Apocalypse Lord

Chapter 6: nightfall 2


Some people wanted to wait and see, but when they saw the four of them walking towards Yunling, they were in a hurry—what if they ran out of copper coins and couldn't buy his

It is useless to keep the sackcloth in your hand, it is better to change it into copper coins, at least tomorrow, you can buy temporary resident status.

Thinking of this, he stepped forward and couldn't wait to sell the linen.

Yunling will not refuse anyone who comes, and he will receive as much as he has. She was so wealthy that she couldn't help but wonder if she was doing something illegal.

While acquiring, Yun Ling calculated the difference in his heart.

At this moment, a three-person team walked up to her. The leader said solemnly, "Five pieces of linen, in exchange for your method of entering and leaving the camp warehouse."

Yun Ling paused and slowly raised his head.

"If you lie, hum." The teammate wiped the dagger, full of threats.

"It's okay to say it, but you can't copy it." Yun Ling said.

The leader threw out five pieces of sackcloth, "Just tell the truth, and we will judge the rest."

Yun Ling: "The first to discover the camp, and luckily completed the system task, so I got the access qualification, and have a certain space as a private warehouse. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

The three whispered, whispered, and then left without saying a word.

Wei Qing was dubious, "Really?"

Yun Ling: "Really."

During the public beta, this is how someone got the private warehouse.

"Why didn't I have such luck?" Wei Qing sighed.


After the meal, Yunling hid in the warehouse and counted the assets.

After sorting, it was found that there were 135 copper coins, 7 pieces of silk thread, and 21 pieces of linen.

Yun Ling was a little confused, "A simple bandage requires 5 hemp and 1 silk thread to make. A linen backpack requires 20 hemp and 5 silk thread to make."

"The former restores 20 points of health in 5 seconds. The latter is of normal quality, with 4 grids, each of which can hold up to 99 identical items. There is no load on the back, and it does not occupy the equipment grid."

"Insufficient materials, I can only choose one of the two and make one of the props..."

After a difficult decision, Yunling decided to make a linen backpack.

Taking a long needle and threading the silk thread, she moved quickly and skillfully stitched. When you're almost done, perform "Advanced Sewing".

White shimmers, linen backpacks fresh from the oven.

The system prompts, [Congratulations to the player who made the first self-made equipment, reward 50 experience points and reward 100 copper coins. 】

[Congratulations to the player for upgrading. 】

[You get 3 free attributes, which can be assigned at will. 】

View the character attribute panel automatically pops up—

【Name: Yunling】

【Grade 1】

[Experience value: 17/200]

[HP: 240/240 (200 is a skill bonus)]

[Mana: 60/60]

[Attributes: Strength 3 (2), Agility 4 (1), Stamina 4, Intelligence 6, Spirit 6]

Note: Equipment bonuses are in brackets.

Yun Ling maintains the game style of the past, and all free attribute points add physical strength.

The data immediately becomes—

[HP: 270/270 (200 is a skill bonus)]

[Mana: 60/60]

[Attributes: Strength 3 (2), Agility 4 (1), Stamina 7, Intelligence 6, Spirit 6]

"It turns out that the first one to make self-made equipment has extra rewards." Yun Ling secretly rejoiced, "Fortunately, I didn't choose 'simple bandages'. Those are restoration items, not equipment."


This night is destined to be a sleepless night. Many people toss and turn, unable to sleep.

The accident happened too suddenly.

Going to work, going to school, eating, and walking, the monster suddenly rushed forward. Resist, escape, hide nearby, and finally save a life.

But what to do next, many people are at a loss.

How is the family

Did your friend have an accident

Where do you get your food and drink

Where do you get it so that it won't be stolen

There are so many things to worry about.

Several people sat around the bonfire without any sleepiness.

Although they knew they had to get up early the next day and there were still a lot of things to do, their mind was in a mess, and they couldn't sleep.

While in a daze, a shrill scream came from outside the camp, "Help!!"

In the dead of night, the voice came from far away.

Some players were dozing off, and suddenly woke up after hearing the screams, "What's the matter? The monster army is coming?"

"Help!" The cry for help sounded again. It sounded hysterical, like it was in big trouble.

The temporary residents looked out in the direction from which the sound came, only to see that it was pitch black outside the camp, and they could not see their fingers.

One person muttered to himself, "The guy who asked for help can't be found anywhere, how can I help?"

Before they could act, the cry for help gradually faded, "Help... life... help... help me..."

The voices got lower and lower, and then the camp was calm again.

The temporary residents looked at each other in dismay, with a chill in their hearts.

There are many strange days during the day, and the streets are empty at night. Some people do not understand the situation, thinking that the night can hide their whereabouts, so they specially wait until the evening to come out to play.

Not to mention other people, even some of them had the idea of going out at night.

If someone hadn't reminded...

"Fortunately, Yunling warned me in advance." Wei Qing had lingering fears.

That girl's name is Yun Ling? Players secretly took the name down and were grateful.


Every once in a while, chasing, fighting, and screaming could be heard outside the camp.

At first, the temporary residents were hairy, but they got used to it.

Snoring everywhere.

All are asleep.

In the warehouse, Yun Ling was still researching the territory panel. Funds are limited and buildings that can be unlocked are limited, so every decision must be made carefully.

After a long time, she finally made a decision and chose to unlock and build the "mission hall".

At the moment of pressing "OK", copper coins will be -100.

The mission hall is located next to the warehouse, and it was built in less than three seconds.

After doing all this, Yun Ling felt relieved. She spread several layers of quilt on the ground, then lay on it, closed her eyes, and fell asleep within a minute.

The sound insulation effect of the warehouse is particularly good. When the door is closed, no sound can come in.

That night, she slept extraordinarily sweet.


The next morning, Wei Qing woke up leisurely. As soon as he yawned, he saw an unfamiliar building suddenly appear in the camp, and he was shocked to wake up.

"What's going on? Where did the building come from? What's the use?" He asked questions one after another.

The surrounding players can't tell clearly, but they saw it as soon as they opened their eyes in the morning.

It happened that Yunling walked out of the warehouse, and Wei Qing asked the question again. He somehow felt that Yun Ling knew the answer.

"If certain conditions are met, the camp will be upgraded," Yunling said. "In the future, there will be more and more buildings, higher levels, and better functions."

This is not a lie, the system camp is like this, she has seen it with her own eyes during the public beta.

"What conditions?" Wei Qing asked.

Yunling replied, "The number of residents, the total amount of taxes paid, and the degree of prosperity all have an impact. When the requirements are met, the system will be automatically upgraded."

A player was suddenly excited, "The camp can be upgraded, will there be a blacksmith shop, tailor shop, and pharmacy in the future?"

"Will there be?" Yun Ling asked uncertainly.

Which buildings will be unlocked in the future, she hasn't decided yet.

On the other hand, unlocking buildings and recruiting NPC talents with life skills can only open the store. Which buildings to unlock first depends largely on which talents are refreshed in the mission hall. Even if she desperately hopes that the quest hall can't spawn NPCs, it's useless.

The player continued to be excited, "With the blacksmith shop, you can build equipment, with the tailor shop, you can buy armor, and with the pharmacy, you can get recovery medicine. What are you afraid of when you fight monsters!"

After he finished speaking, he faced the crowd and cheered loudly, "Work hard to make money! The higher the level of the camp, everyone will be safe!"

Hearing this, everyone was refreshed, as if they saw hope.

There is no absolute safety in the doomsday natural disaster, and the camp may also be breached. The safety is only relative... Yun Ling wanted to explain further, but seeing everyone in high spirits and high spirits, he couldn't help swallowing the words.


After a brief breakfast, Yun Ling entered the mission hall.

I went in and out countless times during the public beta, and I was used to it for a long time. I was a little happy when I entered at this time.

This is its own territory.

Yun Ling was excited and released three tasks in the name of the camp.

[Acquisition of linen, 1 copper coin 1 piece. 】

[Acquisition of wood, 1 copper coin 1 piece. 】

[Acquisition of silk thread, 1 copper coin and 3 groups. 】

The maximum number of times is all set to twenty times.

As long as someone hands over the item, the transaction will be completed automatically, and the copper coins will be deducted immediately.

It is worth mentioning that if other players post a mission in the mission lobby, once someone completes the mission, the party who posted the mission needs to pay a 5% tax.

At the beginning of the game, 1 copper coin and 1 copper coin are traded, and taxes and fees are negligible. But it's not that rounding is equal to nothing, it's cumulative. When you accumulate 1 copper coin, the system will automatically deduct it.

Likewise, if two players trade within the camp, the seller also pays the tax.

Yun Ling is the master of the territory, so he is not restricted by the rules.

"That's it." There was a smile on her face, thinking, "Wait until the professional talents are refreshed in the task hall, and then decide on the next unlocked building."

At present, the NPC has not been refreshed, so she stuffed the white shimmering linen backpack that she made last night into her shoulder bag, and then went out.


Overnight, the trees grew wildly and the weeds grew, and the beautiful northern suburbs were almost turned into wilderness.

Yun Ling walked forward with the round shield, intending to go to the supermarket and store for a walk. Although a batch of food has been stocked, the amount of drinking water is insufficient and needs to be replenished urgently.

"Wait." Halfway through, she stopped unconsciously and looked around, "The street... is it too empty?"

Yesterday, many people fell in a pool of blood! The night passed and the bodies were all gone.

"Like the goblins, it was refreshed after death?" Yun Ling lowered his head and pondered.

The next second, with a loud bang, a goblin was knocked out.

Seeing that the attack was successful, the driver slammed the steering wheel, intending to hit again.

Unfortunately, before he could adjust his direction, a goblin sprang out from the left.

Windows were smashed, doors were smashed. The driver was hit hard on the head, his head tilted, and he was unconscious.

Yun Ling wanted to save people, but he was a step late because he was too far away.

"There are monsters everywhere on the street, why do you still drive? Once attacked, people are trapped in their cars and have nowhere to hide."

Yun Ling killed the two mobs, and avenged the driver.