuanhong. Only one of them met, and the heads of several zombies were chopped off.

A dozen zombies were cleared away smoothly. Li Yuanhong quickly collected the corpses of the dozen zombies into the space, and then simply cleaned up the stone room. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to find that a battle had taken place here. As for the things on the ground, Blood, Li Yuanhong ignored it. After all, the ground was already covered with blood. No one would care about a few more pools of blood.

Li Yuanhong quickly cleaned up the house and quietly opened the door. He saw a dim corridor outside the door. Several torches illuminated it, but it still couldn't make the corridor bright. He could only vaguely see a large hall at the end of the corridor.

Li Yuanhong did not dare to take it lightly. You must know that zombies and skeletons, two types of undead creatures, have poor eyesight, but their sense of smell is extremely sensitive. Therefore, Li Yuanhong must try to hide his aura, otherwise if it is leaked even slightly, he may Attracting siege from zombies and skeletons.

Li Yuanhong finally came to the end of the corridor and saw that this was actually a very large hall. There were doors all around the hall, and there were several groups of zombies patrolling the hall. It was estimated that the zombies who had just changed defenses were here.

Li Yuanhong was not worried about destroying these zombies. At the time of the problem, there were four doors in this hall. In addition to his own door, there were also three doors. Li Yuanhong had no clue where the portal was. It was only a few hours before dawn. , it is impossible for him to waste too much time in the pyramid.

Just when Li Yuanhong was at a loss, suddenly a group of skeleton soldiers, carrying Bingxue, came in from the opposite door, and then turned into the other door.

Although this group of soldiers didn't say anything, Li Yuanhong had a guess that the group of skeleton soldiers should have come in from outside the door for changing of guard, and the soldiers changing of guard could not go to the portal, but could only go to the rest area. Then there is only one last door left, most likely the passage leading to the portal.

It's just that there is at least a group of zombies patrolling the entire hall. If you want to sneak in quietly at this time, it will definitely not work.

Just when Li Yuanhong was at a loss what to do, suddenly Li Yuanhong saw water stains left on the road where the group of skeleton soldiers had just walked. This was left by the melting snowflakes on their bodies, so Li Yuanhong paid attention.

So Li Yuanhong controlled the robot spider and crawled quietly from the roof to the entrance of the pyramid. While the spider was crawling, Li Yuanhong took the opportunity to observe the terrain at the gate.

The spider walked out of the hall door and encountered a screen-like wall. This wall was covered with runes, and at the top of the wall, there was a column leading to the hall.

When the spider turned around the screen, he saw the main entrance. At this time, two teams of skeleton soldiers were guarding the main entrance. On the wall facing the main entrance, in addition to runes, there was an eye, but the pupil of this eye was It is red, not black like other pyramids. Of course, Li Yuanhong was not interested in delving into this, and the spider successfully climbed out from above the door.

After exiting the main entrance, the spider quickly climbed up to the top of the pyramid. At the same time, on the way, the little spider dropped many micro-bombs. These bombs were not very powerful and could probably kill an ant, but this kind of bombs were used in many places. Sometimes, it has a strange effect, just like now.

As the little spider continued to crawl, hundreds of tiny bombs like insect eggs were left behind under the snow layer behind the spider. When the spider climbed to the top, Li Yuanhong saw through the computer in his hand that the spider had successfully completed its task. task, then took out a remote control and pressed it.

Those micro bombs made a slight "pop" sound, and as a result, these bombs blew up the snow layer covering the pyramid. You must know that once the snow layer covering the mountain becomes loose, an avalanche will occur, not to mention the pyramid. With such a steep slope, the entire layer of snow on the pyramid could no longer adhere to the pyramid and poured downwards.

In fact, Li Yuanhong was particular about his choice of explosion, because at this time, two teams of skeleton soldiers were patrolling under the pyramid. The huge layer of snow fell. Before those skeleton soldiers had time to react, they were buried by several tons of ice and snow. .

This caused the skeleton soldiers guarding the gate to panic. No one thought that the snow layer above their heads would collapse. Although the skeleton soldiers buried under the snow layer were undead creatures, what would happen if they were buried under the ice and snow for a long time? Accidents are also not guaranteed.

However, there were less than twenty skeleton soldiers guarding the door. It would be impossible to dig out so much snow in a short period of time, so a skeleton captain issued an order to his subordinates to go back and move troops immediately.

The soldier then hurried back to the hall and shouted to the soldiers stationed in the hall. When these originally lazy patrols heard that something happened at the door, they ran towards the door in panic. After all, it was impossible in this hall. Something unexpected happened, so three zombies were left behind as a token, and the other zombies and skeletons went to the front door to support.

Even the three zombies left behind kept looking at the gate curiously. They just heard the skeleton soldiers shouting that something happened at the gate. They had no idea what happened specifically, so their attention was completely distracted by the movement at the gate. Attracted.

Seeing that his strategy was successful, Li Yuanhong took advantage of the blind spot of the torch and quietly slipped towards the door that no one had entered before.

Just when Li Yuanhong was about to approach the gate, a zombie suddenly sniffed his nose.

"Do you smell anything?" the zombie asked his companions next to him.

"Taste? What does it taste like?"

"It smells like blood!"

"It's not because you didn't eat enough just now. You're hungry again now!" the companion mocked.

"I actually smelled it, and it seemed like it was right behind us!"

After the zombie finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head and looked behind him, but except for the swaying light of the torch, there was nothing else behind him, and the smell of blood that he had just felt was gone.

"Am I really hungry?"

The zombie scratched his head. For him, thinking about this kind of problem was really a bit brain-consuming.

At this time, Li Yuanhong was so frightened that he was so scared that he was discovered by these zombies just now. Once he was discovered, all his previous efforts would be in vain. Fortunately, at the last moment, Li Yuanhong teleported and entered the selected passage.

Li Yuanhong wiped his hands and started walking deeper into the passage. This passage is dark. Not only are there no torches, there are no patrolling undead soldiers. I don’t know why these undead people pay so little attention to the defense here.

Li Yuanhong didn't dare to turn on too bright a light, so he could only use a miniature flashlight to illuminate it, and he could barely see the road.

But after Li Yuanhong took a few steps, the teacher suddenly stopped in mid-air, because his true eyes suddenly discovered that the square brick under his feet was hiding a mechanism. If he stepped on that square brick, the mechanism would be hidden. It will be triggered. Maybe the mechanism can't kill you, but if it alerts the zombies outside, it will be a big problem.

Li Yuanhong gently took his feet back, and then began to use his Eyes of Truth to scan the entire passage. Only then did he discover that the entire passage was covered with attack runes, and these runes were all killing moves. As long as If you are not careful, you will definitely get hurt. No wonder the undead are so confident about this passage. It turns out there is a mechanism here.

Li Yuanhong moved forward cautiously, for fear of stepping on the mechanism. It took more than an hour for Li Yuanhong to walk through the passage of less than fifty meters.

At the end of the passage, there is another stone room, but this stone room is still full of runes, but it is still empty. However, these runes are still attack runes. Obviously, this room is also a mechanism room.

Li Yuanhong still used the Eye of Truth to pass through the room smoothly. It took more than three hours to walk through such rooms and passages. Although Li Yuanhong did not see the sky outside, Li Yuanhong knew that it was not long before the door of time and space opened. Li Yuanhong was already sweating a little. , for fear that when the portal opens, I haven't found the portal yet.

Just when Li Yuanhong was anxious, suddenly the passage in front reached the end and he arrived at a huge room. However, this room was not connected to the previous room. This room was not covered with runes, but only had a circle in the middle of the room. It was shaped like a huge rune array. Li Yuanhong felt that this rune array was a bit like a portal, but it was different from the previous portals. Moreover, there was another array pattern directly above the middle array pattern. Li Yuanhong looked at the array. The pattern is a bit like an energy-concentrating array pattern.

Looking at the two strange formations, Li Yuanhong was really not sure whether this room was the room where the teleportation door was located, but now if he wanted to go back and find the teleportation door again, he had no time, not to mention, this was a teleportation gate. The probability of opening the door is very high, so Li Yuanhong can only wait here.

While waiting, Li Yuanhong took a closer look and saw murals outside. After looking at the murals, Li Yuanhong finally knew what the two formation patterns were.