Apocalypse Hero System

Chapter 1081: The final battle


As the ear-splitting sound rang out, both sides of the battle stopped in unison and looked blankly at the strange phenomenon in the sky. Both humans and the undead clan felt extremely moved by the eye that appeared in the sky. Fear, as if being stared at by the eyes of the giant beast, as if death was about to come to him.

But soon, as the ear-splitting screams stopped, the zombies began to attack again, and fighting began again on the battlefield. The collision of blood and flesh, and the glare of knives and guns once again colored the pure land of the Himalayas. Much blood.

However, although the deafening buzz was gone in the sky, and the scary eye had disappeared, a black vortex appeared in the sky. The vortex was getting bigger and bigger, and faintly, there was something inside the vortex. Many disturbing breaths came out.

Of course, the two sides were fighting on the battlefield, and they paid no attention to these seemingly absent auras. After all, the two sides were fighting endlessly for life and death, and they had no time to care about other things.

And the worst thing is that the reinforcements of the zombie army have finally arrived on the battlefield. This time, there are more than hundreds of thousands of zombies. The zombies stretch to the foot of the mountain, and you can't see the edge at a glance. There are no one knows how many there are.

"What a waste, even this small amount of human beings can't be eliminated!"

As soon as Luo Sijie arrived at the battlefield, he saw Sharus roaring and shouting at the zombies to attack the human positions. At this time, the humans had retreated far back. The way they retreated was covered with zombie corpses, most of them Many of those who fell to the ground after being hit by arrows were stabbed to death by spears, and a few died in a head-on fight with swords.

For zombies, it is not a problem to die tens of thousands, but now it has reached the moment when the gate of time and space is opened, and Sharus' team is still outside the pyramid. This makes him have no face in the first place, and even less face. Save face. Especially when he saw Luo Sijie coming, and his contemptuous look in his eyes, it made Sharus even more crazy.

"Hurry up and charge me!" Sarus became angry, grabbed a zombie and threw it into the human position.

This move suddenly had a miraculous effect. Because the zombie suddenly flew into the defensive position from the air, all the soldiers did not expect it, and the zombie landed safely in the position.

As the zombies fell into the position, he immediately began to attack the surrounding soldiers. Since there were either spearmen or archers inside the position, there was a real lack of means for close attacks. The zombies took advantage of this, and four or five soldiers were killed or injured at once. Fall to the ground.

Just when the zombie wanted to expand the victory, suddenly a flying knife was inserted into the zombie's eye. Before the zombie could see clearly who was throwing the dart at him, the other eye was also hit by the dart. With a wailing cry, the zombie fell down.

"Archers, pay attention to anti-aircraft defense!"

As the zombie fell to the ground, the guard's voice rang out. The dart just now was sent by the guard.

However, the successful attack of the zombies just now gave Sharus hope of a breakthrough. He laughed loudly, raised his hands together, kept grabbing the zombies around him, and threw them into the human team.

Because we were prepared this time, the zombies were attacked by bows and arrows while they were still in the air. Many zombies turned into hedgehogs before they even landed.

But zombies are undead creatures after all. Many zombies that missed their vital points were still alive after landing. These zombies got up and began to attack the humans around them. For a while, the human formation began to become chaotic.

If this situation continues, humanity will be completely defeated within a few minutes. Sharus finally sees the dawn of victory. Although this victory comes a little late, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, a change occurred. The vortex in the sky finally opened, and a huge head stretched out from the vortex. This was the head of a huge beetle, as big as the head of a truck. He stretched out his head and kept looking down, and was instantly attracted by the bloody smell on the battlefield.

I saw this big head twisting constantly, and slowly he emerged from the whirlpool. Now his full body was finally revealed. It was a big black beetle, and its entire body was as long as an extended car. It was the size of a truck, and it was exuding a black light, and its eyes were filled with red murderous aura. As soon as he came out, he went straight to the junction between humans and zombies, because there was his favorite bloody smell.

The sudden arrival of the beetle immediately interrupted the fighting between the two parties. After the beetle intervened, it directly used this place as a dining table. Whether it was a human or a zombie, he filled his mouth without restraint. In an instant, there were more than a dozen zombies. and several humans, which he threw into his mouth. The sound of chewing bones made the humans present feel the threat of death.

"Retreat, retreat!" Seeing the huge flying insects appearing, the guard decisively ordered to retreat. This is not because the guards are timid, but because Li Yuanhong had previously ordered that once a portal appears in the sky and a huge mutant creature appears, retreat immediately and don't be reluctant to fight.

Seeing the giant beetle emerge from the whirlpool in the sky, the guard knew it was time to retreat.

"Fat man, retreat!" Before leaving, the guard did not forget to give Fatty Lu a warning.

At this time, Fatty Lu was shooting ghosts with a magic gun. Since ghosts could directly pass through the steel cover and enter the interior of the spacecraft, more than a dozen ghosts came into his command room at once.

There were too many buttons to operate in this control room, and we couldn't use too violent weapons like hand grenades, so Fatty Lu had to go into battle himself to fend off these ghosts for the team members who were controlling the spacecraft. Fortunately, Li Yuanhong had equipped everyone with energy weapons before. Only then did Fatty Lu have the means to attack these ghosts.

When he heard the guard's voice, Fatty Lu wiped the sweat from his cheeks and finally breathed a sigh of relief. If he hadn't retreated, most of the people on his spaceship would have died. Now there are less than 100 people left in the control room. Half the staff was gone. Fortunately, the dead operators were all killed by ghost spirit attacks. They were still completely dead, and the entire spacecraft did not become a bloody mess.

"Retreat, retreat!" Fatty Lu immediately shouted to the operator after he eliminated the last ghost.

The operators had been waiting for this moment for a long time. The killing methods of those ghosts were so horrifying that some operators were on the verge of mental collapse.

The spaceship started moving again, but the ghosts flying in the sky would not let go of these two behemoths, and continued to rush towards the giant ship relentlessly.

Just when the giant ship was about to be surrounded again, another huge insect suddenly emerged from the portal. This is a giant moth-like monster. Its huge furry wings are covered with strange patterns. As soon as this giant moth rushed out of the portal, it was attracted by the ghosts flying in the sky. Those flying Ghosts, like delicious jelly, make this moth's eyes light up.

I saw the huge moth swooping down, and the ghosts that were still flying were sucked into the moth's mouth, and the sky suddenly became very large.

The two giant monsters that suddenly broke in immediately diverted the attack target of the undead clan. After all, humans began to retreat. For the undead clan, their current task is mainly to enter the pyramid and welcome the new undead beings sent over. However, Now, the teleportation array should be open, but no new undead clan has been seen coming out of the pyramid. Obviously there is something wrong with the teleportation array.

Facing the giant monsters blocking the road, whether they are zombies or ghosts, immediately target these two monsters. The giant beetle below was not bad at all. Although the beetle had a hard shell, it would be killed by too many ants, not to mention hundreds of zombies. The beetle was soon swamped by the zombies.

The battle in the sky is not so easy. No matter how the ghosts attack, they can't get close to the huge moth. The moth's huge furry wings seem to have something to restrain these ghosts. As long as the ghosts are close, those ghosts will It's like being drunk, becoming confused, completely losing the ability to attack, and can only wait for moths to come and suck.

Seeing the ghost being slaughtered by moths, the vampire count was furious. The vampire count roared. The vampires standing next to the vampire count immediately transformed into thousands of bats and flew towards the sky. Since the battle just now, these vampires They just stood firmly by the earl's side, as if the fighting around them had nothing to do with them. But at this time, the vampire count could no longer stand by and watch, otherwise if he allowed this moth to continue killing, the ghost army might be completely wiped out.

As the vampires joined the battle group, the moth began to panic. The fluff on his body was ineffective against the vampires. Soon his huge wings were torn to pieces by the bats, and he was about to be killed by these bats in the air. Dismembered.

Seeing that the undead clan was about to win, the portal in the sky fluctuated again, and another monster stuck out its head. Moreover, the portal seemed to be much larger than before, so the monsters that came out now were even bigger. Huge.

This is a giant rat-like beast, more than twenty meters long, and instead of beards, there are many tentacles growing on its head. As soon as this giant beast landed on the ground, it immediately crushed a large number of zombies to death. Moreover, the giant beast started to wrap up a few of them with its tentacles, threw them directly into its mouth and started chewing them, without paying any attention to the surrounding zombies.

This is not over yet. Various giant beasts, including birds and beasts, appear more frequently in the teleportation array in the sky. No matter what comes out, these monsters are extremely huge. Zombies and ghosts seem to have become food for these giant beasts. Predated wantonly by these giant beasts.

Looking at the giant beasts falling from the sky, the Vampire Count also had a headache at this time. He had only thought that the teleportation array in the sky only appeared accidentally, but as the gate of time and space continued to expand, the Vampire Count clearly felt something that made him The feeling of powerlessness is queuing up to enter the portal. Vampires know that once that creature enters this world, it will not only be a threat to him, but also a disaster to the entire world. At that time, I am afraid that they, the undead clan, will have no choice but to escape from the planet.